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s/o Poll - we have to have one - How well do you fit into HS Mom Sterotype? Others?


How Sterotypical are you?  

459 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you wear, or have you worn in the past 5 years any denim jumper or skirt below the knee?

    • Yes, often.
    • Once in a blue moon
    • Never, ever.
    • I know lots of hsers who dress like that.
    • I don't know anyone who dresses like that.
    • Something else
  2. 2. Do you drive any vehicle that looks like a Homeschool Bus?

    • 12-passenger Econoline here.
    • Mom mini-van, but not specifically homeschoolish
    • No, I've clung to my Acura; we only have one kid so it's fine.
    • We don't drive.
    • We ride donkeys.
    • Something else.
  3. 3. Does your hair/makeup or general appearance resemble someone with the name Ingalls?

    • We just braid it; what are you talking about?
    • My hair is purple.
    • My hair looks like Jennifer Aniston; nobody says I look like a homeschool mom.
    • I wear a head scarf; nobody looks at my hair.
    • I'm rockin' the Jamie Lee Curtis.
    • I still wear it in Feathers. Long live the 70's.
    • Makeup is a Tool of the Devil.
    • Something else.

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We are conflating a skirt below the knee with a denim jumper?! That knocks me right into the yes, often category.

Yeah, really there is no conflating to be done here. I love a long, swishy skirt with a tank top in the summertime. So much cooler and comfort than shorts

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I wear long skirts sometimes but in my defence they are hippie-ish skirts, I don't own any jumpers.


Yep this!


Mini-van (I think - noone uses that phrase here), but that's new!  I had a 4th baby so we didn't fit in our twin cab ute anymore.


Hair - sometimes brushed.  :lol: Sensible pony-tail.  I cannot be bothered with more than that!

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We drive an 8 seater Expedition and a C-max gas/electric hybrid.


I wear blingy pocket jeans when I wear them. Mostly though, I practically live in my LuLuLemon Studio pants. I do love the hippie/bohemian "look", but don't think I can pull it off. The only skirt I own is long, and formal as in the bottom half of a formal "gown" outfit from attending the Marine Corps Ball.


I'm too lazy for make-up, and my medium-long hair us usually twisted up in a clip, or pulled into a messy ponytail because it bugs me on my neck. I'd cut it short (have had before) but once again, there is the lazy factor - too lazy to style and keep it cut!


My DD, since age 8 (now 11) has had blonde, pink and/or green stripes in her (naturally dark) hair. I would do colors, but I'm too lazy for upkeep. :)


DS started public school kindergarten with a mohawk. Now he just has "normal" hair.

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My standard weeked wear is AE jeans, Northface jackets and T-shrits and leather mary jane shoes. I drive an Subaru Outback and have simply styled, natural colored hair.   A pretty standard PNW uniform.   We have to be able to handle the rapid weather changes and still be comfy.  :-)


Otherwise I am in work clothes or chore clothes.


I have never in my life owned a skirt lower than my knee.  I refuse to drive a minivan but even if I did, my blaring hard rock music would definitely eliminate any confusion with a homeschool mom. LOL  .  A bun would never stay in my hair.


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I live between Organic Valley headquarters and these Amish farmers prosecuted for selling raw milk, so I don't care what stereotypes I fit! In case you're wondering what Organic Valley has to do with fashion, we see a lot of styles like this:



I kinda like the hippie-look, truth-be-told, but I'm over 50, so I'm not really up to revamping my entire wardrobe.

I totally want to know where I can find some skirts like this one. Flowy, boho, hippie awesomeness. I might even trade in my Lulus a couple days a week for a skirt like this.
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Skirts only because it was too freakin' hot in Hawaii to wear pants - and I'm too old to wear skirts above the knee. Now, in Alaska it's always jeans because it usually too cold to wear anything else.

We downsized from the mini van because the older kids moved out. I got the cool car and dh has to drive the van.

Hair in a ponytail only because I'm too lazy to do anything else with it.


  edit: I should add that my daughter just dyed her hair a deep red. It looks like she fell in a kool-aid vat.  And, when ds competes in figure skating comps. he frequently wears rhinestones and glitter. All that goes against the 'little house' look.

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Well I have never worn a denim jumper in my life, but I have seen plenty of them worn by homeschoolers. I drive a regular sized mini van. I personally know many homeschoolers who drive large 12-15 passenger vans. I wear my hair down or in a pony tail and I never wear make up. Not because it is evil, it just does not interest me and my dh doesn't even like make up. I do wear long skirts occasionally but they are not denim or homeschoolish(if that is a word). I was born in the 80's and homeschooled, so I have a lot of experience with the homeschool world. Believe me the stereotypes are based in reality. :lol:

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I wear skirts almost exclusively. I've never worn a jumper but I know someone who almost always does.


I can't believe how many women have NEVER worn a below-the-knee length skirt! I mean . . . It seems that at some point such a thing would have passed through just about any woman's wardrobe. I'm really surprised by that.


Hmmmm . . . My hair. Well, it's pretty plain, I guess. I would like something else but have no idea what. Honest truth: the girl who does my hair keeps wanting to do the Jennifer Aniston thing but I dont care for that withy hair. It flips in a weird way. When I go short, I have a favorite style but, right now, it's shoulder length and not super cute.


Make-up. Definitely something else. I wear moisturizer and lipstick. I blot the lipstick withy finngers and blend it into my cheeks. . . So really I wear blush, too, but I don't actually buy it separately. I used to wear makeup but find that as I aged, it began to look less and less natural and began more and more to accentuate what I didnt want it to. I am not opposed to wearing makeup.


Am I a walking stereotype? I don't think so but I don't know.


Oh, one kid; I drive a Camry.

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Ten years ago, I would have fit the stereotype. Except for the make up. I've always worn make up, even when going to the hospital to have a baby! But I definitely wore denim skirts and jumpers, and I even drove a 15 passenger van! Now I feel frumpy dressed like that. I prefer shorter skirts with heels, and got a new hair style (it's even colored now instead of turning gray).

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Never, ever a denim jumper (ok, maybe a maternity one 20 years ago). I do wear jeans a lot. Found a style I like and bought several pairs. They are all getting ratty, though. 


Had a 4 door sedan w/ one child and a dog. Made the first Christmas we traveled to see family difficult. Got a mini van. Had it for years. Then, when kids were 4 and 8 we went back to a 4 door sedan. Then when they were 10 and 14, back to a minivan. I loved having plenty of room for other children, sports gear, and musical instruments! When that van gave up the ghost a few months ago, we went w/ a small SUV. I love it!


I am a minimalist regarding make up: foundation, mascara and lip gloss. If I can find it, I might use an eyebrow pencil. Eye liner? On occasion. I do go out of the house w/o makeup. Probably shouldn't. I'm sure I frighten people.


I used to have my hair one length, but not super long, b/c it was cheap to maintain, but I am too ugly for that. Not flattering at all. I needed some layers and finally got a new style w/ layers a few years ago. I'm still ugly, but the layers help. 

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I drive an SUV, wear make-up a couple times a week now that I'm working but never did while I was home.  I mainly wear jeans and long sleeve t-shirts but when I wear skirts that are long maxi skirts with boots in the winter or sandals in the summer.  Hair is longish worn down, pulled back in a low ponytail, or with the top pulled back with bangs.  Although I do plan to let it grow long and start braiding it when I get older so I'm the old lady with the long, white braid in the long bohemian skirt and hoody.  :D

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I had no idea that short women shouldn't wear long skirts.  I wear long (maxi) skirts all the time.  Colorful & gauzy in the hot summer and knit in the not very cold winters.


I'm 5'2". Skirts that go more than an inch below my knee tend to make me look shorter and wider. I'd love to wear maxi skirts but almost died when a I tried some on......... they were the worst at making me look shorter/wider.For me, skirts need to be somewhat fitted to look good. Not tight, just not super loose, with too much fabric.

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I LOVE my denim skirts, but none of them look like the stereotypical homeschool ones.  All my skirts are below the knee and of various lengths.  I don't wear make up.   Even with those two things, I don't think anyone would look at me and think "homeschooler!"

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I do wear very long skirts, but that's only because I have very short, very fat, very ugly legs.


3 kids, but Dad drives the van to work- Diamond hates driving it (because it's sucks to drive- not because of any 'coolness' factor) so until Wednesday, we drove the Subaru Outback.  Then the stupid thing blew a head gasket... so we're shopping.


My hair is chin-length, I straighten it. My girls often wear braids, but more of a French braid, or Katniss style. 


No prairie styles here.



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Can I just say how sad I am that I had to click yes for the denim jumper part of the poll not because I've worn one, but because you included long skirts. I love my long skirts!


When you are 5'10" with extremely long legs usually the choice in skirts is either something that looks like I should be on a football field with pom-poms or a longer skirt. Almost all of my skirts go past my knees except for 2 or 3 skirts that I own.


Why, oh why, categorize long skirts = denim jumper?!? I feel like such a loser now.  :crying:  :tongue_smilie:

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I'm currently renting a 12- passenger right now. I'm a little embarrassed. We normally squeeze into our Odyssey, but it is being shipped overseas at the moment. The dreadful day will eventually come when I will actually own one of these beasts to fit all my brood in. I never thought I would have a lot of children either, but I do... And we plan on having at least 2 more. I'm still in denial that I'm one of "those" women. I swear I will never braid my hair or wear a denim skirt.

When I do end up owning a Chester-the-molester van, I will embrace who I've become. I will be sure to put up those stickers that show all of our kids and a caution sign that says "unsocialized homeschoolers aboard."

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I LOVE my denim skirts, but none of them look like the stereotypical homeschool ones. All my skirts are below the knee and of various lengths. I don't wear make up. Even with those two things, I don't think anyone would look at me and think "homeschooler!"

#sweetdenial# ;)

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I tried to remember what I did back in the day when I had actual children at home. :laugh:


We owned an Isuzu I-Mark when we first started hsing. A van would have been nice, but we only had two dc, so definitely not a necessity.


Never owned a denim jumper, but I did know people who dressed like that. o_0 I have worn skirts below the knee, especially the black pencil skirt with a slit up the back. :D But not with tennies.


My hair wouldn't feather. ::heavy sigh:: I did several perms, though, which were quite popular through the 80s. It's a PITA, though, so now...well, y'all can see my hair now. :D World's.straightest.hair.

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I have to admit that I have a long denim skirt that I absolutely love to wear to church when it's super cold out, because well, it's super cold out. You know like between -20 and -40. Which I guess lots of you can relate to now that we shipped all the coldness from Alberta to the east coast :D

Yeah. Those of us in Nova Scotia are NOT happy with you for that one.

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Denim jumper:  No, never.


Minivan:  Definitely NO.  I drive a Mini Cooper now but when they were younger we had a Volvo wagon.


Hair/Makeup:  Waist length but I wear it styled, usually in long loose curls or various funky buns or updos.  Basic make up most days too (eyeliner, blush, tinted lip balm) but it really depends on where I'm going.


Most of my homeschool mom friends are hippy/artsy types and my look is more urban-artsy-nerd. LOL  Much more colorful than my typical black/dark colors.  Around here I have seen the denim jumper types once in a while, but it's not very common.



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No matter how I look, I dislike ever being late and refuse to join this crowd.  By extension, I do not like it when others show up late.   Reliable and Unrepentant Tardiness seems to be a hallmark of homeschoolers in my area, and it is unattractive.

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We are conflating a skirt below the knee with a denim jumper?!  That knocks me right into the yes, often category.


Yeah, oops, I thought it was "denim skirt below the knee" - although now I'm realizing I do own one or two of those, I just virtually never wear them.


I do not own a denim jumper or any other kind of jumper.  They would make me look dumpy and fat - not really a look I'm going for. ;)


Mostly I wear jeans and t-shirts, blouses or sweaters for day-to-day.  I'll wear skirts sometimes if feel the need to dress up a bit for whatever reason; they're usually below the knee but mostly not hippie-like (although I do own a few that could be seen as veering in that direction).  I also have a couple pair of dress slacks that I wear in those a bit more dressy situations.


I wear minimal makeup, but not every single day.  My hair's a bit below the shoulder - there isn't enough of it to braid...


I don't know anyone who wears denim jumpers.  I've mostly seen the sterotypical hs moms when I've been at the conventions...  the homeschool moms I know look pretty much like everyone else, some more crunchy, some do makeup and salon hair, just like in the "regular' population.


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I really wanted to vote we ride the donkeys! however the one is really stubborn and doesn't like to go very far with more than one kid on his back. if he was our sole mode of Transportation we would never leave the farm :-)

I did! :)


It's really an Odyssey, but a donkey sounds more exotic.

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I wear jeans or yoga pants 99% of the time.  I live in under armour clothes in the winter.


I drive a Chevy Suburban when I have all the kids with me, and a Hydro Blue Jeep Wrangler when I don't.


I wear my hair however I want for the day.   It's waist length and curly so I wear it down or pulled back in various styles.  I've never worn make-up because my skin is very sensitive.


I do not fit in with the stereotypical homeschooler in my area, I know of only two other families that don't fit the mold and they tend to dress like we do.  Most homeschoolers that I encounter in my area only wear floor length skirts, often jean. A few families wear head scarves with boys wearing only button up collars.  Most drive vans.  It was an adjustment for my kids because most of our interaction with other homeschoolers is at the YMCA when the kids go for gym and swim.  They didn't understand how you play in gym in a skirt, or actually swim in a full length outfit.  

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I admit to the denim jumpers when I first started homeschooling......in the mid-90's.  Had long hair at that time, too.  A few years later I went to a homeschooling convention, looked around and thought, "Good God, no!!".  Cut my hair back to the Jamie Lee Curtis length I love and ditched the jumpers for jeans and shorts.  :thumbup1:


Aside from my temporary time in that world, I stick to jeans and sweaters in the winter months; shorts and t-shirts when it's warm.  Makeup is only worn when absolutely necessary [like when I'm visiting my Mother, the fashion plate].  I have a jean skirt that's knee length and I love simply because I don't have to iron it and I can wear my comfy t-shirts with it.


I'm all about comfort when it comes to how I dress.


We do have a van - the holdover from when the girls were younger and I was a GS leader for two troops.  Now I'm just waiting for it to give up the ghost so I can get my hands on that Outback I've been drooling over for years.  My dh would rather have a donkey.  He thinks they would be easier than dealing with our cars. :smilielol5:

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I have a denim jumper, but I haven't worn it since I quit teaching (classroom) full time in '09.  lol 


My hair is longer than JLCurtis's, heavy and wavy, but it's still above my ears.  I won't even go to the grocery store without doing my hair and makeup.


And this is my preferred mom-mobile:  






A minivan would never pull a stock trailer... ;)

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I pretty much meant "a denim jumper or a denim skirt below the knees," although there are other skirts-below-the-knees that look homeschooler-ish and there are some skirts-below-the-knees that don't. I think I look absolutely awful in ANY skirt that is full-cut and below the knees, but I acknowledge that some ladies can wear certain broomstick skirts or what-not and look stylishly Boheme.  :thumbup1:


Also..."jumper" - I think UK and Aussies use this to mean a pullover sweater. I seem to recall that. "Jumper" in the U.S. is sort of overalls with a skirt bottom. 

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I love this poll.  I just bought my first pair of Buckle jeans this week.  (Well, 3 of them.)  My last round of jean purchases from 3 years ago are finally end of life and my curvy proportions sent me there for replacements after trying on jeans at what feels like hundreds of stores.  All I wear are jeans and tshirts.  Typically, the ones I get from work for free but when not in one of those I'm in a classic white, gray, or black nice t-shirt. I have very long, very curly, very thick hair so it's up about 98% of the time in whatever is simple. (I'm actually debating putting it in dreadlocks because I have to spend so much time on it.) Rarely wear makeup and drive a huge SUV.  I have no idea if that is "typical".  Around here, in CO, most homeschool moms I meet are more crunchy than I consider myself to be; however, not by much anymore.

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Hm..well let's see. 


I don't wear skirts or dresses at all and no one piece jumper/overall sort of things.  I have only 2 kids and drive a small car.  I don't wear makeup.  I have long hair that I mostly just tie into a pony tail. 


Darn, now I have to stop picturing you as an actual Sparkly Unicorn.

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 I won't even go to the grocery store without doing my hair and makeup.


Ok, (meekly) -- me either.  I really don't like my kids showing up anywhere too slovenly or greasy looking either.  Most of all  -- no outgrown flood pants (or worse, flood sweatpants!) for them.

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I have a denim jumper, but I haven't worn it since I quit teaching (classroom) full time in '09.  lol 


Laughing. My job takes me into many public schools all over town. As I've been reading the discussion in the other thread and here, I have been thinking that I see waaaaaayy more denim jumpers on the staff and volunteers in the schools than I do among the homeschoolers I know.


Note that the key is homeschoolers I know. I don't fit in with the "denim jumper" crowd, and most of my homeschool friends and people I see at activities dress like me in varying degrees of Mommy-wear (jeans, cute skirts and comfortable shoes, outdoor wear), and tend to be more skewed toward alternative, like Lucy Stoner's Seattle folk. (I love Keens and Born and Clarks, btw. :P ) Even long skirts and head scarves are more hippie than Duggar. 


I'm sure the stereotypical denim jumper moms are out there, though. They're just not taking their boys to ballet or the co-op in which we participate for Spanish or the outdoor market.




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I'm currently renting a 12- passenger right now. I'm a little embarrassed. We normally squeeze into our Odyssey, but it is being shipped overseas at the moment. The dreadful day will eventually come when I will actually own one of these beasts to fit all my brood in. I never thought I would have a lot of children either, but I do... And we plan on having at least 2 more. I'm still in denial that I'm one of "those" women. I swear I will never braid my hair or wear a denim skirt.

When I do end up owning a Chester-the-molester van, I will embrace who I've become. I will be sure to put up those stickers that show all of our kids and a caution sign that says "unsocialized homeschoolers aboard."



I count as a dear friend a woman who jogs, wears mini-skirts (don't worry, she wears tops too), prefers to drive a jeep or a motorcycle, has given birth to 8 dc (no multiples), is dgm to 3, and owns a 15 passenger van.


No coolness was lost by her.



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Also..."jumper" - I think UK and Aussies use this to mean a pullover sweater. I seem to recall that. "Jumper" in the U.S. is sort of overalls with a skirt bottom. 


For Aussies and Brits not in the know... here's a pic of a denim jumper that looks like it could be worn by the "stereotypical" US homeschooler:



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I pretty much meant "a denim jumper or a denim skirt below the knees," although there are other skirts-below-the-knees that look homeschooler-ish and there are some skirts-below-the-knees that don't. I think I look absolutely awful in ANY skirt that is full-cut and below the knees, but I acknowledge that some ladies can wear certain broomstick skirts or what-not and look stylishly Boheme.  :thumbup1:


Also..."jumper" - I think UK and Aussies use this to mean a pullover sweater. I seem to recall that. "Jumper" in the U.S. is sort of overalls with a skirt bottom. 


I don't own a denim skirt at all so I'm think I'm okay in that department!



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No denim skirts for me, just denim jeans. :)

I do drive a mini-van...but it's red, so that makes it sporty. Right?

I have reddish-brown hair that I currently wear in a layered bob that falls right below my chin. My makeup changes from day to day depending on my mood, my outfit, and how much time I have. Typically I like dramatic eyes balanced with a nude lipcolor or lip balm--not much blush at all.


So I guess I am nothing like Caroline Ingalls. ;)

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I will sometimes wear dresses to church. I wash and brush my hair. I do not wear make-up. I have a few nice outfits, but I wear yoga pants and t-shirts most days. I am not a girly-girl, and I never was. If all my kids were in school, I would still not be a girly-girl. My sister tries. She buys me make-up and jewelry. It is just not me. I drive a minivan and have since we were expecting #3. We knew we wanted four kids. It made sense to have a vehicle big enough for the kids. We are expecting #5 now and will fill up a minivan. Dh wanted an SUV this time. I do not want to pay for/maintain/fuel an SUV. I don't shout homeschooler, but nobody would be shocked, either.

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Was a sahm. Drove a mini van. Keens. Check. Garden. Chickens. Yep.


Doesn't bother me that I probably am a bit of a stereotype. We're all *something*.


I'm also a little bit of a hippie. Sort of.


Well, Keens are just cool! I had moved  on to shoes w/ a slight wedge heel, but since I'm nursing a bunion right now, it's back to the Keens I go. 

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I drive a red Ford Focus hatchback.  At home I'm in jeans, t-shirt/flannel shirt, cotton cardigan/fleece pullover, hiking boots (in country).  At the office, I'm in light wool slacks, cross-over draped top, flowing cardigan and patent leather brogues.  I have roughly this hair and these glasses.  I wear tinted moisturiser, powder and dark pink lipstick.


I haven't owned a pinafore (pullover) since I was maybe seven?  I own two skirts: my wedding skirt and my funeral skirt.  I probably would wear trousers to a funeral though, after attending a couple of very chilly gravesides in the last few years.



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