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No shennanigans. Tell the truth. What do you do with all the picture cards you get?

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They are on display in the house as long as the Christmas decorations are up.

The ones from family go in our Christmas scrapbook (they fit on one page).

The ones from friends sit in a basket for a year.

The old ones get tossed when the next year's cards need to go in the basket.

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Mine go on the frig so I can think about these people every day of the year; not just at Christmas. If they are sending me a card with a picture they are someone I want to remember.

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Ahem...well...I toss them the same day I get them in the mail. Or, if they're pictures of DH's family or friends, I toss them after they've been hanging around the house long enough for him to think, "Boy, we really should put that away somewhere." Yeah, in the round file! I'm just not sentimental about that kind of stuff, I guess? I don't know, I kind of feel bad, but I'm forever trying to shovel us out of clutter, and no one helps me. So the decisions are mine to make then!

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If it's someone I just get an annual letter from and never speak to throughout the year AND someone I was never close to anyway -- I look at it, think nice thoughts and then trash.


Friends and people I was once very close with? I cut out the photo and tape it to the divider page close to their last name in my address book. So a friend with the last name Sanderson would be taped to the divider page for S/T. Does that make sense? This way I get to see their faces when I am thumbing through my address book.

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I cut them to size and slide them in a photo album. It's more fun to look at old ones than new ones, imo!



This is what I do as well. I really love seeing how families/kids/puppies have grown over the years. (I included "puppies" because we get many cards from friends in the dog world, so they almost always included a furry face or two.....just like ours!)


I have this crazy idea that one day I"ll sort out all the picture cards that we've sent out over the years and have them custom framed together in a big collage. I don't think we've missed a year since Molly was a baby.

Yeah.....one of these years......:tongue_smilie:



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Some years, I've thrown them out. Some years, I've kept them in a basket until they were replaced the next year.


This year, I'm planning on making a small album and keeping it with my prayer journal so that I remember to pray for our family and friends throughout the year.:)

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We keep the ones with kids fanned on the fridge (come to think of it, they all have kids). It happened by accident with one family, so we just kept doing it. Most people we know don't send them, so there are not many to keep track of.

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I display them during Christmas and then toss them. This year though I'm going to keep all the pictures and letters and cards in a box and pull one out a day in January (and as long as they last) for us to pray for as a family at night.



Then I'll toss them. :)

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I display them on the piano. After the season's over, I try to toss them, obsess about the bad juju that surely is associated with tossing someone's family photo, then wait for my sister-in-law to come over, tell me that it is July and the holiday season is over and toss them for me. She has no such qualms. :D

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I take all my Christmas cards, photo ones included, and hang them on the wall during the season. After Jan 6, when all our decorations come down, I put them in a gold basket I have and put them on our dining room table (we don't have a kitchen table). Then we draw one out at Grace before dinner, and include a blessing over the person who sent it. In theory, anyway. We try to go thru all the cards. THEN we keep two or three of the most significant ones, and toss the others.

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During the holidays they are taped to our doorway for us to enjoy. After Christmas, meaning the day after (yes I'm one of those people), they come down. If they are a friend of my kids, I give them to my kids, all others, even some family ones, get tossed out with the wrapping paper. So sad I know but clutter is becoming my enemy and I must win the battle at all costs!!


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Well, I only get about one card that has actual family picture. The other cards (which are very few this year) I keep in a big ziploc bag. I think my bag is too full for anymore and I will have to start a new bag this year. I don't know why I keep them. I think because I saw a cool craft once that used cards. I don't even remember what the craft was anymore. Each year when I put the new cards with the old, I will sometimes take out the old letters and read them. I have to say that I have handmade cards and letters from my sil that passed away 5 years ago. I especially kept them because they were homemade. Now that she is gone, I take comfort when I can sit and read her handwriting and words.

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I put them on a bulletin board where we can look at them often and pray for those people throughout the year. When the first new one arrives after Thanksgiving the next year, I take down the old ones and put them away in my drawer of "sentimental and important things". And no, I'm not a packrat. :001_smile: I cull through our belongings mercilessly, but wouldn't have thought to put those photos in the trash. Many of them are folks I don't get to see very often, so I enjoy having the reminder to think about them and pray for them.

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We have a decorated shoe box that we use as a prayer box. We place Christmas cards, pictures, letters, stuff jotted down on a 3x5 card, whatever in there. Everyday we each take a card out and pray for that person that day. At the end of Christmas, I'll update the prayer box with the new cards and remove older duplicates.


It started as a way for my children to remember what their relatives looked like and it grew to include everyone.

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It really depends on who it is. If it's someone I barely know, I may toss it with the rest of the cards when I take down the decorations.


This year I'm tossing the one of our nieces. It was taken at a Princess Party place. Okay. Four little girls. I can see them wanting to do that and mom wanting to have a photo for the scrapbook. But. For the Christmas card? They're 5, 7, 9, and 11 and they're wearing waaaaay too much makeup and it makes me think of JonBenet and a CSI episode and all the horrible pageant mom stereotypes. I can't wait to take it down. It seriously creeps me out. If it were just in the context of a scrapbook page I wouldn't think anything of it. Oldest ds agrees. Dh thinks it's a little weird, but nothing for me to rant for half an hour about:lol: Youngest dd thought it was cute. (Lord help me!) The middle two either haven't seen it or just haven't commented. I won't say a word to SIL about this. If I thought she was going all wacky pageant mom on us, I'd say something, but that just really isn't her. I'm going to chalk it up to a lapse in what is usually very good judgement and taste. We've got the sweetest, prettiest little nieces though! Ugh. I hate seeing them done up like that.

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We don't receive many pictures but we have some friends from six years ago that send Christmas pictures every year. These hang on my refrigerator and we now have several years worth. We are always amazed how much they have grown each year and it is especially neat to look back through the years to see the progress. We treasure these pictures. Family pictures go in the family album.

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