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Doing a happy dance... Baby Abigail is HERE!

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After 2 "false starts" -- Abigail Sophia Joy Kanak decided it was really time. So, despite heading to bed around 10:00pm for another uneventful night I woke up with those "take-your-breath-away" contractions at 12:30am. We didn't even bother timing them and just called the midwife and assistant to come. After 1hr. & 45 mins, she was born at home (the midwife arrived about 10 minutes before Abby delivered, and the assistant arrived as the baby delivered). Shaun continued the tradition of catching her... as he has done for the four previous children. I finally relaxed enough to take a nap, but I'm wide awake again, checking e-mail and such while the children fawn over Abby.

Christopher, Kathryn, Joshua, and Elizabeth are all excited that their new little sister is finally here.


Here are the statistics:


Abigail Sophia Joy Kanak

born 2:16 am, 21 January 2009

8 lbs 12 oz

21.5 inches long

14.5 inch head

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Oh she's perfect!


Tell her to send "join me in the wide world" vibes to our little girl. I'm still doing the off and on thing and waiting for one of those "take your breath away" contrax that let's me know this is *really* it.


Enjoy that sweet baby. :D

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