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My Little Brother is Missing and I Have No Idea What to Do : (

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ETA: He's been found. Oh it is such a relief. His girlfriend messaged me to say she got a hold of him and he is in a recovery house. Thank you so so much for all the prayers and kind wishes!!


My younger brother had a really hard childhood and sadly turned to a rough, drug ridden lifestyle when he became a teenager that has continued until now. He is 22. I have lived really far from him for the last 10 years. My Dad messaged me a few days ago to ask if I had heard anything about him because he noticed he hadn't been on facebook. I checked and his girlfriend wrote a message on his page saying she hasn't been able to get a hold of him in three weeks. He has always talked glowingly of her. I have called everyone I know that knows him and no one has seen or heard from him in weeks. To make things more stressful a decomposed body was found near where he lives. My Dad says think positively and doesn't want to contact the police at this time. I on the other hand can't kick an ominous feeling. : ( Could really use prayers for my brother Wesley.

Edited by teeniebeenie6
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I'll certainly pray for Wesley and your family. But I want to encourage you to contact the police. If his own girlfriend hasn't heard from him in three weeks, it's not jumping the gun to file a missing person's report. Maybe he broke up with her and is avoiding her- and Facebook, too.

I hope you hear from him soon- and I have a wayward daughter so I know how it feels to just not know what's going on in someone's life. It's crummy.


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Thank you both!

I'll certainly pray for Wesley and your family. But I want to encourage you to contact the police. If his own girlfriend hasn't heard from him in three weeks, it's not jumping the gun to file a missing person's report. Maybe he broke up with her and is avoiding her- and Facebook, too.

I hope you hear from him soon- and I have a wayward daughter so I know how it feels to just not know what's going on in someone's life. It's crummy.


I don't know how to file a missing persons report because I live in Ohio and he lives in British Columbia. I was hoping my Dad would do it but he won't at this point.

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Thank you both!


I don't know how to contact the police because I live in Ohio he lives in British Columbia. I was hoping my Dad would do it but he won't at this point.



His girlfriend could file it.


ETA: you could call the local police and ask if you can file a report from your distance.

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Even if they can't file an actual report they will probably take all the info. Give them a couple of names and see what happens. Your dad could be fearing the worst and not wanting to take any chances of hearing it. I'm so sorry. :( :grouphug:

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:grouphug: I would contact the police. the fact you have found no one who has had contact in at least three weeks is ominous and I would want know for certain.


eta: even if the body is too decomposed for a visual ID, they can either confirm or deny ID by using dental records.

Here's a link for the rcmp in BC http://bc.rcmp.ca/ViewPage.action?siteNodeId=26&languageId=1

Edited by gardenmom5
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:grouphug: fwiw, op's dad may be avoiding the police, not because he fears the worst, but because db's absence is likely linked to use of illegal substances. so if they find him, charge him and he does jail time, op's dad may think it better for him to stay lost until he is ready to be found.... and if it turns out that the ominous feeling is sadly correct, there isn't much anyone can do to help him now.


i'm not agreeing or disagreeing, but trying to see it thru different eyes.


maybe message him on facebook privately and say you're calling the RCMP if you haven't heard from him by thursday? then if he's dropped out of sight on purpose, he gets to choose what happens next?




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Call the police and tell them what you said here. Taking the ostrich approach isn't going to do any good. And if, as a pp mentioned, your brother is into illegal substances and is picked up by the police, maybe it will help straighten him out a bit. In any event, you'll have at least done the only thing you really can do at this point.


Oh, and prayers for you and your family. I can't imagine what you're going through.

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We use a tracphone for local calls and magic jack for long distance. My magicjack has been really buggy. I emailed with information about my brother and recent pictures including ones with his tattoo and called with the magicjack. The lady was so nice and got done half the report and the phone crapped out. She tried to call me back but when I pick up no one is there. I am going to try to skype my Mom and get her to do it. I think my parents are going to be super ticked at me, but I just feel so uneasy.

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We use a tracphone for local calls and magic jack for long distance. My magicjack has been really buggy. I emailed with information about my brother and recent pictures including ones with his tattoo and called with the magicjack. The lady was so nice and got done half the report and the phone crapped out. She tried to call me back but when I pick up no one is there. I am going to try to skype my Mom and get her to do it. I think my parents are going to be super ticked at me, but I just feel so uneasy.


Let them be ticked. :grouphug:

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BTDT> My son was missing for 3 years. I didn't know if he was dead or alive. The thought of him being safe and healthy in a prison somewhere was a comforting thought. There is a database where you can check to see if your loved one is in prison and another to check and see if their SS# is in use. I wish you the best of luck. I know how scary and painful it can be. :grouphug:

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