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What do you smell like?

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Totally frivolous thread. No controversy, elitism, or judgment. Just a little fun.


What scents do you wear? Body wash, lotion, body spray, perfume, essential oils, soap, what?


I have three that I rotate, depending on my mood.


Amazing Grace, by Philosophy. I have the lotion, body spray, spray cologne and roller thing.


Belara, by Mary Kay. I have the lotion and roller thing.


And a newer one that a lovely net-friend gave me: Rain-Kissed Leaves from Bath and Body Works. Smells like summer! I have the shower gel and lotion.


I like things that smell like nature, flowers, leaves, grass.


How about you?

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Pure Grace by Philosophy is my main fragrance, but sometimes Baby Grace (which doesn't smell like a baby :lol: just really fresh and clean).


Faconnable Femme (I know that is spelled wrong!) but it's really hard to find so I use it sparingly.


I have some old DKNY Be Delicious but it doesn't smell good on me anymore (hormones changed, I guess) so it's just sitting there looking cute.

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Here's your first lame reply.


I guess I smell like me. :001_huh:


I use all unscented soaps, shampoos, lotions, etc.


I have an incredibly sensitive sniffer and can't handle wearing fragrances.


I like the names of them and the descriptions and want to be a girly-girl until I actually put them on and then I can't escape! AGHGHGH, the sneezing, the tearing eyes, the runny nose....


Are there such things as scents for sensitive gals? :confused:

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I wear Sung. It's ridiculously expensive. My husband buys it for me for Christmas. Every year I'm reminded to hurry up and use it up before Christmas (I tend to be sparing with it because it's expensive).


I used to also wear Poison and Angel Mist (Victoria's Secret) but I haven't been the past few years. I seemed to wear perfume and body sprays less often since I had the 3rd baby.


I sometimes also smell like apricots. It's my Tom's of Maine deoderant.

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I have no idea. I don't wear any deordorants or perfumes. I'll have to ask my hubby as he says he likes the way I smell (I really think that's just phermones). I can tell you about the rest of the family though. All my dd's smell lightly fruity-flowery. My youngest is the only one that still smells like a child. My grandbaby smells like vanilla. My dad and brothers like old pennies and my mother smelled like tomato soup. My hubby wears men's musk deordorant and I like that. My SIL and to be SIL both wear some kind of men's cologne. I don't know what it is but I can pick it out if I smell it. My ex wore Brut and the smell always reminds me of him. I wore musk as a teen so women's musk always reminds me of my younger days. And whenever I go to my dd's house all my stuff comes home smelling slightly like ferret. I actually don't find that unpleasant either. It is a very subtle musky smell. I love the smell of fresh mown grass and cinnamon. The other day my 13 year old had a friend over who smelled exactly like my 16 year old so I asked if she was home. When I was told she wasn't I asked why it smelled like her then. Turns out they use the same body lotion. I am very smell sensitive.

Edited by KidsHappen
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Usually, Bvlgari White Tea (white tea, white pepper, and artemisia -- I looked that last one up & found out that it's in the daisy family). The perfume is great & I love, love, love the body lotion. It's a very mild fragrance.


My next favorite perfume is Shi by Alfred Sung (water lily, fig leaves, orange blossom, and frangipani).


In winter, I also like Knowing perfume by Estee Lauder (rose, tuberose, mimosa, plum, jasmine, patchouli, orange flower). I'll have to pull it out now that the weather is getting cooler. For some reason, Knowing smells delicious to me -- it's almost like it makes my mouth water, lol.


I also love having peppermint or eucalyptus lotion to put on my feet, esp. if I'm getting ready to put on socks & boots. (Bath & Body Works has a great Eucalyptus/Spearmint lotion.)


Someone else mentioned "Happy". A friend of mine wears it & it smells sooooo great on her. I love it. I tried it & it just didn't smell right on me. :glare:

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Happy by Clinique. :)


In my house I use candles that are either apples (mostly in Fall) or clean linen smell, so I sometimes think I smell like those things since I use them often in my home.


I used to wear Happy. Now it just reminds me of my EX, which makes it UNHappy. LOL


I like apple candles, too.

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Romance by Ralph Lauren is my perfume. I don't wear it very much anymore, because I have a hard time justifying the expense to myself just to smell good. But my dh is 'threatening', LOL, to buy me more, because he LOVES for me to wear it.


My lotion is the Warm Vanilla Sugar Body Cream by Bath and Body works. It smells so good, I almost want to eat it.


I mean, I DON"T eat it. I'm not crazy or anything...:001_huh: :D

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If anything it's vanilla, but neither my hair nor skin will hold a smell. I thought I was wierd until my hair dresser confirmed for me that I wasn't the only one. And when I do wear perfume its Michael from Michael Kors, or some Sonia Kushak bergamont and vanilla smell from Target.


My house smells like Hazelnut cream, because really sticky, flowery, sweet smells give me a headache. So much so that my poor dd has to make her personal scent vanilla too, so I don't get a migraine.

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I am Patchouli. Occasionally, sandalwood. I only do essential oils and with that, just a drop. Patchouli gets strong reactions. People love it or hate it, but I've been told that it smells very good with my body chemistry, somehow. My dh loves it anyway :D. I get a lot of, "who smells like incense?" and lots of former 60's hippies saying it brings back memories :).


The main reason I still wear it is because, to my kids, it smells like "Mom".

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LOL, I smell like apricot b/c of Tom's of Maine, too. But right now, my soap smells like roses. And I use Burt's Bees orange facial cleanser. That's about it. I used to love Dewberry from The Body Shop, but I haven't spent $$ on perfume in forever. And I've been using natural cleaners for so long now that artificial scents give me a headache, so I imagine a lot of perfumes would bother me, anyway.

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Nothing. I generally avoid all manufactured scents both on my body and in my home. They tend to make me feel sick...usually headachy and/or nauseous. Sometimes the scents from someone sitting near me even make me sick, and I have to move away. Essential oils are natural so I can use those without problems, and do use them in my home.


I have a friend with multiple chemical sensitivity who has neurological symptoms from chemical exposure...symptoms like weakness, inability to walk, tremors, nausea, confusion, etc. What this means is that someone's bath soap from their morning shower can make her seriously ill. Because of this, she avoids public places as much as possible. When she does go out, she carries a cane and keeps a facial mask with carbon filters with her at all times. When we schedule a visit, I'm extra careful to not use products, even ones that are fine for me. On those days, everything is off limits including "unscented" products, deoderant, and toothpaste.


BTW, "unscented" products are still scented. They use chemicals designed to cover the natural smell of the other ingredients.


I'm not saying you shouldn't enjoy your scents. I'm just putting this information out there. The more people who know just how bad for our health these things can be, the better. Some day, you may find yourself in the same MCS predictament. My friend was fine (enjoyed scented products) a few years ago.

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Usually... Degree Powder Fresh :tongue_smilie: I don't wear a lot of perfume or scented lotion, but I like the Sweet Pea and Vanilla Sugar lotions from Bath & Body Works. If I'm dressing up really fancy (like a wedding) I have a bottle of Diamonds and Rubies. I love the smell, but can't wear it all the time because I'm sensitive to a lot of smells.

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when i smell good, i smell like Angel by Theirry Mugler or just plain old patchouli. my husband says patchouli reminds him of a Skunk-Or action figure he had as a kid. :001_huh:


i smell like sweat a pretty good amount of the time, though. i work out so hard that no deoderant on earth can keep up.

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Here's your first lame reply.


I guess I smell like me. :001_huh:


I use all unscented soaps, shampoos, lotions, etc.


I have an incredibly sensitive sniffer and can't handle wearing fragrances.


I like the names of them and the descriptions and want to be a girly-girl until I actually put them on and then I can't escape! AGHGHGH, the sneezing, the tearing eyes, the runny nose....


Are there such things as scents for sensitive gals? :confused:


I smell like me too. :D If I do try perfume (I don't currently own any) I can only stand it for a while before I need to shower it off.


I do smell faintly of bleach today as I've been doing some particularly icky laundry, and used it for the first time in ages. One of my t-shirts ended up in that load. I can't wait to wash it again. I just realized that's probably why I had to take out my contact lenses. :tongue_smilie:

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I love the fruity (can't remember the name) Pink lotion and body spray by Victoria's Secret.

There's also another lotion I really like, it comes in a purple bottle that looks like a wine bottle.

It smells lovely- vanilla and fruit combination- not overpowering at all, and not musky (I don't like musk).

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