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woah baby! (a bit CC)

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I just discovered I am expecting #7. My DH is fine with this, just worried about my own health, but we are in such a patch of economic hardship that EVERYONE ELSE in my life is going to come down on me like a reign of terror.


Because my DH lost his job and we lost our home two months later, we are currently living in my in-laws basement- DH, I, my 6 other children. It was our last option before being homeless as I do not have much family. This was traumatic for me as I had to give up homeschooling (their rules) and they do not like me, even after years and years. I am still afterschooling around their local public school and plan to homeschool when DH finds a new job and we move.


I am a practicing Catholic- something that is mocked often by my ILs (even though they claim to be Catholic). DH and I use NFP- but since we moved here 4 months ago, we've been abstaining except for 1 particular :D during my 'safe' week because of the entire situation. Well- God clearly wanted this baby to be here, and I'm not going to question that.


If possible though, keep me in your prayers a bit so that I may have strength to face all the negativity, the "Well, I hope you miscarry," comments, "don't you know how that happens", the "why didn't you get your tubes tied during your c-section," the "pregnancy after a c-section can endanger your life," type comments I'm going to get from everyone else? I know I'm more of a lurker, but this board has been very comforting during all this stress going on in my life right now. I got many of those types of comments when I was expecting #6, and we were in a comfortable situation two years ago; I don't want to know what they'll all say now.

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I have seven, other mothers here have more. Just ignore them and get out of dodge as fast as you can. To a certain extent, you're going to have to deal because you're there, in their house, but that doesn't mean you have to own their opinions of you and yours, you know?


I'll be praying.


And :party::party::party:

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Congratulations! As you said, "God clearly wanted this baby to be here", and this baby is a blessing. Your ILs may not be happy, but you don't need their validation in order to enjoy the new life growing inside who will join your family soon. This is a blessing in the middle of a difficult time in your family's life, a reminder that God does have plans for your family.

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Congrats!!! What a blessing this baby will be to your own family. Sorry for the circumstances you are in with your hubby and kids. Not a catholic but we do believe in not using BC (only naturally based BC such as calendar method and such)....


Hopefully your circumstances will change with jobs and home that is exclusive to you/hubby and your kids.





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:grouphug: I know how much it hurts when people are less than gracious about pregnancy announcements. Our last two were "we just bumped elbows" babies and it felt like DH, the kids, and I were the only ones in our world who were excited about the news. I pray that 2012 holds more favorable circumstances for you and your family.

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:grouphug: congratulations! Your hubby's opinion is the most important.


Prayers your way for an improvement for your financial situation to go along with your new bundle of joy.


oh, and get a pair of earplugs for when you have to be around your ils.;)

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We were in somewhat similar circumstances a year ago when we discovered we were expecting number four. We weren't living with parents, but we weren't exactly financially stable. Well, we still aren't financially stable, but we don't regret our sweet baby boy one little bit. Money will come and go, but we can't imagine not having this little guy -- he adds so very much sweetness and joy to our lives!

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Congratulations on your precious blessing!!


I'm so sorry that you are going through a tough season, but it will end. You are in my prayers and thoughts. Hold tight to your DH and children through this. You will come out on the other side.



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Congratulations! As you said, "God clearly wanted this baby to be here", and this baby is a blessing. Your ILs may not be happy, but you don't need their validation in order to enjoy the new life growing inside who will join your family soon. This is a blessing in the middle of a difficult time in your family's life, a reminder that God does have plans for your family.


:iagree: and :hurray: God never makes mistakes!

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I'll pray for your peace. And a huge CONGRATULATIONS for this new baby! What a blessing!


Me too. Congrats...and just don't say anything. They will figure it out...and when they do, you can say why you kept it a secret. Maybe, by then dh will have a job....and you can relax and enjoy your baby. Prayers and :grouphug:


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I think you are very lucky to be pregnant!


I think your seventh child will be blessed and lucky

and will bring you joy!


I send you good thoughts and I pray that you have a peaceful time.

I pray that your husband will find a job soon.


Just say to IL's: That's not a very nice thing to say.

Or: That doesn't make me feel very happy to be treated like that.

Or just ignore them--they sound like they are not worth answering,


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