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All of you who manage to start school before the crack of 10:00, help me!

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It's yet another day where we're on track to start school at 10 am.:o I find that we start way too many days this late! I'd love to get going earlier, but I'm not quite sure how to do it. I'm only on the computer for about 10 minutes in the morning while DS makes his bed and uses the bathroom, so that's not our big problem.


I think part of the problem is that I need a bit of time to wake up before I can dive into school with DS. When he went to school it wasn't such a problem because I didn't have to have lots of patience or interact for long periods of time in the morning. All we had to do was get out the door.


Those of you who manage to start school early, could you share your morning schedules in detail? I seriously want to know when things like toothbrushing, bedmaking, breakfast dishes, and so on happen. These are the things that cause us to fall behind and start late. I'd like to figure out a way to get them to happen without having to get up at 5 am!


:bigear: Thank you!

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I get up between 7-8. Typically we start school around 9-9:30.


We get up. Have breakfast and do a few chores. It helps that the night before I make sure the kitchen table is cleared and the dishes are completely done.



An hour and a half is plenty of time to get dressed, eat some cereal, feed an animal and for me to throw laundry in the washer.

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We don't really do early here but if I wanted to, here's what I would do! Schedule the most independent thing for first thing in the morning and have it set up and ready to go- Like if it's a math review, have the book open, pencil out. Or if waking up slowly is important, have the first thing you do be a read aloud and do it while cuddling in bed!

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Heh. It's usually around 10 or 11 before we get started too. Sometimes we don't even start til after lunch. But now and then we do start earlier. It just depends on what's going on that day, how much other stuff we have to get done that day and so on. However, I have no problem with our schedule and I'm not looking to change it. I love that we have this kind of flexibility. Maybe you just need to embrace it lol.

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I would say you need to be waking up earlier if you want to start school earlier. It takes time to wake up, eat, get ready and all the rest, so you need to start the process early. If you're having trouble waking up, try putting your clock across the room. Then, once you're up, get your coffee and head outside for 5 min. Being outside in the cool air and natural light wakes up your body very effectively (go figure).

A quick morning workout (even 10 or 15 min) might help you get going too.

As for school, have some "starting" activities to fall back on if you not quite ready. Some ideas:

Journal time

Memory CD's and coloring time

Personal devotion time-for the kid(s)

2 -5 worksheets to finish before regular lessons start

Any of these things will buy you a little time to finish up any morning stuff and still get school started on time.

Good luck!

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My advice: Start at 10. That's when you're both ready. :)


But I didn't take my own advice when I was in your shoes. ;) Here's what we did: Went to bed earlier. Then started getting up earlier. I need time in the morning to wake up and so do a couple of my kiddos. Getting up earlier was the best way to fit everything in.


Our morning schedule:


7:00- The @$#& alarm goes off. Stupid alarm! I nudge dh out of bed.

7:15- I get up and we start breakfast.

7:30- Wake boys. (If they aren't already up.*)

8:00- Breakfast.

8:20-8:30(ish) Clean up after breakfast. Then dh and eldest dd clean the kitchen.

8:30-9 Get Ready for the Day: Brush teeth, Make bed, Get dressed, Do chores. Play.*

9:00 Start school


*A few months ago, my boys decided that 1/2 hour wasn't enough time to get everything done and get enough play time too. They borrowed an alarm clock and started getting themselves up at 7. They get ready for the day then play until breakfast, and have between 8:30-9 to play. Sometimes ds10 makes us coffee!


I set aside 9-9:10 for getting set up with pencils, books, supplies and settling in. It's a nice transition time. I also schedule a short "warm-up" activity at the beginning of each day, which also helps with the transition. This morning, for example, my eldest ds did his music theory while his brothers did a cartooning exercise.


HTH. :)



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I don't go on the computer in the a.m. and my dss don't always get to their chores before we begin. I find it easier to have them go back and do chores or shower and dress during a school break rather than wait for them to do it before beginning.


School begins at 9 come h*ll or high water. :D


Everything else is secondary.

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Since you wanted to here from those that start out earlier:


6.ish I get up, make coffee and settle down in my rocker with a cup of coffee and my Bible.

7 we get the kids up.

7:30 we have breakfast

7:30-9:00 they get dressed, clean up, fix beds, whatever.... and practice piano lessons. They usually hurry so they can have some free time before our 9:00 school.

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I would say you need to be waking up earlier if you want to start school earlier. It takes time to wake up, eat, get ready and all the rest, so you need to start the process early. If you're having trouble waking up, try putting your clock across the room. Then, once you're up, get your coffee and head outside for 5 min. Being outside in the cool air and natural light wakes up your body very effectively (go figure).



I had slipped into a habit of turning the alarm off and immediately falling back to sleep. I moved the alarm across the room, and if forced me to get out of bed.


I rise early - 6am - so I can have quiet time before having to really get going in the morning, but I could easily wake at 7am and have time for shower, breakfast, etc before driving ds to the bus at 8:15. When I get back, I wake up the rest of the kids, get them breakfast, and do devotions with them while they're eating. This has helped soooo much to get our day going earlier. We used to not be able to get started with Bible study until 9:30 or later, after they had eaten, gotten dressed, etc. Now I start at about 8:45 and they get dressed after devotions. They're a lot more quick about getting dressed, too, with the new schedule. They're ready to start math at about 9:15.

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My personal goal is to be ready to go when dh leaves for work. I figure we should start our day at the same time. :D Here's my morning schedule (times are a guideline only):


5:00 up to feed baby, computer time

6:30 put baby to sleep

7:00 make breakfast, dh wakes up

7:30 feed the masses, quick shower

8:00 dh goes to work, we do morning chores/play

9:00 1st grade school work, preschool read aloud

11:00 lunch & chores

1:00 3rd grade school work

3:00 housework, make dinner

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I get up at 6:15. Shower, dress and down the stairs by 6:40. Make smoothies for DH and myself, make breakfast for DS. Clean up mess. Back up the stairs at 7:00 to make sure DH and DS are up and getting ready for the day. Make the beds, pick up our bedroom, grab a load of laundry, and back down the stairs by 7:20. Put laundry in the machine. DH is out the door by 7:30, DS is sitting down to breakfast at 7:30 and school starts promptly at 8:00. It is a fine tuned schedule that gets the day off to a great start.

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I had slipped into a habit of turning the alarm off and immediately falling back to sleep. I moved the alarm across the room, and if forced me to get out of bed.


James Bond did this, but he just gets up, hits the snooze and crawls back in bed. About 4 times every.flipping.M-F. It drives me crazy. The baby's hearing must be getting better (I'm 28w today) because he doesn't like the alarm either. Every time it goes off he kicks me like mad. I get so mad at JB!


As for school, we used to start at 9, but since I've been pregnant, dragging myself out of bed before 8:30 just isn't happening. I'm okay with starting at 10 though. We have a relaxing morning. We school from 10-12:30, eat lunch and then Indy does his math on the computer, which takes about 30-45 minutes. When he's done, we might read for a while and then we're done.

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We are usually doing school by 9AM.


But, we don't worry about a lot of that stuff you do in the morning.


I typically get up around 7:30, drink a cup of tea, read my bible and check email.


Then around 8 I make the kids get up and eat breakfast.


Some days we get dressed. Some days we don't.


Beds never get made here unless we have company.


Breakfast dishes get tossed in the sink until later.


I do make the kids clean up the school area/living room BEFORE bed so it isn't a wreck when we get up.


Dishes done every night after dinner.


No TV in the morning.

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If 10 is what works for you, keep doing it!


I did try to get us on an earlier schedule and it was doable, but not enjoyable. I'm usually up by 6 and most of the kids are usually up by 7, but we REALLY like our leisurely mornings. They weren't worth giving up just so we could say that we started/finished earlier.

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Find out what you're spending a bunch of time on before school starts and figure out if it really necessarily needs to get done. For us, starting early (8:30) is a priority. We have simple quick breakfasts (cereal, oatmeal, toast, etc). We don't make our beds in the morning and we don't get dressed. We dress before leaving the house but everyone's allowed to do schoolwork in pajama pants and tshirts. Hair and teeth are brushed, but that's it. My kids get up on their own and eat breakfast and then play till 8:30. I get up anywhere from 6am to 8:30. If I'm up early, great, I've eaten breakfast and am ready to go. But there are certainly mornings I stumble out of bed and into the schoolroom to give a very foggy math lesson. :)


Some people say that starting at 10 is no big deal. If that works for you, sure. But since you've started this thread, I'm assuming that isn't working for you. We like to start school early because we stop at 3:30. Sometimes this means we don't get everything done, and that's fine. But I don't want to start at 10 and then quit at 3 (I'll feel like I'm not getting enough done) or start at 10 and school till 5 (yuck).

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If ten works for you, then you should think about ways to change the *other* parts of your day, if possible, to accomodate. There is nothing inherently virtuous about starting early. However, we start early because I prefer having school finished and leaving the rest of the afternoon free for individual interests.


I have a "living alarm clock" that wakes me up about 6:30 each am. I get dressed, make my bed, go get dd2 (and her clothes which I laid out the night before) and head downstairs to make tea and start breakfast. I call ds and dd1 about 7:15, and they come down, dressed and beds made (on a good day) by 7:30. We eat breakfast, clean up and take care of teeth and hair. School starts at 8:30. If they kids dawdle over breakfast, they have no time before school to themselves. If they eat and do chores quickly, they have the extra time to do what they choose.


I try to move right from one thing to the next, in terms of breakfast, dressing, etc, so that I don't stall out and run late. I do tend to be a bit of a morning person in the sense that if I don't get it done by 1 or 2 pm it just won't get done. I also have ds start with some of the more independant lessons first--he runs through Latin vocab flash cards on his own, can generally do math after a short instruction period, math drill with Wrap-its or timed drill sheets, etc, and does copywork. Then we move into the more teacher intensive/read aloud subjects (history, geography, Bible, science etc) when I am a little more awake.


I do like being able to finish up with both kids by 12:30, but if mornings are too hard for you all, well the beauty of homeschooling is that we can adapt our education our selves and not to the public school schedule.

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I was going to ask how old JB is, thinking you were talking about one of your kids. Then I saw in your siggy that it's your dh! My advice... when he gets out of bed to hit the snooze, sprawl yourself across the bed so there's no room for him to climb back in. :D

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This is my ideal schedule, and it is doable for us, but it requires some self-discipline for me (which I'm kind of short on, especially when pregnant).


between 6 and 6:15 -- I get up, shower, dress, have my quiet time.


7:00 -- the children are up (they naturally wake up around 8 most days but go to bed too late; DH gets up before 5 and would like to go to bed earlier, so we really do need to adjust all of this.)


7:00-7:30 -- I make my bed, take the toddler to the bathroom/change his diaper, start the first load of laundry, start breakfast, start something for dinner (thaw something, start beans cooking, etc.). During this time, the children (the older two) are dressing themselves, putting away their pajamas, making their bed, brushing their hair, and doing their morning tasks. (DD feeds and waters the cats and empties the dishwasher; DS1 empties trash cans around the house and takes out the trash, recycling, and compost. The 2yo helps when he can.)


7:30-8:00 -- We eat breakfast and read Bible and poetry. Then the children go and brush their teeth, and I get the toddler ready for the day.


This is where it gets a little sticky. I would like to have another 30-60 minutes to clean up the kitchen from breakfast, do more laundry, start whatever cleaning needs to happen that day, etc., but that pushes starting school later. In the warmer months, I can send everyone outside for a little while and then join them for a bit (maybe do some nature study), but they're really not wild about going outside for very long these days (it's really, really cold and windy in our yard right now). If I work on household tasks, they lose some focus and go off to do their own things. Sometimes I have some time after I finish eating and reading until they're done, so I can at least load the dishwasher and then do a quick wipe of the table while they do their teeth.


So, 8:00 -- everyone, myself included, heads into the schoolroom, directly from tooth-brushing. A couple of hours there, with a break and snack in the middle, and we're ideally done before 10 or 11. Then they have some free time (during which they also need to clean their bedrooms if they're messy; I only require bed-making before breakfast) before lunch, so they can play or do their own projects while I record schoolwork, make lunch (which they often help with), and work on cleaning, laundry, whatever.


12:00 would be lunch, and then the afternoon is free for fun stuff, with some tidying before dinner. (I'm trying to move all outside activities to the afternoon, and if we're going out, they need to have shoes, coats, and whatever else they need sitting by the back door before lunch.) I'm thinking about loosely scheduling art projects and handcrafts on specific days in the afternoons too.


4:30 or so is time to start dinner, if it's not already cooking. 5:30 is dinner, then immediately baths/pajamas and teeth-brushing -- ideally one parent does that, while the other cleans up the kitchen. Then they have free time, or parent time until 7:30.


7:30 -- family reading time.

8:00 -- kids go up to bed but have some reading time on their own.

8:30 -- kids' lights out.

9:30 or 10 -- adults to sleep.


All of this is an ideal that never quite happens, but it is doable for us. :)

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The best way for me to get going in the morning is to get up, have a drink of water (I usually forget that bit though) and cook breakfast. Cooking breakfast not only provides me with a decent meal, but it requires movement and movement kick starts my metabolism. If I slink out to my computer chair without having done anything to move (hubby cooks on weekends, so I hang washing or something instead) then I'll feel bad for a lot longer.


If you need something more, which you probably would if you were going to start a new morning routine, try having some fruit if you can stomach it, or fruit juice as soon as you get up. That'll hit your blood stream very quickly and will last only long enough for you to cook breakfast.



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We start almost every day by 9, I aim for 8 and sometimes it happens, but usually it is 8:30. I am not a morning person!!! I hate it. But my kids are morning people so if we go by what works for me, they are squirmy crabs by the afternoon. I make it work by letting them get up on their own while I sleep a little and drag myself out. Immediately after they wake up, they are supposed to get dressed, brush their teeth, take a shower if needed, clean their rooms, my son does his quiet time (Bible reading), and then they are supposed to go down and get breakfast. My oldest is 9 and the others are 6 and 3. The 3yr old usually sleeps in a little more and I usually get her up, dressed, and teeth brushed before sending her down to the others and they feed her. Sometimes if she wakes early I will go back to bed after getting her dressed. I leave their clothes and the breakfast foods and utensils out for them the night before. The 6yr olds don't do showers in the morning either- that and the Bible reading is just for the 9yr old. When they can take a shower competently on their own and can read well enough, I'll expect them to do the same as their brother. Amazingly, almost every day they have everything done by the time I drag myself down at 8:30. The 3yr old goes to preschool twice a week at 9, so I have to be up before then and it is easier to do it every day. I also lay out all their work the night before and while I drink my coffee, the kids do their yoga DVD and then begin their easiest subjects that they can do by themselves. I'm trying to get up earlier because I think the kids would rather start by 8 and be done earlier. They usually have about 30-40min after breakfast to play before I come down and put their Yoga DVD on.

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I don't believe in institutional start times for school. Not in the sense that well everyone starts by 9am, so must we...Nope, ds and I are not morning people. We both require time to get moving, we've all had insomnia. Dh is usually up early, I'm not.


I am a firm believer that if/when ds needs to get up earlier for college/job he will. I did it for years, it doesn't take long to form the habit. However, I'm not sure he's going to end up in a traditional 9 to 5 job, so I don't worry about it.


One year we started school at 11:30. For us we need a structured start time, but it is of my choosing. As we approach high school we start earlier, 10:30 on an ideal day, 11:00 on some days, including today. I imagine in high school we'll try to start by 10am at the latest.


One of the perks of homeschooling is setting the schedule. If 10am is working why try to fix it?

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We start school at 8. We often don't get up until about ten 'til unless we have to be out the door first thing in the morning. Neither of us likes breakfast, so we tend not to eat that most days. When we do want something to eat, I make it while he's doing his work and he eats it while he's working. We are more likely to drink a cup of morning tea than to eat, however.


He makes his bed as he gets out of it and it takes about a minute. After I've started him on his work for the day I make my bed and do other tidying chores around the house as well as getting myself ready for the day. Making the bed, doing two bathrooms, starting laundry, picking up, etc. all takes about 15 minutes of my time.


If we're getting ready to go out of the house, I stop him so that he can dress and brush his teeth, which generally takes about 10 minutes.

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We start our days very early. Our school starts by 8:30am. I guess the secret for us is to go to bed early. My older dd will get up by 7am no matter what. So, she goes to bed no later then 7:30pm, and so does the baby. It works great. My dh and I still have time to talk things over, to make arrangements, plans, etc. I normally go to bed before 10pm, as I am up by 5am every day. We are all morning people around here, even the baby.

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I gave up trying to do school early..........at least until springtime.


I get up around 7ish........ the kids may or may not be up.


I get all my bill paying/playing on the computer/breakfast cooking, eating, cleaning done/any housecleaning I may feel compelled to do........ get the kids doing things... laundry/dog food/water / etc.


We eat lunch and start school anywhere between 12 and 1pm.


The kids all love our schedule.........


When there is more sunshine and more warmth.... we'll start earlier. :D

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Alarm rings 6:30am for me on the days I have to be at work at 8am, it rings at 7:30 on the days we school at home.

I get up and fix breakfast. On the early days, kids get up at 7, we are out of the house by 7:30 (DD takes an 8am class).

On the late days, kids get up at 7:30, we begin school at 8am or 8:15..


If we start later, we have to spend school time in the afternoon and that usually is not productive. The kids know this as well. Getting up and starting school on time are not negotiable, it has to happen - because me work schedule is not negotiable either. Which, in a sense, makes it really easy since they have no choice.

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The best way for us to consistently start school by 8am is to make sure our bedtimes and wake times are consistent. The kids have lights out at 8-8:30 (which means they've been in bed since 7:30 reading books). The adults are lights out by 10pm. Everyone up by 6-6:30.


Before bed...


Kitchen is spotless.

Breakfast is prepped.

Kids' rooms are clean.


In the morning we...


Eat breakfast & clean up

Get dressed & brush our teeth.

Make the beds.

I check email.


That's pretty much it. We always start school by 8am.


We stick to the same schedule 7 days a week. We are not really into sleeping in anyway. It feels like half our day is gone if we sleep in.

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Since I get home from work either around 10 (from a short morning shift) or 7 (from an overnight shift after which I usually just want to crawl into bed and not move for a few hours, esp. lately), lessons here tend to start around 11 at the very soonest. Noon is more common, and today we didn't start until 1:30. The later we start, usually the less time it takes because DD's big motivator to focus and get it done is to be finished by the time the school bus brings her friends home so she has someone to play with. Even as late as 1:30, that gives us an hour and a half to two hours in which to get everything done, which is plenty for what we do.


DD does usually have a bit of seatwork along with chores to do when I work in the mornings. She tends to do that quickly as she's not allowed to turn on the TV until she finishes it, and usually everyone else is still in bed so she has no distractions. She won't do that if I'm home, though, even if I'm sleeping.:tongue_smilie:

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We start at 8am.


We used to be on the 10am track, until I got sick of it - we would barely get started before people wanted lunch, and barely get back to work before it was time for afterschool acitvities! Now dd sets her alarm for 7am. She has to eat, dress and brush teeth before watching any TV, but once she's done this she may watch until 8am (or be on computer etc).


I try to set my alarm for 6am, so I can get a couple of coffees into me before the kids get up. I often sleep badly, though, so then I reset the alarm to 7am. Either way, I have coffee at the computer, and get dressed before 8am. Preferably no-one talks to me until then! I may eat breakfast "on the go" after 8am while helping dd with her work.


One thing, in reference to a previous post - I found starting going to bed earlier then getting up earlier didn't really work for us, as dd would then not be tired enough to sleep. On the other hand, 2 or 3 days of getting up earlier sure makes going to bed earlier seem more appealing!



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The best way for us to consistently start school by 8am is to make sure our bedtimes and wake times are consistent. The kids have lights out at 8-8:30 (which means they've been in bed since 7:30 reading books). The adults are lights out by 10pm. Everyone up by 6-6:30.


Before bed...


Kitchen is spotless.

Breakfast is prepped.

Kids' rooms are clean.


In the morning we...


Eat breakfast & clean up

Get dressed & brush our teeth.

Make the beds.

I check email.


That's pretty much it. We always start school by 8am.


We stick to the same schedule 7 days a week. We are not really into sleeping in anyway. It feels like half our day is gone if we sleep in.


this is my ideal schedule:001_smile:. I can't seem to get to bed on time though. I'm so happy to be alone ( children in bed) that I stay up super late justing hanging out with DH and doing whatever I want.

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I'm not an early riser, but my kids are (not by early bird's standards of course ;)). At 8:45 the "leader of the day" turns off the tv and opens up the classroom by turning on lights, opening curtains, and starting first on piano. They get a lot of work done which mom is not needed for, logic, TT, chapter books, reading logs, poetry study (we do some together after I get up), spelling, and any other thing they want to do from their planners. The planners are always filled out by me on Sunday, so there's no mystery about what needs to be done each day. They don't get all of their independent work done, but there are enough choices available that they feel like they are more in control of how their morning goes.

I need a lot of time to wake up, I need to lay in bed, check and send my emails, I don't see my slow starting ever changing (I also have health issues, so I wake up feeling 90 :001_smile:).

I've worked hard this year to train the girls to work independently and responsibly. If they want cartoon time they have to get to bed on time and wake up nice and early. Otherwise, there's always the weekend.


The bad news is there is no cleaning up in the morning. We (and the house) look and smell horrifying. I try to have everything organized and clean for the next day. But in all honesty, this flaky family has found a stinky frumpy earlyish middle ground. We look good when we go out for sure, but in order to start at a reasonable time this is how it's worked out.


Off to read the other replies! :auto:

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I was up by 6:00am and drank two cups of coffee. At 6:30am, I met my neighbor, and we walked for an hour. When I got home, I gave dd the first call to get out of bed. By 8:00am, she was up and eating breakfast. School started at 8:30am. Her motivation was to get it all done and she knew the rest of the day was hers.:001_smile:

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I just have one I am schooling here, although I do some preschoolish stuff w/ my 3.5 yo.


usual schedule:

6:30am- awake- morning prayers, bible reading and a bit of computer time

7-7:15 or so kids up and start breakfast and chores. Usually that means unloading the dishwasher, putting a load of dishes, making beds, wiping sinks/toilets, sweeping kitchen if it needs it

8am breakfast

8:30 finish up chores, get dressed, teeth brushed, daily chore- like mopping kitchen or cleaning tub- I am a fast worker- kids make beds beds and dress and help as needed


9am start school

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So, what time are you waking up? You need to wake up earlier if you want to start earlier. That is the only way you are going to get started earlier.


Set the alarm. Set several alarms. Put one beside the bed, one in the bathroom, one in the kitchen next to the coffee pot. By the time you haul yourself out of bed to shut down all of those alarms you will be able to stay up.


It's rough the first few days, but getting started early and being done by lunch or soon thereafter is all the motivation that I need!


Best of luck!

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The best way for us to consistently start school by 8am is to make sure our bedtimes and wake times are consistent. The kids have lights out at 8-8:30 (which means they've been in bed since 7:30 reading books). The adults are lights out by 10pm. Everyone up by 6-6:30.


Before bed...


Kitchen is spotless.

Breakfast is prepped.

Kids' rooms are clean.


In the morning we...


Eat breakfast & clean up

Get dressed & brush our teeth.

Make the beds.

I check email.


That's pretty much it. We always start school by 8am.


We stick to the same schedule 7 days a week. We are not really into sleeping in anyway. It feels like half our day is gone if we sleep in.


:iagree:Yes, to all of this. My children are older, so the bed times are later, but they have learned to really appreciate days which begin early. Our school starts by 8:00-8:15.

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We get up early around here. I am up by 5:00 so I have some time to wake up before time to get the kids up. I wake them at 6:00 and they know they have 1 hour to make their bed, straighten their room, eat breakfast, brush their teeth and do their chore. We are all in the living room ready for memory work/Bible by 7:00.

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My ideas:



  • Go to bed earlier. I have to set my alarm for 7:40 or I WILL sleep til 8:30. Also, train your oldest to make coffee for you in the morning -- it's a great encouragement to get out of bed when the coffee is waiting :D
  • make sure the house, particularly the kitchen, is shipshape before bed so you don't feel the need to clean it in the morning (I'm working on this one!)
  • Put out your first subject the night before and put it on the kitchen table, or wherever it is you work. That way, it's easier to get started-oh, and don't forget paper, erasers and many sharpened pencils!
  • Get up at least 1.5 hours before you intend to start school. I get up at 7:40 and we don't start school til 9:00 am. I would like to start earlier, but I love reading my morning paper and I'm not giving that up. okay, I did give it up as I now read my morning kindle LOL, but you get my drift.
  • have kids clothes laid out the night before, assuming you don't do PJ school (we do PJ school here, so it's not an issue!)


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I get up about 6:30 and immediately go let the kitties out of the laundry room (their bedroom) and I scoop the box (that will wake a body up). Then I feed the howling mob (the cats). Then it is onto the dog and she goes out to do her biz. Then it is coffee making time for me. That takes me to about 7:00am and it is time to get the kids up. I have them meet me in the living room and we start out with math and then LA. It is about 9 or 10 am and we do history & science and take a time-out for Unitedstreaming history or science video and they eat breakfast while watching the video. Then it is back to school and we go until about 12:30 or 1:00 and they take a lunch break and after that we finish up school around 3 or 4.

I think my days are powered by massive amounts of coffee.


I also make sure the house is tidy before going to bed the night before and the kids have a curfew on school nights. I also have the schoolwork all sorted and ready a week in advance for each day so there is no worry about compiling work or last minute copy jobs. Everything is planned to the last detail. Makes the week sooooo much easier!

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Here is what we are trying this week:


6:30 - everyone up, dressed, make beds, empty dishwasher, breakfast, brush teeth

7:00-7:45- kids exercise using Active Life Explorer on Wii (get out wiggly energy before school)

7:45-8:30 or so - J piano practice, while G does reading or I read aloud to him

8:30 - start morning table time together


The main clog here is me getting up... I am getting up earlier & earlier. Also, breakfast dishes are minimal and can be put into the dishwasher immediately if the kitchen is straightened before bed. Also if clothes are chosen the night before it helps, as well as if I have all the schoolwork ready to go with copies made, books out, morning read aloud/discussion items chosen.


I'll see next month if I have kept it all up.

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I wake up between 6 - 6:30 so I can have an hour and a half to two hours of peace and quiet. During that time I pray, have my coffee, check email, check WTM, check my blog, make my bed, throw in a load of laundry, load/unload dishwasher, and try to organize my piles for school. I start waking the kids up about 8:30. They get dressed, have breakfast, and brush their teeth. We usually start about 9:00 -9:15. That is on a good ideal day. Somedays I enjoy the quiet so much that when ds7 hasn't woken up on his own yet I just let them both sleep! Makes for a later school day, but it means more quiet for me, which I think I need and deserve so I can cope with/enjoy the day ahead of me.:D

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