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What do you estimate you have/will have spent on holiday gifts?

What do you estimate you have/will have spent on holiday gifts?  

  1. 1. What do you estimate you have/will have spent on holiday gifts?

    • $1 - $100
    • $100 - $250
    • $250 - $400
    • $400 - $500
    • $500 - $700
    • $700 - $1000
    • $1000 - $1500
    • more than $1500
    • other

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Next year will be even less - and I'm not basing this on economic predictions, just personal thoughts and goals.


This year we spent about $400 - $450 total. Blah! I succumbed and wish I wouldn't have! No, didn't go into debt.... but I did keep thinking "what would Dave Ramsey say about this for our situation??" Next year will.be.different.

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We've spent in the $1000-$1500 category, but my gift is a new laptop this year, so that upped the amount we spent. We were going to get a new one next year, but we got a good deal on the one I wanted. My boys are getting my current laptop for school.


However, we receive gift money from several relatives so what actually comes out of our pocket is minimal, and the part that does is all budgeted for.

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30 bucks for son, and about 90 for the family we wish would forgive us for my husband paddling their son about in a kayak on still water :(


I feel oddly compelled to rise to the pricey gifts they give my son.


Oh, and twenty bucks for the world's best travel mug for our postal lady....the one who always drives back and gives us our packages instead of leaving a chit in the box like everyone else!

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Oh, and twenty bucks for the world's best travel mug for our postal lady....the one who always drives back and gives us our packages instead of leaving a chit in the box like everyone else!


That was $20 well spent. Our mail carrier never ever drives back to give us our packages - ever. I always end up having to go to the post office which is a HUGE pain.

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I voted the $1000-$1500 range, but that is because we bought dsd a laptop that was a combination graduation and Christmas present.

We did end up spending a bit more than anticipated for the dc (this happens every year).

I know we are closer to the $1000 mark than the $1500 which isn't bad considering a little over half of that was the laptop.

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We've been very blessed this year and have spent more than we have in the last eight to ten years. I don't know the real number as I had some big tickets items on my list and I don't know what dh got me.


We don't use credit cards and usually we are running around about December 24th buying gifts at the last minute. We've had some very rough financial years, so this year we are splurging a little.


We're still being frugal and buying some things we have wanted for a long time.


I guess I say this cautiously because I know how much it hurts to go shopping for gifts, seeing everyone with their carts overflowing, and have 20.00 that has to buy gifts for more than one person.


So :grouphug: to all of you who read some of these numbers and feel that sick feeling in the pit of your stomach. Remember things can change for the better and you never know what next year might bring.

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I haven't added it up - so i guessed $5-700. The only money that has come from our weekly income is $80 for the wii fit - the rest of it DH works a 2nd job and that paid for CHristmas. Doing a quick tally i'm in the right range.


I still need to get my parents their thing - tv trays, and i cut a bunch of stuff OFF the list for various people. But less than last year.

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I voted $250-$400. I might have been a tad off because I realized I forgot to buy my sister's gift:lol:. We did really well this year, but that's because we have been working on being better stewards at Christmas time. We spent $100 on each kid, $40 on each set of parents, and $20 on DH godchild. I made soap and bath salts for all the teachers/friends this year ($50), and we sent e-cards instead of Christmas cards ($3)


OHHH! I'll just make it under $400 if I don't spend more than $40 on my sis! DH and I aren't exchanging because, over the course of three months we've purchased a piano, a laptop, a desk and a sofa and chair. All necessary, but we still felt like spending more money on each other would be excessive.


Merry Christmas!

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I am estimating between $700 and $900.


One of the gifts we are giving our oldest son is a trip to Washington DC. He received an invitation for a personal tour of Thomas Jefferson's library from the Librarian of Congress, so we are taking him next month.

Our biggest expense is the hotel for five days.

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We've spent in the $1000-$1500 category, but my gift is a new laptop this year, so that upped the amount we spent. We were going to get a new one next year, but we got a good deal on the one I wanted. My boys are getting my current laptop for school.


Me too. Plus we ended up going ahead and getting the kids the big gifts they wanted most which were about $200 each. We also have quite a bit of extended family that we have to buy for - shipping of those gifts was about $100!

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We're having a 'normal' Christmas - not really different from previous years.


We generally budget about $150-200/kid & have 2 kids so you can do the math.


We don't get presents for anyone else. Dh & I don't exchange gifts.


I do add $200 to our grocery budget for the month as I tend to buy some treats and expensive ingredients. And I have to budget for our tree because I'm picky about them & it always seems I only like the really expensive ones :D


We are doing ok with $ but don't spend more just because we have more.....

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Money's really tight this year so I made most of our gifts.

I made:

10 collages made with purchased pic frames from Hobby Lobby (50% off)

10 sets of crocheted potholders

10 crocheted towel holders to be given with purchased flour sack towel

homemade jam

For the kids I bought small glass jars that are shaped like lighbulbs, filled them with M&Ms, wrapped them in a $10 bill and tissue paper and put them in a small canvas bag (purchased 8 for $6) - this is for 6 nieces and nephews.

For adult dd I purchased 3 pairs of toe socks for $10 and she'll also received a collage and potholders and towel holder.

For ds, 12, I bought a hoody from his dojo, a set of flannel sheets and 2 books from his list. He'll also receive a collage.

Dh and I don't do alot for gifts. he's receiving a collage for his office.

My mom is getting my Kichenaid since I upgraded and couldn't find a buyer for my old one.

I crocheted an afghan for my father in law and found an address book for my mother in law as well as a collage.

These are all the gifts I'm giving this year and the total came in at $230.

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Here it is at our house:


$20 per kid. (x5 - $100)

Dh - I think I spent $25 on his photo album


In-law and parents: around $60 for them


Nieces and Nephews: $ 50 for four of them


It's a lean year around here.


But, truthfully - WOW! I can't every imagine spending $1000 on Christmas. Ever. We usually keep it to $50 per kid, and around that for adults as well.

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It's interesting how many have spent in the neighborhood of $1000 or upwards, given how often people here talk of budgeting, etc. Both on this board and in my "real life", I'm not seeing how most average folks are truly disaffected by the economy...


Hmmmm. . . I thought I posted this, but I don't see it! Anyway, I wanted to comment on this. I know I participate in those threads because I like to try to save money on everyday things so that we can afford to splurge on things like vacations and Christmas. We've been so blessed that the economy hasn't affected us - yet. We know it could though, so we're saving more than usual just in case.


That said, I spent more this year on Christmas because I did one big gift for each family - I took all the super8 films from our families' past and put them on DVD. Those cost a lot, but it'll be SO worth it to see the looks on everyone's faces as we watch them!!


We spent little on the children - maybe $15 each for stockings because we take a big vacation in January each year. The kids know that they won't be getting big gifts from us because of that. They get enough gifts from other family members anyway.


The majority of our Christmas budget this year has been helping others out. Living near Detroit where the economy is just so bad, it has really hit home how lucky we truly are.

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Ours was about $1500 -- but that includes tools for my dh we would have purchased anyway.


Next year, our budget will be a bit different... though. I'm hoping we'll be saving money -- at least on the gifts we send extended family -- by making the treats ourselves. I'm pretty sure I can do a nice assortment of treats for less than $50!


Also, I don't include any gifts of school supplies or clothing in the Christmas budget -- those come out of the education and clothing budgets. Nor do I include food or personal care items that are in the stockings.


My husband is VERY pleased with how well I came in with our Christmas budget this year -- everything was paid for in cash, and there will be no "surprise bills" in January! The category shopping list worked REALLY well for us. (Book, DVD, game, outfit, wish list, craft/activity/hobby item).


I will do better next year, because I'm going to even more shopping year-round, through sales, Borders Coupons, Michael's/AC Moore Coupons, as well as probably start the candy making in November instead of December.


I've really enjoyed the more relaxed Christmas season, and want to continue that tradition (most of our packages were wrapped on black Friday... mailed packages are gone, I actually DID Christmas cards for the first time in 4 years, and I'm baking for the first time in 5 years! Next year, I want to have everything (except maybe stocking stuffers) done by Thanksgiving, all packages wrapped and under the tree the Sunday after Thanksgiving, cards ready to go out the Monday after Thanksgiving, and only have to finish up the Christmas Goody Boxes for the relatives (by the 2nd week of December).


As long as we're in our house by Thanksgiving or so, this shouldn't be a problem (who knows, maybe I'll have friends over for a Christmas party!)

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about $75-100 per child for 4 children

I spent about $100 on dh

not sure what he spent on me

I only bought for my grand neice about $30(rolling back pack, crayons, coloring book, puzzle, pajamas, story books etc)

around $100 for my parents

dh has not decided what to get his dad.

I try to budget $50 for salvation army, toys for tots etc.

$20 for teachers gifts.

$200-300 extra on grocery bill. WE love to bake and have foods that we only purchase at Christmas time.

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T'is the season! As a Christian I get to celebrate Jesus' birthday and shower others with gifts, and as a patriotic American I get the joy of stimulating the economy at the same time! Now I've just got to wrap up all those stimulus packages!


(I'm assuming that "gifts" include charitable gifts as well.)

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This was the first year that we had a budget ($700), that we stuck to it and that we didn't charge anything/go into debt at all.


Regardless of what we spent, I consider it very successful and DH is thrilled.

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It's interesting how many have spent in the neighborhood of $1000 or upwards, given how often people here talk of budgeting, etc. Both on this board and in my "real life", I'm not seeing how most average folks are truly disaffected by the economy...


Just because we're spending over $1000 doesn't mean we haven't budgeted that amount.


I actually budget closer to $2000 for Christmas. We save for Christmas year-round. We haven't taken any vacations (between the store, being pregnant, etc.), in nearly 7 years (and nice isn't anything like Disney), so we plan ahead.


No, my income hasn't been affected by the economy -- and won't be affected by the economy for the foreseeable future. But, that doesn't mean we don't live without a budget, or that we're throwing money around. We're making up for having lost EVERYTHING (house, car, retirement, jobs) between 1999 and 2003. When a lot of people were living it up -- we were just scraping by. We've only been making "good money" again for about 18 months, and are no longer paycheck to paycheck, or forced to use credit cards to pay for dentist bills. I'm driving a 7 yo minivan, and praying it keeps going for 2 more years. My husband is driving a 13 yo car, and praying it keeps going. Because the longer we can live in those vehicles it means more $$$$ in the bank!


And, until our construction loan goes through (who knows when that will happen in this credit market), my 4 oldest children (girls and boys) are still sharing one bedroom, and the new baby will sleep in dh and my room. We all share one bathroom, and make due as best we can with the situation we are in -- a 900 sq. ft. basement, partially-finished "apartment."

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I put $500-$700. We budgeted $100 for each kid (5), then we spent $25 on each of dh's family (4) and $50 for my parents, plus $10 for my niece and 2 nephews. A grand total of $680, all budgeted for ahead of time so we paid cash and didn't charge it. We start saving for Christmas in late summer, early fall. We didn't send out cards this year, though, so that helped a lot.

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By the time it's over, I think I will be able to keep it under $1,000. We have 4 children, 8 godchildren, and we also buy for 8 nieces and nephews, and 3 parents (grandparents). We also choose 4 needy children in the community and buy 2 articles of clothing, and 1 toy for each of them. We also buy for 1 disabled person in the community. I bought a workshirt for my dh. I know he bought me something, but I sure hope it's not much. We buy a $15.00 permit and cut down our own tree. This is a great family tradition of ours. The kids look forward to hiking into the woods and cutting down a tree almost as much as Christmas itself. We bring a thermos of hot chocolate, which is also a treat. We make our own decorations from little craft projects.


I feel like we are very frugal, but it is frightening how quickly it adds up. At least it is all in cash that we saved up over the year. That at least makes it less painful, financially.

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It's interesting how many have spent in the neighborhood of $1000 or upwards, given how often people here talk of budgeting, etc. Both on this board and in my "real life", I'm not seeing how most average folks are truly disaffected by the economy...


A few things since I'm one who voted in the $1000-$1500 range....


I budget for Chrsitmas all year. I put a certain amout each month away for gifts. My husband also made some extra income over the last coule of months and gave me some of it for shopping.


My dh and I are not buying anything for each other.


We are giving fairly generous gift cards for practical things to family members who are very much struggling right now. My sil lives in a very depressed area. We are sending her $100 gift card to buy her kids shoes and are sending a few packages of diapers for her new baby. Same with my sister. She is struggling and has 1yo twins. She got two big boxes of diapers from us. We also gave gift cards for food items to a newly retired relative who was forced into retirement due to health issues.


We decided, with my inlaws, not to exchange gifts this year. So, we gave the money we would have spent on their gifts to a family who had no money to buy anything for their kids this Christmas.


We also gave to our church's deacon fund and to the ministry the church was supporting for Christmas which was a home for women recovering from substance abuse. This was a charity close to my heart as both of my sisters have struggled with the same thing.


I did buy a beautiful hummingbird feeder for my mom that cost me $54 and I have to ship it but I know it is going to bring her hours and hours and hours of enjoyment as she talks about her "hummers" everytime I'm on the phone with her.:)


As for my kids...I'm creating a "pre-school" corner for the three year old so I bought a table and chairs and a reading bench for that. My 12yo wanted her room re-done so she is getting a few Pottery Barn Teen items to accessorize. She has been such an enormous help with the 3yo and she has to share her room with him so I'm happy to be able to give her a few items that she will truly love! My 16yo just asked for money which he will immediately put into his college savings account. That's just the kind of kid he is.;)


So, although it sounds like a large amount, we didn't buy extravagent things. We didn't go into debt. We didn't succumb to the commercialism of the holiday. Through the grace of God, we are not struggling financially right now and, out of thanksgiving, we passed on the blessing to those who are struggling and purchased a few items that will bring joy to a few people who are very close to us.


Merry Christmas!:grouphug:

Edited by CAMom
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I clicked "Other" because there wasn't a "None of your business" option. :)


:D I love you, Hillary!



We spent about $800 this year, which is about $300 more than we usually spend because I bought a Wii and the accessories. I buy for my three boys, my husband, my parents, my MIL, my brother, my sister, BIL, nephew and two neices. My husband's family does not exchange gifts.


I have no problem spending money on my children at Christmas because they don't get anything else during the year, except for birthdays. Honestly, I am surprised at people who spend under $30 on their children. I am sure that opens up a whole can of worms, but there you have it.

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But we spend over $150 on each of our mothers (I am taking mine to the symphony, DH is taking his to Phantom of the Opera).


Then DH is getting art books, an art video, and a ESV study bible. He has wanted all these things for a while, and while the total is a chunk of change, I figure other men spend money on their hobbies all year.


One of our sons is a tennis player and needs a tennis racquet. That's almost $200 for a good one, and he's a competitive player so he knows what he wants.


Another (grown) son needs a microwave and snow boots, both of which are expensive, and both of which are sort of needs. Our swimmer needed a few items that really added up.


We also sent money to friends who can't afford presents for their own children, so that raised our expenses but we just really felt we needed to.


So while it seems like a lot of money to spend, I spent nothing on junky toys or games. Each child got a "want" gift that cost around $30 each, and everything else under the tree is something they need, something to read, something to wear.

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The big ESV study bible? :D My dh just has to have one the minute they came out :lol: He waited a couple weeks until they went on sale though.


I think DH's was $60 or so leather bound. Which is a LOT of money, but he had to had to had to have it, and guess who else is really going to enjoy it? :)

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So far I have only spent about $30, so I have lots of shopping left to do.


My kids each get 3 or 4 gifts and then a stocking. We have 4 places to go, so my kids end up with lots of gifts.

We draw names for the kids at my Grandma's house so we got 2 names at $10-$15 range. The baby didn't have to draw a name.

I am making gifts for the grandparents so I just need to buy frames for those, so about $3-$5/each for 3 frames. I might be making one more, not sure if my husband's grandma is coming for Christmas or not..

Normally my husband and I don't do gifts for each other, but this year we decided we are getting gifts~not sure how much we are spending on each other but atleast we will have a gift or two to open on Christmas.

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We also didn't buy much at all for the kids the last year. In fact they need clothes - and are getting them for Christmas. But really we didn't have the ability to buy thru the year like we have in the past. So, since we were able to without much trouble at the moment, we splurged more than we'd planned.


We don't know what the coming year means for us financial wise, so this may be it until next Christmas too.


Every 2 years we cash in our change for CHristmas - last year it was $400 worth. I'm not sure we will hit it next year because well, i've needed the change some weeks....


ANyway.... i'm not sure i could just spend a small amount, but i haven't been in that financial spot.... yet.

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