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More Prayers Please - Sigh

Jean in Newcastle

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This was day 2 of intense pain - yesterday all over, today centered on my lower back.  I don't know if it is related to the kidney stone or not but something has triggered the muscles in my lower back to clench in a death hold.  Anyway, tonight I went to bed on the floor (a futon) and could not then get up again when I had to go to the bathroom.  I had to lie there for an hour until dh came home from work and could get me up.  It was extremely painful getting up.  I am now sleeping upright in my armchair.  I've taken a muscle relaxant now that dh is home.  (I hadn't wanted to take one earlier because I had to drive to pick up dd from her volunteering.)  I already have a doctor' appointment for Monday.  Now the trick is just to survive until then.  


My sinus problem is still there and I'm taking care of that with antibiotics and the nasal rinse from hell.  But that pales in significance to this right now.  


Anyway, prayers would be appreciated.  Boy, you hit 50 and you really do fall apart. . .   

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Oh, honey, I am in tears thinking about how much you are going through on a daily basis.  Ugh!  This just seems to never end.  Huge hugs and tons of prayers.  I wish with all my heart that you could find some concrete answers.


Best wishes.   :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :sad:

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:grouphug:  :grouphug:


it could well be kidney stone pain.  i'm sorry :(.


(and of course, once your muscles do that, it just hurts more.  no one promised fair, but a little less unfair would be okay!!!)



I think you're right.  I'm having pain on one side in the abdominal area too.  I only got a couple of drug induced hours of sleep in my armchair.  I took another muscle relaxer this morning.  

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Oh, this does sound like from hell...I would say this kind of back pain is kidney stone related. Can the doc speed up the flushing process? I thought there was some kind of meds that made it dissolve or at least get smaller so you could pass it faster?

Muscle pain is no joke either. You may need to ask for a more potent muscle relaxer but that may render you unconscious - which, at this point, sounds almost preferable.


Do you have a neighbor, friend who could come over and help you out a little, also drive you to the doctor on Monday???

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I have kidney stones. I have passed two with the help of meds from the dr. This time it is too big. I got a kidney infection , was in the hospital for 3 days and went home with a stent (which I still have).


My mil asked if I would take some herbal supplements. Then she bought me marshmallow root, hydrangea and some evoo and lemons.


They said to take two pills each 3-5 times a day and to mix 1 oz fresh squeezed lemon juice and 1 oz evoo, drink that 2-4 times a day.


The pills are supposed to help break the stones and make them spongey. The drink is supposed to help with pain.


I have been doing that for a week. I have passed little bits of stone and am not in pain, I still have mild discomfort but no "pain". I am pleased with the treatment so far.


I'm sorry you are having such a rough time.

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I managed to take a shower with the help of dh.  I cannot bend past my knees.  I didn't realize just how much bending you do in real life.  I don't think that 90% of the pain etc. is directly due to the kidney stones.  I think it is due to whatever this muscle reaction is.  


Dh is going with me tomorrow to the doctor's.

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I am so sorry you're dealing with this.


It's not unusual for me to have back pain as a result of other woes in my body--sometimes it seems to be a tension response. I see a chiropractor for that side of things. In some cases, the back pain or spasms come on first, and then whatever nerve was pinched sets off a reaction somewhere else. It's not always a one direction relationship.


I don't experience anything this severe though (just annoying), and I pray you have relief soon.



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Today's update:  The appointment went ok, I guess. My husband came with me and helped me to do the urinalysis. One of the benefits of marrying a nurse. The doctor made me cry - out of pain, not mental anguish, during the physical exam. The doctor said "Are you all right?" Dh snapped, "No, she's not all right. She's in a lot of pain!" That said, he really doesn't have any great instant solutions. He's ordered me new pain pills, told me to keep taking the muscle relaxant and gave me a prescription for physical therapy. He thinks this is separate from all my other problems - the 3 month long sinus infection, the kidney stone and the ovarian cyst that no one had thought to mention to me until the doctor mentioned it in passing today. I see him again in a week. 


I did go down to the physical therapy place in town and asked some questions to see if it was a good place.  I am having an evaluation tomorrow.  

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Today's update:  I had my physical therapy evaluation. I liked the therapist who was evaluating me. She was very knowledgeable. She talked to me about my problems - both physical symptoms and functionality (which is depressingly low right now). She did range-of-motion and strength tests. She agreed with me that the problem is with the muscles themselves clenching and not releasing. She could feel what a hard ball my muscles have made esp. in my right "cheek". 

I was in pain but at least I didn't cry today. Now I'm having massive muscle spasms though. I'm frustrated because I've taken all muscle relaxants and pain relievers and can't have anything more for over an hour for the relaxant and 6 hours for the pain reliever. I'm also frustrated because I couldn't make my bed, can't pick up anything off of the floor and I seem to be dropping everything today.  I can't even dress myself totally right now but have to have help.  I can't lie down, I can't sit for long, I'm not all that comfy walking or standing either. Does anyone have a pod where I can be in suspended animation?

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