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Google Search Auto-Suggestion Experiment

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Nope, guess not. :lol:



I know! Not a Star Wars or Star Trek fan, I guess. :lol:


My husband is a big fan of (checking Google) Star Wars! He and DS watched the Daddy edited version and DS got a poster. DS is always asking me who this is or who that is on his poster, testing me.


He's goes, "Whose this?"

And I say, depending on who he points to, that's a robot, a man, another robot, another robot, a BIG robot, a woman, a monster looking thing, and that guy is Vader(and I know him because of a stand up routine. :blushing:) I do know Harrison Ford though!


I get the two movies/shows/whatever mixed up. :D:o

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I'm using Chrome on my phone. First suggestion was this thread since it was open in another tab. Second was a direct link to the Yoda's Species page at Wookiepedia. Third was "what species is yoda."

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I know! Not a Star Wars or Star Trek fan, I guess. :lol:


My husband is a big fan of (checking Google) Star Wars! He and DS watched the Daddy edited version and DS got a poster. DS is always asking me who this is or who that is on his poster, testing me.


He's goes, "Whose this?"

And I say, depending on who he points to, that's a robot, a man, another robot, another robot, a BIG robot, a woman, a monster looking thing, and that guy is Vader(and I know him because of a stand up routine. :blushing:) I do know Harrison Ford though!


I get the two movies/shows/whatever mixed up. :D:o


Nothing to be ashamed about - ;). I wouldn't know any of it either, if dh wasn't a fan of all things beginning with "Star". It's also very important to know Harrison Ford. :)

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