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My children all look very much alike (even my DD from a previous marriage). They all also look just like me. My 9 yr old DD and 18 yr old DD both get told every time we are out somewhere that they look exactly like me. I'm sure they are sick of hearing it.


As for my sister and I, I don't think we look anything alike.

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No. They both have long eyelashes, but they otherwise look very different. Hobbes is short and (relatively) muscular, with copper-brown hair, an enormous smile and brown eyes. Calvin is tall and very thin, with very dark hair, grey-blue eyes and a reserved manner. Hobbes looks like Husband, Calvin looks like me (except that the eye colours are reversed).



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My kids definitely look alike, and they all favor my side of the family. Our dd and our youngest ds look the most alike, people mentioned it right from birth. My siblings and I all look alike, my sister and I often get asked if we are twins, dd looks uncannily like my sister, I frequently call her my sister's name by mistake. I also have a twin cousin, my dad and his dad are identical twins and we are only a month apart, we got asked in high school if we were twins all the time. My oldest ds reminds me of a cross between my brother and my dh. It's funny to see pictures of people I don't know and see resemblances, my mil comes from a very large family (her dad hassle 10 siblings and then 10 children if his own). Many of those family members reside in the same city still, and we see them at the massive reunion every few years and my oldest ds really looks a lot like them as well.

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My 8yo dd and 4yo ds look very much alike. My 9yo dd and 1yo ds DO pass for twins in baby photos. The two sets are completeopposite (blonde and fair vs. brunette and 'tanned'). Light set looks like me, darker set like dh.


My 13yo has a different father and looks like none of his siblingson either side. I feel bad that he's the odd manout.

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You can tell that mine are siblings. Like my sister and I growing up there are some years they look more alike than others. When they were younger I would frequently be asked if they were twins (they are 2 years apart). Feature wise, my ds looks the most like me. Dd looks like dh, only with my face. It is kind of funny to see my features in her fathers shaped head.

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Honestly....I don't think so, but you tell me. My oldest has different genetics than my younger 2 and I think she looks just like her dad. The younger two, well, I think they both look just like their dad too, but in different ways, lol.


I don't know. I was really hoping DD and DS (the younger two) would look alike seeing as though they had the same genetics, but I don't think they do. :( Aside from their coloring that is.


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My 2 oldest do not look anything alike, nor do they look like my younger 2 children except for having blue eyes and being left handed. No one identifies them as siblings. My oldest ds is blonde hair with blue eyes no one identifies him with me at all.:lol: His first day at MDO the lady told me "He can not possibly be your child.":001_huh:


My younger 2 born 5 and 10 years later look very much alike and have the same mannerisms. No doubt they are siblings.

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My 2 look exactly like each other.


The only slight difference is that my dd has slightly more olive skin and tans easily where as my youngest is slightly fairer in skin and hair colour but even that is only noticeable at the height of summer when dd has a slight tan. I suppose looking hard my dd has black eyelashes and my ds has blond and dd has green gray eyes where as ds has blue though my dd's used to be blue and changed around 5 yrs.


They look a lot like my dh apart from colouring as he has black hair and very olive skin.

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Well, two of mine are identical twins...but my oldest looks so much like them that I've been asked several times if they were triplets. It is getting worse now that the twins are almost as tall as their sister.


My half-brother and I look a LOT alike. It can be weird sometimes seeing my face on a man...:lol:


My dh and his brother didn't even look related when they were younger. My dh was blond, had a dark complection, and a stockier build while his brother was a tall twig, pale, covered with freckles, and had flaming red hair. Now that they are getting older, his brother's hair has faded to clear, and they are both um...husky. They look related now :lol:

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My oldest dd looks like a perfect combination of my dh and me.

My ds looks like a a mini dh except with hair :D

my 2 younger dds looks like each other, except one has blond hair and the other one's hair is starting to turn red (from my grandfather).


We have an interesting blend of genetics going on here - Spain, Guadalupe (Aztec), Finnish, Polish, and Italian :001_smile:

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Honestly....I don't think so, but you tell me. My oldest has different genetics than my younger 2 and I think she looks just like her dad. The younger two, well, I think they both look just like their dad too, but in different ways, lol.


I don't know. I was really hoping DD and DS (the younger two) would look alike seeing as though they had the same genetics, but I don't think they do. :( Aside from their coloring that is.


At first glance, I think they look alike, but it's probably the blue eyes and blond hair. I think your younger two have the same nose and mouth.


They are all gorgeous!

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Honestly....I don't think so, but you tell me. My oldest has different genetics than my younger 2 and I think she looks just like her dad. The younger two, well, I think they both look just like their dad too, but in different ways, lol.


I don't know. I was really hoping DD and DS (the younger two) would look alike seeing as though they had the same genetics, but I don't think they do. :( Aside from their coloring that is.



I can't believe you don't think they look alike! I think they all three resemble each other, though the younger two definitely more. Out of a room full of kids, I would pick them out as siblings.

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My twins look like each other (they are fraternal so they don't have to lol) and my brother and I look just like each other. One of my twins looks so much like my brother that if I show people pictures of my brother at twins age they totally miss the 80s clothes and think it is my son! My whole extended family looks very similar. We always tease incoming family members by marriage that there is no chance their children will look like them!

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My DDs look very much alike. Slightly different noses, but otherwise the same. Ds9 also looks a lot like his sisters, but he has different eyes (mine, instead of dh's). There is definitely a mold. Those 3 lean more towards dh's dark olive completion. Ds11 is our total white boy. He looks exactly like MY brother. He got his personality as well.

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I get asked if my girls are twins all the time. My girls are two years apart but almost the same height and they have the same hair color. Honestly, to me, that is where the similarities end. In the face, I think they look very different. Sweet-Pea has dark brown eyes and looks almost just like I did when I was a kid. Boo-Boo has hazel eyes and looks like dh's aunt (who also happens to be Boo-Boo's Godmother). I get asked if they are twins pretty much every time I take them out.

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My children look so much alike that one of them can be out in public alone and people will come up and ask them if so and so is their sister and then tell them that they look just alike. Two of them look so much alike that sometimes I mistake them for each other. I have pcitures of all of the girls from about age 13 or so in which they look exactly like a picture I had of myself at that age. Currently the two olest girls look a lot alike although people still tell girl #2 and girl #3 that they look like. #3 and #4 look so much alike that we have some pictures that we don't know which child it is. The youngest currently looks a little different than the rest but she does look like some of her sisters did when they were her age. A few Christmas ago my oldest got me a set of frames and put a picture of each child at the same age (so when they were all about 9 months old) in them. There are definitely three sets that look a lot like each other.



People have stopped my son in the street and said your so and so kid aren't you. Not only that every single one of them has went through a stage in which they looked like the other kids. My son's dd is definitely his child. SHe looks just like all of my kids and one of my brother's dds could easily be my child as she also looks just like my girls. I guess we have pretty strong genes.

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I am definitely not good at telling whether people look alike or not. I have no idea if my kids look like each other. At first though, I'd say no.


Someone look at my kids and tell me what you think....my blog link is in my signature and there's lots of pictures. Everyone also says each of my kids looks like my husband in a different way. There's some pics of him on there too.

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well, my oldest dd and youngest ds look very much alike. Easy to tell they are related. the look like me :o). Dad's a little more average looking, but they both have his build, walk, mannerisms, etc. They just look like me..or my brother in the case of my ds. Everyone thought my brother and I were twins growing up. I have a pic of myself in 2nd grade with little pigtails, and my oldest dd always marvels at that picture because if you put your fingers over the pigtails, it looks just like my ds when he was little. scary. Anyway, my middle dd looks exactly like my mother (I favor my dad). She's built like my side of the family. She looks more like her cousins than her siblings. Yep, genetics is a funny thing.

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My children look so much alike that one of them can be out in public alone and people will come up and ask them if so and so is their sister and then tell them that they look just alike.


My kids are the same way. My ds outweighs his sister by about 30 lbs, but other than that, they look just like each other.

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I am definitely not good at telling whether people look alike or not. I have no idea if my kids look like each other. At first though, I'd say no.


Someone look at my kids and tell me what you think....my blog link is in my signature and there's lots of pictures. Everyone also says each of my kids looks like my husband in a different way. There's some pics of him on there too.


I don't think they look very much alike. But they're all ADORABLE!!!! And I LOVE your blog! I've been reading it for the last 15 minutes and I gotta say- You are definitely Mrs. Incredible! I LOVE all your craft projects and the post about the children's todays becoming yesterdays brought tears to my eyes.

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I am definitely not good at telling whether people look alike or not. I have no idea if my kids look like each other. At first though, I'd say no.


Someone look at my kids and tell me what you think....my blog link is in my signature and there's lots of pictures. Everyone also says each of my kids looks like my husband in a different way. There's some pics of him on there too.


I don't think I would be able to tell that your kids are related if I saw them out and about. However, they are both absolutely, TOTALLY adorable. They look like a lot of fun! :D I think the older one looks slightly more like you and the younger slightly like your husband, but that could just be the pics.

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My three look astoundingly similar to one another. When I brought newborn #3 in to the pediatrician, I plunked him on the table and the doctor exclaimed, "You make the same baby each time!" DH is Chinese and I am white, and the children all look much more like one another than they do either one of us.

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When I saw the first ultrasound of my dd (facial profile), I thought she looked just like her brother.

I thought the same with my daughter.


I get asked if my girls are twins all the time. My girls are two years apart but almost the same height and they have the same hair color. Honestly, to me, that is where the similarities end.

I get the same with my boys who are 21 months apart. They do have the same eye color, though. My oldest favors my side of the family and my second favors my husband's side. Baby girl looks like me.


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Do your children look like siblings? I mean, can people tell they are related? I feel like my son and daughter (not my oldest dd from a previous marriage) look very different. I've been told my son looks like me, though I'm not sure I see it. But I know my dd takes after my MIL. Even their baby pictures were nearly identical, down to the shape of the eyes, nose and mouth! Boy I'm glad I love my MIL! :tongue_smilie:


My sister is 6 yrs older than me and we definitely looked similar when we were children. I don't know why, but I've been thinking of her a great deal every time I look in the mirror. I see her face looking back at me. It's kind of strange.


Yes, mine have always looked like twins. They definitely look alike. My husband and I look sort of similar in coloring and features as well, so that isn't surprising.


However, I looked nothing like my family of origin. Both parents had black hair and dark eyes - I am a blue-eyed blonde.


My siblings all looked different from me. No, I truly am a birth child. My Mom just said over and over she was going to have a blonde-haired, blue-eyed little girl. She had two miscarriages and then me. She had what she said! Everyone laughed at her until I was born.

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Two of my kids look like me and the other two look like their father.


People used to think two of my girls were twins when they were younger. Now that they are teenagers they don't look like each other very much. The 14 year old is 5'9" with red hair and the 15 year old is 5'3" with brown hair.

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People tell me daily that "you can tell" my DD and DS's are siblings. They are not biologically related. People ask if they are triplets. DD is 2.5 years older. People INFORM me the twins are OBVIOUSLY identical. They are most likely fraternal (though we have not had this conclusively tested).


So yeah, my kids apparently look much more eerily alike than they're supposed to!


That said, I've also had people who don't know us tell me that it is obvious that DW and I are sisters (we are most certainly not!!!), so that may be the source of the problem.

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My 3 girls look similar and all look like their father. Two of them are identical, so I get why people think they look so much alike. :) The youngest has the same color eyes, skin tone, and hair color as them but I don't think they look much like her other than that. Her face is shaped differently and she has curly hair and they don't. I get asked if they are triplets regularly, however. Little DD is about 15-18lbs lighter and about 10in. shorter than them....so I don't get that at all! I think maybe I think they look less like her than others because I don't think the twins look alike anymore and little sister obviously has a lot more differences between each of them than they do between each other.


My DS looks nothing like his sisters. He looks like me and has very pale skin, blue eyes, and blond hair. His hair is also much thicker than theirs and a very different texture. He's extremely skinny too and while they are all very small for their age in height and weight, the girls have never looked as skinny as him.

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