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So, what are you getting your mother in law for Christmas this year? My dh's

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mother will not tell us any ideas, so that makes it very challenging. We can't possibly show up with the "nothing" that she tells us. She definitely believes we don't love her if we don't spend money on her at Christmas. It's the same story every year. Trust me, it's challenging. :-)


Any ideas, ladies?


With MUCHO appreciation,



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My family members already have everything they need, and if they want something they just buy it. Makes it really hard to shop. This year I'm trying something new. I had photo calendars and photo books made with pictures of the kids. They both turned out way cooler than I would have expected, especially the book. And they weren't that expensive either. The books were around $8, and the calendars were $5. I got ours at Artscow.

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This will be the second year I give my mil a photo book full of shots of us and her other kids and grandkids, etc. (she has six kids). I emailed bil and sils across the country to send me photos - with what I took here (I am a camera nut) I have close to 200 good, varied photos for this years album. I use the albums where you slide the photos in the pocket pages - you could just use Shutterfly or whatever and have one made, too.

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No idea. I handed card sending and gift buying for MIL back to Wolf shortly after we were married. She had a complaint about everything I sent her, so since she's his mother, he knows her better, and he can deal with it.



Oh, me likey! My fil, bless his heart, is a very immature 76 year old man that pouts when he isn't happy with his gifts. And he is never happy with his gifts. Perhaps dh could do a better job...

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I picked up some pearl earrings for her. She doesn't do much any more--health issues--...so no quilt or knitting stuff. I've done books for her birthday and Christmas for the past several years. Earrings always make me feel 'dressed' and pulled together, plus they are never the wrong size. Pearls are classic and not too expensive, especially if you catch them on sale.

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MIL is also one of those who buys herself whatever she wants all the time, making her a little hard to shop for. So she pretty much always gets the same thing from us. I make her a photo calendar (wasn't sure if she liked those very much until one year it was the last thing she unwrapped and she was like, "OH, I'm so glad you did this! I was wondering where my calendar was!" So that made me feel good!). She is also really into chocolate and coffee. So we usually get her a Starbucks gift card and/or some gourmet coffee, and some chocolates.


Not sure how much we can afford on the coffee/chocolate front this year, but I'm working on her calendar. She's coming to town this Thursday so I need to scramble to finish it on time!

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I didn't really realize that so many adults exchange Christmas gifts. It's always just been for kids in my family. I do buy things I'd like for myself during the holiday sales as do the other adults in my family so we do spend more money at this time of year, but not on gift giving.

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Last year we gave her two tickets to see Les Mis - for the two of them. The show wasn't until late spring, so it gave her something to look forward too. He took her to dinner and the show, and while that was expensive, half the expense was in December (tickets) and half not until May, so we didn't feel it as much. She loved it.


I could see doing movie tickets if that would be more economical - that night out with DH alone was precious to her.

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My FIL is buying MIL a GPS, so we bought some accessories for it, and a life-time map update subscription for her. We've bought her spa or Macy's gift certificates in the past. Last year we got them a gift certificate to this wine tasting/restaurant place as they enjoy nice wines. My ILs are tough because they're just really hard to buy for, and both have January b-days on top of it. We're hit double!

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We have the kids each choose a gift that is personal between that child and their grandmother.


Ds will paint a nature picture from our yard/woods and I'll get a nice picture frame for it.

Dd has gotten her grandmother memory foam slippers that are supposed to be good for bad feet. (M-i-l has bad feet/knee problems and is always getting new slippers.)

Youngest ds will give her a set of Russian nesting dolls with a Christmas theme (snowman, snegurachka, santa...). He *loves* playing with the nesting dolls she has given us, so it's perfect for him to give a set to her.

The new baby will "give" plaster handprints in nice frames to the grandparents.


I like the idea of gift certificates to places the grandmother frequents... but ours doesn't buy much and wouldn't use them.


This is not gender-specific, but the kids' grandfather is going to be given a new digital camera, a coin-sorter/bank, cookies baked just for him by his granddaughter, and a woodcrafted something from oldest.


I bet the photo calendars would be a hit... I'll have to remember those great ideas for next year!

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mother will not tell us any ideas, so that makes it very challenging. We can't possibly show up with the "nothing" that she tells us. She definitely believes we don't love her if we don't spend money on her at Christmas. It's the same story every year. Trust me, it's challenging. :-)


Any ideas, ladies?


With MUCHO appreciation,




Believe me...I know what you mean!! I cannot even begin to explain the drama surrounding gifts and my mil.:scared: The last gift we gave her was chocolate covered strawberries a couple of years ago for Mother's Day. She didn't like the sentiment at all! You wouldn't believe me if I told you how it went.


That year, as Christmas came around, my fil called my dh and said, "Your mom and I don't need anymore white elephant gifts so we're not planning on exchanging gifts with you this year.":eek:


We haven't given either of them a gift since and it's sooooo nice! There was a lot of interpretation of how much we loved her wrapped up into what ever we gave her. Now, we take her out for a nice dinner for her birthday (Jan 1) and for Mother's Day and every thing is much happier.


If she says get her nothing, take her up on it!:) You have my very deepest sympathy and understanding!

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My DH got promoted last month, so I won my argument for an unusually lavish present for his parents. I got them the new food processor by Cuisineart that is only sold through Williams Sonoma. It has three different bowls, the biggest of which is 16 cups. It also has a really clever adjustment device for changing the thickness of slices using just one blade, and a flippable shredding blade that has coarse shreds in one direction and fine ones in the other. It doesn't have a french fry blade, but I never use that one anyway, so I don't think they will miss it.


They like to make a lot of soups and do canning and freezer jam with produce from their big garden as well as 'u pick' visits. They have a Kitchen Aide mixer but no food processor, so I'm sure they will get a lot of use out of this!


I am more excited about this present than any others this year.


They are such sweet people. I am so lucky to have them as my in-laws.

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Believe me...I know what you mean!! I cannot even begin to explain the drama surrounding gifts and my mil.:scared: The last gift we gave her was chocolate covered strawberries a couple of years ago for Mother's Day. She didn't like the sentiment at all! You wouldn't believe me if I told you how it went.


That year, as Christmas came around, my fil called my dh and said, "Your mom and I don't need anymore white elephant gifts so we're not planning on exchanging gifts with you this year.":eek:


We haven't given either of them a gift since and it's sooooo nice! There was a lot of interpretation of how much we loved her wrapped up into what ever we gave her. Now, we take her out for a nice dinner for her birthday (Jan 1) and for Mother's Day and every thing is much happier.


If she says get her nothing, take her up on it!:) You have my very deepest sympathy and understanding!


I'm in the same place as you. Three years ago we tried to bring a gift to her home. She wouldn't open the door, but was there. We mailed it to her the next day. The box was returned with "Return mail. No forwarding address." Of course it was written in her handwriting, and she still lives in that home today. Cards have been returned, birthday floral arrangements refused, and special notes from the kids have been refused. We haven't even tried in the last year and a half, though she tells everyone we've abandoned her and refuse to acknowledge her important role in our lives. Oh well.


I'm buying a lovely purse and matching shoes for my stepmother-in-law. I love her to pieces.

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All grandparents get a nice little book that is filled with photos and commentary on what their grandchildren have been doing during the past year. I like the ones from here: http://www.artscow.com/ because they have "scrapbook" kits that you can get for free or buy inexpensively to use over and over again.


Basically, they are hardback books that look scrapbooked on the inside. All the grandparents love them.:001_smile:

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My inlaws just instructed us not to give them anything that doesn't either grow or get eaten. I find this quite reasonable and civilised. Dh rekons he's going to have a go at making caramelised balsamic, but as he has no idea about it other than how tasty it should turn out, I'm expecting a last minute baking session :)



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We've done:


Keurig coffee maker

Kitchenaid Mixer

3 in 1 Printer (her favorite gift ever, she says)

Movie Tickets

Ballet Tickets (this year - going to see The Nutcracker)

Stuffed animals (a little unusual I know, but she loves monkeys)

Bookstore gift cards

Earrings (James Avery, handmade stuff off Etsy.com, Silpada)

Charms/pendants (mostly James Avery)

Bracelets (Silpada, Brighton)

Purse (she loves Ellington bags)

Magazine Subscription


Digital Photo Frame

spa gift cards

digital camera

body lotions (Philosopy is a fave)

DVD's - movies, workout


I have a great MIL too (and stepmom) :)

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Haven't bought her gift yet, but here are some possibilities:


Jewelry. I know what type she likes to wear. (From Kohls or somewhere like that.)


A centerpiece for her dining room table to match the new colors of her walls.


A new utensil holder for her kitchen to match the new colors on the walls (kitchen and dining room are one big room).


Angel knick-knacks.


Some sort of jaunty winter hat/glove set from Boscovs. (I saw a bunch in there the other day that were really cute.)


Gift certificates (if necessary--if I can't find anything else!)


Pretty hot pads to put hot casserole dishes on the table.


An indoor plant.

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My MIL doesn't need any "stuff" so we try and get her things to do. Last year, dh took her to see Kenny Rogers for Christmas. She talked about it for months. Kenny is too much this year so we are buying her a gift certificate to the local casino. Dh can take her and give her the card to gamble with. She doesn't have alot of money so she really appreciates getting to go somewhere with her son.

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MIL is so difficult to buy for, but this year we are getting her a digital photo frame.


Sadly, she probably won't like it.


We don't care, we're over it. We decided that from now on we would give gifts to her that a normal grandma would love, and just not worry about it.

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MIL asked for sheets, so we are getting her sheets. I'm also giving her an easel with pics of the kids in a storyboard (had it mounted on matboard for stability). Got her a gift card to Wal Mart, a cross knick knack to sit in her new aparment. And we're taking her to choose a new cell phone (she's been wanting this and she's on our family plan).

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A box of candy, flowers. I love the idea of a gift card for the local car wash... That's definitely going to be added to my idea list for my mom. And a new idea this year... A friend told me about a book of recipes for "Microwave Mug Cakes"... I'd never heard of them before but did look at the book on amazon (http://www.amazon.com/101-Recipes-Microwave-Cakes-Single-Serving/dp/0984228500/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1260256679&sr=8-1). I'm going to take a look at my friend's copy some time this week and may do what one reviewer on amazon suggested... Get MIL a copy of the cookbook and a nice mug.




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We got her a new tea kettle, I noticed the last time we were there that the lid on hers was broken and it no longer whistles. She doesn't really want anything either, but out of a true sense of contentment rather than "gotcha" when the right thing doesn't appear. I'm so blessed to have her as an example and an encourager!

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Last year we gave her two tickets to see Les Mis - for the two of them. The show wasn't until late spring, so it gave her something to look forward too. He took her to dinner and the show, and while that was expensive, half the expense was in December (tickets) and half not until May, so we didn't feel it as much. She loved it.


I could see doing movie tickets if that would be more economical - that night out with DH alone was precious to her.


Now that's a present I hope my future DIL's give me!


My dh's mothe passed away before we were married so I never have had a MIL. We give his Dad a photo calendar every year and that's it. He's 90 now and doesn't really need or want much, but loves pictures of the grandkids.


For my parents we also do the photo calendar. I'm giving my Mom a bracelet with the newest baby's name on it (she has ones of the two other kids). She loves silver jewelry though so that's always easy. I also got her one of those family stick figure bumper stickers for her car with the title "Our Grandkids". She's a bumper sticker kind of person though so that wouldn't go for a lot of people (me included).


Other gifts that have gone over well...leather gloves, a framed picture of her with me as a baby combined with a photo of me with my new baby daughter. Last year we used this site http://www.andreaplanet.com/andreamosaic/ to make a mosaic photo for her. It's easy to do and economical. The software is free and if you have fairly basic computer skills you can do it. Then the only cost is printing the photo and the frame, if you want to frame it.

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I love my mother-in-law, but she is easy. She really does not want us to spend money. This year my oldest dd is knitting her a scarf, and we are giving a little framed picture of all of us, plus one of our chickens. (frozen lol) In the past we've given her photo albums filled with pics, warm, pretty socks (she can't sleep without socks on her feet, even in summer. :)) framed art work by the children, copies of family videos etc. Last year, I matted and framed a series of 3 black & white photos of her with my youngest as a toddler. She actually cried.

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Every time I read one of these threads I thank God for my MIL!! She can be a little stubborn sometimes, but for the most part we have a really good relationship.


When my FIL was still alive we would always give MIL clothes or jewelry or home decor things. FIL (who was a really sweet man) was kind of paranoid about spending money so she seldom bought any of that sort of thing for herself. Since he's been gone, though, she has discovered the "joys" of shopping mail order catalogs :tongue_smilie: and her house is very full of STUFF. (Maybe FIL knew this would happen if she got started shopping?)


At any rate, we try to go with consumables for gifts now. Cookies and fudge for Christmas and flowers for her birthday and Mother's Day...she seems to really like this combination.

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MIL, along with FIL, my parents, etc. are not receiving a thing except a card. They all understand our financial situation. We are getting things for our kids this year (and that less than in past years), and that's it. Not even gifts for each other or stockings for the adults in our house this year.

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My mil frequently visits her brother on Long Island, and they always go out to eat to one of 2 restaurants. He always treats due to money considerations on mils end. DH has customers on LI, so his next trip he is going to get a gift cert. to each of the 2 restaurants, and she'll be able to treat next time. Ds picked out a whole bunch of her favorite munchies for when she watches her sappy movies. (the Hallmark channel is killing me!!!:eek:)

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MIL is getting a photo book (from snapfish) with pics of dd's over the past year. FIL is getting a copy of dh's book (well, he has a chapter in it). My dad is getting the same photo book (he's impossible and won't like whatever we get him) and stepmom is getting Dr Seuss's book You're Only Old Once (she's the type who really will enjoy this and love to share it w/ grandkids). My mom is getting the kitchen towels she's been asking for and a book called Grandkids in Michigan or something, that has activity ideas for kids around the state, and the same photo book (snapfish had a half-off sale last month).

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