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(Please don't quote me as I may delete this later).


I posted awhile back about DH being in the hospital. He now has end-stage liver disease and needs a transplant but is not on the list (they are working on getting him on there).


He's been hospitalized 3 times since the beginning of the year. He's getting steadily worse. In between hospitalization I'm caring for him at home. He was using a walker at home to get to and from the bathroom, but that's all he can do. Right now he's in a larger hospital an hour away from our home. He's too weak to get out of bed at all. I've stayed every night with him in the hospital, while my parents have watched the kids. My mom was staying at s hotrl nearby with DD15 so they could bring me our 10mth old so I can nurse her because she won't take a bottle. They drove back home yesterday and I pumped a little milk but not much and they have formula for her they'll probably have to try, which really hurts as I nursed all of my kids exclusively and I just like having that closeness with her, especially now with all that's going on.


I'm exhausted. I want them to come back here not only do I can nurse my baby and see my other kids, but for moral support. DH's mom works so she's only here a few nights a week.


These are all petty annoyances I know, because we're dealing with the very real possibility that he won't get a transplant. I don't know how much time he'd have if he doesn't; I'm scared to ask. I'm also scared to take him back home when they release him. I don't know if I can take care of him again. It was so hard caring for him last time he came home, not only physically, but emotionally too, as he has bouts of confusion due to hepatic encephalopathy.


We've had so many ups and downs since January...two 911 calls, one of which landed him in the ICU, intubated, in septic shock. Then he got better, but his belly fluid got worse. Then his legs. Then his breathing. They fix one thing and another thing gets worse.


I just don't know what to do. People keep asking how I'm doing all this with a baby, and I don't know. I'm not doing it well. I feel like I'm going to die of stress and emotional exhaustion.


If you read this far, thanks for listening. I feel a bit better getting that off my chest.

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Praying for you! It sounds so hard Do you have anyone to counsel you? Is there a social worker at the hospital?


I have never been in your shoes but my dh has been through some minor stuff ( heart attack, suregry). Try to focus on little things that will help in the midst of anxiety and numbing worry, like drink lots of water! That will help with milk supply and stress. Even if you do have to go to formula you can still nurse part of the time. It doesn't have to be all or nothing. Nursing is soothing so it will be good for both you and you baby.


If you can't take care of the baby and the kids and your dh, can you get a caregiver to come in to help with him? I would really talk with the social worker. We have had very good experiences with them when dealing with sick parents, relatives, etc.


Anyway this is my meager offering. Hang in there.

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Praying for you and your family. Please do talk to the social worker about your his care after he is discharged. You will need to voice your concern that you cannot care for him if he is not ambulatory - that you will need help. They may be able to arrange home care assistance. Also, if you have a church community, reach out and ask for help. People may be able to help with meals, driving, errands, etc.

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(((( )))). I'm very sorry you're dealing with this. How very stressful! Please do talk w/both the doctors & nurses and the hospital social worker. This is their job. I'm sure you've been told that erratic behaviour and confusion are very common in liver patients. Please consider this when deciding about bringing your dh home, especially with small child(ren) in the house.


Thoughts and prayers for you and yours during this most difficult time.

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You know I understand. My DH is headed to the hospital again probably in the next 48. He goes so often that I don't post about it anymore, email his sons or post on FB.


PM me anytime. I would be willing to exchange phone numbers. This disease comes with stigma that makes everything even more challenging.

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Praying for you! It sounds so hard Do you have anyone to counsel you? Is there a social worker at the hospital?


I have never been in your shoes but my dh has been through some minor stuff ( heart attack, suregry). Try to focus on little things that will help in the midst of anxiety and numbing worry, like drink lots of water! That will help with milk supply and stress. Even if you do have to go to formula you can still nurse part of the time. It doesn't have to be all or nothing. Nursing is soothing so it will be good for both you and you baby.


If you can't take care of the baby and the kids and your dh, can you get a caregiver to come in to help with him? I would really talk with the social worker. We have had very good experiences with them when dealing with sick parents, relatives, etc.


Anyway this is my meager offering. Hang in there.




Yes. Please talk to the hospital's social worker. They are there to help, and I can't tell you how many times I've had

to seek their support and help with my mother. :grouphug:

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:grouphug: prayers sent and more :grouphug:


Have you explored the possibility of one of the family members (DH's father, mother, siblings) being a donor for him? The liver regenerates, so he would only need a portion of a donor's liver. You may be able to bypass "the list" this way.

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