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Do you prefer a desktop or laptop for YOUR personal computer?

Desktop or Laptop?  

  1. 1. Desktop or Laptop?

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Laptop. I'm definitely spoiled by being able to move to any area of the house with my laptop. For my schoolwork, that is truly essential because the desk I used to have was in the only public space in our home. I've got to have quiet when I study. However, I enjoy being in the same room with my family when we're just hanging out. DH and I often share the couch while we're each on our own laptops.

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Laptop. Mine is currently chained to a desk because I have to have the display replaced. (Monday - I hope they do it in under a week.) It was damaged by a flying Wii remote - the wrist strap failed though it was used.


I hate not being able to take it from room to room or place to place.

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I have an iMac and a windows laptop, plus an iPhone. I tend to use the Mac for a while and ignore the laptop, then switch to using the laptop and ignoring the desktop. I asked myself which I'd rather have if I could only keep one, and I went with the iMac. Now if we are talking about a MacBook, I might choose that over the iMac.

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I said desktop- but then again, that's all I've ever known. I've never had a laptop. And I'm resistant to change. lol. I like having my large PC monitor and my full sized keyboard and my wireless mouse and my desk to spread papers out on and put a cup of coffee on and so on and so forth. I guess a laptop could be convenient at times though!

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I've never met a laptop with a keyboard I like. I type *very* fast, and am sniffy about the slope and feel. I currently use the Mac wireless keyboard, and it has done me well. Not the best one I've ever had, but good enough.


Plus, I like a good supportive chair all set up for me, and a dedicated space where I don't have to shove things aside to get the space I need to fire 'er up.

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I prefer a laptop. I also have a netbook, which is quickly becoming preferred. I also type fast and at first I had a hard time going from a desktop to a laptop, now I'm finding the laptop cumbersome compared to the netbook. A netbooks is so easy to drag around. It's like a walkman vs a boom box.


My ds got a new computer for Christmas. His hand me down laptop was wearing out. After much consideration he opted for a desktop, which kind of surprised me.

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I went with Desktop, but my actual answer is both. I like having a desktop where I can do more complex things like graphics and research and what not. I also like having a laptop which can go places with me and where I can surf the web and check message boards and what not as needed. I currently only have a Desktop and I do miss my laptop. That being said if I had to chose one it would definitely be a desktop where I can sit in my comfy chair and have a big monitor to do all the various things I use my computer for.

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Love Love Love my I-Mac and large screen...

I also loved my windows PC (Dell)...


We have had bad luck with laptops lasting around here...except for DHs Mac laptop...(work computer only).


I have an I-pad if I want to work away from the computer. I teach online Math classes and I'm happy to have a larger screen--

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We have an iMac with a big screen, but my iBook is on my lap right now while I lay on the couch with my feet in dh's lap. We are a technology family and we all carry around laptops and iphones all over the place. I can't imagine school without it anymore. Watching a lab video on the laptop while we were blowing up the garage in chemistry was just too good to miss!


I do use the desktop for doing graphic design work and I have Windows installed there if I need it for something. I'd say 95% of the time I use the laptop though.

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If I *had* to chose, I'd go with my MacBook Pro - I love the portability of it, plus like others have said, it's great for homeschooling in places other than the living room (where we keep the desktop). That said, I LOVE my iMac with a 27" screen - it is where I keep my photo programs and play with my pictures. It is very, very nice. But, if it were my only computer, we'd be stuck in here for school when we needed the computer for something, which would stink as we tend to school at the table or the couch in the den.

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We have a desktop, infact I am using it at this moment. I use it maybe twice a month. I much, much, much prefer to use my laptop. Once we move, we will no long have this desktop, and I can imagine any reason we would ever buy one again. We have 3 laptops and this old desktop that dh has our bills on.



In fact, I was looking at the kids small tv last night ( a little 19in) and thinking, hmmmm I could just replace that with a laptop, and then It wouldnt be out all the time.......



Yeah, I like laptops.

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It took me a while to work out which one i wanted.

But I LOVE my 27" desktop Imac.

But...I have my own desk, my own office in the house, my own space. This is where I use my computer and everyone knows to find me here if they need me. But even when I was still homeschooling I had my own desk space in the schoolroom where I had my desktop PC.

I did have a laptop for a couple of years and I found I tended to just use it at my desk anyway. I don't watch TV much and I prefer not to have computers in my bedroom- I prefer to have my bedroom as an electronic free sanctuary.

So they are my reasons and i haven't regretted it so far.

I do also have an ipad so that did factor into it, but I think I would have bought the desktop anyway. I love the big screen.

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We're an all laptop family. Dh, ds, and I each have our own. We haven't had a desktop for almost 3 years, and don't miss it. I do have a wireless keyboard and large monitor, so if I really want to I can hook my laptop to them. I rarely do though.


I like the portability of a laptop. I can do plenty on it, including a lot of the photo and video editing I like to do. I'm not sure we'll ever go back to a desktop, even if we get an iPad.


Oh, and I have an iPhone, but it's too small to ever replace my computer as far as I'm concerned.

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If it was to be only my computer and the only computer I use, then a laptop. I love being mobile. Most of the time, I use mine sitting at a desk but I love picking it up at a whim to move to another part of the house, pack it up for vacations, or haul it to the library or Panera's. It's like a mini me. :D




But my husband, who has an phone, uses his laptop less frequently. He prefers the imac with the big screen since he's already mobile with his phone.

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I have an old laptop that I use day to day and a faster more snazzy desktop that gets used far less but maybe gets used a few times a month for all the stuff the old laptop can't handle.


In practice if I had a newer laptop like my husbands then I would consider getting rid of the desktop. Laptops are so much more convenient.

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Well, laptop for me because I LOVE to portability too much to be tied to the chair. Then again, I've morphed to using our iMac in the kitchen or my iPad lately. I'm pretty much just a WTM boards reader, email, Facebook, and read around on the internet person. I don't need a high powered computer. My husband creates websites, videos, etc. He needs mega size and mega space. He has to have a heavy duty computer and that's more achievable with his desktop iMac.


I recommend Apple laptops for casual users. :) But that's influenced by my preference to take it with me.

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I just got my own laptop on Saturday, and I'm loving it a lot! I hate sitting at a desk, especially when it takes me awhile to research or what not.


A few years ago, all we had was a laptop as our main computer. I loved it because we could sit on the couch and sit anyway we wanted comfortably. I'm in my rocking chair in my room right now on the laptop, and I forgot how good it felt to not be tied to a desk, lol.

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