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does this phrase bother you....

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No, it doesn't bother me. I just says to me that the father is taking an active role in the pregnancy and is really excited. I think if it as an expression, not a declaration.


Dh didn't use the term, but I don't think much of it when I hear it.

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when someone says "we are pregnant"?


I often find myself saying, "When we were active duty," even though I have never been a member of the armed forces. We both had out parts to play and even though he was in the military and not me, it was a team effort. Pregnancy is the same way. It is a life transforming team effort, and if some goofy dad wants to say that, he has earned the privilege. I do think it is goofy, but I am glad he recognizes that he is half of the parenting team.

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"We" are expecting.


"I" am pregnant.




'We' were never pregnant. I don't remember dh getting stretch marks, morning sickness that lasted all day for months, raging hormone fluctuations, not to mention all the 'fun' doctor visits/tests/checks. And let's not even START on labor, mmmkay?


No. WE were not pregnant. :glare: :lol:


(My dh would NEVER have used that term. Yes, I fully admit I was not a fun pregnant wife. But he fully admits that if men had to bear the children, we'd never have had any. :D)

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I often find myself saying, "When we were active duty," even though I have never been a member of the armed forces. We both had out parts to play and even though he was in the military and not me, it was a team effort. Pregnancy is the same way. It is a life transforming team effort, and if some goofy dad wants to say that, he has earned the privilege. I do think it is goofy, but I am glad he recognizes that he is half of the parenting team.


:iagree: It doesn't bother me.


OTOH, if a man said, "we're in labor," I might feel differently. ;)

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Not even a little bit.


I did have a bit of a :001_huh: moment when DH called his parents to announce that "we got out of surgery just fine" after my c-section. But he was excited and I was on drugs, so I let it go.


He was in the room and I'm pretty sure he meant that I was done with surgery and we were now with the baby.

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Sounds dorky too me. I think it sounds so much nicer when a husband gives all the credit to his better half and announces that his lovely wife is pregnant. Gee - this is her moment to get a little attention!


Totally agree. I'm picky like that and wouldn't want DH to piggy back on the ordeal. It is a huge sacrifice, journey, change, and challenge that a man does not feel. I want to take the credit for going through it.

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I blink a bit at the phrase because my thoughts are, "Really? "We" are gaining weight, throwing up every day - maybe several times every day? "We" are watching our feet disappear as well as our ankles? "We" are facing labor pains and then the lovely postpartum blech?"


So for me it is not "we" are not pregnant but "I" am pregnant. "We are expecting a baby" sounds much better, imo.

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Yes, it bugs me when it's the DH/father announcing it. But I'll admit to having run into a real 'winner' of a guy who would use phrases like that. One of the times he really got my hackles up when he said, "I don't think WE 'LL need on of those [epidurals]." (because he didn't want to spend the money). He's now the ex of my friend.

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Yes. I prefer "we're pregnant." :D


I don't think dh ever said it, but it doesn't bother me. If it helps the husband feel more involved, why not? He did have something to do with it after all. And he has to deal with a hormonal, most likely puking wife for 9 months.


But I do understand having a pet peeve that other people don't get, so I won't judge you. :Angel_anim:

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Not even a little bit.


I did have a bit of a :001_huh: moment when DH called his parents to announce that "we got out of surgery just fine" after my c-section. But he was excited and I was on drugs, so I let it go.


He was in the room and I'm pretty sure he meant that I was done with surgery and we were now with the baby.


Dh called his sister after we had Dd8 and told her that he made it.:001_huh::glare:

We are pregnant may be my least favorite phrase. Why not just say "we are expecting?"

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I often find myself saying, "When we were active duty," even though I have never been a member of the armed forces. We both had out parts to play and even though he was in the military and not me, it was a team effort. Pregnancy is the same way. It is a life transforming team effort, and if some goofy dad wants to say that, he has earned the privilege. I do think it is goofy, but I am glad he recognizes that he is half of the parenting team.





What we go through, we go through together. I have to admit, I would rather deal with pregnancy than deal with some pregnant women I have seen. :blink:


I do agree it sounds kind of silly though.

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