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My 22 dd has a blood clot around her heart

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:grouphug:I am thinking of you and praying for your family. We had a fire the first year we were married. I am still upset of some of the things I lost. I want to show my daughter my artwork and it is gone. My point is that it is traumatic, and it will be. Allow yourself to feel that. On top of that you are worried about your daughter. That is so much worse. :grouphug:

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oh no!!!!!!!!!! I'm *SO* sorry to hear this!!!


I'm praying the doctors find the REASON for the clot, successful treatment, speedy recovery, and for this to never happen again! I'm also praying for your house situation! I pray God touch you and your entire family with peace that surpasses all understanding, and joy in the midst of this all!



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Thank-you all- AGAIN- for the kind words, prayers and thoughts. We heard from our dd last night around 2 a.m. The CAT scan showed no clot- Praise God! So they told her to get dressed and go home. There's a nursing student on her floor who couldn't believe that they didn't at least put her on blood thinner as a precautionary measure, so she's going back to the clinic in the morning to get checked out again. At least for now, things seem fine.

Thanks-again everyone. It's been a blessing and relief to post about some of the stress here.

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Thank-you all- AGAIN- for the kind words, prayers and thoughts. We heard from our dd last night around 2 a.m. The CAT scan showed no clot- Praise God! So they told her to get dressed and go home. There's a nursing student on her floor who couldn't believe that they didn't at least put her on blood thinner as a precautionary measure, so she's going back to the clinic in the morning to get checked out again. At least for now, things seem fine.

Thanks-again everyone. It's been a blessing and relief to post about some of the stress here.

Did she find out anything at the clinic?
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