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Please Pray for my child-Updated


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Thank you all for your prayers. Our family is touched by all of these responses. While it has been a roller coaster of emotions for the last 24 hours, we have arrived at the conclusion that we have been granted an invitation from God to draw near and to rely on His Great Love. All belongs to God. While we are uncertain of what we are facing, we know that we have one another and that all things work together for good for them that love God.

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We were not successful at getting dd her MRI yesterday. It turns out that when the md puts "urgent" on the mri order, medi-cal translates that as 7 - 10 days instead of the usual 30 days for authorization. The doc said to try the er, but they turned us away, saying, "Mother Theresa, herself couldn't get an mri through the er." It is so hard to wait. The soonest I can contact the radiology department regarding dd's case is tomorrow. I am praying that they can get her in this week. She is holding up, but she's scared. Thank you all for your prayers. Please keep them coming.

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We were not successful at getting dd her MRI yesterday. It turns out that when the md puts "urgent" on the mri order, medi-cal translates that as 7 - 10 days instead of the usual 30 days for authorization. The doc said to try the er, but they turned us away, saying, "Mother Theresa, herself couldn't get an mri through the er." It is so hard to wait. The soonest I can contact the radiology department regarding dd's case is tomorrow. I am praying that they can get her in this week. She is holding up, but she's scared. Thank you all for your prayers. Please keep them coming.


last year during our cancer scare we learned things we wish we didn't need to know.


a) most mri have cancellations.  i called each morning and each afternoon after lunch to see if there were any cancellations.  one time it took 3 days, one time it took 5 days and one of those times they called me as soon as they had a cancellation.  one time it didn't work the first week.  unfortunately, i ended up in emerg in agony.  the emerg doctor ordered an emergency mri right then.  we didn't ask for it, but he felt he needed it in order to treat me.  my hunch is that that is the only way to get an emergency mri.


b)  i also pursued the private mri firms.  they said they could do it if kaiser sent the referral.  kaiser wasn't keen, but "miraculously" kaiser was able to get me in the next day ;).


c)  the hospital social worker may be able to help, too, due to psychological trauma on a child.  its worth a try.  


d) i would also ask the original doctor to request an emergency mri rather than an urgent one, due to pain.


e) advocating became a way of life.  i'm sorry.




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i think i missed something.  are you waiting for authorization or for the mri appt?


if its for authorization, calling your insurance company may bring good results.  it may not, but its worth a try.  we have friends who had much longer waits with blue cross than we did with kaiser, because with kaiser it is all "in house".  


but i would just lay it out for the insurance folks.  "i have a child who is in agony, and who is scared besides.  we have been at this for eight months now.  (or however long it is).  i understand you folks are swamped, but what can we do to speed up the process".  rinse, repeat.  

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