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s/o sleepovers : did you get into trouble at sleepovers?

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I was an easy kid. I rarely got into any trouble at school, and the trouble I did get into was mostly for too much chatting during class. I rarely got into any significant trouble at home -- mostly bickering, and a little talking back now and then.


But, starting around 5th/6th grade and until I went to college, I found trouble at sleepovers. My first cigarette, beer, hard liquor, marijuana, rated R and X movies, sneaking out to meet boys, sneaking out to try to buy alcohol, spin-the-bottle with the older brothers' friends, prank phone calls, TP-ing houses...all at sleepovers. Never in a million years would we have attempted any of these things if parents had been awake and supervising.


I don't remember ever being caught doing any of these things. The parents in charge (including my own) thought we were the good girls who they didn't need to worry about.


Am I the exception? Did some of you have lovely pillow-fight, watch-a-sweet chic-flick, munch-popcorn and put-hair-in-curlers sleepovers? Do you remember parents supervising? Or were they free-for-alls?

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I did the same things at sleepovers as I did on my own....but, I wouldn't say I was a good kid on my own. LOL I just had a partner, or 5, to provide new ideas to mine.



I smoked, drank, tp'd, snuck out, met with boys, and a myriad of other things that the parents had absolutely no idea that we were doing.



There were plenty of innocent sleepovers too, but they were less likely to occur than ones where 'something' happened. Especially after the age of 12 or so. My first alcohol, was at a friend's home, where the parents were the ones providing it to us. They bought us wine coolers. We were in 7th grade, I was 12.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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I live in RI and took off to New York City when I was just 16 with a friend. I was supposed to be sleeping over her house, and she was supposed to be sleeping over my house. Get the picture? We were in New York City alone..AT NIGHT! We saw all kinds of things. When my mom called her house and asked to speak to me about something, and her mom said, "Oh! I thought Tammy was sleeping over your house."


My mother FLIPPED out on me. Broke all my fake nails off with one slap! :boxing_smiley:


I've done so much too. I'll never let my daughter sleep out! :ack2:

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Wow -the most I remember doing at sleepovers was watching Grease 1&2 and fighting with my friends about which Pink Lady we were going to be :D


Yeah I was one of those "lame" teens. If I knew my friends were going to have alchohol or boys at a party I didn't go. My mum was a lucky mum :D

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We had both kinds of sleepovers. Honestly, though, I found the same kind of trouble on my own (and worse, even!) as I did at sleepovers. And also, to be perfectly up front, I was often the one hosting the subversive sleepovers. My friends & I drank at my house, smoked at my house, snuck out of my house & met boys at the neighboring park...


Geesh! I was a bad influence! And here my mother thought I was this wonderful, innocent little girl because I chose to involve myself in church activities-- something she never would have chosen for me. Now that I think about it, I didn't really hang out with the other girls I went to church with, though a fair number of them were doing the same things in their own social circles. But those young men... highly likely to be the ones I was sneaking out to meet.

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I'm fascinated by this.


No, I never got into trouble at a sleepover. I did lots of them, had lots of them at my house, including having one of my best friends stay for days on end at mine. We never got into any trouble. And none of our parents was big on supervision.


We even did co-ed camp-outs at the beach with only light supervision.


None of us were "good, church-going girls," either.


We stayed up too late watching TV and eating junk food, played Light as a Feather/Stiff as a Board (when on the young end of things), talked a lot, etc. I never, every snuck out or met up with a boyfriend (although I had one most of the time) or tried drugs or drank. I'll admit to doing a few of those things during my teen years, but none of them took place during sleepovers.


Heck, I've never TP'd a house in my life.

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Wow -the most I remember doing at sleepovers was watching Grease 1&2 and fighting with my friends about which Pink Lady we were going to be :D


Yeah I was one of those "lame" teens. If I knew my friends were going to have alchohol or boys at a party I didn't go. My mum was a lucky mum :D


Same here.


I did go to one sleepover that was pretty wild when I was 13, but I didn't participate in any of it, and nobody left the house. I never spent time with that friend again. (She was a friend when I was a younger. This was a birthday party that she invited me to for "old times' sake")


My DD, however, is much more likely to go along with things, so I'm going to closely monitor who she has sleepovers with. She's a good kid, but she's curious and questions more things than I did.

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I guess I was boring and had the wrong friends. We did not smoke or drink or sneak out. We talked about boys and pop stars. We painted our nails and did our hair. We stayed up late watching tv, but that was when the networks signed off at 2 am and before we owned vcr's. We might have had the one local channel on that ran horror movies all night, I don't remember.


I guess I should have had a more exciting adolescence.

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I was a good little bookworm.......wore glasses and had nice, geeky nerd friends. But the sleepovers! Yeah, even when the parents tried to supervise there was a lot of stuff going on. Usually boys (nice geeky ones can be just as sneaky as nice geeky girls), alcohol, smoking, skinny dipping, and sneaking out to do stupid things. Once a carload of us accidently drove a car into a ditch and had to figure out how to get it out and us back before daylight. Oh, the good old days.


No sleep overs for my kids. :lol:

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Oh yeah, I was one of those kids who founds all kinds of trouble at sleepovers and then also hosted my own fair share of trouble. It's funny how many of us were rotten as kids but now have turned out to be pretty darn good adults. Sometimes I wonder if keeping my kids out of that kind of trouble is robbing them of some essential element they'll need to be good people.

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Yep. We nearly got ourselves arrested after sneaking out during a sleep-over one night. Generally, I was a good girl, even at sleep-overs, but I think teenage brains must shut down after a certain time of night.


I never considered TPing a "bad" thing to do. Some of the other parents even facilitated our TPing. But when we were at my house, we always had to sneak out to do it. Now that I have kids, I'd have serious problems with my kids acting the way I did. :glare:

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Later in high school I came up with excuses NOT to go and didn't even tell my mom that I had been invited because I didn't want to confess to the things that went on at the ones I did attend.


So ours have only done it for family emergencies, and only with trusted, proven friends. Really just a handful of times in the last 10 years.

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I drank a few Mikes (how ironic) at one sleepover during the tail end of high school. There was another sleepover where some of the girls were prank calling a boy they liked, but I wasn't involved in that. Otherwise, sleepovers involved tons of popcorn and movies or boardgames and having fun. There were never any advancements from fathers or older siblings. I have great memories of those sleepovers. The parents weren't usually supervising very closely, or if they were they never let on. It wasn't as though someone was sitting in the room the whole time.


For my birthday party in 1st grade I think I invited every girl I knew for a sleepover. My mother swears that she didn't think any of the parents except my close friends would say yes, because she knew NONE of them. Well, 21 little girls in sleeping bags completely covered the floor in our living room, dining room, and kitchen. It was probably crazy for my parents, but I still remember loving it.


We did all sorts of stuff for our sleepovers. We melted wax and made candles. We watched Pride and Prejudice, Gone With the Wind, and all sorts of other movies. We cut each others hair in high school, with permission from our parents. We'd clean our rooms. We'd bake cookies and cakes. Some of it was probably a little nerdy, but it was mostly just a very comfortable familiarity that I had with my friends. We liked spending time together.


During the school year my sleepovers were limited a bit by my cross country and track schedule. Obviously there weren't any the night before a meet, so Saturday nights were usually the only night during the year that I could visit anyone or have anyone over. During the summer though, a couple of my friends and I were back and forth alternating houses every day.


My sleepovers were absolutely wonderful. I hope that my children will be able to have the same fond memories.

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I never did anything worse at sleepovers than during the day. The worst part about sleepovers was how everyone let their guard down and shared so many personal details of their life with people who might not value discretion as much as you do. It seemed when the night got late, everyone was in pajamas, and all the pop music and celebrities and school gossip had been talked about, kids would open up and tell things that were better left private. Family drama, friend drama, boy crushes (which would be mean girl ammunition later), raunchy truth-or-dare, etc.


And in the morning, when everyone got up, you realized you shared way too much personal information with way too many people, and you had to spend the rest of your life (well, until graduation) not ticking these girls off to keep yourself out of the gossip trail.


I hate sleepovers.

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The worst thing that we did was to sneak out to the backyard, climb on the shed roof and watch stars. We were really tame. My younger sis had some of the sleepovers with alcohol, I don't know if they got worse than that though. SHe has grown up to be pretty cool though.

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I went to sleep-overs all the time as a kid and never did anything that bad. Junk food, staying up late, watching movies was about the extent of it. No drinking until I was in college.


My dd has always done a lot of sleep-overs both at our house and at others. Usually about what I'm used to - movies, gabbing, painting nails, doing hair, etc. Now that they are older they may hang out outside with a fire, jump on the trampoline, call/text boys. I'm pretty sure that some drinking goes on at some of them since my dd tells me all about it.

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After I was 11 or 12 I only slept over with my two or three best friends. These were girls/families that my mom had known well since I was in K. I can honestly say the worst thing that ever happened during these sleep overs was watching movies that my mother didn't want me to watch.


Even knowing I was watching movies she didn't approve of, my mom never made me quit spending the night at my friend's house. She and I did however have a lot of conversations about the reasons she disapproved of this movie or that.

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I got into way more trouble on my own than I ever did at a sleepover.


I can only think of two that I did anything I shouldn't. One was at a cousin's house. We snuck out to see her boyfriend that lived down the road. FWIW her mom noticed and hunted us down..:lol: The other was when I stayed at a friend's house while her mom was away. Boys were invited over :glare: All the rest were pretty innocent.

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Wow -the most I remember doing at sleepovers was watching Grease 1&2 and fighting with my friends about which Pink Lady we were going to be :D


Yeah I was one of those "lame" teens. If I knew my friends were going to have alchohol or boys at a party I didn't go. My mum was a lucky mum :D


I was one of those "lame" teens too :D


I always like to remind my parents (jokingly) how lucky they were - I was such a rule follower! :lol:


The worst thing that happened at a sleepover for me was in 6th grade a bunch of us girls decided to sit and tell each other everything that annoyed us about each other. That didn't go well...lots of hurt feelings all around...

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I'm fascinated by this.


No, I never got into trouble at a sleepover. I did lots of them, had lots of them at my house, including having one of my best friends stay for days on end at mine. We never got into any trouble. And none of our parents was big on supervision.


We even did co-ed camp-outs at the beach with only light supervision.


None of us were "good, church-going girls," either.


We stayed up too late watching TV and eating junk food, played Light as a Feather/Stiff as a Board (when on the young end of things), talked a lot, etc. I never, every snuck out or met up with a boyfriend (although I had one most of the time) or tried drugs or drank. I'll admit to doing a few of those things during my teen years, but none of them took place during sleepovers.


Heck, I've never TP'd a house in my life.



I could have written this word for word....except the beach camp-outs. Lucky :D!



Shaved 1/2 my head in 6th grade at one :glare: in highschool lying about staying at "Jenny's" when really i was with my bf.. no good at all. I was a generally "good Christian girl" by outward appearance anyway.


In my experience, this is often the case. The girls that partied the most were good, Christian girls. At least that's what their parents thought. I didn't attend church, but had far less attention seeking behaviors.

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Mine were *mostly* good clean fun. There were a few sneaking out, alcohol-driven, meet at the park type ones. But, what I can take into parenthood from that is to raise kids I trust, be the cool house, and speak with the parents of wherever they are going that night each time. (I'd tell my parents I was spending the night at friend A's house, they would drop me off there, where we'd spend a few hours and then all leave to go "spend the night at friend B's house" and have the night to ourselves).


When I was in high school, my parents took adopted boys my age (we knew them before), so she made one weekend night "girls night", the boys living there didn't leave, but my girl friends could spend the night. On boys night, I could stay and any boys could sleep over. No boys and girls were allowed in the bedrooms together. If we wanted to sleep in the same room it had to be in the living room (very open house), and that's usually what happened. Surprisingly, nothing really came of that.


Before the boys moved in, we would often have boy and girl sleepiness on the same night at different houses. (the boy who hosted is now my husband) We would walk to each other's house to roll it. Sometimes my mom even drove us. All parents were on board. We had rolling wars, and would randomly handcuff each other to keep our house clean. It was all good clean fun. And we had to do all the cleaning ourselves.


One year at prom, some parents hosted a sleepover and extra parents came and chatted in a separate room and stayed up all night. It was great, clean fun. The next year, the boys who lived with us BEGGED my parents to host one telling her they would "get into trouble" if there wasn't a planned by parents party. My parents didn't because they would have to miss a close family member's wedding. And that year, we did get into trouble. And, it was miserable...


I've just resolved to be the cool house as much as possible, starting now (mine are still young).

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I didn't go to many sleepovers. That wasn't the popular thing to do in my area much. Or maybe it was just me and my group of friends... Most of mine were really lame, but fun anyway because it was so different. My mom hates having kids over so it may be that after my mom refused to reciprocate I wasn't invited. I was also kind of an insecure homebody so when invited I usually just didn't want to go.


2 really stand out in memory though. When I was 10 I stayed with my friend Kim. We were best friends and I had been to her house several times by now. At dinner Kim asked her parents if we could have the Creme deMenthe instead of our usual beverage. I had no idea what it was as my parents didn't drink. Her parents let us have the bottle and by the end of the night I was drunk and sick. I was ok the next morning and didn't tell my parents about it until weeks later when I asked what the drink was. And even then I only told them that I had seen it in the house and didn't know if it was a kind of wine or not.


Another sleepover was when I was in jr high. I was finally allowed to have a friend stay with me for the entire weekend. By Saturday night I was so ready for her to leave that I regretted having her stay 2 nights. I needed my space and some down time where I could relax. Of course my mom was not helpful in the relaxation area - she was so uptight about someone being in our home that she drove us crazy. Not to mention this friend was relatively poor (lived in a small RV with 4 other people) and my mom was trying to force her into taking my old clothes. Quite embarassing.



Honestly, I was in more potential trouble between the hours of 3 and 6 while being a latch key kid. That is when I made many decisions that could have lead to even more trouble or disaster.

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the wildest thing we ever did was play strip poker (all girls, no boys at party) but no-one removed anything more than their outer clothing.


The craziest time was once when my friend C and I were invited to spend the night at D's house but when we got there, she had never asked her mom. Her mom said no. C and I for some reason did not want to call our parents to come get us so there was a house being built a couple of houses down so we decided to sleep there and it started raining in the middle of the night and the house was only the frame, no roof yet so we went back and knocked on D

s window. SHe let us in, we slept in her large closet. The nect morning she snuck us in breadfast. We walked somewhere to call our parents to pick us up. Months later we told D

s mom all about it and she didn't believe us!


What I did do that was wild was a bunch of us used to cut school and have parties (with beer) at the houses of kids whose both parents worked. Never got caught.

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I'm fascinated by this.


No, I never got into trouble at a sleepover. I did lots of them, had lots of them at my house, including having one of my best friends stay for days on end at mine. We never got into any trouble. And none of our parents was big on supervision.


We even did co-ed camp-outs at the beach with only light supervision.


None of us were "good, church-going girls," either.


We stayed up too late watching TV and eating junk food, played Light as a Feather/Stiff as a Board (when on the young end of things), talked a lot, etc. I never, every snuck out or met up with a boyfriend (although I had one most of the time) or tried drugs or drank. I'll admit to doing a few of those things during my teen years, but none of them took place during sleepovers.


Heck, I've never TP'd a house in my life.


:iagree: This is me (excluding the beach since I lived in the Midwest). I keep reading how awful sleepovers are, and I have had no idea what people meant by that. My sleep overs were full of lame girl fun.

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What I did do that was wild was a bunch of us used to cut school and have parties (with beer) at the houses of kids whose both parents worked. Never got caught.


Yes, we got into a lot more trouble in empty houses and apartments during the day than we did during sleepovers.


I, too, cut school with a bunch of friends regularly during high school. We'd meet up with older friends who weren't in school and spend whole afternoons hanging out at one home or another. For us, that's when the booze was sampled and "hanky panky" happened.


Of course, we also spent a lot of time reading aloud together and playing Dungeons and Dragons. So, we probably weren't typical.

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No, I never got into trouble at sleepovers. I am shocked to read about how many people on this board did, lol. I was a good kid and rarely got into trouble. When I went to sleepovers, we just ate snacks, watched appropriate movies, chatted, and had fun.

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The sleepovers I had and went to were usually with just a couple of friends. Like 2squared, ours were just innocent fun. We loved to sleep out in each others backyards in the summer and stare at the stars and talk about the meaning of life and other "deep" issues. Other times, we'd stay up super late watching TV and eating junk food. That's about it. Pretty lame, but we thought it was great.

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Well, I'm jealous of those who had sweet, innocent sleepovers. I wish we had had more supervision. Gazing at the stars with good friends from the backyard sounds lovely, not lame!


Of course, I went to some nice ones when I was littler, but not many after about 6th grade. The pressure to participate in the trouble was huge because there was no way to go home.

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Nope... I did not get into trouble. There was no beer, no smoking, no boys, just girls doing girl stuff.


I wasn't ignorant about those things, but I didn't choose to associate with people who did. Not that I didn't have my own ways of rebelling...

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IWhen I was 10 I stayed with my friend Kim. We were best friends and I had been to her house several times by now. At dinner Kim asked her parents if we could have the Creme deMenthe instead of our usual beverage. I had no idea what it was as my parents didn't drink. Her parents let us have the bottle and by the end of the night I was drunk and sick.


WHAAAAAT??? What were they thinking? Was it some kind of lesson they were trying to teach you both or something? That's insane!


We did both kinds of sleepovers. When I was younger, the sleepovers were just good friends hanging out, watching movies and eating junk. The most dangerous thing we did was combining all the candy we could find into a pot and melting it together and eating it. My parents never bought stuff like peanut butter chips or mini marshmallows, so that was big fun :lol:


When I was in high school, in a different crowd, we did the sleepovers with drinking. We'd camp out in a tent in my friend K's backyard and drink, and occasionally a few guys would stop by to visit, but not to stay all night. We did walk across the street to the library parking lot to hang out with a group in the wee hours once, but the cops came and shooed us home. I only did that a few times though--the first time I was so sick and hungover, it wasn't all that fun after that! Plus, it wasn't really my scene. I didn't care for all the drama, had a boyfriend who wasn't part of that group, etc. I really would have preferred the staying up late watching movies kind more!

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I went to good sleepovers and bad sleepovers, but never saw anything worse than R-rated movies and sneaking out. By the time those girls had moved onto s*x, alcohol, and drugs, I had distanced myself and refused to attend.


My greater concern with sleepovers is s*xual abuse. The group of girls two grades behind me at church had some sleepovers that would give you all nightmares. One of the girls (from a seemingly perfect family - everyone trusted her parents) had been sexually abused by her older brothers. We'll just say that this girl was acting out her abusive past. Any sleepover involving this girl turned very, very bad (whether the sleepover was at her house or somebody else's). Lots of girls were affected by this. We will never do sleepovers as a result.

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I was an easy kid. I rarely got into any trouble at school, and the trouble I did get into was mostly for too much chatting during class. I rarely got into any significant trouble at home -- mostly bickering, and a little talking back now and then.


But, starting around 5th/6th grade and until I went to college, I found trouble at sleepovers. My first cigarette, beer, hard liquor, marijuana, rated R and X movies, sneaking out to meet boys, sneaking out to try to buy alcohol, spin-the-bottle with the older brothers' friends, prank phone calls, TP-ing houses...all at sleepovers. Never in a million years would we have attempted any of these things if parents had been awake and supervising.


I don't remember ever being caught doing any of these things. The parents in charge (including my own) thought we were the good girls who they didn't need to worry about.


Am I the exception? Did some of you have lovely pillow-fight, watch-a-sweet chic-flick, munch-popcorn and put-hair-in-curlers sleepovers? Do you remember parents supervising? Or were they free-for-alls?




I think we were at some of the same sleepovers!!



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I'm fascinated by this.


No, I never got into trouble at a sleepover. I did lots of them, had lots of them at my house, including having one of my best friends stay for days on end at mine. We never got into any trouble. And none of our parents was big on supervision.


We even did co-ed camp-outs at the beach with only light supervision.


None of us were "good, church-going girls," either.


We stayed up too late watching TV and eating junk food, played Light as a Feather/Stiff as a Board (when on the young end of things), talked a lot, etc. I never, every snuck out or met up with a boyfriend (although I had one most of the time) or tried drugs or drank. I'll admit to doing a few of those things during my teen years, but none of them took place during sleepovers.


Heck, I've never TP'd a house in my life.


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I mostly had sleepovers with cousins or very trusted church friends as a child/ teen. The several I went to with (school) friends from middle school were wild to me. :) Though they really were mostly tame. gossip and a scary movie were the worst that happened.


I always knew I could call my Mom or Dad if needed though no matter what time. At one sleepover they started watching an R rated horror movie while playing truth or dare. I went and called my Parents and they came and picked me up. It did not even effect my friendship with those kids. :) (although I did not do sleepovers with them anymore)

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I'm fascinated by this.


No, I never got into trouble at a sleepover. I did lots of them, had lots of them at my house, including having one of my best friends stay for days on end at mine. We never got into any trouble. And none of our parents was big on supervision.


We even did co-ed camp-outs at the beach with only light supervision.


We stayed up too late watching TV and eating junk food, played Light as a Feather/Stiff as a Board (when on the young end of things), talked a lot, etc. I never, every snuck out or met up with a boyfriend (although I had one most of the time) or tried drugs or drank. I'll admit to doing a few of those things during my teen years, but none of them took place during sleepovers.




Me too- and I have to say my 10yo is exactly the same- she has a best friend that she is with 24/7. We all love her and her family loves mine. They are 2 peas in a pod and I am so happy she has such a wonderful close friend!

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My girlfriends and I never got in trouble. We really did go shopping, eat chips and popcorn and watch movies. We did TP a friend's house, but they knew it was us, so we had to come clean it up the next day.


My parents did not know my friends' parents, they just trusted me and my friends.


Now that I think of it, we still do those things, lol. We get together for girls' weekends twice a year, and we eat junk food, watch movies, and shop. (We don't TP any more, though.)



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We have other "weird" rules, too. My husband is never home alone with babysitters and our girls don't get a rides with men by themselves.


I don't think that's weird. We allow sleepovers, so we're not ultra-conservative in this area, but make sure that my dh is never alone with our exchange students. The host coordinator recommends this, because a long-time host family dad was accused (falsely, it turned out) by a student. Usually, I drive them, but if my dh takes a student anywhere, one of our children goes with them.


I find that our dd's friends' families have the same policy. Even (especially?) the single dad. They would never transport our teen daughter alone.


I think it's just common sense, not weird at all!



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