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*weary vent* I just can't DO this anymore........


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  1. I can't deal one more second with a near-adult child who makes poor choices that impact the rest of the family.
  2. I can't deal with my husband's chronical and terminal issues. We avoided the hospital stay that was looming; but it will cycle again.
  3. Mostly, though, I can't work like this anymore. Just can't. Yes, the 3 jobs I now work are better than the 2-3 I worked before my Masters. But I can't keep up this pace.


And, frankly, I think my body (pre cancer, blood pressure, some facial tics, digestive issues) is telling me: enough.


If the owner of my children's school can find it in the budget to bring me back full time to facilitate dual credit, teach and elective and, when I am not teaching, be both the Assistant Principal and School Counselor, I may JUST do that and drop everything else. My current main job has me working 12:00 to 9:30 M-F. I have (let me count, oh yeah) no life. If it would benefit the school, cover my 2 remaining kids' tuition and bring home as much or more than I take home now from my main job, I am taking it. My dd will be a Junior next year - I would probably be able to find someting else after that and pay for my youngest to finish. (For those who don't know/forgot the back story, public school is not an option because Katy ISD will not grant their homeschool OR private school credits).


Working one full time job would enable me to consider Ph. D. options.


Another option would be to register for the LMFT exam - I can practice with a LMFT associate and build a small private practice, using the school as my office. I've wanted to get this license, but the registration and study materials are spendy. (It is the hardest of the tests at my level, and study materials are essential). I could work a few hours a week in the evening or Saturdays - and still be working less than now.


Put a fork in me; I'm done.

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Guest submarines

:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: I don't know what I would've done in your situation. It's brutal. Hang in there, that's all I can say.

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I am sorry things are so tough right now. I did not realize you don't have your LMFT yet. This limits what you can do, obviously. If the school job opens up, it may be a good choice for this time. Taking care of yourself physically and mentally is more important than stretching and twisting to make things work out in your current position.

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I am sorry things are so tough right now. I did not realize you don't have your LMFT yet. This limits what you can do, obviously. If the school job opens up, it may be a good choice for this time. Taking care of yourself physically and mentally is more important than stretching and twisting to make things work out in your current position.



I'm not exactly limited. :) I have my LPC (intern) which allows me to do everything an LMFT does. But an LPC (intern) can't practice independently whereas an LMFT (associate) can. I can get jobs as an LPC (intern) but I can't hang my own shingle. The LMFTa would allow me a private practice, even during the "associate" stage.

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:grouphug: :grouphug: My wand is at the repair shop and my cape at the drycleaners. But, I would so love to make things easier for you.


You're at the end of your rope. It's time to tie a knot and swing for a little bit.


I hope you can catch your breath soon.

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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


I hope the job with the school works out, because one job would be a lot better than three!


My only other advice is to stop looking at Ph.D. programs and the LMFT exam for a while. While those things may be great to pursue in a while, it sounds like you're pretty much exhausted right now, so I would hate to see you add more stress to your life. I think the very best thing you can do is to try to find a way to slow things down a bit right now, rather than to add new levels of stress.


I know how intelligent and capable you are, but your body is telling you that it's time to take a little break and take care of yourself.


I don't mean to sound discouraging; I'm just concerned about your health and your emotional state. You've been through so much, and there always seems to be more on the way, so I hope you can give yourself at least 6 months before you start speeding ahead at full steam again. :grouphug:

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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


I hope the job with the school works out, because one job would be a lot better than three!


My only other advice is to stop looking at Ph.D. programs and the LMFT exam for a while. While those things may be great to pursue in a while, it sounds like you're pretty much exhausted right now, so I would hate to see you add more stress to your life. I think the very best thing you can do is to try to find a way to slow things down a bit right now, rather than to add new levels of stress.


I know how intelligent and capable you are, but your body is telling you that it's time to take a little break and take care of yourself.


I don't mean to sound discouraging; I'm just concerned about your health and your emotional state. You've been through so much, and there always seems to be more on the way, so I hope you can give yourself at least 6 months before you start speeding ahead at full steam again. :grouphug:


You're probably quite right about the Ph. D. :)


The LMFT would be a limited study window and one test. After it, I'd be able to supplement lost income with direct/cash payments from a client base I control.

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You're probably quite right about the Ph. D. :)


The LMFT would be a limited study window and one test. After it, I'd be able to supplement lost income with direct/cash payments from a client base I control.



If you think it would be pretty easy for you to pass the test, and that you wouldn't have to drive yourself crazy studying for it, I guess that would be different. I was thinking it would be a longer-term thing. :)

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If you think it would be pretty easy for you to pass the test, and that you wouldn't have to drive yourself crazy studying for it, I guess that would be different. I was thinking it would be a longer-term thing. :)


Test window is May - June. I'd have enough time to make a *reasonable* study plan and I'd have the license in time for summer.

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Wow. I'm just so impressed by you. I can't imagine dealing with everything you are and working those kind of hours on top of it all.


Honestly, I think the Asst. Principal/School Counselor job might be a good thing right now. I think you're wise to listen to your body and mind and consider a break to do something less taxing.


What do you think about just letting the PhD plans and the LMFT plans go for a bit and focusing on the school job? The test will always be there. It seems like studying/preparing for it may be stressful, as well.


I'm still praying for a transplant. :grouphug:

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You're probably quite right about the Ph. D. :)


The LMFT would be a limited study window and one test. After it, I'd be able to supplement lost income with direct/cash payments from a client base I control.



I'm so sorry for all that you are going through!! I am in your field (well, retired from your field!!) and I think this is the way I would go. Unless you plan to teach at the college/graduate level, a Ph.D is not necessary to have a nice private practice and is also probably more than you can bite off and chew at the moment. You can do very well with an LMFT if you can manage the study window. The plan at your children's school also sounds like a great way to go and something to seriously consider.



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:grouphug: I like your plan to work at the school, but I'm not sure how/if it fits into your long-term goals regarding professional licensure. Have you been working on your LPC or is that a goal? Are you an LPC-I? (Unsolicited professional advice coming up...) Choose one professional license (either LPC or LMFT) and pursue it. These two are equivalent licenses for employment and insurance reimbursement purposes, but LMFT supervisors are harder to find than LPC supervisors (unless you know one who will make you a good deal since you will need to purchase supervision, it sounds like). LMFT licensure requires more CEU's and is a higher cost to renew than LPC licensure, so that is another small factor to consider. Either license will be more valuable short-term in terms of earning potential than a Ph.D. Not that I wish to discourage that pursuit... I will be thinking of you and if you want to toss around professional options and such, pm me. :grouphug:

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You are amazing. I hope you can find some time to practice self care, to listen to your body. If the test in May - June will be relatively easy, and make your life easier, then go for it. But if it will just add more stress, to an already stressed life and body... maybe it can wait? Just while you find a way to rejuvenate a bit?


Sending you warm thoughts, good vibes, and lots of good energy!

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:grouphug: I like your plan to work at the school, but I'm not sure how/if it fits into your long-term goals regarding professional licensure. Have you been working on your LPC or is that a goal? Are you an LPC-I? (Unsolicited professional advice coming up...) Choose one professional license (either LPC or LMFT) and pursue it. These two are equivalent licenses for employment and insurance reimbursement purposes, but LMFT supervisors are harder to find than LPC supervisors (unless you know one who will make you a good deal since you will need to purchase supervision, it sounds like). LMFT licensure requires more CEU's and is a higher cost to renew than LPC licensure, so that is another small factor to consider. Either license will be more valuable short-term in terms of earning potential than a Ph.D. Not that I wish to discourage that pursuit... I will be thinking of you and if you want to toss around professional options and such, pm me. :grouphug:




I already have my LPCi. I can't practice indepenedntly on it. The "I" will drop in a year. The LMFTassociate allows for private practice. The limited private practice will close the gap if I drop the Adjunct job. "Just" the Principal/Counselor job and the limited LPC practice would be SO much better and more manageable.

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I already have my LPCi. I can't practice indepenedntly on it. The "I" will drop in a year. The LMFTassociate allows for private practice. The limited private practice will close the gap if I drop the Adjunct job. "Just" the Principal/Counselor job and the limited LPC practice would be SO much better and more manageable.

That makes sense. I had forgotten that the LMFT asociate allowed for independent practice while under supervision towards full licensure. It is the only clinical license like that that I am aware of.
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Test window is May - June. I'd have enough time to make a *reasonable* study plan and I'd have the license in time for summer.


That could be worthwhile, then. I was imagining something that would require daily study for several months, but because this only involves a short window of time, it makes it seem a lot less stressful for you -- and it would give you more moneymaking options.

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:grouphug: Joanne :grouphug:


I have about 1/3 of what you have going on, and I know the whole *weary vent* feeling.


I just let go of one of my co-ops; my body, too, is telling me that enough is enough.


Praying for wisdom and clarity for you.

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