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What does the "breadwinner" in your house do?

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Dh is a theatre technician/stage manager. He has worked on a huge variety of shows from west end to opera, ballet and tours etc. He currently runs the theatre for a private school and freelances on the side.


He has an HND(one level down from a degree) in stage management and technical theatre from on of the UK's top theatre schools.


I would love that job!

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Such interesting jobs! My dh is now a filter monkey. He changes filters in commercial buildings-like Walmart, etc. He used to be a construction superintendent until people stopped buying houses and the companies stopped building them. We're grateful he's got this job. The bonus is that he climbs ladders all day so he's dropped 45 pounds. He has a high school diploma.

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Okay. Sort of a spinoff from another thread.


If you live on just one income from only one job, what does the "breadwinner" of the household do to earn a living?






Oh. Adding. What is their education??




He currently holds a BS in Manufacturing Engineering (or some such division of that) and is pursuing a Master's degree (MS).

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Sr. Systems Engineer specializing in VMware Virtualization. Otherwise known is extreme nerd.




So what does this say about me that I actually understand what he does!


My hubby does IT but has worked in many areas, from Mainframes, to PCs, help desk, networking, programming, system conversions, Database Administrator to Manager.


He has an associates in Computers and a bachelors in Business administration.

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We live off one income. Dh is a veterinarian, and we own our own hospital. We also lived off his sole income when he was an employed vet (not owner), but that would have been hard (to build assets for retirement, etc.) over the long term.


ETA: Education: BS, MS, DVM

Edited by StephanieZ
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Okay. Sort of a spinoff from another thread.


If you live on just one income from only one job, what does the "breadwinner" of the household do to earn a living?


Oh. Adding. What is their education??



Dh works for RIM, working in the software department.


He has a B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering and M.Sc. degree in Biomedical Engineering.


Dh love was to make technology accessable for handicapped people but there wasn't enough "breadwinning" capacity in the field...

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My DH is a chemist; his official job title at the moment is "Technical Director, Oilfield Services, S. America" though that sounds a little loftier than it actually is.


He has a BS in Chemistry as well as an MBA, and he's worked in petrochemicals since graduating with his BS, so 14 years now.


I am insanely proud of how far he's taken his career in the short time since graduating, and while maintaining a Family First attitude/work ethic throughout. Love, love, love where he's at now, and more importantly, the things he was & wasn't willing to do to get here.

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So what does this say about me that I actually understand what he does!


My hubby does IT but has worked in many areas, from Mainframes, to PCs, help desk, networking, programming, system conversions, Database Administrator to Manager.


He has an associates in Computers and a bachelors in Business administration.


It says you DH tells you about his day when he comes home. I gave up explaining what I do and just tell people I work on really big computers.

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Dh is a Civil Engineer for a public entity, specializing in transportation. He is actually a manager, the 2nd highest he could be without having to have sold his soul to whatever political party is in power at the moment:). He has a masters in Civil Engineering. While the public benefits are great, he could be making over 30% more if he worked in the private sector, that is, if there was consistent enough work in the private sector.

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My DH is the sole breadwinner. He works 4 10 hour days per week in manufacturing at a well known jelly manufacturer. With a name like........it has to be good! He has a highschool diploma and some college classes, but no degree. He has been working at his job for 8 years.

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DH is a RE appraiser with his own business. We also own and manage a few rental properties. I show properties, take applications, paint, call repairmen, etc. It comes in bursts of activity and isn't bad since we now have good renters. We could live off DH's appraiser income but have the rental properties as an investment.

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DH has a BS in elementary ed and a MS in ed administration. Right now though, he is unemployed and collecting unemployment (and the delivery job he picked up just to be doing something just closed a few weeks ago) and looking. We actually don't know where we'll be going next, but he has previously worked as a bowling alley mechanic and as an assistant manager at a pizza place. This is the time for hiring for schools, so we'll see where that goes!


I haven't finished school yet, but I was working toward a double load major of Botany and Zoology (wildlife ecology specialization) and minor in art. I am not taking classes right now though.


When DH lost his job, we did have to enroll the kids in a public school, but it was only because we had to move in with family temporarily. Otherwise, we would have cut down drastically on curric, but we would have continued. It allows us to have a huge freedom on where to relocate for employment, though he wants to stay within a certain distance of his parents.

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Okay. Sort of a spinoff from another thread.


If you live on just one income from only one job, what does the "breadwinner" of the household do to earn a living?






Oh. Adding. What is their education??


Dh is a plumbing contractor and also a partner in his brother's home building business. He is a high school graduate and completed his Master's plumbing licensing procedure and schooling, with a little additional schooling for a separate specific certification. He did go to college for a bit, but did not graduate.

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Dh is a college professor and political analyst. He has public speaking engagements fairly often, especially during an election year. He also teaches some on-line courses for a university and does workshops for the local social studies teachers in the public schools (on a federal grant). I guess I should say he has several jobs.


He has a Ph.D. and two Masters.

Edited by GraciebytheBay
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My husband has a BS in mechanical engineering and he's a manufacturing engineer. He has a wonderful job--good hours, great benefits, and most importantly he really enjoys his work. He has refused promotions in order to stay exactly where he is, doing the hands-on, creative design, repair and troubleshooting work that he just adores. I am SO endlessly grateful for the fact that he has a job he enjoys--that is worth everything to me, because I love my job too. ;)

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He's a software engineer with a bachelor's in computer science. He's studying for his master's in systems engineering. He's worked for the same company since 1987; he started as an IT person before there was really such a career as IT, hooking up networks and fixing computers when they broke. The company paid for his first degree (he went to school at night) and are paying for the second as well.

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dh is in sales. ba econ. bs accounting. mba.


1dd has a ba in classics and is a computer dba. currently saving for a house.

2dd has a ba in chem/minor in bio. is working on a PharmD.

both dd's will be able to comfortably support a family on their own incomes.

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One income. My dh has a Masters in Finance/Acctg. Currently a fed employee, working in Washington DC, as a mgr in CFO's office. for a legislative agency. I work part time to defray our son's private school tuition.

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DH is the sole breadwinner and has been for over 20 years. He is a Colonel in the AF (25 years in USAF) but currently working for a DOD agency directly. He has a BA in Physics and MS and PhD in applied physics. He also has program management certificates up to the max level (He could have picked up another master's degree with those but saw no need to go through that process). He works as a Program Director of a division where he has more than seventy people working for him (I don't quite remember the numbers) and then he is also in charge of another project and he also has another half job of which I am not sure about. What does this mean? He hardly has any free time at all- he is working from early morning to at least 8pm, most days. He is working at least half days on the weekends but travels a lot so he misses lots of weekends by traveling. He officially has somewhat more than 1.5 years until he can retire but we hope that he may be able to retire sometime earlier.

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My dh is a mechanic for South Carolina DOT. He worked for small shops for over 15 years and then took a huge paycut to go work for the state. The main reason was for health insurance. We also love the shorter hours and generous leave package. He does do side auto repair too. We also have rental properties that add some income, but mostly we put the money from that into having them paid off sooner.

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Technical writer. Ever since our kids were born he's also done extra jobs such as freelance writing and music for hire. Right now he also is in law school so he doesn't have the time to work extra jobs as much and we just have to live even leaner. We also recently moved near Music City where nearly everyone is a musician so paying gigs are not really much of an option anymore. He is the hardest working man I know, and I'm blessed to have him.:001_smile:


Missed this, adding: B.S. in communications, M.A. in journalism, completing 2nd year of law school


How cool! I live in TN and this was my profession (Tech Writer) before I decided to stay home. I LOVED my job and I do miss it sometimes. I do freelance work occasionally though!

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So interesting!


DH has a BS in Chemical Engineering. He graduated with a 4.0 - he is insanely smart (cute, too!).


He works for a very large and well known company. At first he was in manufacturing supply, specifically for diapers. He knows an obscene amount about diapers, but not enough to know that when I called him upset because one of our babies had a blow out, he shouldn't say, "User error.".


Now he has one of those jobs within the same company like Chandler from Friends - no one knows exactly what he does! :001_smile: My best explanation is that he analyzes sales data from one of their retailers. I think. He works from home most days, and his hours vary based on time of year and project.


His dream job? Professional paintball player and owner/manager of a paintball field. ;)

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Wireless Technician. Not like cellphones (LOL I get asked that every time I answer the question "What does your husband do?"), he builds/maintains towers and equipment that allow wireless communication from building to building. Sort of :tongue_smilie: He says my description of his job leaves something to be desired, but that's the best I can do! Maybe it would be more apt to say that he is gone 95% of the time and during that time he's 200-ish feet in the air ;)


His education? High School is the highest he's completed, though he does hold certifications in his field. For what he does, a degree doesn't really figure in - you just have to be good.

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Okay. Sort of a spinoff from another thread.


If you live on just one income from only one job, what does the "breadwinner" of the household do to earn a living?







Oh. Adding. What is their education??



He's a production manager and kind of an efficiency expert of sorts. :D

HOWEVER, I stayed home before he had his B.A.

I baby-sat to help income. He delivered pizzas in addition to his full time job while going to school.


Then when he graduated and found out we couldn't afford to re-pay student loans? Well, he sucked it up and joined the service. They paid off the loans and paid for most of his MBA and two master's degrees WHILE he was in the service.


He went to school WHILE working for thirteen years.


Needless to say, I REALLY like him. I wish the kids, especially DS, remember how HARD their dad worked to support our family and how unselfish he was to do all this so that I could be home with them.


Seriously. He's awesome.

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