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what do you eat for breakfast?


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We mostly eat cereal with whatever fresh fruit is on hand for a morning snack. I'm not at my best in the morning. :blush:


I would like to add in a little more variety and move out of the cereal. I would like something that is pretty quick to throw together. Not that we are rushing off somewhere but that we are all generally cranky until we eat. Fussing in the kitchen doesn't go over well with my crew!


I've tried the slow cooker oatmeal. I loved it but my kids didn't. Maybe it was just the recipe? I used steal cut oats. Other than that, they eat almost anything. I probably will try it again before I give in that they really don't like it.


So, if you have other ideas, please share!!! :seeya:

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If I cook anything, I cook soft boiled eggs because my kids can scoop them out of the shells on their own. I hate scrubbing eggy pans, and we have our own chickens, so this is the quickest and most convenient way for me to cook a dozen eggs. My other stand-by is peanut butter toast. I toast the bread and spread peanut butter while it is still hot enough to make the peanut butter soft.


I feel awful admitting this, but everyone is willing to pillage the fridge if the baby has kept me up too late to cook breakfast. (like tonight) My 2 year old picks tomatoes if I'm half-asleep on the couch at 5 am. I'm encouraging self-reliance and healthy eating habits since the fridge is almost entirely limited to produce.

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Coffee, Just coffee.


But, things that are quick:

bagels or english muffins topped w/ cream cheese, or peanut butter, or cheese slices- throw in a banana and you're golden!

yogurt-plain or sprinkle some granola on top.

cottage cheese w/ fruit stirred in.

pigs in a blanket.

make up some sausage patties on the weekend, and a can of biscuits (can add cheese) for breakfast sandwiches.

freezer waffles thrown in the toaster, or (leftover homemade).

Make up some muffins on the weekend, and you can just heat and serve.

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Indy makes his own breakfast, so it's up to him. Sometimes he'll cook an egg with cut up peppers, turkey, salsa and cheese and put it on a tortilla and other times, he'll just roll some cheese, turkey, lettuce and salsa in a tortilla and have that.


I eat a piece of dry nut and oat whole grain bread, a banana and a piece of veggie sausage with hot tea. Han Solo eats half a piece of toast, blueberries/grapes/banana/apple (whatever we have on hand) and rice milk.

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Toasted bagels with a slice of cheese or a smear of peanut butter

Toast with peanut butter (and sometimes banana slices)


Frozen waffles (reheated, of course), either commercially or home-made

Fruit (usually a banana)

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I have been making this breakfast sandwich almost every day for the past two months...

While a 100 calorie, whole wheat English muffin is toasting, whisk and cook an egg and a piece of Canadian bacon. Just as the egg finishes, top with a very thin slice of cheddar (it comes in a package presliced--Sargento). Make it into a sandwich. Super yum, takes about five minutes, and has enough protein to keep you going. It's 236 calories--71for the large egg, 100 for the muffin, 45 for the cheese, 20 for the C bacon.

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Baked oatmeal. You mix it together at night and pop it into the oven in the morning. People eat it plain or with milk and top it with whatever. PB, maple syrup, cinnamon sugar are popular here. The recipe is very flexible http://www.lynnskitchenadventures.com/2009/02/baked-oatmeal.html


I use honey, no raisins, coconut oil, milk to replace the yogurt if I'm out, etc. I typically make a 1.5 batch in a 9x13 pan.

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Homemade pancakes with scrambled eggs and fruit is what I make the most often... probably 3 or 4 times a week. Other favorites are oatmeal, toast w/eggs, yogurt, French Toast, and - if I'm not feeling lazy - waffles.


DH usually has a bowl of cereal or oatmeal before he leaves for work in the morning (he's usually gone by 6am) and I usually eat a modified version of what I make for the kids. I tend to just have the eggs, or PB toast, or a smoothie of fruit, yogurt and/or protein powder.

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I use a lot of the same foods but in different combinations when feeding the girls. Some examples:


eggs, turkey bacon, toast (sometimes with butter and other times with peanut butter)

eggs, turkey bacon, bagel (each girl gets a half and sometimes buttered or with peanut butter)

bagel half, yogurt with fruit topped, turkey bacon

homemade Denny's Breakfast slam - eggs, turkey bacon, pancakes

pancakes alone or smaller pancake portion with fruit side or turkey bacon

frozen waffles with a side of fruit or turkey bacon

eggs, turkey bacon, banana

French toast alone or smaller portion with turkey bacon or fruit side


Sometimes I subsititute an English muffin for the carb. I don't feed them cereal often for breakfast but if I do, I give a side of berries for them to add themselves.



I personally eat a protein bar and coffee every morning.

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I usually eat granola with skim milk. But I try to get protein into my DD in the morning, so sometimes I eat the extra (eggs, sausage or whatever).


I used to make pancakes every Saturday morning. I thought it was such a treat, but after a while my DD said she didn't want them. I guess for me it was a treat.


We sometimes boil up several hard boiled eggs.

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I usually eat a handful of almonds or a slice of toast with peanut butter. On the weekend DH will cook me waffles or eggs with sausage. I don't cook in the morning. My kids rotate between cereal, yogurt, cottage cheese, oatmeal, breakfast bars, and peanut butter or cheese toast. They will get biscuits, pancakes, waffles, muffins, or eggs and sausages on the weekend depending on what DH feels like making.

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We eat mostly the following:


milk and cereal

microwaved eggs - either scrambled or cooked in our egg cooker


turkey sausage or turkey bacon



occasionally fresh fruit - strawberries mostly or a banana for me

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Today I oven roasted potatoes. While they were roasting, I stir fried onion, red pepper, asparagus, mushrooms and sausage. I set re veggies aside and scramble 5 eggs. Then I mixed the potatoes and veggies with the eggs. Topped it with a bit of shredded cheddar.


Around here we call it super potatoes. I don't know if there is an actual name for it.


There is enough for tomorrow. Then we are back to toast, biscuits or cereal.

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I don't like to eat in the morning. (We often have late dinners.) My tea holds me just fine. Most mornings I serve my son two over easy eggs, toast, and fruit. I'm ready for my own breakfast when he's having lunch or a snack. Sometimes I do have yogurt smoothies.


I DID make up a batch of homemade breakfast hot pockets. They have eggs, sausage, cheese, and potatoes. I freeze them and they take minutes to reheat. The kids like them. On weekends we like waffles or gravy and biscuits for brunch

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Homemade muffins (I often mix the dry ingredients the night before)

pancake squares (so much quicker than regular pancakes!) http://cookingcollection.blogspot.com/2012/11/pancake-squares.html

Toast with Pb and jam

Yogurt (the newest fav is with canned pumpkin, pumpkin pie spice and honey mixed in)

oatmeal (I soak it the night before so it cooks quicker) cooked with maple syrup, a bit of cream andpeaches or strawberries

Amish baked oatmeal (you mix it all the night before and bake it in the morning) http://www.food.com/recipe/amish-baked-oatmeal-117211


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dh and dc all eat exactly the same thing every morning.


dh - cherrios

ds - peanut butter sandwich. milk

dd - scrambled eggs with cheese, bacon on the side and pancakes, juice , (she needs to gain weight) she likes making all this herself


me - I vary between fried eggs, omelete with cheese or a protein drink. coffee

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Usually vanilla yogurt (low sugar, higher fat) with almonds or frozen blueberries or seasonal fresh berries.



Did you add salt to the oatmeal? That can be a deal breaker for a lot of people. Otherwise I would say try it again with rolled oats before giving up.

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Usually vanilla yogurt (low sugar, higher fat) with almonds or frozen blueberries or seasonal fresh berries.



Did you add salt to the oatmeal? That can be a deal breaker for a lot of people. Otherwise I would say try it again with rolled oats before giving up.



LostSurprise, Where do you get your vanilla yogurt? I have looked everywhere for low sugar high fat yogurt. I'm all ears. :bigear:

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LostSurprise, Where do you get your vanilla yogurt? I have looked everywhere for low sugar high fat yogurt. I'm all ears. :bigear:


I don't know their range, but Brown Cow sells the lowest sugar whole milk vanilla yogurt I've found at 18g (9g added, 9g milk sugars) per 6oz serving (24g per cup). Compare that to 30g for a cup of Stoneyfield French vanilla.


I usually just buy whole milk plain Greek yogurt and flavour it myself if I feel like it. It's good plain, so usually I'll just mix in some sliced nuts and berries.

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For the kids....


Whole wheat bagel with cream cheese

Organic yogurt

Granola bar

Fresh fruit

Occasionally I'll make scrambled eggs

Greek yogurt muffins

Peanut butter or Nutella toast


For me, I usually eat the same thing each day....


Either 2 pieces if buttered whole wheat toast or half a whole wheat bagel with cream cheese, plus a granola bar and a glass of milk.

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We eat lots of oatmeal (well, the kids do), and we all eat a lot of eggs. Sometimes (the kids don't eat it, but I do) I saute slices of mushroom and zucchini and cherry tomatoes in butter, and when it's all cooked, I top it all with mozzarella cheese. I like zucchini slices topped with goat cheese too.

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Usually cereal and fruit......... about once a month, I'll pick up bagels from Panera. Those will last a couple of days. I make muffins or a breakfast bread about once a week. Those last a day or two as people like to snack on them too.

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I like to switch it up.

For quick fixes cereal, oatmeal. Muffins (I pre make and freeze)


Recently I have been doing crockpot oats, even egg dishes etc. it's nice to wake up to breakfast already made.


I need high protein personally, I like whole grain wheat bread toasted with almond butter and a side of cottage cheese.

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oatmeal w/honey and raisins, bacon

bagel with cream cheese or peanut butter and fruit

bacon and eggs with fruit

pancakes and bacon with fruit

blueberry muffins (makes enough for at least 2-3 breakfasts)

breakfast burritos (bacon, eggs, potatoes, shredded cheese, salsa on tortillas) - This is just for me - the kids won't eat it.

yogurt with granola and fruit

fruit smoothies

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Ezekiel cereal with organic whole milk and fruit

Steel cut oats w/almond milk, banana and raw pepitas, medjool dates

Green smoothies with flax seed and coconut oil

Organic eggs, Ezekiel toast with sunflower butter.

Larabar with whole milk, fruit

Organic whole milk yogurt with fruit, granola and a drizzle of raw honey

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I didn't read all of this, so if some are repeats, sorry!


Cottage cheese topped with peaches (canned or fresh) or pineapple (canned or fresh)

Yogurt Parfaits (plain greek yogurt with a bit of honey mixed in topped with granola and berries (thawed from frozen or fresh))

Toast with peanut butter and honey, banana or apple slices

Toast and Scrambled or Fried Eggs (takes less than 5 minutes to make) OR you can pair either of these with precooked sausage or bacon that you just microwave for a few seconds

Make pancakes or waffles or muffins ahead of time, freeze and reheat

Baked oatmeal - make it the day before and then reheat in small portions day of. I like to put fruit on the bottom and top with the oatmeal mixture (so peaches and blueberries or apples topped with cinnamon)

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Lentil soup, usually. Red lentils and white quinoa cook in about the same amount of time, which is not very long. Put it on, go around and open all the curtains, get bowls out and it's just about done.

That sounds very wholesome. How do you season it?

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I had scrambled eggs with cheese on wheat toast all rolled into a yummy sandwich, an orange and some tea.


The kids had milk and Raisin Bran. They went completely nuts when I bought the Raisin Bran, I guess I'm depriving my children when they think THAT is a treat.

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Have you thought of making fresh berry breads or muffins while you are cooking the night/day before. I don't know how many kids you have, but I would make a dozen muffins or a loaf of berry bread or homemade waffles and put it in tupperware for the next am. Also, we all like yogurt so I buy greek yogurt in bulk.


I love cooking breakfast so we do eggs and bacon and sausage when everyone is home in the am.


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I like to have bean and cheese burritos for breakfast. I make pinto beans and keep them in the fridge to eat all week. Reheat and smash the beans, put it in a tortilla with cheese. Mmmmm.


Otherwise we do eggs over easy, oatmeal, or yogurt and fruit.

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This oatmeal, with bananas added. I eat this oatmeal every day (with different toppings) so I'm sure they're going to discover something terribly wrong with it sometime soon. :D


ETA: The kids eat something different every day. Today they had Quaker Oatmeal Squares cereal, scrambled eggs and watermelon.

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It is almost always eggs of some sort.


Poached eggs (I like serving poached eggs on grits but dd finds this appalling and she gets toast :lol:)

I bake several eggs in the oven (in the shells) and keep them in the fridge. Ds will eat them over a few days.

scrambled eggs (dd doesn't like things in eggs but I will add cheese and ham for ds, I like my scrambled eggs with spinach and tomatoes)

breakfast burritos, with eggs, potatoes, and turkey sausage

If dh makes breakfast it is always pancakes or waffles. I rarely make either, I just don't prefer sweets in the am.

If dd makes breakfast it is always eggs baked in muffin tins lined with ham.


I usually serve fruit with breakfast like melons or grapes. Sometimes I will make ds and I a smoothie but dd doesn't prefer them


I occasionally have protein shakes when I am feeling a bit rough and don't feel like eating much.

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I usually eat in the hospital cafeteria, but the food there is really good! And, breakfast is cheap, I either get cream of wheat with a dollop of peanut butter and some fruit, or I'll get the hospital's version of the egg mcmuffin, but it's only 5 WW points and not 8 like the sandwich at McD's. Sometimes they have fruit smoothies made with Greek yogurt and those will keep me full until lunch. I have to get to work really early to get a parking place, so it leaves me about 20 minutes between when I get in the door until when I have to clock in, so it's easy to just swing by and get breakfast.


When I eat at home on weekends, I usually have either a freezer whole grain waffle and turkey sausage, or cold cereal, or yogurt, fruit and an English muffin.

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About 90% of the time DH and I have coffee and DD has a PB&J sandwhich.


The other 10% of the time we get wild and crazy with:

  • Greek yogurt sprinkled with walnuts and honey
  • Steel cut oatmeal soaked overnight and then served with brown sugar and walnuts and a splash of milk
  • Toast with jelly
  • Soldiers and eggs (Toast and soft boiled eggs for you non-Anglophiles)
  • A poached egg served over toast and a bit of spiinach sauted with olive oil and onions
  • Cereal
  • An assortment of pancakes from around the world - I love international pancake recipes!!!

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Monday through Thursday I have an english muffin with peanut butter. Friday through Sunday I have a pretzel bagel --- with peanut butter. Once in a while I splurge Sunday on a donut. i am a creature of habit. Oh yes, and coffee.


I should admit - I start the day with a can of diet Coke.

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I've been doing overnight refrigerator oatmeal parfaits a lot lately. You can add different ingredients, but per serving it's basically 3/4 cup yogurt, 1/3 cup quick oats, 1-3 tbsp milk, + chia seeds/ground flax/wheat germ/nuts or anything else you want. You mix those ingredients up the night before in individual containers and top it with a handful of frozen berries. In the fridge overnight the berries thaw and make a little sauce on top and the oats soften. In the morning just pull them out and serve. It makes for a good fast breakfast.

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