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If you could move anywhere in the US, where would you move?

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If you could move anywhere in the US, where would you move?

If you had no home town, job was not an issue, and your move expenses would be paid.

We need to move back to the states next year and need to pick a state/town/place.

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We spent a number of years in NC, and I love it there. Our area had great medical facilities, low taxes, low COL, great universities, lots to do. We had lots of universities nearby, and I like the population that attracted-diverse, educated, intellectually curious. Lots of free music, art shows and museums, planetarium, etc. If DH could transport his current job there, we'd be there in a heartbeat.


My parents are retired and live there currently. In there case, you can't beat the weather, COL, medical facilities, etc. for senior citizens.


We are trying to get them to move to where we are now, but the COL here is substantially higher and they will take a hit on their house when they move.

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I live near Boston, and wouldn't want to live anywhere else :D


Cost of living is high, but IMO that's the price to pay for living near so many great resources. Lots of culture, museums, education, stuff to do; beautiful nature very close by (and we actually live near nature, but only 30 minutes from downtown Boston); great people. The weather can be miserable, but honestly I think I like it better than if I lived someplace that was always warm and sunny. :tongue_smilie:

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If you could move anywhere in the US, where would you move?

If you had no home town, job was not an issue, and your move expenses would be paid.

We need to move back to the states next year and need to pick a state/town/place.


If family (we have young adult children) or a job wasn't an issue I'd move to either the Pacific NW or the mountains of TN or NC

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I absolutely love our area of Pennsylvania. The only area that has tempted me to move is Hawaii, but that is just so far away from family, so we're likely only to do a year or two there after the kids move out.


I have lived in NY, FL, VA, & RI besides PA.


So moving? Hawaii I guess. But is staying put an option?

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I've lived here in the Seattle area my whole life, but visited enough other places to know I'm really happy to be here. Great people, weather is mild (rarely hot or cold), lots of outdoor activities, cultural events. Love it.


But the history buff side of me wouldn't mind spending a couple years on the East Coast, so we could easily visit places like DC, Boston, the Civil War battlefields, NYC, Philadelphia, etc. It's just so expensive to travel cross country as a family of 8 (especially since we would be driving). We could never afford the trip or the time off dh would need. But if we lived over there, we could do shorter trips every so often and that would so fun.


In the end, though, Seattle is such a great place to live, I'd always come back here.

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I crazy love where we live -- two hours east of Seattle, over the Cascade mountains, in the verdant valley of Kittitas (go any further east and you're dealing with more deserty type landscape). Small town, but a state university is located here so we have some great opportunities related to that (including jobs, but also music, sports, Running Start, library, etc.). Lots of outdoor activities, four seasons, friendly people, vibrant downtown core, lower cost of living than Seattle. One negative many people claim is "poor shopping" for every day living, but I haven't had that experience. We make it work.


I've lived in Colorado Springs and didn't like it (although I know many do and for good specific reasons!). Being from the Seattle area, I missed *water*. If I had to choose somewhere else, it'd be somewhere similar to here, but within walking distance from the beach.

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Someplace within a five minute walk of the beach. Preferably a warm beach that can be used 12 months out of the year, even if it's slightly chilly in winter. No snow on the beach though please. I'd prefer the Atlantic coast or the Florida Gulf. North Carolina has always sounded nice. If I could transport my current home to the beach that would be nice. Sadly that isn't going to happen.

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North Carolina...:001_smile:


We lived along coastal NC for a couple of years and loved it. We moved to be closer to family -mistake in some ways, but not others. ;)

We have looked for a job for dh just to go back for a couple of years now but so far it has not worked for us. In your scenario if a job were not the factor we would be there within a day. ;)

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I'd love to live on one of the beautiful islands up in Puget Sound in Washington state. You'd have a quiet, peaceful, beautiful environment, yet be close to Seattle, a really great city. This totally appeals to the artist in me. :)


Another option for me personally would be Minnesota. Mainly, location is wonderful because it's smack dab in the middle of the nation. Minneapolis is another great city to live near, and the cost of living there is one of the best in the nation - while wages are very, very good. I'd also love to have four very distinct seasons during the year. Where I live in Oregon the weather is very mild and our seasons aren't nearly as different as they are in the midwest. As much as I love the PNW, I would not miss the gray skies and rain that are all part of the package.




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I love where I live (N. CA) but I'm getting increasingly anxious to get out before the state goes bankrupt. 10 years ago, I would have never believed myself if I'd said I wanted to move to the Salt Lake City area. . . but I think we're going to try to get there in the next few years. Most of our extended family seems to be settling there for good (on both sides, yes we're LDS :lol:).

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Fort Wayne, Indiana. We've lived here for almost four years and have to move this summer to Indianapolis. :(


I grew up in Georgia, so that's home but I have enjoyed living in milder temperatures and getting to enjoy some snow every year. Great place to raise a family and housing is much cheaper here.

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If you could move anywhere in the US, where would you move?

If you had no home town, job was not an issue, and your move expenses would be paid.

We need to move back to the states next year and need to pick a state/town/place.


We moved to Oregon because we WANTED to be here. It's as beautiful as we thought. But, I admit, we want to be back home in the Midwest but because of family. If we didn't have family we would definitely stay.



As much as I love the PNW, I would not miss the gray skies and rain that are all part of the package.





This part IS hard if you're used to sun at all. Eastern Oregon would be a great solution! ;)

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We love the southern California where we go for vacations (Carlsbad/Encinitas/La Jolla - basically just north of San Diego). The weather is gorgeous and the scenery is stunning. I'd love to live in one of those cute little beach houses in Encinitas, just a block from the beach. However, with the concerns about California's economy, and the fact that it costs so much to buy a house there, I don't know . . .


If we stayed in AZ, I think Flagstaff would be lovely. For now, I guess we are happy living in central AZ, and spending a few days in CA in the summer, and a few days in Flagstaff in winter. :001_smile:



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I have a few "dream" places I'd like to live and most involve a cottage near the beach either in NC or in a New England state. I don't think any of them will ever be a reality because there are lots of other considerations. Sigh!


For practical purposes, I like living in NJ...it is centrally located to Philly, NY, and DC. There are beaches nearby and I live in the southern part of the state so it is very, very rural and good for having a garden. I like having four seasons...though this year winter could hardly be called winter it was so mild. My family lives here and we have a nice community because we grew up here and know people. There are plenty of downsides as well like high taxes and insurance rates but I have to tell myself there are pluses and minuses everywhere.

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Florida Gulf! Atlantic's too rough and not as pretty. :tongue_smilie:


Someplace within a five minute walk of the beach. Preferably a warm beach that can be used 12 months out of the year, even if it's slightly chilly in winter. No snow on the beach though please. I'd prefer the Atlantic coast or the Florida Gulf. North Carolina has always sounded nice. If I could transport my current home to the beach that would be nice. Sadly that isn't going to happen.
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We would move back to South Carolina so the kids could be close to their grandparents. Both my parents and dh's parents live there (less than a mile apart!). With that said I really love where we are now in Kentucky. I wasn't sure when dh told us where we were moving, but I really don't want to leave here anytime soon.

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I wouldn't move, I really like Houston. It has a low COL, lots of sports and cultural programming, nice weather 8 months of the year and great hsing laws and support. Galveston's beaches aren't the best, but they're close enough for a day trip or weekend and great for long walks. The Houston Grand Opera, Alley Theatre and Houston Ballet are very good companies and it's easy to get to the theater district. There's a lot of variety here and interesting corners to explore.


The down sides are the miserably hot and humid summers and allergy season.

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I love where we live. North-central Wisconsin is thickly wooded, lots of lakes and rivers, 4 seasons, tons of wildlife, close enough for day jaunts to culture centers like Minneapolis, Madison, Milwaukee, and Chicago, and very, very cheap to live in.


But if you kicked me out of the nest, I'd love to live in western Oregon. We visited some of dh's family outside of Eugene on the Mackenzie last year. Totally gorgeous. Great people. Interesting art and culture.

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Someplace within a five minute walk of the beach. Preferably a warm beach that can be used 12 months out of the year, even if it's slightly chilly in winter. No snow on the beach though please. I'd prefer the Atlantic coast or the Florida Gulf. North Carolina has always sounded nice. If I could transport my current home to the beach that would be nice. Sadly that isn't going to happen.

Directly oceanfront in a mansion (live in a small house now). We said money was no object, right?


Hawaii, Bahamas, Maldives, French Polynesia, maybe the Keys....all sound ok to me.

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