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I picked up a call on my cell, didn't recognize the number

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I say,"Hello", the person says,

"Who is this?" I say "you have the wrong number", since I don't recognize the voice at all....and hang up. What is wrong with this picture? Did the person not call me? They have called back twice since.



Maybe I am just in a fowl mood and should have said who I was but still....When I call someone, they usually say hello and than I say who I am.....

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That's annoying. I had a text from someone, stating that a certain female "was going to driver's ed after school but that I have an appointment this morning and can you watch little Johnny"....blah blah blah.

It was a number from where I used to live, the east coast. I texted back that this number wasn't who she thought it was and she quickly texted back with apologies. That way, they know it isn't their friend after all, and that they need to get the right number.

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I answer, "whom were you trying to call?"


Once I got a call from a guy who asked "is (some girl's name) there?" I said, "sorry, wrong number." He tried two more times! The third time I said, "dude, she gave you a fake number, she did not really like you, she did not really want you to call her." He said "oh man, that's harsh."

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I answer, "whom were you trying to call?"


This is what I do, too.


Once I got a call from a guy who asked "is (some girl's name) there?" I said, "sorry, wrong number." He tried two more times! The third time I said, "dude, she gave you a fake number, she did not really like you, she did not really want you to call her." He said "oh man, that's harsh."



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I answer, "whom were you trying to call?"


Once I got a call from a guy who asked "is (some girl's name) there?" I said, "sorry, wrong number." He tried two more times! The third time I said, "dude, she gave you a fake number, she did not really like you, she did not really want you to call her." He said "oh man, that's harsh."



So funny :lol::lol:

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I answer, "whom were you trying to call?"


Once I got a call from a guy who asked "is (some girl's name) there?" I said, "sorry, wrong number." He tried two more times! The third time I said, "dude, she gave you a fake number, she did not really like you, she did not really want you to call her." He said "oh man, that's harsh."



You go, girl! :lol:

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I answer, "whom were you trying to call?"


Once I got a call from a guy who asked "is (some girl's name) there?" I said, "sorry, wrong number." He tried two more times! The third time I said, "dude, she gave you a fake number, she did not really like you, she did not really want you to call her." He said "oh man, that's harsh."


And I imagine he's grateful that somebody finally told him the truth. :)


Doesn't always work, though. I spent an entire summer in a new apartment trying to convince the young lady who called daily that Maurice was not there, I did not know anybody named Maurice, and I most assuredly was not a homewrecking #$%#$ who stole her man. I kept hoping Maurice would phone so I could ask him to call her off.

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I answer, "whom were you trying to call?"


Once I got a call from a guy who asked "is (some girl's name) there?" I said, "sorry, wrong number." He tried two more times! The third time I said, "dude, she gave you a fake number, she did not really like you, she did not really want you to call her." He said "oh man, that's harsh."


I knew I liked you.

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Doesn't always work, though. I spent an entire summer in a new apartment trying to convince the young lady who called daily that Maurice was not there, I did not know anybody named Maurice, and I most assuredly was not a homewrecking #$%#$ who stole her man. I kept hoping Maurice would phone so I could ask him to call her off.


This happened to me too - except the woman would call in the middle of the night, curse at me, tell me to send her man home, etc. I kept trying to explain to her that she had the wrong number but it only made her more angry and call more frequently. I don't know what made her stop but I was grateful she did. I was about to change my number!

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I expect someone who calls me to identify themselves first. If someone calls me and says, "Who is this?" I generally reply, "Who is THIS?" or "Who are you trying to reach?" After all, they are calling me. They have the obligation to identify themselves. Does someone knock on your door then say, "Who are you," when you open the door? I think not....


I have had folks question me indignantly when I refuse to hand out my name to a stranger. Unbelievable! I tell them, "You are calling my number and I don't have a clue who you are. If you'd like to identify yourself and what you want, then perhaps I can help you, but I'm not in the habit of giving out my name or other personal information to strangers (they already have my number)." That generally gives them pause for thought, and they either apologize and admit they must have a wrong number, or they do tell me who they are and what they want, at which point we can proceed....

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Oh, dear! Please don't get involved in a mess like that. I got calls from men for YEARS for some floozy woman who had the same number but a different area code. They would argue with me that I WAS her, or they'd try to talk to ME even after I convinced them I was NOT her!


I tried and tried to get one poor fool to stop calling me. Finally, his wife called with him also on the line and I told her exactly what he was doing. She sided with HIM and told ME to stop calling him! I NEVER called him! I finally had to call the police and make THEM call him/her and force them to leave me alone....


I'm hoping this woman has finally changed her phone number as I haven't had this problem for about 2-3 years now, LOL....

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I've tried both, LOL, but most of these folks who do such things seem to think that such sentences are pronounced in some foreign tongue. They have not a clue what I'm talking about until I tell them, "I am NOT going to tell you my name. If you think you have business with me, then tell me YOUR name and state your business and we'll proceed from there...."

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I always say "may I ask who is calling?", and/or "who did you wish to speak to?", and/or "what number were you trying to reach?".

When the person tells me the number, I tell them which aspect is wrong (without giving them my number), and they are usually happy to know what they did so they can get on with their task.

"I'm sorry, I think you dialed it wrong," if the number they say isn't mine, or "I'm sorry, this is that number, but there's no George here, perhaps you wrote it down wrong."


Also, "Please put me on your Do Not Call List" is a magic phrase.

Use it regularly, stated in those exact words, and you'll rarely get sales calls.

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Once I got a call from a guy who asked "is (some girl's name) there?" I said, "sorry, wrong number." He tried two more times! The third time I said, "dude, she gave you a fake number, she did not really like you, she did not really want you to call her." He said "oh man, that's harsh."


:lol: This cracked me up!

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I tried and tried to get one poor fool to stop calling me. Finally, his wife called with him also on the line and I told her exactly what he was doing. She sided with HIM and told ME to stop calling him! I NEVER called him! I finally had to call the police and make THEM call him/her and force them to leave me alone....


I'm hoping this woman has finally changed her phone number as I haven't had this problem for about 2-3 years now, LOL....


Wow! That is crazy.

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I once got a string of wrong number text messages telling me I better stay the @%$#% away from sender's boyfriend or I will face dire consequences. I was dearly tempted to reply and play along. :o

I once dialed the new number my mom gave me for my grandma. I got some guy. Oops. Anyway, then some lady started calling me again and again and finally left this voice mail message about how I'd better leave her man alone. It was really bizarre. I called once.


I have gotten a lot of funny wrong number calls, though.

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I say,"Hello", the person says,

"Who is this?" I say "you have the wrong number", since I don't recognize the voice at all....and hang up. What is wrong with this picture? Did the person not call me? They have called back twice since.



Maybe I am just in a fowl mood and should have said who I was but still....When I call someone, they usually say hello and than I say who I am.....


Ugh! That's one of my pet peeves. When that happens I respond, "Who is this? YOU called ME" or "If you don't know who it is, you obviously have the wrong number."

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I have had folks question me indignantly when I refuse to hand out my name to a stranger.


When I don't recognize the phone # of the person calling me, I answer the phone, "Hello, this is Pam..." I just don't see the problem with telling my name to someone who called my cell phone. Most wrong numbers will say something like, "Oh, I'm sorry- I was looking for so-and-so. Do I have the wrong number?"



Does someone knock on your door then say, "Who are you," when you open the door? I think not....


Well, I don't say,"Hello, this is Pam..." when I answer the door either.

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I used to have a number that was one digit different from the local bail bonds agency. Plus, the lady that ran the place had a name that sounded very similar to mine. So, people would call and ask for ______, which sounded just like my name over the phone. Therefore, I would answer, "This is she." They would then proceed to tell me how they were arrested for DUI or some other such offense and that they needed me to post bail for them. I always informed them at that point that they had dialed wrong, but I was often tempted to play along and leave them expecting their bail money to be on its way LOL!!!!!

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I called my mom once and had the most delightful phone call with her. we probably spoke for 10 -15 MINUTES! Everything was lovely and I thought "Cool, My mom is in a rare mood and WOW a real conversation without snappiness!" :lol:


Then she asked how the kids were (long before I had kids) I said this is me not my sister. :glare: She said I didn't have a sister and how were the kids doing. Then we BOTH figured out we were not who the other thought. We had a good laugh and got off the phone.:D Her child and I had so many things in common and we all sounded alike. It wasn't until details started that we figured I had the wrong number and she didn't have a surprise call from her daughter.

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I say,"Hello", the person says,

"Who is this?" I say "you have the wrong number", since I don't recognize the voice at all....and hang up. What is wrong with this picture? Did the person not call me? They have called back twice since.



Maybe I am just in a fowl mood and should have said who I was but still....When I call someone, they usually say hello and than I say who I am.....


I would have said, "Hey, genius. You called me. Who are you?" I hate it when people call and then say, "Who is this?" What is wrong with people???

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I kept getting phone calls, texts, and messages for someone named "Able". Also, I kept getting calls from a number that was XXX-XXX-2674. I am XXX-XXX-2634 so I figured someone was messing up when they called their voicemail. One morning I saw the call coming through and I answered it. A man on the other end said, "sorry, wrong number", then 30 secs later a call from "private number" came through and it was him asking how come I answered his cell phone. When I told him his number was 2674 and mine was 2634 he argued with me that his number was 2634. Well, I had had my number for a long time, so he apologized and asked me to give his Mom the right number if she called before he had a chance to talk to her. I thought it was funny, but felt bad for him because the sales clerk had written the number wrong on his paperwork and he had given the number to lots of people.

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In the early days of cell phones, when we paid a LOT per minute, my phone number was inadvertently printed on somebody's business cards. After several calls for them, I discovered where he worked called and argued with the receptionist (or whoever she was) for 5 minutes over MY phone number. And NO, I was not up for the charge to change MY phone number. I received one call after that.


I'm not sure, but $70 sticks in my head for the number change.


Oh, and my daughter's number apparently belonged to someone of questionable business practices. But again, I was going to be charged to change my number, so we have blocked ALL calls to her phone except her dad's and mine. :glare:

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I answer, "whom were you trying to call?"


Once I got a call from a guy who asked "is (some girl's name) there?" I said, "sorry, wrong number." He tried two more times! The third time I said, "dude, she gave you a fake number, she did not really like you, she did not really want you to call her." He said "oh man, that's harsh."


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I answer, "whom were you trying to call?"


Once I got a call from a guy who asked "is (some girl's name) there?" I said, "sorry, wrong number." He tried two more times! The third time I said, "dude, she gave you a fake number, she did not really like you, she did not really want you to call her." He said "oh man, that's harsh."

:smilielol5: That's hilarious.

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I answer, "whom were you trying to call?"


Once I got a call from a guy who asked "is (some girl's name) there?" I said, "sorry, wrong number." He tried two more times! The third time I said, "dude, she gave you a fake number, she did not really like you, she did not really want you to call her." He said "oh man, that's harsh."


I got a wrong voicemail message from a girl who was calling a guy about what a great time she had last night. She was flirty and awkward and it went on too long, and I wanted to hide my face listening to her gush to Mr. One-Night Stand Who Gave Her a Fake Number. I considered letting her know she shouldn't waste another minute waiting for his call, but I was too chicken.

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This reminds me of the time we got a wrong number call when I was 11. I answered the phone, and the guy on the other end said something, "Hey you want to go out tonight?" I replied along the lines that I couldn't because I was ironing. We go back and forth for a while before he finally asks who he is talking to and how old I was. He hung up quickly after that.

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My cell number got around for a brief period of time as the number to a drug dealer. My ds was teething and up all night. I'd have folks calling trying to hook up with drugs, and I'd tell them how I couldn't help them but I could commiserate. They'd tell me their problems, and I'd moan about how little sleep I'd had in the last however many days. Some of those calls weren't so bad. :)

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I called my mom once and had the most delightful phone call with her. we probably spoke for 10 -15 MINUTES! Everything was lovely and I thought "Cool, My mom is in a rare mood and WOW a real conversation without snappiness!" :lol:


Then she asked how the kids were (long before I had kids) I said this is me not my sister. :glare: She said I didn't have a sister and how were the kids doing. Then we BOTH figured out we were not who the other thought. We had a good laugh and got off the phone.:D Her child and I had so many things in common and we all sounded alike. It wasn't until details started that we figured I had the wrong number and she didn't have a surprise call from her daughter.


My mom onced talked on the phone for an hour an a half and then we she got off we asked who she had been talking to and she said, "Oh, I don't know. It was a wrong number." :001_huh: My mom was like that though. she never met a stranger.

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And if they don't get that I tell them "The proper procedure is to ask for the person that you want to speak with."


:lol: This will likely be my new go-to for such situations. Proper.... and chastising all at once.


I don't know if it still exists, but there used to be a number in Denver that girls could give out to guys who were pestering. The number got a machine that explained that the girl gave it out because they did NOT want to go out with you!

The Rejection Hotline.


The Columbus # is 614-360-9876.


If you've never called it, you should. It's pretty funny.

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I got a wrong voicemail message from a girl who was calling a guy about what a great time she had last night. She was flirty and awkward and it went on too long, and I wanted to hide my face listening to her gush to Mr. One-Night Stand Who Gave Her a Fake Number. I considered letting her know she shouldn't waste another minute waiting for his call, but I was too chicken.

Some guy came to our house a month or so ago at 11:30 on a Saturday night "looking for a girl." He had the wrong address (obviously). I found the whole thing gross.


I got a funny text one time about "sorry about last night, my dad came home," blah blah.


There is a guy who has put my number on his resumes. I have gotten TONS of calls for him. Also he put my number as his backup on his Yahoo mail.

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Same here.:tongue_smilie:


I answer, "whom were you trying to call?"


Once I got a call from a guy who asked "is (some girl's name) there?" I said, "sorry, wrong number." He tried two more times! The third time I said, "dude, she gave you a fake number, she did not really like you, she did not really want you to call her." He said "oh man, that's harsh."

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There's a guy who has given out my work number as his number. To a lot of people. Must be off by one digit, I don't know. But I get his calls more than I get my own. Collections, what sound like drug deals, what sound like job interview invites. Not much I can do about it.

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And I imagine he's grateful that somebody finally told him the truth. :)


Doesn't always work, though. I spent an entire summer in a new apartment trying to convince the young lady who called daily that Maurice was not there, I did not know anybody named Maurice, and I most assuredly was not a homewrecking #$%#$ who stole her man. I kept hoping Maurice would phone so I could ask him to call her off.


Ugh, when we lived in IL, I got calls ALL THE TIME from collection agencies looking for the person who had my number before me. I tried and tried to tell them it was the wrong number but they called back daily (multiple times a day). One day the police showed up looking for the person who had my number. They got the address from the phone company, but didn't stop to realize that it was listed under a new person and had been disconnected for months before I got it. I was completely freaked out when the police showed up. I had to show my identification to prove who I was. I explained the situation and they went away. I ended up changing the phone number.

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I answer, "whom were you trying to call?"


Once I got a call from a guy who asked "is (some girl's name) there?" I said, "sorry, wrong number." He tried two more times! The third time I said, "dude, she gave you a fake number, she did not really like you, she did not really want you to call her." He said "oh man, that's harsh."


There's someone named Julie who gives out my number ALL THE TIME. I keep getting calls from men saying 'Hey Julie, I had such a great time, blah blah blah, let's hook up again the next time I'm in town'. I've started saying 'Gosh, that's the 3rd call this month for Julie saying the same thing, but I don't know her, and I never did.' Then they get really quiet and apologize.

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I got a call from a guy with mood music playing loudly in the background. I said Hello? and (breathing into the phone) he says "Hey baby" in a very meaningful way;). I laugh and told him he had the wrong number. He immediately shuts off the music and gets his normal voice back on and says "oh thanks, sorry." My Dh was sitting next to me and heard the whole thing. We had a good laugh.

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My mom used to get texts from "Slim Shady". I know she was instructed to meet him in the Meijer (grocery store) parking lot a couple of times. She never replied and they eventually stopped. We concluded it wasn't the Real Slim Shady (though he did seem shady).


She and I are both allergic to numbers we don't know. They do not get answered.

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I got a call from a guy with mood music playing loudly in the background. I said Hello? and (breathing into the phone) he says "Hey baby" in a very meaningful way;). I laugh and told him he had the wrong number. He immediately shuts off the music and gets his normal voice back on and says "oh thanks, sorry." My Dh was sitting next to me and heard the whole thing. We had a good laugh.




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We used to get calls for an elderly man. He gave out our number to everyone, and got calls from doctor's offices, etc. When we got a call from the bank saying he wanted us to come help him withdraw money, we hunted down his son and told him dad was at the bank. We thought the son should know his dad is asking strangers to help him get money from his account; it could be bad if he asked that of the wrong person. After that, we changed our number since everyone the guy ever talked to had our number as his.

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When I was younger there was another girl in my city with the same first and last name. She apparently went clubbing a lot, but had an unlisted phone number. I can't tell you the number of phone calls I got from guys trying ask "me" out. Most of them didn't believe that I wasn't her.


It wasn't too bad until she caught the eye of someone who worked in the police department (who also didn't believe I wasn't her), and decided to use the information he found in public records about ME and showed up unexpectedly at my house. He quickly realized his mistake when my husband came to the door. :D

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