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Inauguration - NO POLITICS, just thoughts on the ceremony


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1 hour ago, Kinsa said:

My decidedly unpopular opinion, which probably isn't going to go over well on this board:

Pres Obama could NOT keep his eyes open.  What's up with that? Dude, c'mon!

I'm not a Lady Gaga fan, but even I have to admit that she hit it out of the park. JLo did okay. Garth did okay.

The entire thing was just too kumbaya for me.  I felt like I needed hip waders to get through the BS being spewed.

I actually couldn't stand the poet gal. (Amanda Gorman, apparently?) She bored me. I decided I was done watching after several minutes of her. I shut off the tv and went on with my life. However, no doubt she made a name for herself today. 

I'm not a supporter of the current VP's political stance, but I did feel a moment of pride at having the first woman in one of those top two executive positions. 

And I loved that the Pledge of Allegiance was done in sign language. 

I'm curious what BS you were hearing?  What would you have preferred to hear?   Feel free to pm me if you'd prefer not to post it publicly.  Or not, if you'd rather not.  I'm honestly just curious and not trying to start anything.

I actually prefer to read Amanda Gorman's poem because it has a lot of nuance in it and while I do love spoken word poetry, I don't always 'get' it until I've had the chance to read it multiple times. 

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It was beautiful and inspiring!  Gives me hope again.  I thought the benediction was so inspiring.  Amanda Gorman is a true gift to society.  We will be memorizing more poetry this year because of her.  This all made me think, there is so much power in our words.  I think this will help me get through the February homeschooling slump.  No relaxing on sentence diagramming or Latin!!

My 7-year-old said he will always remember this day and the wonderful "Joe-nuts" we made to celebrate.  (Doughnuts we made to celebrate Joe's inauguration, lol.)



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2 minutes ago, rainbird2 said:

It was beautiful and inspiring!  Gives me hope again.  I thought the benediction was so inspiring.  Amanda Gorman is a true gift to society.  We will be memorizing more poetry this year because of her.  This all made me think, there is so much power in our words.  I think this will help me get through the February homeschooling slump.  No relaxing on sentence diagramming or Latin!!

My 7-year-old said he will always remember this day and the wonderful "Joe-nuts" we made to celebrate.  (Doughnuts we made to celebrate Joe's inauguration, lol.)



"Joe-nuts" - what a great celebration idea!

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I'm enjoying all the Bernie memes based on that outfit and those gloves and the fact that he apparently grabbed some mail that he was carrying around before coming. Love him or hate him, he's just always on brand and always himself.

Doug Emhoff's daughter had a cool coat.

To note about the women and how everyone was dressed... it was chilly because it was windy, but it wasn't that bad. I took a walk in nothing heavier than a jacket earlier. I think Bernie just has a lot of Vermont level winter clothes.

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1 hour ago, Melissa Louise said:

Silly question, but why can't the women wear pant suits w layers and more substantial coats? 

OH they totally can.  I would do that.  But it some women choose to wear dresses and I would be freezing.  It looked like they didn't have panty hose on.  Although that is hard to tell on tv.  

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2 hours ago, Moonhawk said:

I jokingly told my DH that "I've been indoctrinated to the core" because it all felt so meaningful to me, at the pledge of allegiance I was crying. The military parade, the laying of the wreath, even the walk to the White House, I felt everything very deeply.

I love tradition and ceremony. I find it evocative and comforting.

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I was able to catch bits of it at work; it was running on my news app, but I had to keep silencing it to get the phone. I did hear all of both swearing-ins, and all of the National Anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance. I couldn't really see dresses and things too much; my eyes were elsewhere. And I was wearing out my phone battery and needed to quit while I still had battery for the rest of the day. 

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I think my favorite part was the walk into the White House. Even DS teared up at that point. It just felt so meaningful and like we were watching history in action (we were). 

All of my VT friends are chiming in on Bernie and wondering if he could look anymore Vermont-y in that outfit. I cracked up at a tweet asking "what IS a dress up occasion in VT?" 😂

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Wow. Had to go find video of Amanda Gorman, and just Wow. To not only be able to pen such words with such meaning but to read aloud as performance art--very impressive. (And did you note her beautiful coat? Are there inauguration stylists out there? She looked as amazing as her words.)

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22 minutes ago, AmandaVT said:

All of my VT friends are chiming in on Bernie and wondering if he could look anymore Vermont-y in that outfit. I cracked up at a tweet asking "what IS a dress up occasion in VT?" 😂

Bernie is so hilarious.  He's just always so completely himself.  Have you seen the Trevor Noah segment about his cable access show in the 80's?  It's HILARIOUS.  


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4 hours ago, Kinsa said:

My decidedly unpopular opinion, which probably isn't going to go over well on this board:

Pres Obama could NOT keep his eyes open.  What's up with that? Dude, c'mon!

I'm not a Lady Gaga fan, but even I have to admit that she hit it out of the park. JLo did okay. Garth did okay.

The entire thing was just too kumbaya for me.  I felt like I needed hip waders to get through the BS being spewed.

I actually couldn't stand the poet gal. (Amanda Gorman, apparently?) She bored me. I decided I was done watching after several minutes of her. I shut off the tv and went on with my life. However, no doubt she made a name for herself today. 

I'm not a supporter of the current VP's political stance, but I did feel a moment of pride at having the first woman in one of those top two executive positions. 

And I loved that the Pledge of Allegiance was done in sign language. 

Dude, harsh! Miss Gorman is only what? 22?  I thought she spoke with grace and confidence and did a lovely job! I’d have probably fainted and had to be carried away by stretcher if I had had to speak at such an event at 22. 

I thought Lady Gaga's dress was beautiful. Definitely not what I expected from Lady Gaga! 

When they cut to Bernie Sanders, I said, “Awww...did your wife knit you some mittens?” Dd said I was being sexist, and that it’s perfectly possible that Bernie is a knitter and knits his own mittens! Alas! A quick internet search reveals that the senator is not one of us (knitters, that is.) The mittens were apparently made by a Vermont schoolteacher. 

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1 hour ago, Terabith said:

Bernie is so hilarious.  He's just always so completely himself.  Have you seen the Trevor Noah segment about his cable access show in the 80's?  It's HILARIOUS.  


Okay, I didn't think today could get any better, but it just did.  This is hilarious!!!  Side note:  man I love Trevor Noah.

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1 hour ago, Ali in OR said:

Wow. Had to go find video of Amanda Gorman, and just Wow. To not only be able to pen such words with such meaning but to read aloud as performance art--very impressive. (And did you note her beautiful coat? Are there inauguration stylists out there? She looked as amazing as her words.)

She is so.amazing.  I've been a fangirl for a while.  Look up her readings at the 4th of July in Boston a couple of years ago (when she was just 20), and there were two pieces she did that were aired CBS This Morning (one on the reopening of the Empire State Building, I think the other was something to do with Racial Justice/Black History and I think was filmed at the Smithsonian).  And she did a Harvard commencement, which I haven't seen.  But every time I hear here, I am just blown away.  It's the combination of the wordsmithing and a powerful message.  And yes, she always looks amazing as well.... 

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3 minutes ago, Matryoshka said:

She is so.amazing.  I've been a fangirl for a while.  Look up her readings at the 4th of July in Boston a couple of years ago (when she was just 20), and there were two pieces she did that were aired CBS This Morning (one on the reopening of the Empire State Building, I think the other was something to do with Racial Justice/Black History and I think was filmed at the Smithsonian).  And she did a Harvard commencement, which I haven't seen.  But every time I hear here, I am just blown away.  It's the combination of the wordsmithing and a powerful message.  And yes, she always looks amazing as well.... 

She has a book of her poetry coming out in September.  It will include the poem she read today.  I am very much looking forward to it.  If you look up her name on Goodreads you will find it. 

Edit:  You may know this since you have been a fan for a while.

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5 minutes ago, Ditto said:

She has a book of her poetry coming out in September.  It will include the poem she read today.  I am very much looking forward to it.  If you look up her name on Goodreads you will find it. 

Edit:  You may know this since you have been a fan for a while.

I only found out about the book earlier today, but honestly there's something about her delivery that I think appeals to me as much as the words.  I can usually only take poetry in small bits.

Spoken word poetry seems to be having a moment.  I hadn't really encountered it before her - I'd heard of slam poetry, but I think that's different.  Then this year a spoken word poet won America's Got Talent - I mean, who'd've thunk?  

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2 hours ago, Ali in OR said:

Wow. Had to go find video of Amanda Gorman, and just Wow. To not only be able to pen such words with such meaning but to read aloud as performance art--very impressive. (And did you note her beautiful coat? Are there inauguration stylists out there? She looked as amazing as her words.)

I was not watching because I believe that me not watching the inauguration might bring good luck 😉

I looked it up on youtube after reading all the praise on this thread. Wow, she has poise and even though her verse was not in a style that I am used to, she managed to pull it off with eloquence. Considering how short a time she might have had to compose and memorize (even though they might have had teleprompters) such a long poem, she did an amazing job. At her age, I might have stuttered, stammered and run away.

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7 hours ago, Seasider too said:

I love that! 
I hope I can find the entire event video online for rewatching. 

The whole thing is on Cspan for rewatching

4 hours ago, jen3kids said:

I'm curious what BS you were hearing?  What would you have preferred to hear?   Feel free to pm me if you'd prefer not to post it publicly.  Or not, if you'd rather not.  I'm honestly just curious and not trying to start anything.

I actually prefer to read Amanda Gorman's poem because it has a lot of nuance in it and while I do love spoken word poetry, I don't always 'get' it until I've had the chance to read it multiple times. 

I've already listened and read it several times myself. Love it. 

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I loved the whole ceremony and  got choked up several times including during Lady Gaga song.  I can't remember exactly what it was but she gestured to the flag which was really poignant. And she was nervous as heck which was cute. Loved Amanda's poem and have already listened to it several times. Appreciated the honor guard for Pence as he and his wife left.  The fife and drum core wearing 18th century uniforms for the pass and review in front of the capitol steps.  So many things.  It just set the right tone.  And the presenting of the painting and other gifts in the capitol rotunda since they couldn't do the luncheon thing. 

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3 questions for US people.

1/ What is the reasoning behind it being such a public event? 

2/why is there such a long gap between the election and change of government given you have a 2 party system?

3/  Why have you had 46 Presidents and no women yet?

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1 minute ago, kiwik said:

3 questions for US people.

1/ What is the reasoning behind it being such a public event? 

celebrate our tradition of peaceful transfers of power.

2/why is there such a long gap between the election and change of government given you have a 2 party system?

hangover from times when things took longer  

3/  Why have you had 46 Presidents and no women yet?

patriarchy / misogyny  


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1 hour ago, Kinsa said:

Meh. 🤷‍♀️ Twenty-two or 102... I still felt like I was watching a speak-easy. Just not something I enjoy. 

Maybe a speak-easy has multiple meanings I don't know? I thought it was an illegal place of drinking, so I'd assume slurred words or a bit risqué entertainment, 1920's style. Could you clarify what a speak-easy connotes to you?

If I was going to try and "place" this type of performance style, I would say early 2000's coffee house open mic night or post-modern performance bar place. With lots of black turtlenecks and finger snaps for clapping. (eta: I associate poetry reading in general with this type of atmosphere)

Or, an inauguration ceremony, it seems to fit there too. 🙂 

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1 minute ago, lauraw4321 said:

I had the same question? Do you mean she sounded drunk?

Not Kinsa, but I don't think she meant that! 

She did an amazing job of her performance. You can hear a nervous crack in her voice at the beginning, but then she gets into it. She should be commended for her reading.

From a poetic pov I considered it to need a good edit, and to pull back on the rhetoric in favour of the lyric - to me, it was really something other than a poem. 

In any case, she was very successful in moving her audience, as can be seen by the response (I'm not her audience so it didn't really have the same effect on me). 




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14 minutes ago, kiwik said:

3 questions for US people.

1/ What is the reasoning behind it being such a public event? 

2/why is there such a long gap between the election and change of government given you have a 2 party system?

3/  Why have you had 46 Presidents and no women yet?

1) Tradition

2) Both election and inauguration days are in the Constitution......in the days of horses, travel was tricky

3) misogyny?

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10 minutes ago, Moonhawk said:

Maybe a speak-easy has multiple meanings I don't know? I thought it was an illegal place of drinking, so I'd assume slurred words or a bit risqué entertainment, 1920's style. Could you clarify what a speak-easy connotes to you?

If I was going to try and "place" this type of performance style, I would say early 2000's coffee house open mic night or post-modern performance bar place. With lots of black turtlenecks and finger snaps for clapping. (eta: I associate poetry reading in general with this type of atmosphere)

Or, an inauguration ceremony, it seems to fit there too. 🙂 

Ah, beat poetry maybe?  It did seem similar. 

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31 minutes ago, kiwik said:

3 questions for US people.

1/ What is the reasoning behind it being such a public event? 

2/why is there such a long gap between the election and change of government given you have a 2 party system?

3/  Why have you had 46 Presidents and no women yet?

My opinions:

1.  It is a celebration of our government.  It is one of the few times that you will see all three branches of government together.  This year was different, but usually you will see most of Congress and the Supreme Court.

2.  Three months isn't really that long.  In that time the incoming president chooses cabinet members and staff.  Also, Thanksgiving and Christmas happen in that time period.

3.  This is a result of a combination of misogyny and oppression, tradition, and political stance.  Women have only been allowed to vote in the last 26 elections (I think).  For many years, the path to the presidency came through military experience.  Recently, the path seems to be (largely) through Congress.  Women have in recent years been winning many Congressional districts.  I think we will soon see many more women running for President/Vice President.

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35 minutes ago, Melissa Louise said:

From a poetic pov I considered it to need a good edit, and to pull back on the rhetoric in favour of the lyric - to me, it was really something other than a poem. 

In my experience, all meaningful, memorable poems are "something other than a poem." The poem had passion. 

Not to you in particular... If the imagery evoked by the poem bothered some people, I have to wonder if the same was felt about American carnage.

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Just now, Alte Veste Academy said:

In my experience, all meaningful, memorable poems are "something other than a poem." The poem had passion. 

Not to be political, but if the imagery evoked by the poem bothered some people, I have to wonder if the same was felt about American carnage.

I wasn't bothered by it, I just felt it could have done with a tighter edit, and a wee bit more lyricism - perhaps more imagery, less rhetoric. The delivery of the poem held a lot of the passion, rather than the lines. 

I'm not American, so I'm just looking at this as a text. It does have a bit of beat energy, which is prob what Kinsa was trying to note. 

It's a massive ask of a 22yr old. She did a great job, as seen by the response of many of you. I don't have a partisan response to it, so I'm not quite sure how else to respond. 

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4 hours ago, Farrar said:

Doug Emhoff's daughter had a cool coat.

Nice little article about All the Coats here: https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/story/2021-01-20/inauguration-coats-where-ella-emhoff-amanda-gorman-and-more-got-their-looks

3 hours ago, Ali in OR said:

(And did you note her beautiful coat? Are there inauguration stylists out there? She looked as amazing as her words.)

And a great article including details about the symbolism in Amanda Gorman's outfit: https://www.vogue.com/article/inaugural-poet-amanda-gorman-interview

(Yeah, I like clothes. Even though I've been wearing sweats every day for months and personally shop thrift stores...)

Edited by MercyA
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20 minutes ago, Junie said:

My opinions:

1.  It is a celebration of our government.  It is one of the few times that you will see all three branches of government together.  This year was different, but usually you will see most of Congress and the Supreme Court.

2.  Three months isn't really that long.  In that time the incoming president chooses cabinet members and staff.  Also, Thanksgiving and Christmas happen in that time period.

3.  This is a result of a combination of misogyny and oppression, tradition, and political stance.  Women have only been allowed to vote in the last 26 elections (I think).  For many years, the path to the presidency came through military experience.  Recently, the path seems to be (largely) through Congress.  Women have in recent years been winning many Congressional districts.  I think we will soon see many more women running for President/Vice 

It is interesting watching.  It must have taken us about 90 years  (1893 to 2980 something ?)after women got the vote to get our first woman PM so maybe next time.  And yes I guess it was different this time with Vivid.  3 months seems a long time to me.  There is just too much mischief to be done in those 3 months. Though I suppose your way avoids the not officially having a government between the election and the swearing in a few weeks later.

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None of the men wore anything especially groundbreaking, but Robin Givhen wrote a LONG critique of exactly what message was conveyed in the clothes with most of her focus on Biden. Like, there were like three long paragraphs about the pocket squares. I feel like a decade ago, everyone was like, you would never pay attention to the men's clothes the way you do the women! Well, be careful what you wish for? Ha. It is nice to have a president who wears clothes that fit again. Everyone, no matter your size or political affiliations, you deserve clothes that fit you.

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1 hour ago, kiwik said:

3 questions for US people.

1/ What is the reasoning behind it being such a public event? 

2/why is there such a long gap between the election and change of government given you have a 2 party system?

3/  Why have you had 46 Presidents and no women yet?

Not an American (so take it for what it's worth):

1/ It's a republic's equivalent to a coronation, with all the pomp and circumstance to go with.

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38 minutes ago, kiwik said:

It is interesting watching.  It must have taken us about 90 years  (1893 to 2980 something ?)after women got the vote to get our first woman PM so maybe next time.  And yes I guess it was different this time with Vivid.  3 months seems a long time to me.  There is just too much mischief to be done in those 3 months. Though I suppose your way avoids the not officially having a government between the election and the swearing in a few weeks later.

Great typo!  I hope it won't take until 2980 before the USA elects a woman president, or for Canada to elect* a woman prime minister.

*We've had one female prime minister, but she assumed the role late mid-term after a male prime minister stepped down.  And we don't directly elect our prime ministers.  More correctly, I hope that it doesn't take until 2980 until a woman is the leader of the winning party in a Canadian federal election.

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2 hours ago, Melissa Louise said:

Not Kinsa, but I don't think she meant that! 

She did an amazing job of her performance. You can hear a nervous crack in her voice at the beginning, but then she gets into it. She should be commended for her reading.

From a poetic pov I considered it to need a good edit, and to pull back on the rhetoric in favour of the lyric - to me, it was really something other than a poem. 

In any case, she was very successful in moving her audience, as can be seen by the response (I'm not her audience so it didn't really have the same effect on me). 

Spoken word poetry isn't really 'a poem' in that sense.  Listen to her other stuff, or the guy who won America's Got Talent this year.  It's got different parameters.

My favorite ones of hers that I've heard I think were the two I saw on CBS This Morning.



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5 minutes ago, Matryoshka said:

Spoken word poetry isn't really 'a poem' in that sense.  Listen to her other stuff, or the guy who won America's Got Talent this year.  It's got different parameters.


I know 🙂

The best of it works on the page as well as during performance. It's not my favourite genre though. And everybody could do with an edit, imo!!


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I loved it all. The signed Pledge and the woman doing it. The coats (🤤). The swearing-in of Harris had me sitting there, tears streaming, & a huge lump in my throat. Only wish I could have watched that moment with my daughters.

Loved Gaga’s Anthem. Garth was great and I sure hope it was just an oversight when he shook Pence’s hand intentionally & only responded to Harris when she put her hand out. I guess since he came in from the back, it’s understandable. The station I was watching sort of laughed at zbrooks completely forgetting about social distancing at the end! lol He even kissed someone on the top of the head! He was so excited. 

LOVED Biden’s speech. It feels like a new era, and one I welcome with open arms. 

Amanda was brilliant. Full stop. Wow. 

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I am catching up this morning..... I have a comment on Obama’s eyes — I think this is what his eyes look like now.  My mom and grandmother have this same thing and at a certain point my grandmother needed a surgery and my mom will need it when she is older, too.  

Anyway — I think this is normal aging!


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I’m confused about the poetry discussion.  I don’t know much about poetry, Ill admit.  But wouldn’t any poem read at the inauguration have to be spoken in words?   Are poems only to be read?  Should we not have poetry readings?  I thought those were common at inaugurations and weddings and things?  

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