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Are your friends right around your age? What about stage of life?

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Just curious whether or not your friends are close to your age? Within just a few years? Or are your friends in the same stage of life as you? Such as having teenage children or babies or empty nesters. I honestly do not really have any friends. I'm very quiet and prefer to do my own thing. My closest "friend" would probably be DH's cousin. We feel the same about alot of issues and we get alon great. She's 10 years older than me. I'm 29, she's 39. My oldest and her youngest are both 5. So we are only in the same stage of life with those 2 kids. I've also been talking to a girl with two kids. We both have young children. She's 21 and very "uneducated" when it comes to taking care of children. But she tries and we get along fairly well. She's 8 years younger than I am. So I was just wondering how other peoples friends are.

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Most of my friends are about my age. Since I had my children late in life (youngest at 42), they are mostly at a different stage in their life. They're finished with the little kid stuff, have teenagers/collegiates, and are out doing "grown up woman" stuff. I do have a couple of friends who also had their kids later in life, though, so it all evens out.


Of course, I hardly ever spend any time with friends, so it doesn't matter much. :o)

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I have good friends who are all ages. The friend I talked to yesterday is 20 years younger than me. We chatted for an hour. We have chronic illness in common and a love of God. My sister who is 12 years older is a very good friend of mine (once we rediscovered each other as adults). We have teaching in common as well as (again) a love of God. I have friends who are 40 years older than me. Not all are close friends but a couple of them are close. We have aches and pains and a love of cooking in common. I have some friends who are my age - children around the same ages as mine or slightly older, some homeschool, some don't, some share my faith, some don't. I have another close friend who is (I think) about 10 years older than me. Her kids are already adults but we share a love of music and our faith. All of my friends in all their diversity, are humorous, strong and intelligent women and I enjoy their company.

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How is that for an age difference! I'm almost 40. He was my best friends neighbor when I was in high school. He really is like a father to me. We have similar beliefs and he is so encouraging and understanding and easy to talk to. I have a few other friends who are women, but none of them come close to the same level of friendship.



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See - you need to move next door to me. I'm a few years older than you are, but, I'm also a very quiet 'to myself' person.


My best friend is my sister. She's 8 years younger than I am and has two small children. I have one good friend other than my sis. She's a single mom of two small kids and also 8 years younger than I am. So, very different stages of life!!!


I have tried to fit in with moms near me, but they are SO entrenched in the PS life that I'm having a hard time. It's easier during Little League season. I'm at the field every day and can see people more often. During the off season, I get tired of putting forth the effort all the time.


Anyway, all that to say, please move near me!!! We could obsess about health and Disney together!! ;)

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Where we used to live most of my friends were within 10 years of my age. We were all at the same stage of life, raising kids.


Here my friends are all younger than me. We haven't truly clicked with many families and my friends are writing buddies. They are all much younger than me, I'm 42. They are all single. We all get along great, they make me feel young. :D


My dh's best friend here is younger than him by 20 years.

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I have friends that are my age that are in different stages of life than me, they are people I have been friends with for many years (since high school or before). I have friends that are older than me and seem to be in the same stage as me (mothering, homeschooling). I also have some friends that are the same age and stage. What I don't have are very many friends with wildly different values, views and beliefs from my own. That is interesting now that I think of it.

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For close friends, they range in age from about 30 to (do *NOT* let her know I even tried to add up her age ;)) early 70s---I'm 47, my husband 44. As to stage of life, they range from no kids and never had any, to kids younger than mine, my kid's age, older than mine, kids grown and/or in college and kids older than me :).

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Because I had my first relatively young, I spent a lot of time with the only friends I had being significantly older than me. We all had children around the same age. Eventually, though, I've found my tribe - similar age, similar stage of life, and so forth. I will say that it's taken me quite a while. I knew they were out there somewhere. ;)

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Interesting question. I've thought a lot about it myself. My personal friends are all older than me; late 40s/early 50s. I am 37. I get along beautifully with senior citizens. Even when I was younger, my friends were always older. Guess I'm an old soul :rolleyes:. Dh's friends are all about our same age and I find them...tedious. Tedious, but oddly entertaining. One of dh's friends (the one whom I find less tedious than all the others) has a girlfriend who is 24. :willy_nilly:She scares me. I get being young because, naturally, I was young once, but I can't stand having to hang out with just her while the guys go talk about guy stuff. She's very smart, wise in many ways, but she just puts me on edge for some reason.


ETA - All my personal friends have children of various ages. Dh's friends do not, or if they do, they only have partial custody of one child. I think what I find unsettling about the younger group, even the ones with partial custody, is the ever present...self absorption. I can't go so far as to say it's selfishness, but there is a definite "me first" attitude that permeates everything they do. I think kids help curb that some?

Edited by LauraGB
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Most of my friends are in the same stage of life that I am (raising children, mostly on the younger end), but the ages vary widely. One of my closest friends turns 40 next week, and another friend just barely turned 21. I do have some friends without kids, some who aren't married, and some with older kiddos, but the majority are moms of youngish kids. Most of them don't homeschool :)

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My two best friends are my sister and a friend who is like a sister. My sister is 12 years older and my bf is 5 years younger. I am also friends with my kids' friends' parents, most of whom are younger. I had my oldest at 22 and my youngest at 36, so most of my friends I have met through my three last kids are much younger than I am.

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This is an interesting question and I have enjoyed reading the responses. I am 31 and my dh is 43. We have drifted into friendships with couples in similar stages in life. His friends from school all have older children and so he/we have drifted further from them. My very best gf is a year younger than me-we are cousins and grew up together. We both have 4 children-all the same, or relatively same ages. Dh and I are also friends with two other couples that are closer to dh's age (early 40's), but they began their families later in life, so their children are the ages of ours. I have another friend who has nearly grown children-she is dh's age-early 40's, but we get along famously and can talk on the phone for hours. :D For my/our friendships, it has more to do with like interests and stage in life than age.

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I have friends that are my age that are in different stages of life than me, they are people I have been friends with for many years (since high school or before). I have friends that are older than me and seem to be in the same stage as me (mothering, homeschooling).



My friends from high school, college, & DH's grad school all have children who are preschoolers & younger. 8 of them had babies last year and already so far in 2010 I've heard 3 pregnancy announcements.


The friends who have kids my oldest's age tend to be in their very late 30's to 50's (I'm in my early 30's). I didn't think I was a particularly young mom when I had my first in my mid-20's but I guess it's unusual for our social circle.

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ABout a few years ago, I got really tired of talking to women with small children. My youngest was probably 11 then and my oldest was in college. My friends from some time ago who I keep in touch with by email all have older children or the one who has younger doesn't talk to me about her baby stuff with me. IT wasn't so much that I won't talk to moms who have some teens or olders and also some youngers too. They are generally fine to talk with. It is the mothers who are older than me and have younger children than mine (some have babies or nearly babies and I am not young)- having your first when you are in your mid 40's or later and me having mine in college and my youngest out of grade school doesn't give us much to talk about. SOme of my neighbors are in this category. So I talk more with my neighbors who either don't have children or have older children. The conversations that so many first time moms of littles have is just boring to me. It is weird being in this town because so many people have their children very late. We didn't have ours so extremely early- 26 for the first, but that is a very far cry from 46.

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The majority of my friends are older than me by 5 to 10 years. I had kids early in life. I guess we're all at the same stage in life, but not financially. My friends have all worked for years before having kids and have cars and own houses. Career-wise, they are farther along. But now, long time friends from high school and college are starting to get married and have kids, and it all works in the end.

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most are around my age, give or take 6 years, but I have had many close relationships over the years with women decades older and younger than me. In fact, I'm good friends with my boys babysitter, the only we ever had, and she's now 25. I'll be 47 in June. I've also had friends my parent's age and LOVED their wisdom and input.


I don't think age plays into friendships at all. It's more about how well you relate. I have a couple close friends, one I've been friends with for over 20 years, that are professionals. I have single friends. I have two friends with no kids, one, my best friend, we've been like sisters for 35 years now!!!

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My friends' ages vary a lot- spanning a couple of decades both older and younger. When I was young, I always had lots of older friends. Now I am "middle aged" I have friends both older and younger. I imagine when I am "old" I will have lots of "young" friends.

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Youngest one is 8 years younger, oldest one is 4 years older. We're all in the same stage.


I think it would be difficult to be friends with someone not in the same stage. What would we do with the kids.


Wait!!! I just remembered! The friend I hang out with the most is my mother-in-law. She's almost 30 years older than me. And the kids aren't much of a problem, because they're her grandkids so she doesn't mind them hanging around being loud and wiggly. If we want to go to the movies she tells my fil that he needs to watch them while we go to the movies. He'll roll his eyes and say, "Yes, dear," and plop the kids in front of the wii that they bought to keep at their house, for just this reason.


She's great!!

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I'm fortunate to count my siblings as my best friends, particularly a sister 16-years my junior (no kids) and two brothers, each within 2 years of me (one with kids, one without). I've not felt compelled to seek friendship outside of my family, except for two friends I've had since childhood. They're my age, and have kids the same ages as mine.


I do have a small circle of friends that are on average 10-15 years older than I am - me having had kids earlier, they having had waited until their 30s/40s. We are five families, and all have kids the same age range; we originally met through organized sports. Our kids have been playing together for the past five years and we've all become very close -- vacations together, playdates, sleepovers, et cetera. So I guess they're my friends but for the most part I stick to my siblings and cousins for friendship :D

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We all seem to have kids about the same age. My homeschool friends all have kids about 9, 12 and 15. My church friends the same. Ages are all over. I tend to be the youngest.


Tend to be. Among people with 15 yos, definitely. Some of them are turning 50, I just turned 40. Among people with 12 yos, closer in age. Some are 45ish. Among 9 yo. I can be older. But still, all my church friends with 9 yo are older. It's my homeschool friends who may be younger.

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My friends are all in completely different stages (my best friends aren't married and don't have kids but are 10-15 years older than I am). When I first had children all my friends were the same age (roughly) and same stage. As their kids started school and mine stayed home for school we had a harder time getting together. Then I started attending a bible study with a group of women that covers just about every group -

elderly women, middle aged women married and unmarried, divorced women, students, young professionals - there was about 25 of us in the group. It was so amazing - they had wonderful experiences I could grow from, they were a huge source of strength for me and I hope I gave them something in return. My best friend out of that group is closer to my mothers age, divorced, no kids - and a democrat to boot! ;) But I love her!

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I just realized non of my friends are younger than me :glare: I also realized that all of my son's friends are a few years older than him. I have two that are similiar in life (our kids are within a few grades of each other) but they are 10+ years older than me so they are looking at things such as retirements etc. One of my close is twice my age. I don't look at her as a mother because frankly she has more energy than I do and usually I am the one trying to keep up. :001_smile: I never thought about it before...maybe I should find some younger friends before all of mine die off :lol:

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My friends are mostly about the same age and in the same phase of life although 2 couples have slightly older children. The other couple in our group, actually that I am closest to, is about 8 years younger than we are but their kids are closest in age. She has become my best friend here. We share similar philosophies on raising our kids whereas the other two couples, while I love them dearly, do not come close.

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My long-term best friend is 10 year older than me and has grandchildren that her daughter and son-in-law are in the process of adopting.


The person I talk to the most on the phone is in her late 80's.


Another close local friend is a little younger than me and has kids in public school.


And I have several local homeschool friends, mostly with kids about my kids' age or older.

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My best friend is 11 years older than me but has only 1 child, an 18 year old girl. My oldest is 22 and my girls are 14 and 13. We are not in exactly the same stage of life anymore as her daughter graduated from homeschooling and my friend now has a part time job. I am still a stay at home mom, homeschooling 13dd.


One of my other close friends is only 6 months older than me but single, never married, no kids, etc. She has a full time professional career but we get along great.


Then I have my good mom's club which is 8 of us moms that have adopted kids with special needs. One mom has children older than me and I am the youngest in the group but many of us have kids the same ages and one mom that is 12 years older than me still has preschoolers.

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I have a wide variety of friends, in different stages of life and with kids of different ages. I have kids from 15yo to 3yo so I have things in common with a lot of people. We had our first at 22yo so we were young parents but our last at 36yo was adopted so we are also 'older' parents as well as 'adoptive' parents too. It is easy to find something to talk about, to just about anyone from diapers to college LOL. I have one kid who is an athlete, one who is creative and one who is in OT and behavior therapy...this also helps to have common ground even if our kids aren't the same age.


My closest friends are 10yrs older, 6yrs younger and 4 years younger. One I work with, the other two I met due to the kids.

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See - you need to move next door to me. I'm a few years older than you are, but, I'm also a very quiet 'to myself' person.


My best friend is my sister. She's 8 years younger than I am and has two small children. I have one good friend other than my sis. She's a single mom of two small kids and also 8 years younger than I am. So, very different stages of life!!!


I have tried to fit in with moms near me, but they are SO entrenched in the PS life that I'm having a hard time. It's easier during Little League season. I'm at the field every day and can see people more often. During the off season, I get tired of putting forth the effort all the time.


Anyway, all that to say, please move near me!!! We could obsess about health and Disney together!! ;)


LOL! Seriously! We would get along great! However, I think I might would freeze to death up in MI. This FL girl has never been north of Tennessee!


It has been very interesting reading all of these answers. Looks like friends of all ages is definitely the norm!

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I have both. We used to live in Florida. I started homeschooling my then 10 year old ds when I was 27. I made several good friends through homeschooling him. The majority of those people were a good 10 years older than me. I was always the youngest mom in our homeschool circle there. Ironically, I had the oldest and the youngest child in our circle of friends.


We moved to SC two years ago. My oldest is grown and in the military. Now I am homeschooling the two younger ones. I went to a park day and over time clicked with several people that ended up being at least 5 years younger than me. One friend is 9 years younger than me. These three women are not my closest friends. We have children the same ages.


So... I guess my answer would be that I seem to become friends with people that have children at or near my kids ages. It doesn't seem to matter how old the friends are though. Right now if I looked at a list of what I consider to be my closest friends - I would find they range in age from 28 to 54. I am 37.


I am also still friends from people I went to school with, but we live in different states.


My best friend is my mom - she will be 70 on March 5th. Age just doesn't seem to matter. It is the company and joy the people bring you.

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I tend to be friends with people who have similar aged children or older. Specifically, I am not looking for friends with only littles. School age or older is fine but I am just tired of littles. All of my longer term friends have children around the same age as mine except for one who has more. But even her youngest is not a little anymore plus she didn't have lots of conversations about her toddlers. In fact, the only parents of littles I can stand are those who have olders too. In my neighborhood, we mostly have older parents with grown children or older parents with babies. I find that I have more in common with the older ones with grown children. I am too far removed from babyhood and toddlerhood.

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Most of my good friends are either in the same life situation as I am, have at least one kid the age of one of mine or both. This means most of my good friends are either hsers whom I've met through co-ops and groups or friends I made through my kids' activities.


I don't intentionally part company with people because our situations are no longer compatible, but those friendships tend to die a natural death. Thus, I don't have any friends to speak of who are career-driven, no-kid types.


Dh's good friends are people who share his interests. They ride motorcycles or fish and boat mostly. Most have grown children because dh started later.

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My friends range from about my age and up. Some of them are homeschoolers with similar-aged children. I have another set of friends from a support group and a related semi-annual retreat I attend. Most of those friends are 15+ years older than I am with grown children or have no children but appreciate them.

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Most of my friends are my age or close to it. I have several older friends as well. For some reason, not so many younger friends. I had my dd when I was almost 40 so when she was young many other new moms were younger but for some reason I never had a lot of close friendships with them.


My friends have kids of all ages. I've made lots of friends at bible study and church and most of those women are older. I work with a few younger women but I own an in-home care agency and most of my employees are my age (48) or older.

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one has younger kids than mine, one has older and younger kids than mine and a grandchild, the others have older kids than mine and grandchildren. I have aquaintances that are younger than me with younger kids. And I have aquaintances that are my parents' age. I had one 90-some year old friend who joined us for all our family gatherings (her kids lived out of state) and whom my kids and I would visit occasionally. (She passed away a couple years ago). I enjoy all of these people very much. I would like to be closer to some of the aquaintances, but at this time in my life, my time is limited. Only one of these people homeschools, yet we still have much in common.

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Just curious whether or not your friends are close to your age? Within just a few years? Or are your friends in the same stage of life as you? Such as having teenage children or babies or empty nesters. I honestly do not really have any friends. I'm very quiet and prefer to do my own thing. My closest "friend" would probably be DH's cousin. We feel the same about alot of issues and we get alon great. She's 10 years older than me. I'm 29, she's 39. My oldest and her youngest are both 5. So we are only in the same stage of life with those 2 kids. I've also been talking to a girl with two kids. We both have young children. She's 21 and very "uneducated" when it comes to taking care of children. But she tries and we get along fairly well. She's 8 years younger than I am. So I was just wondering how other peoples friends are.



This is a really interesting question. My cousin and I talked on this very issue this past Wed. Like Suzanne, I'm a first time older Mom (early 40's and my dd will be 11 this May). There are 2 friends that have moved on so I don't know if they were "good" friends. They are my age, one with a grown son and one with a dd my dd's age. I have another friend who is my age I've known for almost 20 years and her youngest of 4 is a sophmore in college. Then I have newer friends .....one is only about 5 years younger with same aged kids as my dd, but 2 boys and she homeshcools them. My friend list is not large by any means. It seems so many people are already "locked" into friendships and don't want to invest emotions, time and energy to develop more. :confused: My concern mostly is my dd, an only child. With extended family a minimum of 8 hours away and the 2 friends "she" has on the street here are in p.s. I'm concerned she'll fall into the same situation. We were invited by an "acquaintance" to attend a homeschool function this afternoon....a Valentine's Day party with quite a few Moms and kids. I hope and pray she meets some new kids/makes new friends and I do too. ;) HTH! Sheryl <><

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