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Which food(s) does at least one member of your household avoid due to allergy, intolerance, sensitivity, etc.


Which foods does at least one member of your house avoid?  

250 members have voted

  1. 1. What foods does at least one member of your house avoid due to allergy, intolerance, sensitivity, etc.?

    • Wheat, due to gluten
    • Wheat, not due to gluten
    • Corn
    • Soy
    • Cow milk, all milk products
    • Cow milk, but not yogurt or cheese
    • Peanuts/groundnuts
    • Tree nuts
    • Eggs
    • Fish
    • Shellfish
    • Citrus fruit
    • Strawberries
    • Meat (allergy, etc.; not due to vegetarianism)
    • Other vegetable
    • Other fruit
    • Other grain
    • Other
    • None

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If you post the restricted foods, maybe we can come up with some ideas that will work for you.


Egg, gluten, dairy, corn, tomatoes, winter squash, cabbage and similar, cauliflower, anything with tiny seeds (ground is ok, as in tahini, just not intact) and anything very spicy (and cayenne even in small amounts is out). One is a pseudo-pesco-vegetarian, but only for health reasons -- so meat stock is OK, but not flesh. He will eat turkey at Christmas, but that's it.

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I have not heard of oral allergy syndrome, but I also feel like I have cuts in my mouth when I eat pineapples and some other fruit that I cannot recall right now. I'm not sure if that's an oral allergy?


It could be. My DS gets hives around his mouth and an itchy tongue. It doesn't progress to anaphylaxis like his other allergies.



If you google oral allergy syndrome, you can find a list of symptoms.

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Which food(s) does at least one member of your household avoid due to allergy, intolerance, sensitivity, etc.


I've not included the various flavors of vegetarianism here, and aversions don't count... I *won't* eat beets, but it's purely a matter of personal taste.


I was thinking about this while trying to come up with a dinner party menu accommodating a number of food allergies. It's not easy.


Nothing here...thank goodness!

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I once had guests who could not have dairy or gluten (the wife) or onions/garlic (the husband).


That was tricky. o_0


I made a Greek lemon soup (I don't usually do green salads), pork tenderloin with roasted potatoes and rosemary, sliced carrots cooked with orange juice, and rice pudding with cocoanut milk instead of milk. It was all quite tasty. :-)


I'd have more problems with a good friend who is worst-case-scenario celiac, and deathly allergic to dairy and tropical oils/fruits, and corn, although she could have eaten the above meal (different dessert, of course; I might have been able to use rice milk...).

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My youngest is highly allergic to peanuts. We avoid all treenuts as well due to cross-contamination. He is also allergic to red 40 (hives, rash, breathing), and intolerant to yellow dyes (red rash). As a baby/toddler he was also allergic to eggs, dairy, soy, and cocoa but he outgrew those.


The only other food allergy is my oldest, but it is more of a intolerance to strawberries. She loves them but if she eats too many she gets a fine,itchy, lacy rash all over her body.


When we eat at others houses we only ask that they have no peanut/nuts around because of the severity of youngest's allergy. We work around the food dyes, and when he was young the other allergens.

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In late 2011, my dh was having chronic throat pain and swollen glands. The doctors brushed him off for months telling him nothing was wrong. I finally lost it and told them if he had cancer and they didn't do anything, they were going to be liable. The next day we had an ultrasound of his throat scheduled (for lymph and thyroid issues). They found nothing and would have let it drop, but again I insisted a referral to an ENT. The ENT scoped my dh, stated his throat was red and raw looking and immediately prescribed Nexium, Flonase and the acid reflux diet.


Well, dh (who is only 5'6 and 135 lbs) went on this diet, lost weight which he really couldn't afford to lose and still the pain persisted. Nothing worked. After fighting with drs., I finally got him referred for allergy testing.


Finally, some answers. Turns out my dh had developed allergies to corn, beef and yeast. Once we dispensed with those foods, his throat cleared up in a matter of a week! Against the drs. wishes, we immediately dispensed with the Nexium, acid reflux diet and Flonase. He's fine as long as he avoids his allergy foods or just eats very small quantities in 4 day intervals.


All I can say is, fight for what your gut tells you! We knew he didn't have acid reflux and kept on the doctors until we got the answers we needed. It's too easy to for some doctors to give a pat answer and dismiss you. You know your body better than anyone else in most cases.

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Me: all grains, milk (but not cheese or yogurt), starchy veggies, and high glycemic fruits due to diabetes.

DH: shellfish & steak, due to gout.

DD#1: Milk (lactose intolerant)


Hopefully the youngest two will be able to eat everything for a nice long while. If they start throwing other food restrictions into the mix, I have no idea what we'll be eating!

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Not really my household (no food allergies here at all) but my mom can't have strawberries. They cause an anaphylactic reaction--scares her to death.


Oops--forgot my own! I have a lactose intolerance, so I don't drink milk. Cheese, butter and yogurt are ok in moderate amts.

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5 yo: Peanuts, cashews, gluten


2 yo: gluten


8 yo: soy (thyroid), gluten, kiwi


me: gluten (hives), dairy (joint swelling-but I don't usually abide since my budget is low), kiwi (oral allergy)


dh: almonds (I think he's fine but he ate 3 lbs. in one sitting and now claims he's allergic since he had a stomach ache. :confused1:

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Our lovely fam:


DH: Sensitive to any meat that is not poultry and cucumbers.

Me: Allergic to all meat/poultry/fish/and shellfish. I have to be a strict vegetarian (not due to choice). I am also allergic to cranberries (anaphylactic), walnuts and pecans. I am sensitive to dairy. I can eat cheese and butter without consequences, but not yogurt, ice cream, sour cream, or a glass of milk.

DD: Sensitive to dairy.

Middle DS: Sensitive to dairy. Allergic to peanuts and tree nuts (anaphylactic) (exception: almonds).


So far older DS and baby DS have not shown any allergies as of yet.


We do, however, feel fortunate at this time. Collectively we have outgrown anaphylactic (sp?) responses to dairy and pineapple and an allergy to avocado.

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I don't eat at parties. My youngest is allergic to Mustard, peas, raspberries and apples in addition to dairy and soy and she's celiac. Oldest dd is anaplyatcic allergic to citrus fruits and anything from a tree and shellfish (and febreeze). We won't even talk about me except to say, who knew people could be allergic to meat? Plus I'm allergic to hippie perfume - I break out in hives - it is weird.




I am part of the allergic to meat club...i didnt know it was possible either until I found out what my problem was!

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Egg, gluten, dairy, corn, tomatoes, winter squash, cabbage and similar, cauliflower, anything with tiny seeds (ground is ok, as in tahini, just not intact) and anything very spicy (and cayenne even in small amounts is out). One is a pseudo-pesco-vegetarian, but only for health reasons -- so meat stock is OK, but not flesh. He will eat turkey at Christmas, but that's it.


Poached salmon, roasted fennel for veg, and risotto--maybe lemony. Sounds like I'd like spring to arrive soon.


Fresh fruit sorbet for dessert.


Turn the heat up in the house so it feels less "winter-y." Force some forsythia for the table if you have time (okay, I'm dreaming now...)

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Egg, gluten, dairy, corn, tomatoes, winter squash, cabbage and similar, cauliflower, anything with tiny seeds (ground is ok, as in tahini, just not intact) and anything very spicy (and cayenne even in small amounts is out). One is a pseudo-pesco-vegetarian, but only for health reasons -- so meat stock is OK, but not flesh. He will eat turkey at Christmas, but that's it.


Go out to a restaurant, instead ?? :biggrinjester:


Maybe a hearty soup/stew with rice, fish, and any desired vegetable not present on your list. You can thicken the soup with a little tahini stirred in at the end.


Gluten-free muffins (vegan, to accommodate the no-egg, no-dairy).


Sparkling juice for beverage.


Pears poached in wine-and-maple syrup for dessert.

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Let's see...


Hubby is allergic to eggs


I'm allergic to soy & chocolate


Oldest dd is allergic to shellfish


Oldest son is sensitive to dyes & preservatives


Youngest son is allergic to tree nuts & eggs


Youngest daughter is allergic to wheat (gluten) & soy


I think that about covers it

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FWIW, my oldest DS started at age 1 (after a year of undiagnosed reactions-GI and skin) allergic or intolerant to all foods and was formula only. By age 3 he was down to only having to avoid the true allergies - all the Big 8 plus barley. He's since gotten wheat, barley and soy back in his diet. Doctor wants to consider testing for peanuts and maybe fish but I'm not so keen on that as we are dealing with other issues right now. Besides, DH is ana to shrimp and crab so even though fish might be OK, I probably won't be serving it anytime soon. I don't know that I would want to serve peanuts either. Too many little tummies that I'm not ready to test yet.

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DD1 can't have ginger, mint or lemon. She used to react to peas but hasn't for years; we're becoming suspicious of tomatoes and will have her tested at her 6 year well check.

DD2 is allergic to strawberries

We avoid artificial food coloring for all of our children

The new baby has horrible reflux--DD2 had severe MSPI ( bad enough that two doctors thought she had pyloric stenosis and scheduled surgery before they observed her fully belly during a 2nd ultrasound) so I'm milk and soy free again.

I get severe migraines from artificial sweeteners.

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Poached salmon, roasted fennel for veg, and risotto--maybe lemony. Sounds like I'd like spring to arrive soon.


Fresh fruit sorbet for dessert.


Turn the heat up in the house so it feels less "winter-y." Force some forsythia for the table if you have time (okay, I'm dreaming now...)


Ooooooh, that sounds good! Except that you forgot the asparagus.


You could also do fish en papillote, and then have assigned portions so you could vary the ingredients a little, as long as people can tolerate the ingredients that well. For example, I suspect the issue with the tiny seeds has to do with diverticular problems of some sort, and the person could be in the same room with them as long as they don't eat them.

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Raw or nearly raw ginger gives me the runs really badly.

Milk gives me heartburn amd congestion.

Meat gives me heartburn esp with tomatoes.

MSG gives me awful headaches.


I agree with Karen, you cannot manage everyone's sensitivities. I do not expect people to work around mine and if I cannot pick and choose well I simply do not eat while out. It is very kind of you to try, though.

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The only thing I am not allergic to on that list is wheat. I bring my own food, I am on a strict rotation diet with things like quail, teff flour, taro root, venison, mangoes, etc.


How about self-serve tacos with a choice of corn shells or wheat tortillas and each topping in its own bowl, people can add what they can eat, just make sure everyone knows to keep them from contaminating each other, or serve them yourself carefully.

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My dh is allergic to peanuts and tree nuts. My dd is allergic to sesame, milk, and eggs. Strict avoidance since she is anaphylactic to all three. Ds is allergic to peanuts, tree nuts, milk, and eggs. Again strict avoidance since he has also had multiple anaphylactic reactions. I'm not allergic to anything, but I'm vegetarian by choice.

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Me...due to auto-immune issues I am egg-free, gluten-free, grain, bean, soy, peanut, other nut , dairy, sugar, processed food, nightshade free.....


I eat mainly meat, fish and veggies with good oils...coconut, olive and avocado....


Simple...and surprisingly not boring because I mix it up.....

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DD: Milk issues (not lactose). She has had them since she was born. Whenever we think she is getting better they come back with a vengence, so she rarely gets real milk and instead gets substitutes most of the time.


DH: horrible intollerence to all kinds of meat except seafood. So in general we eat veggie with some fish at home.

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Only me - lactose intolerant. I will eat a small amount if a friend is serving and didn't know. I couldn't eat, say, a piece of cheesecake, though. My sister is GF; I was thinking as I made our most recent lunch get-together that the two of us really mess up the menu.

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