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Do you plan to see Alice in Wonderland?

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Nope. I'm sure it'll be artistic and probably pretty funny in spots (the pig as footstool is a keeper, in my book), b/c it's Tim Burton. But Johnny Depp was creepy and, IDK, yucky, in Charlie and the Choc Fact, so I don't really want to see him interpret Alice (I mean, the total movie, not that he's playing Alice...although that would be creepy and funny at the same time).

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I just have to keep in mind it is Alice's return to Wonderland, so I wont get all compary. (Yes, I just said compary and you knew what I meant:tongue_smilie:)

I am really hoping that it will just be what it is, and not try and please everyone by being a certain way. Yes, well, that didnt make as much sense now, did it?


Anyways, Yes! And if it is in IMAX 3D, then I will be forking over the extra $4 to see it like that!

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My dh wants to go see it, which is weird, he's not typically a Burton or Depp fan. But I'd like to go. It looks like fun. :D Ds will probably like it. We have great debates over Burton's Batman or Nolan's Batman (with Bale :svengo:) Ds maintains Burton's is better, but he's wrong. :tongue_smilie:

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yes, i'll definitely see it! i'll read reviews before taking my kids - but it's a definite for me!!! :)


johnny depp was a little creepy in charlie and the chocolate factory, but that's only because it stayed very true to the book (as willy wonka was based on the book, but not true to the full storyline, ykwim?). i loved both movies! :)

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My dh is very excited about it. I'm not, but I will go with him.


My oldest and youngest were completely creeped out by Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. They don't want to have anything to do with it.


My 14yo may choose to see it. She just finished an annotated Alice in Wonderland and Philosophy of Alice in Wonderland. She never cared for the book before she got the Philosophy book, but that intrigued her, so she read an annotated version. She may choose to see it just to see what she can spot from the philosophy book.


In general, my dh is the only one who likes anything done by Tim Burton and is the only one who likes artsy films. I like Johnny Depp (remember him from all the way back in 21 Jump Street), but I'm not willing to see a movie just because he's in it.

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My teens are Tim Burton freaks although I have no idea why. We did Alice in Wonderland this past Halloween so they are already all into the story. We were just discussing last night if it was like the Disney adaptation that incorperated both stories or if it was just the second story so I will inform them of that. Of course, they will be going. Me, I think I can wait until DVD.

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My teens are Tim Burton freaks although I have no idea why. We did Alice in Wonderland this past Halloween so they are already all into the story. We were just discussing last night if it was like the Disney adaptation that incorperated both stories or if it was just the second story so I will inform them of that. Of course, they will be going. Me, I think I can wait until DVD.


From my understanding it doesn't follow either of the books. It uses the characters and creates a new story. She's like 19 years old in Victorian times running away from a surprise proposal from a guy she doesn't love. She finds wonderland again and escapes into the world and finds her destiny is to destroy the Red Queen. It's something along those lines anyway. This way no one can complain about him not following the story since it's not really the books anyway, lol.

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I want to see it, but probably won't until it comes out on DVD. We get to about 1 or 2 movies a year on our budget. Last year was Harry Potter, and I'm going to miss Percy Jackson, but there's bound to be something this summer I want to see. Anyway, we'll probably buy the DVD, we have everything else with Johnny Depp/Tim Burton (except I think Edward Scissorhands), and I've watched and enjoyed all of them (except Sweeney Todd, I didn't watch that one because DH said I would regret it.) We even have Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, which DH didn't like.


I think it being an original story is a bonus.

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Yes. I might not see it in the theaters but I definitely will see it. I love Tim Burton and Johnny Depp. I agree he's a creepy character in Charlie-but the book was sorta creepy. Alice is not a sweet and fluffy fairy tale. The book scary and confusing and not politically correct. That's what's great about it. I'm looking forward to seeing Alice's return.

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I think it looks like a better interpretation of Alice than anything I've ever seen/read. I'm guessing--based on Depp's weirdness, lol--that he might really "get" Carroll. (I way don't.)


So while we almost never go to the theater any more, I'd love to see this. As a rental or $1 theater maybe...ick...now that I think of the last time I went to the $1 theater...yeah, maybe we'll just rent it, lol.


But I LOVED Charlie & the Choc Factory (w/ Depp; the old one had a creepy Willy Wonka, imo). I've never seen a Tim Burton film. I guess we'll see about that. :001_smile:

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  • 4 weeks later...

It was amazing. I do not like creepy things AT ALL, and it was not creepy. I made sure my 13 yo daughter went onto the website and looked at Tim Burton's other movies to see the type of movies he directed. We decided to go and we all dressed up. It was so fun. I almost teared up at the tenderness between The Mad Hatter (Johnny Depp) and Alice as she decided whether to return to her world, or to stay. We will see it again in the theater for sure-even the creepy Absalom was just interesting and not frightening. The White Queen's cooking was a bit disturbing to me. I was ready for it from Plugged-Ins movie review, so it wasn't too alarming.


All of our kids are older-all have read both Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. We even came home and played word games at the 13 yo's "Alice" b-day party, similar to what Hatter did in the movie.


Enjoy! But all of our adult children thought it should be PG-13 though for the battle scene.

Edited by CherylG
I said my baby was 12-she's 13 now! :(
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We saw it this past Monday. We all loved it! Johnny Depp's character is strange, but then again he is playing the Mad Hatter. And he does it so well! :D


I've never read the book so I can't compare the two.


I originally wasn't planning on taking my two youngest because I wasn't sure about the creep factor. When I first saw the commercial, I did think it was creepy. DH wanted us to all go together. Glad we did!


We really enjoyed it and look forward to it coming out on DVD.:D

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Nope. Not a Burton or Depp fan.


Honestly, when I see Depp most of the time, I have an urge to give him a bath...with steel wool and bleach. Ugh.


That being said, I do respect him...that he rushed to his dd's side when she was ill, basically telling the film he was working on to wait or go to h*ll, he didn't care, and has since taken the staff that took care of his dd out for dinner, etc...I completely respect that.

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My older 2 saw it. They liked it, said it was creepy sometimes. They don't recommend that my 6 & 4 yo boys see it, though.


I want to see it because I want to see how Johnny Depp plays that part.


For pirates, he said he channeled an efemminate drunk. I totally could see that after I heard him say it. :lol:


I saw Charlie & the Chocolate Factory and I felt like he channeled Michael Jackson for that one, hence his absolute creepiness.


I'm just wondering if I'd pick up a feeling on this one.

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