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Meatloaf - yea or nay?

Do you/your DH eat meatloaf?  

  1. 1. Do you/your DH eat meatloaf?

    • I like/eat meatloaf
    • I hate/don't eat meatloaf
    • DH likes/eats meatloaf
    • DH hates/doesn't eat meatloaf
    • Other

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s/o of the other thread - Do you like/eat meatloaf? Does your DH like/eat meatloaf?


DH and I will eat darn near anything and meatloaf is such a basic non-offensive food to us that we don't understand that hate. However, his mother and my grandmother were both such fantastic cooks when we were growing up that we've only had good meatloaf.


AHH! I messed up and you can't select multiple options. Is there a way to fix it?

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As long as I know what's in it. I once was served meatloaf with whole boiled eggs lurking within, so when it was cut they showed in the slices. :confused:



MY mother told me this was how her MIL made meatloaf. She thought it was to allow the inside to cook all the way through without the outer edges drying out.

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I tolerate meatloaf, and will only eat my own. I can't eat a ketchup laden meatloaf.


Dh likes it okay, but prefers mine to other styles.


I make it with bacon, onion, smoky flavor steak seasoning, and bbq sauce on top. It tastes more like a bbq hambuger from the grill.

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I like my meatloaf, which is an adaptation of this Cooking Light recipe for Italian Meatloaf with Fresh Basil and Provolone. I've never had another meatloaf that I would put on my menu rotation, and even this one only gets made about twice a year! Other meatloaf that I've had has been so flavorless, a bit like eating a burger without a bun. Tolerable, but not enjoyable.

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We all love it here...but aren't likely to eat it out somewhere. We are kind of picky about it.


Same with our family. We like it the way I make it, but are picky about what's in it/how it's made so we don't order it at restaurants. My recipe is my mother's, and it has Italian seasonings in it but no ketchup. We add ketchup to our own serving as desired. Even though we love it, I don't think to make it often. I have no idea why not.

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I like it, my dh hates it.


My mom and I were out shopping once and we saw a meatloaf pan for sale. My mom said I should buy one. I told her, "Dh doesn't like meatloaf. He says meat should not come in loaf form." A man that was standing in the same aisle as us, hearing our conversation, replied, "He's right."

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We both like meatloaf, but not from all cooks, iykwim! My mom always made the kind covered in ketchup (and it was kinda dry.) I hated it. She's a really good cook, too, but I didn't like her meatloaf. My MIL doesn't really cook much, but makes wonderful meatloaf! So, I use her recipe and it is always really good.


The worst meatloaf ever was from a restaurant at Yellowstone. We called it bolognia-loaf b/c it tasted like bolognia...so disgusting when you are wanting meatloaf!

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I voted other. I make turkey spinach loaves and freeze them for dh so that he can eat them whenever he gets home late from work. I don't eat meat often so I don't usually eat them (although they are awesome) and neither of us eat traditional meatloaf.


These sound delicious!

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These sound delicious!


I couldn't find the recipe online. I just copied it out of a library cookbook and I can't even remember which one. :( Here it is, though:


Turkey Spinach Mini-Loaves



1 Med Red Onion (finely chopped)

1 clove garlic (finely chopped)

1.5 lbs ground turkey

1/2 c. instant mashed potatoes

1 box frozen spinach (10 oz) thawed and squeezed dry

1 lg egg white

1 t. dried oregano

1/4 t. ground chile (I use 2 shakes chilli powder)

1 t. salt

1/8 t. ground pepper

2 lg. Roma tomatoes, thinly sliced


1. Preheat oven to 350. Line jelly roll pan w/foil.


2. In a med skillet, heat the olive oil over med-high heat. Sautee onion and garlic 5 min.


3. In a mixing bowl, combine turkey, onion mixture, spinach, potatoes, egg white, oregano, chilli powder, salt and pepper. Blend. Shape into 4" X 2" X 1" loaves 2" apart. Cover w/foil.


4. Bake for 30 minutes. Uncover and arrange 3 tomato slices in an overlapping row on top of each loaf. Bake until 165 degrees internal temp (about 15 minutes longer.) Let the loaves sit for another 10 minutes or so.


5. Serve with tomato or spaghetti sauce.


Serves 4


ETA: Of course, now that I've typed it all out, I found the recipe online! It's from "The Essential Best Foods Cookbook."

Edited by Element
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I didn't like meatloaf growing up, but made a recipe that my whole family likes (except ds7, who doesn't really like meat at all). The recipe I use calls for 1 lb. ground beef and 1 lb. breakfast sausage and is topped with a ketchup/mustard/brown sugar sauce. Oats are used in place of bread crumbs. Ds5 just asked if we could have it soon.

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We like this meatloaf from the 2009 Southern Living Cookbook. YUM!


I make another without the tomoto sauce, but have learned that I like them on the jelly pans so they are not cooking in the grease. Another trick that I just heard, but have not tried, is to put bread in the bottom of the loaf pan to soak up the grease. I still prefer the jelly pan. :D

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We don't eat meatloaf here at all.


My dh hates it and I can't stand it. Not sure why dh doesn't like it, but for me it's probably because the way my mother and grandmother made it. It was basically a really dried out hamburger with slimy onions and green peppers in it. I HATE, HATE, HATE cooked green peppers.

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I love meatloaf. My mom made it when I was a kid, and my wife (Chelle in MO) makes it now.


One time not too long ago, I was driving home from work and listening to some talk radio show here in St. Louis. They were talking about what they would request if they had to choose their last meals. I ran through several options in my head, and settled on Chelle's meatloaf, mashed potatoes and corn.


After I got home, I asked Chelle what we were having for dinner. She said, "meatloaf, mashed potatoes and corn." I thought maybe I had been given some kind of sign or omen. I was never happier to hear my alarm clock go off at 4:45 as I was the next morning.


That's a true story, and I still love her meatloaf.

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I have never had meat loaf. Is it like a meaty nut roast?


I've never heard of a nut roast. To make meat loaf, you take ground meat and smoosh it with breading, egg, spices, and assorted additions of your own, until it is a gross sloppy mess and fairly uniform in color. Then plop it all in a bread loaf or cupcake pan, pat it down like cake batter so it is even, and bake it. It's sort of like a giant mushy meatball but with different spices so it doesn't usually taste Italian. The texture is usually smoother than a normal meatball.


I don't like it.

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