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Pajama Mama

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    Outside of Pittsburgh
  1. Wow. I have asthma and I'm appalled at the level of care you were given. I take Advair as a long term inhaler. But I have always had Albuterol as a rescue inhaler. In fact, the Albuterol was the 1st inhaler that I was given. After I needed the Albuterol too much, the doc prescribed the Advair. I rarely need the Albuterol now. If I have a bad cold it inflames my asthma. If I can't breathe well the doc prescribes prednisone for a week. I just can't believe that you told him that you were having problems breathing NOW and he gave you a long term med. I assume that the Flovent is like my Advair. It does take a few weeks to be effective. Did you tell the office manager of the doctor's behavior? I realize that the manager can't really control the doctor. But if enough complain about the same doctor, the practice will have to do something. He sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen. When I was 7 months pregnant, I hurt my back badly. I went to my primary doc. I was looking for suggestions that didn't involve painkillers but he prescribed a painkiller. I called the OB and they recommended that I not take it. It was a new drug and untested in pregnant patients. I called my primary doc and asked him if he had any other suggestions. He was offended that I questioned his suggestion. He told me that I would just have to suffer then. I changed primary doctors then and there. But I do wish I had filed a complaint aganist him. I hope you continue to feel better. With asthma, you now need to be more proactive. Even though I use Advair, when I get a cold/flu I use the rescue inhaler a few times a day. It doesn't matter if I need it. The asthma makes it harder to get a cold out of my lungs. When I don't use the albuterol during a cold, I get really sick and need prednisone for a week. My primary doc and I have an asthma care plan. He knows I'll need prednisone at least once in the cold/flu season. Take care.
  2. We are slowly moving to a more organic and healthy diet. We purchased a bread machine recently. I have made a couple loaves so far with mediocre results. I recipes were online and had 5 stars. They were both not 5 star quality but I think that is MY fault. Help I am trying to use up the white all purpose flour and get rid of it. I found some info that if you add 1 tsp of vital wheat gluten per cup of flour it will make it more like bread flour. It did make it lighter than the first loaf but it wasn't great. The second loaf I did use fast acting yeast as well. I bought some bread flour but haven't used it yet. Can I do 1/2 bread flour and 1/2 all purpose? I find recipes that say to not activate the yeast. So I make a mound in the flour and put it on top. But then I find recipes telling me to activate the yeast!?! I am quite confused(more than usual) Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi--you're my only hope.
  3. asparagus fortuitous catty corner obnoxous comme ci comme ca(so-so in French--one of few words that I remember-I can't put the accents on it with my computer) magnanimous
  4. Nook vs. Kindle?? Sunday! Sunday! Sunday! The matchup of a lifetime. Who will win? Tickets available at the convention center! Will Kindle hold onto his title? Will Nook exact his revenge? Find out when these two titans battle it out! Marmite vs. Vegemite Available now on pay for view for $79.99. This is the grudge match that will end the feud for good. There is definitely some bad blood between these two. It should be a great match!
  5. Ds13 has behavioral and health issues. I have thyroid and other health issues. It has been recommended that we start eating organic foods. It is an expensive process so I need to start with baby steps. We have a small garden. Next year we are disposing of our trampoline and putting a larger garden in that space. We can grow a decent amount of our veggies there. Our neighbor drives an 18 wheeler and picks up lots of veggies for us from Amish farms. I think we should have a lot of veggies next year(we can freeze some stuff for the winter). Any suggestions on what to plant? We live in PA so winters are a no go. I was planning on ordering a grass fed steer and other meats when we receive our income tax refund next February. We still have meats and I don't want to throw them away. As we run out of meats, I'll start buying some organic. Gosh, they are expensive. What can I do to start buying organic in small increments? Spices, starches, cooking items, etc. We are a one income family so we do not have lots of disposible income. Any book suggestions, websites, companies, etc? I am feeling somewhat overwhelmed. I just want to start feeling better. Thanks for reading:)
  6. Thanks for the kind words and reassurances. I have had poor eyesight since I was little but great hearing. It scares me a little to think that the hearing loss could be permanent. I am a little hurt by my mom. I hadn't spoken to her for 2-3 weeks. She wouldn't call me back or she would answer and keep the call brief and then not call me back. She was busy with work. I spoke with her last night and she said that she's worried that her boss is going to fire her and replace her with a younger and cheaper employee. I was empathetic. I understand that she's upset. But when I told her about my medical issue she sounded unconcerned. I told her a little about it and she then turned the conversation around again to her job. My mom had otosclerosis(I don't have that) and lost a lot of her hearing. I thought that she would be understanding. But she was only concerned about the job issue. She is retirement age and plans on retiring in 2 years. If she's fired she would get unemployment. Plus my step dad is working. So, it's not the money. I understand that she's upset. But isn't a health issue a little more important than a job you don't have to have? I know I sound like a baby. It just hurt that my mom didn't seem to care. Thanks for listening to me whine.
  7. I have had chronic ear ringing and ear fullness. I started having some vertigo and imbalance while walking. I went to an ENT and I have some reduced hearing in one ear which I suspected. I had an MRI last week and I'm waiting for the results rather impatiently. The most likely culprit is Meniere's Disease. Does anyone have this or know someone that does? I've been researching about it. If that's what it is I'll need to restrict my salt intake and give up (gulp) chocolate and (double gulp) coffee. Sigh I had the MRI on Wednesday and I'm getting frustrated that the doc hasn't called. The MRI was to rule out a tumor and nerve damage. I assume I would have heard sooner if it was a tumor or nerve damage. I called yesterday and today. I know doctors are busy but dang it. Call me so I can start getting better. I am tired of having dh drive everyone, including me, around. There isn't a cure for Meniere's but I can slow it down. I would love to hear from someone who has this disorder. Please reassure me that my husband won't be chaffeuring me for the rest of my life. I was going to get a part time job. But with my hearing getting worse and the fact that I walk like I'm drunk; I can't see many job openings for me. Heck, if you don't know about the disorder just send good thoughts my way. Send virtual chocolate too since I'll be giving up the real thing soon.
  8. I can't think of any other movies but I've been watching the X-Files on Netflix lately. I also have been watching The Night Stalker on Netflix. It was only one season but the show touched on alot of subjects--Dracula, voodoo, mythology, Jack the Ripper, etc. I read that it inspired alot of other shows/movies.
  9. I voted about making them come in so they didn't get hit by the boat. I would have voted to combine that with giving them broad limits if that was an option. I would have allowed them to wander off by themselves. But if I saw them in harms way I would definitely reel them in a bit. I would have made them move away from the pier but not necessarily stay out of the water. Any beach that I've gone to has signs about staying away from the piers. Were there any signs telling them to stay away?
  10. I would go over under the guise of keeping your neighbor informed. I would mention the closeness of the kids when this happened and your call to the police. If he did it, his guilty mind will register your talking with him as "I know you did it." It may be enough to prevent him from doing it again. If he's innocent, he'll appreciate the heads up. I would definitely try and keep the dog better contained(which you already know). That poor puppy. I hope he's ok. Also, I hope you and the kids are alright as well. It must be difficult that it essentially happened in your backyard. If it were me, I would probably be leery of taking the dog out in the yard for a couple days. Take care.
  11. You mean when you have folded clean clothes in the dirty basket. I've had this happen and it makes me crazier than I already am.
  12. Rats. I forgot to add an "other" category. I don't think you can edit a poll, right?
  13. Which frustrates you more? When your family leaves laundry inside out-socks, shirts, the bottoms of pants? OR When your family leaves items in their pockets--like crayons, lip gloss or an ipod? I am so sick of laundry. Can you tell?
  14. When we go on long trips or to an amusement park; I pack Subway sandwiches in a cooler. You can make them healthier and also have them cut in half for convenience. I would think teens would love Subway. You may have to have them dry. I doubt that you would be allowed packets of condiments. ETA: Hmmm...maybe it's not a good idea though. I doubt that you would be allowed to pack an ice pack or ice to keep them cool.
  15. DD used to say: Lik-up for lipstick Me mote for remote puter for computer glasses for gracias--I still remember when I would hand her something and she would thank me with "glasses"
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