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Scoop the litterbox and feed the cats. They are very demanding and schedule oriented and will follow me around meowing and acting up if I don't do this stuff right away at the same time EVERY single morning. I haven't slept in since I've had a cat as a pet! If I try to sleep in, they will get up on the bed and tap me with their paws. Need ZZZZZZ's :sleep:

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I'm up at 5:00 every morning. The first thing I do is turn off my alarm clock, or dh will give me a kick! After that I put on my workout clothes, get my coffee and go online while I wait for the caffeine to kick in. Then, I run on the old dreadmill. That is what I do just about every morning.


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I get up and make sure dh gets off to work with everything he needs. Then I go and nurse the baby, who by now is waiting for me, and we lay and snuggle together for darn close to an hour. It's like baby's cup of java... won't get up without it. ;) This time together is pure bliss and reminds me each morning of what's really important in life. :001_wub: It's a good chunk of my morning routine, but I'll sure miss these days when they're gone. :crying:

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There's no 'sure' morning start. This am, it involved coffee, trading snapping comments with Wolf (I *hate* mornings that start like that...He's miserable in the am, and I'd decaffeinated, so it really doesn't go well).


Other ams, I'm woken by the Littles crashing into my room.


Another few years, and they'll be able to do breakfast completely unaided and Mommy will get to sleep til at least 8am.


That's the dream, anyways.

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There's no 'sure' morning start. This am, it involved coffee, trading snapping comments with Wolf (I *hate* mornings that start like that...He's miserable in the am, and I'd decaffeinated, so it really doesn't go well).


Other ams, I'm woken by the Littles crashing into my room.


Another few years, and they'll be able to do breakfast completely unaided and Mommy will get to sleep til at least 8am.


That's the dream, anyways.

Oh, you ARE a dreamer!


I finally trained all children not to wake me up until 0700. My middle child will sneak into my bed sometime in the early morning and watch the clock until 0700. Once he woke me up with these words, "Mom...I let you sleep in this morning, its 7:05." They just don't understand how much I need my sleep...


When they're all teenagers, I have plans to wake them all up very early as payback (that's my evil dream).

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Oh, you ARE a dreamer!


I finally trained all children not to wake me up until 0700. My middle child will sneak into my bed sometime in the early morning and watch the clock until 0700. Once he woke me up with these words, "Mom...I let you sleep in this morning, its 7:05." They just don't understand how much I need my sleep...


When they're all teenagers, I have plans to wake them all up very early as payback (that's my evil dream).

You're my kind of woman! I have the same plans. Poor Princess, my worst, crankiest kid. She's got some 4am wake up calls in her teenhood coming. :D

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We're not morning people at our house. I don't get up until my 2yo wakes me up and he does that by climbing into my bed with a book! He usually doesn't wake up until 8:30-9:00 and we read until either I HAVE to go to the bathroom or he wants breakfast. Usually we read about 45 minutes. And while, yes, that IS usually as wonderful as it sounds- 45 minutes is a LOT of Curious George!

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Stumble to the coffee pot after using the bathroom. Then I poke my head into dh's office (spare room) and say good morning. Head to the computer and veg out while the coffee kicks in. Dh will come and kiss me good morning and I'll grumble something back. I usually feed the cat, I think, it's kind of an unconscious habit, he has me trained.


The dog doesn't even wake up until 8am, ds a little earlier than that. The time change really messed with the dog, she wanted to know why I was in her room so early. Yes, she has her own room in the sunroom.

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As my eyes open, I try to decide if I am awake or asleep and why is there at least one child talking and very awake...right. in. my. face. I then stifle the urge to beat my dh in the head for passing on his early morning genetics to "my" three children! :lol: If it is at least 5:00 am, I get up and go to the bathroom. If it is before, I chose to believe it is a dream/nightmare, ignore the chatter from the small person, roll over, and go back to sleep!! :lol:

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