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coffee drinkers

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What brand do you like best? Is it a brand that is advertised on tv like Folgers and Maxwell House, or something you special order? I usually drink the ones I've mentioned, but I would like to try something new. Something really good. I'm looking for a regular cup of coffee with cream and sugar, not espresso or anything that might make my hair stand up on end. :tongue_smilie:

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I used to love Dunkin Donuts. :)


Now, I am addicted to Counter Culture. We have a bi-weekly subscription, so we get it freshly roasted. :) Freshly roasted makes a big difference.


Toscano is my favorite, which is an espresso blend but I adore their coffee blends too! Yum. I want to try their new "farmhouse blend" actually, now that I've peeked at their website again.


I love that they are in NC, and I think their business practices are sound - which is a big bonus.


Here's their website: http://counterculturecoffee.com/home

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I like Central American coffees a lot. Some of my favorite coffees tend to be from Costa Rica or Guatemala. I think these are considered more acidic? Anyway, DH has helped me figure out what I like through the years and I find if we pick out a Central American coffee, I'm usually happy.


We buy from Equal Exchange or similar (carried by WFs or co-op type places), or sometimes from Costco or Trader Joe's.

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We grind our own, so we always buy whole bean.


Favorite: Kona coffee from Hawaii. I will research who wins the Kona Cup Coffee Awards each year and sometimes I will order from them for Christmas presents.


Everyday: Costco's Seattle's Best.


For Variety: Various specialty blends at Costco or sometimes Starbucks.

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For affordable coffees, Yuban is probably my favorite, and second would be Chock full o' Nuts. My very favorite, and not so affordable coffee, is Jamaica Blue Mountain. A friend went to Jamaica years ago and brought some back for me and I couldn't believe how wonderful it was. I've never found another brand that compared.

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I like Peet's coffee but really don't spend that much on a regular basis. I settle for the bags of Starbucks beans or Kirkland brand beans at Costco for my regular coffee. Kirkland brand says "roasted by Starbucks" on the label and really is similar to Starbucks breakfast blend. I prefer the French roast but it is double the price. Peets is even more!


I rarely drink anything that comes out of a can if I can help it.

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ON our first trip to Hawaii and a visit to a coffee plantation we pretty much became coffee adicts and snobs. :001_smile:

Hawaiian is first choice, but wayyyyyyy too excpensive. We buy a local roaster brand at Costco now. However, when we feel like a splurge we drive 30 mins to a local roaster.

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This http://www.google.com/products/catalog?pq=poop+coffee&hl=en&cp=4&gs_id=1d&xhr=t&q=kopi+luwak&client=safari&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=768&bih=946&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=18023229164530815858&sa=X&ei=uACSTr3rCcSGsAK1-IWPAQ&sqi=2&ved=0CEwQ8wIwAQ





Okay, totally kidding.:D. Dunkin' donuts or whatever will fit into my Keurig because I truly am so stinking lazy that I would rather push a button for 50 cent a cup coffee than to wait for a pot to brew.

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Starbucks, French Roast beans. We grind it here. Costco's beans are also good.


I can't drink preground, the preservative on the grinds makes me sick -even the smell of it makes me nauseous. Dunkin Donuts? Get me past it ASAP.


And, I hate that, too. I don't like being a coffee snob, but I don't like feeling sick worse. And, I didn't used to be this way, as we stopped using pregound I became extremely sensitive to it.

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I'm promiscuous when it comes to coffee. The only times I buy something I've bought before is when I'm in a hurry or not in the mood for something new (very rare). The ones I'd buy again: Caribou (a medium roast one, only with coupon) Cafe du Monde, Coffee Beanery (dark roast and another, can't remember, probably a house blend), Community Coffee (between roast, dark roast and Special roast). I'm going through the Lola Savannah roasts right now. For espresso, I usually get Cafe Bustelo. I like it more than Starbucks.

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I prefer the coffee I order from Cafe Britt. I order about 4 months worth at a time...I've gotten really spoiled and do not buy any from the local grocery stores. It's easy to order and pay with paypal. And it is so convenient to have it stored in the freezer - I never run out :) Whole bean is the only way I'll buy it...pre-ground just seems stale.

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Years back we noticed that weddings at nice hotels always had delicious coffee, so we asked what they served, and the answer was almost always Farmer Brothers. So that's our brand - we love it. We have only been able to find it at Stater Bros.

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A few years ago, my taste changed and I couldn't seem to get a cup of coffee I liked. We went through a bunch of brands, and I finally found the perfect cup... Folger's Columbian. I like it better than Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, and all the others that we tried. At work, we sometimes have Eight O'Clock Columbian, and it's good, too, although I prefer Folgers. It has to be the Columbian though. It's bold but not so strong that it's bitter.

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For everyday drinking I like East African varieties like Ethiopian Sidamo, Harar, and Yergacheffe and Kenyan AA. I'm also very partial to Indonesian varieties such as Sulawesi and Sumatra.


For very special treats genuine Yemen Mocha and genuine Hawaiian Kona (if it if not over-roasted) are heavenly.



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For everyday drinking I like East African varieties like Ethiopian Sidamo, Harar, and Yergacheffe and Kenyan AA. I'm also very partial to Indonesian varieties such as Sulawesi and Sumatra.


For very special treats genuine Yemen Mocha and genuine Hawaiian Kona (if it if not over-roasted) are heavenly.




In our house, the beloved Yergacheffe has been replaced by the Nayarita Natural from here.


...and for those who have not heard me rave about the Aeropress yet... go get one immediately!!! :D

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