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  • Biography
    Mother of 4, new to homeschooling
  • Location
    Forest Grove, OR
  • Interests
    Art, Crafts, Archery, Pottery
  • Occupation
    Graphic Designer / Computer Programmer
  1. The past few years our family has been in the same boat. I guess lots of people have. Things are improving these days, but during the worst times, several of our friends helped us out, both in person and anonymously. Did it help? Yes, some months, it saved us. Was it humbling? Oh yes. I can't say I was insulted, but I was definatly humbled. It was good for us though, to be dependant on the charity of others. It makes you empathetic to those around you who are worse off and that feeling lasts once you get back on your feet again. As far as helping your friend, I think your idea is great. Just what she needs for her birthday. I wouldn't be afraid to let her know it's you either. When someone shows you love, when you really need it, it's nice to know who it was. Either way, it's a good idea. IMO
  2. I would say you need to be waking up earlier if you want to start school earlier. It takes time to wake up, eat, get ready and all the rest, so you need to start the process early. If you're having trouble waking up, try putting your clock across the room. Then, once you're up, get your coffee and head outside for 5 min. Being outside in the cool air and natural light wakes up your body very effectively (go figure). A quick morning workout (even 10 or 15 min) might help you get going too. As for school, have some "starting" activities to fall back on if you not quite ready. Some ideas: Journal time Memory CD's and coloring time Personal devotion time-for the kid(s) 2 -5 worksheets to finish before regular lessons start Any of these things will buy you a little time to finish up any morning stuff and still get school started on time. Good luck!
  3. I have curly hair, as do most of my kids. I hated my hair growing up and didn't learn to style it until after college. My recomendations: #1 get "Curly Girl" book. It's a $10 book on how to care for and style curly hair (even wavy or loose curls like yours has). The tips in this book changed my life! Sad but true. My hair is much better now and I love it more. #2 Be very careful with how you talk about and deal with your daughter's hair. You may think it looks better straight, but the fact is, her hair has waves. It will have waves forever. If you teach her to hate it, she'll always be disatisfied with her looks. If you try to embrace her unique look, she'll be more likely to love it herself. Learn to take care of her hair just as it is. Make it look its best without drastically trying to change it. I straightened my hair once and it looked "great" but after only a month or so, the damage began to show and it was dry and ugly. After that, I decided that God made me this way for a reason and I've tried to except my "look" gratefully. Just my two cents. Good luck! I feel your pain!
  4. Hi, just thought I'd add my 2 cents. We use SWR with our 3rd and 1st grader, but I rarely do the phonics or the reference pages. I'm basically using it for a spelling program and delving into the phonics as needed with my 1st grader who is still learning to read. I wouldn't recommend doing the program this way, but, even though we are using it incompletely, I still love it. I still find it really helpful and well structured. I also love that we're set from now thru highschool and don't have to buy anything else! I guess IMO, the prgoram is so good, that even families like us, who skip a bunch are still reaping huge benefits from it.
  5. I say, break out the boardgames! I always get to know new people quicker and easier when we're all busy having a good time with some friendly competition.
  6. DH is a musician so we have both. The piano is what he prefers, but the keyboard is more versatile. He taught piano lessons for several years and he didn't seem to mind students only having a keyboard. If you plan on taking piano very seriously, then a real instrument is probably a must. If you're looking for general enjoyment and enrichment, I think a good keyboard would be great. They're easier to move, no tuning, headphone options, multiple sounds, and with newer models you can plug them into your computer and record music. Lots of plusses! The minus? It's not a real piano, and there's just no substitute for the real thing sometimes.
  7. My DD8 and I have greatly been enjoying the book "Ida B" and thought we'd pass along our recommendation! Ida B is about a Midwest girl living with her Mom and Dad, home schooling and having adventures in her apple orchard. All this changes when her Mom gets breast cancer and she had to return to public school. This story made me cry, but it was so sweet and Ida B is so creative and spunky that we just loved it. It's also nice to have a book with home schooling featured so prominently. Ida B is an imperfect character, who acts out, gets mad and feels deeply, but she reminds me of every little girl I know and it's touching to read a story that is a bit "real". I hope others read it too and enjoy it as well!
  8. Here's how I'm doing things this year. So far it's working great for me. This is our first year homeschooling and I was really afraid of burn-out. 4 weeks school (grammar, math, spelling, latin...bla bla bla) 5th week - unit study on some history subject. lots of projects, coloring, reading and relaxing. 6th week - nothing!! break week!! mostly for me. I rest, relax and plan for the next 4 weeks, and ONLY the next 4 weeks. With this schedule, will school all year long, more or less, starting in August and ending in June. We take July off.
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