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Crystal in VA

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10 Good
  1. Not sure if it'll help you or not, but Peppermint Altoids are lifesavers for me. Peppermint is good for the digestive system and Altoids uses real peppermint oil so it soothes the tummy. It helps me. :) I hope you can find something to help you. Nausea is no fun!
  2. how about a Tardis If this has already been shared...please forgive me. I haven't been around lately, but thought you guys would appreciate this. :001_smile:
  3. Yep...I've started already too. :D I've gotten a few family members taken care of and have started picking a few things for my girls. I hope to have a stress-free December. :D
  4. Yes...I get very nervous! We bought our girls laptops this year for school and I couldn't write out the check. I had to make my DH do it. It was a planned purchase but I totally freaked when the cashier announced the total. :tongue_smilie:
  5. :iagree: My grandma did and I am so grateful! She had breast cancer that had spread into her lungs. She was most comfortable at home. We, her family, were with her to take care of her. We were able to make many wonderful memories in those days that I don't believe would've occurred in a hospital setting...just not possible. She had some healthcare people that came in daily to tend to her as well. The care she received was far more than what she would have ever been able to receive in a hospital. She died with so many of her family surrounding her.
  6. My favorite is to get a big scoop on a spoon! :tongue_smilie: The kids will put it on apple slices...that's pretty good too. :001_smile:
  7. :iagree: We have a privacy fence around our backyard. I don't mind sharing...but I get to decide when and with whom I wish to share! :D
  8. I'd love to have chickens but we can't because we're in the city. :( My grandma had them because her land was Grandfathered. Her place was always so wonderful for us kids...a little piece of country right here in the city. She had a huge garden and yard. One of her neighbors who was also Grandfathered still had a couple of Shetland Ponies that we could go visit. Loved it...loved feeding the chickens too. Such wonderful memories! I miss my grandma.:angelsad2:
  9. We were going to wait until they were 12 but that was changed when my oldest, who was 3yo at the time, chopped off every bit of her beautiful blond ringlets. Afterwards she cried so much saying she looked like a boy, I hoped getting her ears pierced would help her feel more girly. *Just for a little background...we had just lost my FIL who was my daughters whole world at that time. I found out later when she was older that the reason she cut her hair was to be like her Papaw, who was fairly thinning and had a bit of a bald spot (lol). She had a Mufasa stuffed animal that he had bought her so she gave him a haircut too in memory of Papaw. ;) My other two daughters got their ears pierced once we felt they were capable of taking care of them. I think they were both about 10 or 11.
  10. I like the Mariner's Museum. It's been awhile since I visited so I'm not sure if any of the exhibits have changed, but it's a nice area. The is also Noland Trail on the property if you're into a walk in the woods. :001_smile: Right next door is the Peninsula Fine Arts Center that you can visit as well. About 5 mins. away is the VA Living Museum. When my kids where younger, we had passes to both Mariner's Museum and VA Living Museum. We enjoyed them both.:001_smile:
  11. Does he get a say in how she looks for her wedding? Her hairstyle? Probably not. ;) I don't think he should shave. Especially since you say that he looks good with it... and he feels good with it. You also stated that it has taken him quite awhile to get it to where it feels right to him so my answer is no, she should accept him for himself.
  12. My toes are half painted too for the same reason.:tongue_smilie: I have red on.
  13. I make "Ghoul"ash. I tried it a few years ago and the kids loved and have begged for it every year since. I got the recipe from Martha Stewart.
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