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Alright fess up. Who sleeps with a dog on their bed?

plain jane

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Does your dog sleep on your bed?  How big is your dog?


How about cats? Anyone sleep with their cat?


Dh and I don't sleep with a dog on our bed but we have one who sure would love to. (we don't allow the dog on any of our furniture)  The cat has bed privileges but only because he's smaller. But Oh those puppy eyes!  They make me feel so guilty!

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Sometimes. For the most part though our cat stays shut in the school room at night {it's where all his stuff is}, on account of he behaves more like a dog lol. After several nights of him getting in the trash & all over the kitchen counters and sink, I said enough I went back to putting him in his room at night.


Plus he likes to attack feet - including my feet while sleeping if they aren't under the covers.


The exception to kitty staying in his room at night is in winter if it's really cold. Since we use space heaters & I won't put one in his room on account of he likes to chew cords / everything else, his room doesn't get warm enough if it's too cold outside. He has a microwave pet bed warmer thing to use but I still worry if it's really cold. Then I'll let him out to sleep in my room, and since I have the electric blanket that he sticks to like glue - I don't worry as much about him getting into stuff.

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I sleep with a small cat every night (she sleeps near my pillow) and a large cat is there sometimes (he usually sleeps with my DD13) 

In the morning after 7am-- if the dog wakes up, I invite him on my bed because he cannot go outside until after 8sm (he is a barker and I don't want to bother the neighbors too early-- so he sleeps on my bed until 8 and if I am still in bed after all that, he comes beck for more napping (along with a child or two)  He isn't allowed on the bed unless I am in it.


He is an akbash/pyr -- he is VERY tall and weighs about 90lbs.  He takes up a lot of room.  I have a king size waterbed and I cannot downsize-- there wouldn't be room for me after the dog, cats, and kids (dh is usually at work when all this happens)


There are times I feel like the John Denver song- "Grandma's Feather Bed"


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Our 15 pound Shih Tzu sleeps on the bed with us.  He's very quiet, we rarely even know he's there.


Before he came along and was house trained and allowed to sleep on the bed, our male cat would sleep with us.  He's as big as the Shih Tzu and was a royal pest starting around 2:30 every single morning--meowing loudly and walking on us and patting my face with his paw.  The Shih Tzu is a much better bed partner, and he keeps the cat away.  I sleep so much better now.  It's a win for everybody but the cat. ;)


None of our larger (and not low shedding) dogs have been allowed to sleep with us, but they are allowed on the bed during the day.  I throw an old sheet over it when I make it up in the morning and it's theirs until I go to bed at night.

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Dog?  Never - not even when we had two (both have since moved on to the Happy Hunting Grounds due to old age).


Cats?  Always - at their whims.  At most we've had three sharing our bed on a given night.  Right now it's usually one.


No regrets at the prejudice.  Cats tend to be more considerate when they sleep around a human.  (Note that's "tend to be" not "always are.")


I like sleeping with cats.  I can't stand sleeping with dogs.  I can't imagine life without cats.  I'm content not replacing the dogs.

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The lab on my bed is snoring right now. The cat is not allowed in my room at night,and I'm only up because he's a pain. Did he really need food at 3 am?


Yes, yes he did. How on earth was he to have enough energy for his early morning nap without a little snack? :D



Of our current shelties, one sneaks up on the bed to sleep with us no matter how many times we put her on her pillow, one gets up for a goodnight/good morning snuggle and gets right back down, and one is terrified of being on the bed. When dd was born, we had three that slept with us every night. We used to joke that every night was a "three dog night" at our house!

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:blushing:  :blushing:  :blushing: Lewis, our cocker spaniel, was very insistent and like the pathetic parents we are, we gave up trying to convince him that he was not supposed to sleep with us. It's awful some nights because he likes to sleep on my legs.



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We don't have any dogs. When I stay at my sister's house & pet-sit for her, I sleep in the bed w/ her dogs. It's hard for me to sleep, though, because her dogs are huge & are bad about hogging the covers & blankets, etc.... LOL.


We do have cats & they often sleep in the beds. One always stays on my bed, one on dd's bed, one on ds's bed. The other one doesn't seem to like to sleep on the bed.

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Our dogs sleep in their crates at night.  My cat knows when it is bedtime and follows me in to bed.  I woke up this morning to purring and found her right along side me (facing me ) asleep.  She's also always interested in a nap if I want to wander in to the bedroom at any time during the day.  She's a very considerate co-sleeper..

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I don't sleep with a single dog in the bed.


I sleep with two.


A beagle basset mix and a beagle lab mix.


Although they don't sleep with us every night. The old dog frequently sleeps on the couch or the recliner in the bedroom. He is like a furnace so we try to keep him out in the summer, but he hates thunder and fireworks so he crawls in with us occasionally uninvited. The young dog sleeps in her crate sometimes, but mostly sleeps with us.


One husband, two dogs, and the occasional kid........I really need a bigger bed.

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Our 15 pound Shih Tzu sleeps on the bed with us. He's very quiet, we rarely even know he's there.


Before he came along and was house trained and allowed to sleep on the bed, our male cat would sleep with us. He's as big as the Shih Tzu and was a royal pest starting around 2:30 every single morning--meowing loudly and walking on us and patting my face with his paw. The Shih Tzu is a much better bed partner, and he keeps the cat away. I sleep so much better now. It's a win for everybody but the cat. ;)


None of our larger (and not low shedding) dogs have been allowed to sleep with us, but they are allowed on the bed during the day. I throw an old sheet over it when I make it up in the morning and it's theirs until I go to bed at night.

Our shih tzu Pomeranian mix sleeps in be with us. He is also 15 lbs. he loves to sleep between my or dh's legs on too of the cover. He never likes to be under the cover. We love and spoil him. He just got a new bed yesterday and slept in his kennel on his new bed last night. I love to carry him like a baby in the house sometimes. He is warm and soft, very therapeutic.
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Dd thought she wanted the dog (small breed) to sleep with her.  That lasted one (somewhat sleepless I gather) night, and now the dog sleeps in his crate, which is right next to her bed.


One of our cats sleeps on our bed, because he has good bed manners (sleeps at our feet, not by our heads).  Cats without good bed manners have a suite in the basement.

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My 60 pound bulldog used to sleep on my bed, but he took up half of it, snored too loud, and I couldn't move him because he's like a tank.  He has now been banished to DD11's room.  My other dog is crated at night or she'll play and chew and pee and do what young, unsupervised dogs do. 


One of my cats sleeps on or cuddled up to me.  It only bothers me because even though she's a tiny thing, she produces a ridiculous amount of heat.  She's old, though, and I think she likes getting the heat from me!  She also makes me crazy when she walks all over me.  


If I keep her out of the room and close the door she just scratches at the door until I let her in, so it's just easier this way.  


I have no idea where my other cat sleeps.  It's a mystery.

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What a sweet thread. We have a small 12 lb dog that sleeps under the covers pressed up against me and a 12 lb cat that sleeps on the covers pressed up against me. My dh sleeps in the middles of the bed. We have a queen size bed and needless to say I don't have much room. But I love it.

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Three dogs, one cat. Cat sleeps on my pillow, on my head every night. When I toss her off, she waits a few minutes and comes right back. She is now 16 years old, so I can't be too hard on her. Her purring is what bothers me most. She is so loud!


Chihuahua 3 lbs. sleeps under the covers every night. She is always looking for the warmest spots.


Morkie, 9 lbs, usually sleep at the foot of the bed, occasionally migrates up to sleep between dh and me, but he has to be careful. If he steps in the wrong place and awakens the wrath of the sleepy chihuahua hidden under the covers, the barking, snarling, growling fury wakes everyone up.


Lab, 80 lbs, sometimes spends an hour or two towards the foot of the bed, but usually sleeps in the living room on dh's recliner. She would probably stay with us every night if we didn't have the other dogs on the bed already.


The dc haven't slept in our bed since they were really little, and then only when they were sick and woke up during the night.

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We have one who would LOVE to sleep on our bed. He's an 85 lb German Shepherd and belongs to our 17 year old. 


I used to let him sneak up on the bed from time to time when dh isn't home. I stopped doing that because it gets him into trouble (He just gets shooed off.) when dh IS home. I let him sleep on the sofa during the day and evening though, often curled up next to me while I read etc. He's so very sweet and snuggly. Who knew German Shepherds were such cuddlers?  :001_wub:  


At night, he sleeps on a dog bed in ds's room instead, and occasionally sneaks into our son's bed. (DS needs a bigger bed, I guess.  :tongue_smilie: )

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My cat sleeps between DH and me.  Sometimes she'll get really close to our faces if it's a cold night.  She gets veeeerrry grumpy if we actually want to cuddle each other and she has to sleep on one of our sides.


Another cat used to have bedroom privileges and he loved to snuggle DH's head, like a helmet!

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When the kids were little I would wake up in the mornings surrounded by 3 kids and a cat.  At time I would have a kid on each side, a child on top of me, and a cat on top of that child :laugh:  This morning I woke up to 2 kids and 2 cats.


We have one cat that sleep on my pillow and the other cat sleeps at my feet. I usually have a face full of fur and feet full of fur.  Sometimes the one on my pillow sneezes on me in the middle of the night, and I reconsider having her sleep with us.



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Two (one 55 lbs, one 30 lbs) dogs, but the worst bed hog is the 25 lb toddler! The cat who used to sleep with me passed away in January. She hadn't slept with me regularly in a while though. Waking up with the baby annoyed her. ;)

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Our Bocker has been a bed dog since we brought her home; she's well-mannered and always stays at the foot of the bed, In winter, she'll curl up between my feet which is very nice when it's cold. When we added the bloodhound, at first she slept in her crate beside the bed until she outgrew it. There isn't enough room for a large enough crate, so now she's on the bed too. DH and I (both large people), a 35 lb dog, and a 90 lb dog make for a rather crowded queen size bed. Thankfully, Molly usually retreats to the cooler floor during summer.


DH often has to travel for work, and the dogs always take full advantage of his vacant spot in the bed. :)

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We have three dogs...a Bernese Mountain Dog, Yellow Lab and a small terrier/spaniel cross. They all want to sleep with us but usually only our little dog is allowed. However, a few weeks ago our Berner was sick. I had to let her out in the middle of night. While I was waiting for our Berner to finish her business our yellow lab snuck into the bedroom. It was dark and I was tired so I didn't immediately notice...until her giant body and snoring made it impossible to sleep. (She usually sleeps with my son.)

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No way! Our dog is 80+ pounds, he sheds and he's taken to swimming the length of the pond most days. If we had cats they'd be allowed to sleep with me. I love having them share dream time but we have birds who are out of their cages during the day and that wouldn't work with a cat.

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Dog on the bed.  85lbs of cuddles and bed hogging.  I can judge how cold it is by where the dog sleeps.  Summer-foot of the bed. Winter-I wake up with the dog in my armpit.  This dog has a whole routine. He starts in my daughters bed.  At some point he goes to ds's room, and then he comes to ours.


When we got the dog my dh did not want the dog in the bed. I went along with it.  He had a dog bed in our room.  2 weeks into fostering him I walk into our bedroom to see dh cuddling with the dog on the bed. I asked him what was going on and he said to me "it all happened so fast" From that point on-dog on the bed.  He is not allowed on the pillows.

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My dd's Cocker Spaniel sleeps in her bed about half the time. My oldest ds has a mini schnauzer who cuddles with him in bed now and then. My youngest ds has a pit bull who refuses to crawl in bed with him, much to his annoyance, lol. My dane is not allowed on the furniture. She's too big and too wild and I don't want things destroyed. I don't let any of the dogs on any of the other furniture, although I do pretend not to notice sometimes when my son cuddles with his schnauzer on the couch now and then. He only does it when he is feeling a little emotional.

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