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Not sure I want to know...but...do you wake up and make bkfst and lunch for dh?


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I don't. I could see doing it, though, if it was important to make a particular husband feel cared for or loved. I feel loved when he makes me breakfast on the week-ends while it wouldn't register for him. But if x or y are important for him then I'll try to show love doing those things.


I could also see doing it if the family routines or dynamics were such that it made life easier somehow for everyone.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Seriously? :eek:


Gawd no! He's a big boy and has two hands -- he can make it all by himself. At most, IF we have leftovers and IF he wants them for lunch, I will occasionally put part of them in a small container so he can take them to work. I am so not a morning person. If DH wanted me to get up in the morning to make him breakfast and/or lunch, it would probably be the last morning he ever saw alive. He knows this about me. It is far more likely that he will make me breakfast if I drag myself out of bed early enough and if I can grunt a quasi-coherent response to him when he asks me if I want anything. I do dinner most nights and we're usually on our own for lunch, except weekends when he's home.

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Nope. Dh's breakfast is the Carnation instant breakfasts with milk and his lunch is the leftovers from the night before, already in the plastic container. (There is no reason that I can think of for lunch not to be possible to prepare the night before.)


I am NOT a morning person. I would like to be the person who gets up early and prepares wonderful meals for my family, but that's just not going to happen. But there are things you can prepare ahead the night before (there are a LOT of muffin recipes out there) and I've even seen some overnight-crock pot breakfast casseroles that I've been meaning to try.

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Uh, no, and he doesn't get up and make breakfast or pack a lunch for me either...


I get up at 4:30am (no alarm clock needed ;) ) and shower, eat breakfast, pack my lunch, and hang out on here while youngest also showers and gets his own breakfast. He buys lunch at school. We're headed out toward school around 6:45. I wake hubby up just before we leave... He works from the house and eats when and what he wants.


Even on weekends everyone gets their own breakfast most of the time. We all eat breakfast, but we're not a big "sit down and eat breakfast together" type of family. I wasn't raised that way... hubby was, but prefers being more casual now. We all generally eat supper together daily and will adjust the time as needed to do so. On weekends we also eat lunch together.

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Nope, another lousy wife here. :p


Dh leaves for work by 6am most days. Since my peri-induced insomnia keeps me up until 1 or 2am these days, I am not getting out of bed until the kids make me. Dh makes his own breakfast. On weekends, he may make breakfast for everyone if it's a special occasion (either pancakes or southern-style biscuits and gravy), but usually makes his own while I sleep in, and I'll make my own when I get up. He usually eats eggs while I usually have cereal or oatmeal.


if there are leftovers from dinner (which I will be the one to put away after dinner) he may bring some of those for lunch or he'll make himself a sandwich. On weekends, sometimes he'll make lunch for everyone, sometimes we all do our own thing with whoever gets the request making the kids lunch.


Dh makes dinner 99% of the time.


Yeah, I don't cook.

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Dh got up at 3:30 am this morning, and that's not terribly unusual, so that would be a big no. On weekends, he usually makes his the both of us coffee and some eggs. We are not waffle or pancake folks. If he doesn't have to take clients to lunch or isn't away, he can put together a lunch. Usually leftovers and some fruit, & almonds. I have often put aside leftovers in containers for him, so perhaps I get a partial good wife point.

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Nope, nada, no-way/no-how!


LOL, bad lil' wifey!


First, I'm not a morning person. Second, it takes me a long time to wake up and I need to start school asap. Third, I'm not a morning person. Did I mention I'm not a morning person?


Thankfully DH is handy dandy in the kitchen and can fend for himself, but those poor kids of mine.....

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Yes I do. I get up at 4 with DH and I make breakfast while he gets ready for work, then we eat breakfast together. It's really nice, think of it as date-breakfast!


It's also good for me, because after he's gone I get to do my bible study & exercise in peace before the children are up. If I slept in, those things never happen. If I go back to bed, the morning is shot!

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No, for breakfast. Dh makes his own bowl of instant oatmeal or he grabs dry cereal and eats it on the commute to work. Some days, he doesn't eat at all. We are not huge breakfast eaters in our family, so it never became an expectation or a need in our home.


He usually makes his own lunch too. However, there are nights where I will portion out that dinner so he can have it for the next day. He lets me know if he's interested in this (he's usually doing the dishes for me). More often than not, he eats the same exact lunch every day, and he likes his sandwiches "just so", so that is why I don't make his lunch. Some weeks, he has work lunch meetings and doesn't even take food from home. I have offered to make his lunch, but he says I have enough on my plate & he can take care of himself in this area.


Unless it's a crazy week, I do have dinner made for when he gets home, and he really appreciates that.

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nope. he is just as capable as I am of making breakfast. If it isn't a priority for him to get up and cook....then it doesn't need to be a priority for me. When he took a lunch I used to make sure he had easy snacks and sandwich fixins to choose from, but I didn't make it myself.


If I have insomnia and am up at 5am, I will surprise him and ds to make it but it is never expected.


Ds18 eats oatmeal every day but will eat breakfast if I cook it.

DD14 doesn't eat in the morning and never has, even as an infant.

DD5 eats the same grab and go foods every morning....yogurt, banana, small sandwhich.


I don't eat breakfast until 11 and then I have lunch instead.

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No. Dh starts the Keurig as he enters the kitchen, and then fixes a bowl of cold cereal or eats a muffin/bagel if available while he watches a few minutes of the news... then hits the road. I usually get up as he heads downstairs. If he heats up a bagel for himself, he'll one up for me too as I hit the kitchen about the time it would come up, and leave a few minutes after him, heading to the gym. For lunch, he takes a boxed frozen meal (Lean Cuisine, Smart Ones, etc) four days a week & eats out with co-workers on Fridays.

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No. Everyone sort of gets their own thing for breakfast, except for weekend mornings when either DH or I will make a big breakfast for everyone. He works from home and we usually have left overs from the night before. Most of the time who ever gets in the kitchen first just starts warming it up for whoever wants it. We do do family dinners most every night, and I cook most of those.

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Not usually.


A couple of times a week, I make a hot breakfast for the kids and myself, but lateish, so it's more like brunch. Dh is usually asleep and he doesn't like eggs anyway, so he doesn't get any.


Before my kids had turned four, I taught them to get up without me and eat breakfast. I used to put out things for them and little sippies full of juice. Now, they pour their own cereal or toast their own waffles.

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No, I don't and I'm a really bad wife because I do get up with him at about 5:30 (I like some time with the house quiet in the morning) and I sit at the table drinking my coffee and visit him while he makes his breakfast and lunch. :D



Just a question (no judgment of ANY kind), but isn't it just as easy for one person to make everyone breakfast as for everyone to make their own? I quoted you, but this is for anyone for whom everyone in the household makes their own breakfast (not the best sentence, I'm not caffeinated enough, sorry).


One reason I cook for everyone is that it leads to less mess to cook one batch of eggs/oatmeal/pancakes/whatever than five batches, and (like I said) I hate cleaning the kitchen any more than necessary. Is it just my lazy aversion to cleaning (and yet I need to have a clean kitchen, I can't stand for it to be messy either, lol) that compels me to cook for the family? I think maybe it is.


It is easier that way but dh eats breakfast way earlier than everyone else (I don't eat until later either). I usually just don't want to cook more than once a day (dinner). Those who can't cook and clean up their mess get yogurt, cereal, bagel, pb toast, etc. When I am inspired to cook a hot meal on a week day, then yes, we do all eat the same thing. I do often make a big family breakfast on a Saturday. :) Everyone old enough to not need my help also makes their own lunch.

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Uh, dh and I don't eat breakfast and he does not take a lunch. We do have coffee together several mornings each week on the summer and nearly every morning in the winter. I do make the pot, pour his cup, and add sugar and flavored cream to his liking. Even if we don't have coffee, mornings are our alone time. ;-) No children have ever bothered us in the morning. I don't want to see children until after dh leaves and I finished coffee.



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We eat breakfast together as a family. Usually one of us (or one of our older daughters) will prepare food for everyone but we occasionally have those communal breakfast prep mornings.


If we're all home for lunch we will eat together and sometimes I'll prepare that and sometimes he will. It really depends on the day, what else is going on, and what the kids need.

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I make his lunch probably one time a week on average. I honestly just forget. And if I do, he does it. I should make it more of a priority because I know he would really appreciate not having to do it. It is usually just leftovers of some sort. He is sick of sandwiches.


As for breakfast, he gets up first and he makes the kids breakfast. If he wants some of what he makes them, then he will have it or he will make himself something else. I don't eat breakfast usually and I am not a morning person, so this task is a good one for him. :) He usually makes the kids one of the following (all homemade):

- Pancakes (sometimes with fruit in them - if not then on the side)

- Waffles with fruit

- Oatmeal with fruit

- French toast with fruit

- Eggs, Toast, and fruit

- Egg sandwiches and fruit

- Yogurt & fruit (on mornings we need to head out super quick)

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:smilielol5: Wait ..sorry... were you being serious :laugh: I don't remember that being in my wedding vows and if it was I would have had them take it out :laugh:


Nope - not ever. I once bought him a lunchbox so he could make his own lunch to take to work -so far he has never used it


DH leaves for work at 7am - I don't get up till after that. Medication I take keeps me too dopey to get up early.

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I did when we fist got married. It was a habit left over from my mom: my dad was an Air Force pilot, and she got up with him every morning at 5:30am. She told me that "being a pilot, I never know the last time I'll get to have bfast with him."


I don't now just because I'm sleep deprived with a baby. I anticipate doing so again when the kids are older.


And I do make his lunch; I put together leftovers when cleaning up from dinner for the next days lunch. But DH does pack it up with an apple and some mints in the morning.

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Yes, for almost 22 years, hot breakfast and take along lunch 5 days/week. We eat a hearty and hot breakfast as a family every morning at 6:10 (he has to be out the door by 6:50, otherwise I would make it later). He loves it and is extremely appreciative of it~ that helps a lot when I crawl out of bed at 5:30 and it's only 58 degrees in the house :ohmy: . Then before he goes out the door, we have a family huddle where he prays for all of us aloud. That alone makes getting out of bed and starting the day worth it.

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LOL... we own a bed & breakfast! We never eat breakfast! I cook all summer, and he cooks for our weekend groups during the winter. I usually get him coffee however, but that is because the coffee machine is in the guest area, and in the winter, all our guests our women at retreats, and he is frightened of them! :coolgleamA:

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I have made dh lunch every day for our 20+ years of marriage. Occasionally I will make him oatmeal or something quick for breakfast, but he generally doesn't eat breakfast.

It was something my Mom did for my Dad always and as a young know it all teen I made fun of her and told her he could do it himself. Now I know it was a labor of love, a daily check in, a simple, kind gesture that spoke of her love and devotion to him and I thought it was beautiful.

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DH and I usually aren't breakfast eaters, but every (ok, sparing being sick or up all night with a sick baby) day for 15 years I get up with him, fix his coffee, pack his lunch, and zip out to start his car in the winter. It's just a small thing to show love. He does little things for me all the time too. It's so ingrained in my mornings that I don't think I could stop.

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