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Is it still hot where you are?


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We have still been having temperatures in the mid-90s here in northern Colorado.  Even at night it hasn't been cooling off as much as it was earlier in the summer.  This is September, right?  It has also been more humid than usual.  I don't do well in the heat at all.

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We have still been having temperatures in the mid-90s here in northern Colorado.  Even at night it hasn't been cooling off as much as it was earlier in the summer.  This is September, right?  It has also been more humid than usual.  I don't do well in the heat at all.



No.  Unfortunately, it is ridiculously chilly. :thumbdown:

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We have still been having temperatures in the mid-90s here in northern Colorado.  Even at night it hasn't been cooling off as much as it was earlier in the summer.  This is September, right?  It has also been more humid than usual.  I don't do well in the heat at all.



No.  Unfortunately, it is ridiculously chilly. :thumbdown:

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I'm in GA also and summer just started a couple weeks ago. At least temp-wise. Before that it was really very cool for summer--upper 70's to low 80's. It was soooooo nice! It's usually upper 80's to mid-90's. A few weeks ago we even had a record lowest high temp for the day--67. We've had several days this summer that were so nice--like fall--that we opened our windows. When the kids started school in early Aug it felt like summer hadn't even happened yet. Well it's finally here. Bleah.

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we had a very nice summer.  dry and warm (80's).  the rains started earlier than usual, the last week of august.  they are sporadic, with sunny days.  we had thunderstorms with urban flooding last week, and they're forecasting more tomorrow. 


I need to go work in the garden while it's dry . . . . .

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We are finally having seasonally temp= high 80's for the top temps.  Most of our summer was way below average.  Our average high is usually 91 in early Aug.  Most of Aug, it was good if we even reached 85.  MOst of the time we were in the 70s.


It was very similar here.  Last summer it was in the 80s in April (way too early to be that warm).  This summer it wasn't warm until mid June.  We were still getting snow in May.  Then it was not about 90 a lot, until these past two weeks or so.  It has been the warmest it has been all summer.  I'm ready for fall.

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We chose the first weekend of the whole season where we had seasonably normal weather to go camping (in a camper).  Poor kids looked like melted popsicles by 830am, but they had a blast and we kept them hydrated.  It has cooled down a few degrees since the weekend.  Now our feels like temps are only hitting the upper 90's :glare: .  Hello summer, glad you could join us, but just an FYI the kids went back to school 2 weeks ago so you can go away now.

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We have still been having temperatures in the mid-90s here in northern Colorado.  Even at night it hasn't been cooling off as much as it was earlier in the summer.  This is September, right?  It has also been more humid than usual.  I don't do well in the heat at all.

Yes! High 90's everyday. I read that it is supposed to be a cold, cold winter so I have my fingers crossed that it will be.

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High of 60 tomorrow, low of 33. Brr!! Trying to decide what to do about my ripening tomatoes. :-(


It's been unseasonably cool here, also, and because of the rain I have these two pound tomatoes that are still green and the temps are dropping even more! 

Old timer local gardeners have SWORN to me that if I take the tomatoes and wrap them in newspaper (wrap each one) and tuck then in the cellar for some time they will ripen beautifully. 


So, that is what I will be doing if I have to--I'm hoping they'll ripen on their own, but at this point I'm not holding out hope. 

However, my second lettuce crop is coming along *beautifully*. 

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I'm in GA also and summer just started a couple weeks ago. At least temp-wise. Before that it was really very cool for summer--upper 70's to low 80's. It was soooooo nice! It's usually upper 80's to mid-90's. A few weeks ago we even had a record lowest high temp for the day--67. We've had several days this summer that were so nice--like fall--that we opened our windows. When the kids started school in early Aug it felt like summer hadn't even happened yet. Well it's finally here. Bleah.

Pssshhh we had that freak of two weeks of rain and cooler weather but other than that it has been the summer that never ends here in GA. Been running 16 miles a week in this heat and humidity. Ready to run in the fall and winter!

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This last weekend was unbearably hot and humid. Yesterday, that broke. No humidity and a soft breeze. One of he nicest days of he year. Both are normal for my area this time of year. It can be quite warm into September and October. There have been some years I've thought it was going to be too hot for my kids to wear their Halloween costumes.

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