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Masking outside


Do you mask when you're outside?  

115 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you mask when you're outside?

    • Yes, always.
    • Yes, unless I have at least 6 feet between me and nearby people.
    • Yes, unless I have at least a ton of space between me and nearby people.
    • No.

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Hey all, 

I'm curious whether people mask up outside 🙂 . I've been taking the kids outside, and while we mask up on the walk to the park, we do take the masks off when we get to a place where there's no one around (like, we can see one or two small groups of people, and they are all like 30 or more feet away.) 

What's everyone else doing? I have slightly mixed feelings on this one... on the one hand, I think staying far away from people is far more efficacious than masking in the park; on the other hand, I like masking as an expression of public spirit, and I don't know what statement people think we're making by not having a mask on at the park. But I really don't enjoy having a mask on... 

Edited by Not_a_Number
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We do not mask outside unless we are nearish to people. I would say we need to be more than 6 feet, but maybe not as much as 30. We have been hiking a lot this fall and trails can get crowded. It seems many people do as we do - keep an eye on the trail ahead, and when someone is coming our way, we move off the trail as far as possible/practical/safe/etc,, mask, and turn away from them as they go by. We see people putting their masks on as well as they approach. 

When I walk my neighborhood alone I do not mask but I am not going to get anywhere near another person. A lot of people walk my neighborhood and I never see masks unless there is a group of friends from different households walking together - at least, that's what I surmise when I see a group of 3 or 4 middle-aged women walking together; they are clearly not of the same household. 

To me, masking in those situations doesn't seem like an expression of public spirit. I am happy to mask as needed for public health and mask up when around people indoors (of course) and out, but if I am not at all close to people outdoors, I don't see the point.  If people who are on the other side of the street, or a block away walking toward me before I turn the corner so we don't get any closer together think badly of me because I'm not masked in that situation... well, I don't know what to think about that. 

Edited by marbel
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2 minutes ago, marbel said:

To me, masking in those situations doesn't seem like an expression of public spirit. I am happy to mask as needed for public health and mask up when around people indoors (of course) and out, but if I am not at all close to people outdoors, I don't see the point.  If people who are on the other side of the street, or a block away walking toward me before I turn the corner so we don't get any closer together think badly of me because I'm not masked in that situation... well, I don't know what to think about that. 

It's not so much that I'm worried that people will think badly of me. However, 99% of people here are masked outside, and I think it does remind people that things aren't "normal." So masking up feels like saying that we're in this together. 

I'm aware this is very geographically dependent. However, that's been the case in every place I've been recently, since I've only been in the Northeast. 

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If I'm out in public I wear a mask from the moment I get out of my car until I get back in. So, for example, if I go to the grocery store, I mask while walking across the parking lot, even if no one is around. But I don't mask when I walk the dog, because I rarely see another person, and if I do they are at least 20' or more away from me and only for a minute or so. I do carry a mask in my pocket though, in case something happened to me (tripped and fell and couldn't walk home or something) and I needed help. But I've never had to put it on.

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4 minutes ago, Corraleno said:

If I'm out in public I wear a mask from the moment I get out of my car until I get back in. So, for example, if I go to the grocery store, I mask while walking across the parking lot, even if no one is around. But I don't mask when I walk the dog, because I rarely see another person, and if I do they are at least 20' or more away from me and only for a minute or so. I do carry a mask in my pocket though, in case something happened to me (tripped and fell and couldn't walk home or something) and I needed help. But I've never had to put it on.

I do the same, because I'm waking into a building, so may as well mask up immediately rather than waiting. Also a chance close encounter can happen easily in a parking lot!

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I don't live in the city, so I haven't really been anywhere outside where I would need to be within 6 feet of others. Sometimes I mask outside anyway, like when there are elderly people around. I  tried to meet up with some of the neighbors with kids this summer, and so we all masked outdoors but that led to misery in the GA mugginess and 90 degree heat. Maybe I'll try again now that the weather is a bit more comfortable. On trails around here, people generally step to the side of the trail and mask or turn their head of someone is near. I try to go to playgrounds at odd hours so we'll be alone or only with those we are intentionally meeting who've agreed to the risk, and the parents sit 6+ feet apart and the kids play, probably too closely some times, but don't hug or wrestle. 

I do make sure to go to parks and needed stores near me or towards the big city. Different outlying cities have their own culture and some have made themselves, intentionally, meccas for non-maskers .

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I live in Boston (the actual city, not a suburb) and typically we wear a mask once we are outside . If I'm walking from my door to my car (if it's right out front) then I may or may not. But otherwise the mask is on all the time. Yes, people aren't always passing me by but I'd rather not keep putting it on and off (germs!) and as an Orthodox Jew I feel I have do the extreme right action to counteract the people in my community (locally and elsewhere) who don't. 

ETA: when we were in my parent's rather rural area where you'll almost never ever come across another pedestrian I don't wear the mask while on walks. Obviously, I do when we go to populated areas like stores.

Edited by YaelAldrich
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I am running or hiking on trails almost every day, but I sometimes forget my mask and I have to do the "shirt of shame" -- I pull my shirt up enough to cover my mouth.  I really try to remember to bring it with my, but I don't always remember.  I also step far off the trail and turn away.  I think it's all pretty silly, but then there are older people on the trail, and some really serious maskers that wear it their whole bike ride or run or walking the dog when there's 30 feet between people at most.  

When we went to the park we took them off.  We were never near anyone.  It was still probably 1/3 masked.

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I mask up in my car if I’ll be walking into a building but I don’t even carry a mask when dh and I go on neighborhood walks. It’s easy to just walk across the street when we encounter the few people that we do.

When we’ve walked around dc’s college campus we mask, because that is the rule and all students do as well. When we walk around downtown, we carry a mask to put on when other people get close.

 So, it varies.


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I mask outside in public places - parking lots, parks, etc.  I did not over the summer, if we had a lot of space between us, but now I would mask.

At home, in our large yard, I don’t mask unless another person is present.  Then I mask and stay back about ten feet, if we must interact.  (Recently we have had needed exterior repairs, and today had to help an elder trade in a car, which they did in our driveway).

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if there are people around - I'll mask outside.

If there's no one within 10' (and if presence of other people is sparse - and it's usually far more sparse than that.  Like maybe one person within 50'.  maybe - they might actually be 50' away) - I don't mask.

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We don't mask on the fenced parts of our yard, if only people in our bubble are there.  

But we mask everywhere else.  

My kids do better with really clear consistent expectations, and if we model those expectations.  So, just making it 100% seems to make sense to us.  Plus DH and I have plenty of experience masking for longer periods of time. 

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2 hours ago, Corraleno said:

If I'm out in public I wear a mask from the moment I get out of my car until I get back in. So, for example, if I go to the grocery store, I mask while walking across the parking lot, even if no one is around. But I don't mask when I walk the dog, because I rarely see another person, and if I do they are at least 20' or more away from me and only for a minute or so. I do carry a mask in my pocket though, in case something happened to me (tripped and fell and couldn't walk home or something) and I needed help. But I've never had to put it on.

This is pretty much us, exactly. If I had younger kids, I'd keep the mask on anytime there was a chance we'd see people, just to give the kids consistency. But, since I don't - we all just eyeball it and gauge if a mask if necessary or not.

If I'm walking the dog in my neighborhood, the mask is on a chain around my neck, just dangling down in case I need it.

If we're walking the dog at a park nearby, the mask is on the entire time because there are people around frequently and I don't want to keep on/offing the mask every time someone passes me on the sidewalk.

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I wear a mask every time I leave the house and take it off after I reenter my house. The only place I don't mask is in my front yard or back yard which is distanced enough from neighbors.

I am starting to wear double masks when I go to buy groceries once in 3 weeks because the infection rates are crazy in my area (one surgical mask and another with filter insert on top of it). My son takes a private lesson masked and distanced from a person in his 60's and now I make DS take off his shoes before entering the room and also wear double masks because the person in question has health vulnerabilities, he is isolating but considers my family's outside exposure less than his (he goes to the doctor frequently). We don't go anywhere else other than that and try to exercise outside while wearing masks when there is hardly anyone around (early mornings). We gave up on evening walks because our sidewalks are crawling with people at that time.

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I walk my neighborhood every day and never mask. I also rarely see anyone within 50 yards, let alone 6 feet. 

The idea of masking in this case as an expression of public spirit (as in someone might  look out their window at me or drive by me and I want them to think “I’m glad she’s masked because we’re all in this together”) is not on my radar at all. 

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It’s not really an issue here. Most of my time outdoors is on my own property, which is more than adequately distanced from any neighbors. (Our lots are all over an acre.)

There are times that I’ll dump recycling or go to our group mailboxes without putting on a mask because no one else is there. When other people are there, I’ll put on a mask if the other people are wearing them or wait until they leave if they’re not.

If I had some important reason to be on the sidewalk in our nearest “city”,  I’d mask, but I don’t need to be there. If it were warm enough to hike (for me, I’m a baby), I’d bring a mask in case I ran into people.

My 13yo has worn a mask to bring the trash cans back from the street, and I see no reason to make him think it isn’t necessary. 

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I'm masking outside when I am likely to encounter other people, or when I am going in and out of buildings, but not when there is a lot of space and I can control how much space I have around me. Sitting, talking to a friend, masks are on. Walking around the neighborhood mid-day when everyone is at work, it's around my neck on a lanyard so I can pull it up, but not necessarily on. Although now that it's colder, it's more likely to stay on than it was in the heat of August.

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I am masking on campus because that's the rule. I do not mask when I walk or hike with DH because I can easily avoid getting close to people. I do not live in a dense urban environment where that is hard.

When I was walking with a friend recently,  we masked when the path was too narrow to keep a distance. 

When I socialize outdoors, it's at a distance and we do not mask if everyone is comfortable with that. I consider it safe, but always ask and would mask if anybody felt uncomfortable. 

Edited by regentrude
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In our state, masking has been mandated since, I don't remember, April maybe? March? And while compliance in rural areas doesn't seem to be great, it is in my suburban area. Seeing someone without a mask inside a store was rare enough over the summer to be startling. At this point, I think lots of people are staying out of stores again, but when I have *had* to go in, everyone has been masked.

So, I don't feel like I need to mask as a statement. People here already get it, or are complying even if grudgingly.

Outside, before I get out of the car at a store, I put my mask on. If I go to a public park or trail, I carry my mask and put it on if I come within ten feet or so of others. In our own neighborhood, I don't mask on walks, because there's plenty of space.

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I don’t but obviously things are a bit different here.  Even if they weren’t I’m not often in outdoor environments near others.  If I was catching public transport etc I’d probably just wear from home to destination because it’s better than touching it to put it in and off.

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I do if I'm around people.   If we can be farther apart, I don't.   I'll sometimes sit outside at my business chatting with people and I'll take the mask off if we are 10 feet or so away.  Sometimes I'll go outside to eat if the weather is nice rather than have to unmask inside. 

I'm pretty sure we still have a mandate that says wear them if you can't avoid people outside. 

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Yes, always.

My state has a mask mandate that masks must be worn in public at all times—that includes walks in the neighborhood but not, say, hunting alone in the woods. 

Beginning the very morning that went into effect, nearly every single person I’ve seen walking or biking in our neighborhood is masked. (Nearly everyone already did at the grocery, etc, at least in my town). 🙂 

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In general, no. When I'm walking public parks, my neighborhood, etc, I don't even carry a mask with me. If someone else is walking along the trail in the other direction, there is enough air movement plus extremely minimal 'contact'. 
When I go to the store, I carry my mask and put it on when I get close to the door. Well, except the last few days when it has been really cold for this area, so I put on my mask before I leave the car because it does help keep you warmer! It would have been miserable to do that in the summer though. 

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We do not mask outdoors unless in close contact with others.  I run/ski/hike daily and I do pass others on the trails.  I always carry a mask but have only had to use it a handful of times.  We also socialize with our 4-family bubble, outdoors, spaced, and without masks.  It is generally windy (and now cold/snowy) here most days and masking compliance overall is very low, even indoors.  I almost never ever see anyone with a mask on outdoors.  Our infection rates are soaring here now but almost all outbreaks are linked to long term care facilities, restaurants, bars, schools, and private gatherings.  There have been no local reports of outbreaks from outdoor gatherings or activities.  Not to say it doesn't happen but does not seem to have hit the contact tracing monitor.  

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I mask outdoors when I'm near other people.  We have eaten on restaurant patios a few times since July, and I wore masks when I wasn't actually eating. 

I take neighborhood walks without masks, but we all cross streets to avoid each other. I hardly see anyone out when I walk on a nearby university campus, but they've posted signs requesting that everyone masks, and I'm happy to comply.

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I voted "no" but really it's mostly because the outside places I go are nearly empty of people.  I usually am wearing a mask walking across a store parking lot (because I put it on before I leave the car) or maybe in the summer while waiting in line for an outdoor ice cream shop (but that was also so that I would be masked while interacting with the employee). 

I might be more likely to say I masked outside more often if I lived in an urban area with many people walking down the street at any given time. 


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I mask only where it is legally required of me- this now includes all indoor public spaces, public transport, and outdoors when social distance can't be maintained- places like train platforms, bus stops, and the entry areas to stores and buildings.  

Very glad to be in a place where mask use is not a political statement.  

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1 minute ago, Monica_in_Switzerland said:

I mask only where it is legally required of me- this now includes all indoor public spaces, public transport, and outdoors when social distance can't be maintained- places like train platforms, bus stops, and the entry areas to stores and buildings.  

Very glad to be in a place where mask use is not a political statement.  

I'm envious.

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12 hours ago, Not_a_Number said:

It's not so much that I'm worried that people will think badly of me. However, 99% of people here are masked outside, and I think it does remind people that things aren't "normal." So masking up feels like saying that we're in this together. 

I'm aware this is very geographically dependent. However, that's been the case in every place I've been recently, since I've only been in the Northeast. 

If you're still in Boston, I sure hope so because there's a state mandate now that you have to be masked when outdoors in any public area - whether you're near someone or not.

I didn't mask when outside this summer if I was walking on the street - I never got anywhere near anyone, and it was easy to cross to the other side of the road if someone approached.  For narrower hiking trails, I'd take a mask along and mask up when I saw someone approach.  But with the new mandate, even in those situations you're supposed to be masked up at all times.  Also because of this when getting groceries I've started masking up as I get out of my car; I used to sometimes traverse the parking lot if there were few people and put the mask on as I approached the door.  This summer, out in the spaced-out 'burbs, this seems to have been fairly standard for, say walking around by oneself for exercise, but is technically now not allowed.

Not sure if this made news outside MA, but there was some nut (old man in his 70s) who accosted some girls on a hiking trail way up in the mountains because they weren't following the mandate.  Plenty of space - technically they should have, but it was in a very open area (there is video, this is how it made the news).  Anyway, crazy dude takes down his mask, claim's he's tested positive for Covid, and spits at them.  😱  He was identified and and arrested, and OMG I actually know him - he was in my natural foods coop 20-some years ago (did not recognize him in the video - haven't seen him since way back then). 

Honestly, in the city I think you'd want to be masked outside anyway - lots of people on the sidewalks and not easy to distance.  I live in on a windy country road.  I haven't been to the city much, but this summer I went to a town with a more dense downtown with sidewalks and I noticed even there, and without a strict mandate, everyone wore masks on the sidewalk.

Edited by Matryoshka
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39 minutes ago, Matryoshka said:

If you're still in Boston, I sure hope so because there's a state mandate now that you have to be masked when outdoors in any public area - whether you're near someone or not.

Yeah, I saw when I looked. I think NY is still "if you're not near anyone," although I haven't checked recently. 

It's cold enough that maybe it makes sense to just have my kids keep their masks on. Perhaps we need to go back to the masks that go behind the head, though, because the ear loop ones don't stay on as well. 

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41 minutes ago, Matryoshka said:

Honestly, in the city I think you'd want to be masked outside anyway - lots of people on the sidewalks and not easy to distance.  I live in on a windy country road.  I haven't been to the city much, but this summer I went to a town with a more dense downtown with sidewalks and I noticed even there, and without a strict mandate, everyone wore masks on the sidewalk.

We definitely BRING masks and wear them on sidewalks. But in the middle of a park meadow, it's very easy to keep 30 feet between us and the next person. But with the mandate, we should probably just keep them on at this point. (It's hard to keep track of all the mandates! They keep changing, whereas the risk/benefit calculations do not 😉 . ) 

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1 minute ago, Not_a_Number said:

We definitely BRING masks and wear them on sidewalks. But in the middle of a park meadow, it's very easy to keep 30 feet between us and the next person. But with the mandate, we should probably just keep them on at this point. (It's hard to keep track of all the mandates! They keep changing, whereas the risk/benefit calculations do not 😉 . ) 

I have heard some rumination that the virus might be easier to spread even outdoors in the absence of heat and sunshine/UV and at lower humidity (read: winter!), so that combined with the huge uptick in cases makes me feel like maybe the risk/benefit calculations have changed some on masking outdoors vs. this summer in the heat and sun when cases were relatively low....

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Just now, Matryoshka said:

I have heard some rumination that the virus might be easier to spread even outdoors in the absence of heat and sunshine/UV and at lower humidity (read: winter!), so that combined with the huge uptick in cases makes me feel like maybe the risk/benefit calculations have changed some on masking outdoors vs. this summer in the heat and sun when cases were relatively low....

I mean, probably, but I still figure staying FAR away from people is by far the best thing I can do. And at that point, masking is much less important. 

I've seen quite a few people who trust masks far too much. Like, they are walking their dog, and they walk towards us, and then we run away, because we're now the antisocial nuts, lol. But really, I don't want to be ANYWHERE near people, even outside in the park. But their masks seem to be emboldening them... or maybe they don't care in the first place, I don't know. I've just been surprised. 

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2 minutes ago, Matryoshka said:

I have heard some rumination that the virus might be easier to spread even outdoors in the absence of heat and sunshine/UV and at lower humidity (read: winter!), so that combined with the huge uptick in cases makes me feel like maybe the risk/benefit calculations have changed some on masking outdoors vs. this summer in the heat and sun when cases were relatively low....

As a note, there are many fewer people in the park when it's freezing, too 😉 .

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1 minute ago, Not_a_Number said:

I mean, probably, but I still figure staying FAR away from people is by far the best thing I can do. And at that point, masking is much less important. 

I've seen quite a few people who trust masks far too much. Like, they are walking their dog, and they walk towards us, and then we run away, because we're now the antisocial nuts, lol. But really, I don't want to be ANYWHERE near people, even outside in the park. But their masks seem to be emboldening them... or maybe they don't care in the first place, I don't know. I've just been surprised. 

Well, I do agree there, which is why I think old man on the mountain should have just walked on by.  They were not even on a narrow trail - he had to walk over them to be nasty.

But even though I agree that while all by yourself it does get kind of silly, I rather appreciate the mandate because there seem to be a lot of people who can't figure out distance or do shades of gray...  and in the cold weather, I find the mask keeps my face warm! 

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I was going to vote "no" and then remembered the outside seating at the vet's office. They have a super tiny inside waiting room. 10 seats in a "U" with just enough room for people to walk through to get into the back rooms. So as a secondary waiting space, there is an outside area with much more seating that I used this week. I only actually sat down when there was just me and one other guy left and we had more than 6 feet between us. I stayed masked the whole time as did he.

As a side note: the inside was packed shoulder to shoulder with people unmasked, including some of the staff. 🙀 It was 36 degrees outside but still! I had brought a lap size fleece blanket for me and another to cover the outside of my kitty's crate. There was no way I was waiting inside that den of germs.

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Just now, Matryoshka said:

Well, I do agree there, which is why I think old man on the mountain should have just walked on by.  They were not even on a narrow trail - he had to walk over them to be nasty.

But even though I agree that while all by yourself it does get kind of silly, I rather appreciate the mandate because there seem to be a lot of people who can't figure out distance or do shades of gray...  and in the cold weather, I find the mask keeps my face warm! 

Yeah, I just told my kids. 

Do you happen to know of a good way to keep ear loop masks on their face? They've gotten very attached to their "easy on, easy off" shark masks, but I don't know if those would stay on well enough for the whole time we're out. I'm thinking just something I can use to fasten it behind the head... I'll use a piece of fabric if I have to, but is there anything better? 

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5 minutes ago, Not_a_Number said:

Yeah, I just told my kids. 

Do you happen to know of a good way to keep ear loop masks on their face? They've gotten very attached to their "easy on, easy off" shark masks, but I don't know if those would stay on well enough for the whole time we're out. I'm thinking just something I can use to fasten it behind the head... I'll use a piece of fabric if I have to, but is there anything better? 

Are these Happy Masks?  Mine stay on easily, but then, I'm an adult and don't fidget about with them, lol.  Have you adjusted the earloops tightly enough?  I keep wanting to yell at people on the TV because their masks are slipping down because their earloops are way too loose.  I'm getting curmudgeonly!

I have a Vog mask that doesn't have adjustable loops and is too loose, so I used a paperclip to connect the earloops behind my neck (I still put them over my ears, or it pulls the mask too low), and that tightens it up and keeps it on firmly.  Like a poor man's version of those things you can buy.  Maybe try that?  At least it's free... 😄  Well, unless you have to buy paperclips...  the large size with vinyl covering is my go-to (I have a drawer-full of random sizes and types...)

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4 minutes ago, stephanier.1765 said:

I was going to vote "no" and then remembered the outside seating at the vet's office. They have a super tiny inside waiting room. 10 seats in a "U" with just enough room for people to walk through to get into the back rooms. So as a secondary waiting space, there is an outside area with much more seating that I used this week. I only actually sat down when there was just me and one other guy left and we had more than 6 feet between us. I stayed masked the whole time as did he.

As a side note: the inside was packed shoulder to shoulder with people unmasked, including some of the staff. 🙀 It was 36 degrees outside but still! I had brought a lap size fleece blanket for me and another to cover the outside of my kitty's crate. There was no way I was waiting inside that den of germs.

Wow. At our vet, we have to call when we get there and stay in our car. A tech comes to the car to get the pet and brings it back after the exam. I can’t imagine having to sit inside while you wait! 😞 

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2 minutes ago, Matryoshka said:

Are these Happy Masks?  Mine stay on easily, but then, I'm an adult and don't fidget about with them, lol.  Have you adjusted the earloops tightly enough?  I keep wanting to yell at people on the TV because their masks are slipping down because their earloops are way too loose.  I'm getting curmudgeonly!

No, they aren't anything fancy. As I said, I'm trusting more to social distancing than to masks. We've gotten N95s for the adults for risky situations, but nothing for the kids, since we don't plan to take them indoors. 


2 minutes ago, Matryoshka said:

I have a Vog mask that doesn't have adjustable loops and is too loose, so I used a paperclip to connect the earloops behind my neck (I still put them over my ears, or it pulls the mask too low), and that tightens it up and keeps it on firmly.  Like a poor man's version of those things you can buy.  Maybe try that?  At least it's free... 😄  Well, unless you have to buy paperclips...  the large size with vinyl covering is my go-to (I have a drawer-full of random sizes and types...)

Hah, I do have paperclips, but I was hoping for something soft!! 

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7 minutes ago, Not_a_Number said:

Yeah, I just told my kids. 

Do you happen to know of a good way to keep ear loop masks on their face? They've gotten very attached to their "easy on, easy off" shark masks, but I don't know if those would stay on well enough for the whole time we're out. I'm thinking just something I can use to fasten it behind the head... I'll use a piece of fabric if I have to, but is there anything better? 

Some people sew buttons on a headband or hat and loop the elastic over the buttons. Seems like it might be a good solution for winter if hats would otherwise cause problems with the mask staying on. 

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I mask unless I can't see anyone who is in a position to come near me faster than I can mask and I'm exercising. The mask goes on before I leave the house and unless I'm exercising a long way from others, stays on until I'm where I'm supposed to be. (If that place is not home, it only comes off if absolutely necessary, for example to eat).

I'm perfectly comfortable walking, or even lightly jogging, with the mask on, and there doesn't seem much point in taking it off when that leaves the question of where else it can hygeinically be placed. (That's easier to solve indoors, since I can leave a space to put down a mask that I will later clean if, for example, I am anticipating a delivery and I decide to drink some water while I wait). I try to stay more than 6 feet away from people outside my bubble even outdoors and masked because this feels safer.

However, beyond a certain intensity of exercise, the mask has to come off or I can't get enough oxygen into my lungs. Obviously, if anyone looks like they're going to be anywhere near me, I slow to a comfortable speed and reapply the mask until I have enough space again. (My criteria for this is "in sight and coming towards me, or looking like they might change their direction without warning - in both cases, regardless of distance - or in a place where people could come within about 16 feet (5 metres) of me without me noticing")


TL;DR Having to take off the mask for no particular reason only to put it on again feels like too much flaff... ...exercise is a reason but I like my space.

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1 minute ago, MEmama said:

Some people sew buttons on a headband or hat and loop the elastic over the buttons. Seems like it might be a good solution for winter if hats would otherwise cause problems with the mask staying on. 

You know, the button is a great idea. I'll just crochet a little "mask holder" with a button! I don't know why I didn't think of that. 

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