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Would this make me a selfish mommy or a good mommy?

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Dilemna....and DH says to do whatever I want :glare:.


I just won an iPad 3 from the company I work with. Woohoo!!! Sooo excited!!!!


So here's the dilemna...should I keep it for myself or give it to my son for his birthday?


DS13 has a birthday on July 4th. He already has the iPad 2, got on his birthday last year. He was estatic to get it. He uses it quite often, but not it's not fully utilized as much as I know iPads can be used. It's mostly gaming, and some occasional schoolwork, like when I get him a book using the Kindle App, or have him watch something online. But he usually goes for the laptop if he does schoolwork. It's in great condition, like new, cuz he's careful with his stuff. His laptop, on the other hand, being almost 4 years old is on it's last leg. The screen is actually coming apart at the hinge..so that will need to be replaced, hopefully at Christmas.


I don't really have a NEED for an iPad. I have a laptop, a desktop Mac and an iPhone, all within reach anytime I am at home and the iPhone for on the go. While I could definately find some use for an iPad, likely school-related Apps for my younger DS and book reading for me, it's not a "have to have" thing.


So I could give DS13 the new iPad 3 as a b-day gift. Though I don't personally think the features of the iPad 3 are that much better than an iPad 2, so would it be that exciting for him when he just got the iPad last year for his birthday? And it won't reduce my having to spend $$ on birthday gifts, cuz I've gotten most of what I need for him already and the one big thing I was waiting to get, I have to get no matter, because it's really a "need" thing. On the other hand, it IS AN IPAD 3!!! He's an electronics geek, so he'd like that.


If I gave it to him, then I'd ask that he give me his iPad,(and he'd have no problem with that) and I can still use it for the same purposes I would have used the iPad 3.


On the other hand....I won it!! I had to work hard, put in over 47 hours last week, to get my name in the hat for it. I rarely get stuff for ME!! I like techno-gadgets too! I want to carry an iPad 3!!!


Hmm, should I be a selfish mommy and keep that baby for myself, or be a good mommy and give the newest to my son and take his older iPad?


What do you think?

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Dilemna....and DH says to do whatever I want :glare:.


I just won an iPad 3 from the company I work with. Woohoo!!! Sooo excited!!!!


So here's the dilemna...should I keep it for myself or give it to my son for his birthday?


DS13 has a birthday on July 4th. He already has the iPad 2, got on his birthday last year. He was estatic to get it. He uses it quite often, but not it's not fully utilized as much as I know iPads can be used. It's mostly gaming, and some occasional schoolwork, like when I get him a book using the Kindle App, or have him watch something online. But he usually goes for the laptop if he does schoolwork. It's in great condition, like new, cuz he's careful with his stuff. His laptop, on the other hand, being almost 4 years old is on it's last leg. The screen is actually coming apart at the hinge..so that will need to be replaced, hopefully at Christmas.


I don't really have a NEED for an iPad. I have a laptop, a desktop Mac and an iPhone, all within reach anytime I am at home and the iPhone for on the go. While I could definately find some use for an iPad, likely school-related Apps for my younger DS and book reading for me, it's not a "have to have" thing.


So I could give DS13 the new iPad 3 as a b-day gift. Though I don't personally think the features of the iPad 3 are that much better than an iPad 2, so would it be that exciting for him when he just got the iPad last year for his birthday? And it won't reduce my having to spend $$ on birthday gifts, cuz I've gotten most of what I need for him already and the one big thing I was waiting to get, I have to get no matter, because it's really a "need" thing. On the other hand, it IS AN IPAD 3!!! He's an electronics geek, so he'd like that.


If I gave it to him, then I'd ask that he give me his iPad,(and he'd have no problem with that) and I can still use it for the same purposes I would have used the iPad 3.


On the other hand....I won it!! I had to work hard, put in over 47 hours last week, to get my name in the hat for it. I rarely get stuff for ME!! I like techno-gadgets too! I want to carry an iPad 3!!!


Hmm, should I be a selfish mommy and keep that baby for myself, or be a good mommy and give the newest to my son and take his older iPad?


What do you think?

Keep it. It's not like this is an item of need for your son in any way - and he already has one (at 13!).


Keep it already.

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Keep it. Enjoy it. :001_smile:


:iagree: I think it is good for kids to see "Mom" get new things, and also good to be careful of them "learning" that they will always get the newest and shiniest (not that you are in any way suggesting that by giving it to him....that is so sweet, but they can learn to expect it IYKWIM).

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Another "keep it and enjoy it" here.


I don't think sending the message that hard work has rewards makes anyone a bad mother, but teaching others' hard work gets you rewards and they get you leftovers is sort of sketchy. (not suggesting that's the lesson if you give it to him, but it might be implied.)

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Keep it. Your ds doesn't need a new iPad and probably wouldn't appreciate it a whole lot. And it seems like it would be a bit over the top imho to get a kid that age an iPad and a pile of other gifts for a birthday. I don't think it's selfish at all for you to keep it for yourself. I think it would be a bit indulgent to give it to ds. But I'm a bit Spartan that way. :D

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Keep it.


I think giving it to him could potentially cause issues with your other kids on their birthdays. For him to get such an expensive item on top of everything else, is a bit much IMHO. Maybe your 9yo won't care now, but are you going to buy this child one when they turn 13 also?

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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I think you should keep it. You have gotten him birthday presents. He already has an IPAD 2. You do not need to give him more stuff.


Part of me thinks that if you give it to him, you will be supporting/developing a sense of entitlement that could be unpleasant to be around. Maybe not.

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Keep it. If he had no iPad, and had been wanting one forever, then if you don't want it as much as he does, you could give it to him. But he has an iPad2, just a year old. You won the new iPad. Keep it and enjoy it.



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