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I haven't seen any others but the one @sassenach mentioned.  I haven't watched any of them.  But a friend posted the one about Flauci on FB with the comment "Whether it's  true or not doesn't matter.  Information is important!" 😜  Yes,  yes it DOES matter.   Thankfully, she has since taken it down.  


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Here’s an article about one of the Dr ones that seems to be getting lots of press. History is definitely repeating itself with this pandemic bringing out more extremism.



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Latest conspiracy theory I heard is that everyone in Italy got a flu vaccine that was laced with covid, and that is why they all got sick and died.  So now anyone who got a flu shot? They are covid carriers and need to be shunned. Somehow this is all Fauci's fault, although I don't know why. I won't read any of the links or watch the videos. 

Guess who just got thrown out of her local homeschool group for arguing against this b.s.? 😉 Apparently, I am promoting "hate" by saying this is an unproven and dangerous conspiracy theory. 

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7 minutes ago, MissLemon said:

Latest conspiracy theory I heard is that everyone in Italy got a flu vaccine that was laced with covid, and that is why they all got sick and died.  So now anyone who got a flu shot? They are covid carriers and need to be shunned. Somehow this is all Fauci's fault, although I don't know why. I won't read any of the links or watch the videos. 

Guess who just got thrown out of her local homeschool group for arguing against this b.s.? 😉 Apparently, I am promoting "hate" by saying this is an unproven and dangerous conspiracy theory. 

Hmm, I've never seen 'truth' spelled that way...

Sorry that happened to you, but on the whole it is their loss, not yours

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21 minutes ago, MissLemon said:

Latest conspiracy theory I heard is that everyone in Italy got a flu vaccine that was laced with covid, and that is why they all got sick and died.  So now anyone who got a flu shot? They are covid carriers and need to be shunned. Somehow this is all Fauci's fault, although I don't know why. I won't read any of the links or watch the videos. 

Guess who just got thrown out of her local homeschool group for arguing against this b.s.? 😉 Apparently, I am promoting "hate" by saying this is an unproven and dangerous conspiracy theory. 

MissLemon, are you serious? You got thrown out of your homeschool group? That is horrible! 

No good deed goes unpunished, apparently. 😞 I am so sorry. I agree with a PP; it's their loss. 

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Yesterday that stupid Plandemic one was posted 5 times in 1 hour- all by Co-op moms.  When YT takes it down, it feeds the conspiracy theory.  I didnt reply, but I am thinking we might not be back next fall.  The homeschoolers really are the worst culprits of this!  False information,  conspiracy theories,  a mysterious THEY  who are trying to hurt 'us' for no reason whatsoever. 

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2 minutes ago, square_25 said:


Oh, I'm so sorry. Is your local group full of anti-vaxxers? 


I knew there were some anti-vaxxers in it, but I didn't realize it was entirely made up of anti-vax families.  There is one other family besides mine that vaccinates.  I'm not sure yet if they got kicked out, too.  

It's not the first time we've been dropped by homeschooling families for being the "wrong" kind of family. We're been ditched for using sunscreen, for Pete's sake, because it's "toxic". 

The whole thing sucks, but it's for the best, I suppose. I hate the idea of burning bridges, but here we are.  

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Just now, square_25 said:


Oh, goodness :-(. I'm really sorry. Our local group has a lot of anti-vaccine people, too, but we've mostly managed to coexist peacefully... so far, And interestingly, the local friend who's been the most conspiracy-minded is pro-vaccine. I have to admit that I'm curious what'll happen after we reconvene... I hope it doesn't all just fall apart. 

I definitely feel the most like I found "my people" on this forum :-/. There aren't so many people who homeschool like us locally, despite us being in NYC... 


I wish we could be neighbors! 

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5 hours ago, sassenach said:

This week I've seen:

Anthony Fauci framed a scientist (not sure why)

Bill Gates patented Coronavirus in 2006 (wtf?)

Coronavirus researcher on the verge of a breakthrough murdered

What about you?

that one isn't a conspiracy.  he was thought to be on the verge of a breakthrough at the University of Pittsburg, and he was murdered in a murder suicide.  Both of them were Chinese nationals.  supposition is it was a love triangle and the other guy didn't want him to get the girl.  I don't know the veracity of that part.


Dr. Judy Mikovits - I didn't watch the video before youtube took it down.  claims she's exposing things big pharma don't want exposed.


Edited by gardenmom5
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I kind of wish the various services would stop deleting that seems to just be fueling the fire.  With people reposting it from different sources over and over again.  Shouting about censor's and the Man doesn't want you to know the "truth" etc.

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I've only watched one video that touches on anything conspiracy related - "What It's Like to Believe Everything the Media Tells You" (AwakenWithJP). Does that count?? Had me laughing way too loudly way too late at night.

I delete any video that comes across my FB (all from home school moms) and just don't engage.

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6 hours ago, Ausmumof3 said:

The coronavirus researcher murder did happen didn’t it?  I saw it reported in the news.  Probably not linked to the research though. 

I just keep seeing the plandemic movie 

I also saw the murder of the researcher on the regular local news and newspaper.   

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6 hours ago, Seasider too said:

Yes, I am learning certain things about some people’s critical thinking skills that I’d have been happier not knowing. 

One of my FB friends, who I swear is always the first one to post the next video or article, is a very long-time friend. I knew her back when the main inter-business communication mode was the fax machine. As I was thinking about this, I remembered she used to be the one who always believed those urban legends that would circulate. Like, you know, the girl who used the tanning bed so much, she died from “cooking” her insides. I remember telling her I thought a certain one was an urban legend because it had several hallmarks of untruth...she didn't want to hear it then; she has not changed in this respect now....

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6 hours ago, Plum said:

Yes. A disclaimer at the beginning or something else would be better than removing them completely. Add in some opposing viewpoints in the next list and let people decide for themselves. However, I know people that fall for every conspiracy video and even a disclaimer would add to the forbidden knowledge appeal. So I don't really think it would do any good. People hear what they want to hear. 

If Facebook can add fact-check warnings to Babylon Bee articles, youtube should be able to add disclaimers to conspiracy theory videos.😂

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9 hours ago, BusyMom5 said:

Yesterday that stupid Plandemic one was posted 5 times in 1 hour- all by Co-op moms.  When YT takes it down, it feeds the conspiracy theory.  I didnt reply, but I am thinking we might not be back next fall.  The homeschoolers really are the worst culprits of this!  False information,  conspiracy theories,  a mysterious THEY  who are trying to hurt 'us' for no reason whatsoever. 

You must be in my co-op!!  Yes, it's all the co-op moms sharing it. (sigh) I listened to it, evaluated it, listened to counter-arguments posted by trusted sources and then shared those. No one wants to read the counter arguments -- so frustrating.


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5 hours ago, HSmomof2 said:

I also saw the murder of the researcher on the regular local news and newspaper.   

The murder was true. It happened near me, but it was a murder/suicide and I'm not sure it was related to the virus. Sad though.

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Guys, this makes me feel totally unprincipled, but I realized that if I want to save the most important "girlfriend" relationship in my life, I'm going to have to drop the coronavirus topic, for the most part. Some people will only hear what they want, and there's nothing I can do about that.

Gah. 😞 

Why are people so unable to separate truth from fiction? 

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1 hour ago, mom@shiloh said:

You must be in my co-op!!  Yes, it's all the co-op moms sharing it. (sigh) I listened to it, evaluated it, listened to counter-arguments posted by trusted sources and then shared those. No one wants to read the counter arguments -- so frustrating.


It has been six years since my last one graduated from high school and therefore, my last foray into homeschool co-ops.  But the one of the the two co-leaders is a friend of mine on Facebook (and real life too) and she posted about how frustrated the medical community, including her oldest who is a nurse, are with all the conspiracies.  Another friend of both of ours but who does go to extreme ends argued with her.

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I refuse to click on any of that conspiracy stuff but I read about it on sites that reputable sites that refute whatever conspiracy is going around. Yesterday my fb feed had a bunch of links to the Plandemic. Fortunately most of my friends were posting links to refute it. Sometimes it's the person I least expect who buys into a conspiracy. That happened yesterday with this thing and it really shocked and saddened me. 


55 minutes ago, MercyA said:

Guys, this makes me feel totally unprincipled, but I realized that if I want to save the most important "girlfriend" relationship in my life, I'm going to have to drop the coronavirus topic, for the most part. Some people will only hear what they want, and there's nothing I can do about that.

Gah. 😞 

Why are people so unable to separate truth from fiction? 

I get it. I posted a meme a few years ago that's sort of funny but sadly true -

"My life is a constant battle between wanting to refute pseudo-scientific bulls$!t and wanting to have friends."

38 minutes ago, TravelingChris said:

Was listening to the above song this morning and thought how well it went with the current Covid crisis---first about the germs and next conspiracy theories.

I haven't thought of that song in years but it certainly fits the times we're in now.

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11 hours ago, BusyMom5 said:

Yesterday that stupid Plandemic one was posted 5 times in 1 hour- all by Co-op moms.  When YT takes it down, it feeds the conspiracy theory.  I didnt reply, but I am thinking we might not be back next fall.  The homeschoolers really are the worst culprits of this!  False information,  conspiracy theories,  a mysterious THEY  who are trying to hurt 'us' for no reason whatsoever. 

Yes, I see more conspiracy theories from homeschoolers than others on Facebook. Not sure if it’s just that they’re more vocal or what.

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6 minutes ago, Ordinary Shoes said:

Yes, it's hitting all of the sources of tension between people. 

I doubt it's possible to "agree to disagree" about this subject with anyone you see in person. I don't want to be around people who refuse to social distance. 

This has also made me more aware of the people in my life who refuse to vaccinate. I am DONE with "that's your opinion" on that subject. I don't know how to "agree to disagree" with people who increase the risk for me and my family because they won't vaccinate. Maybe "agree to disagree" from a safe distance? 

Yes, that’s another thing. Many people I didn’t realize were anti-vaccination are coming out of the woodwork. And I just think, didn’t you guys learn anything from the history you’re teaching your kids?

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13 hours ago, PrincessMommy said:

I haven't seen any others but the one @sassenach mentioned.  I haven't watched any of them.  But a friend posted the one about Flauci on FB with the comment "Whether it's  true or not doesn't matter.  Information is important!" 😜  Yes,  yes it DOES matter.   Thankfully, she has since taken it down.  



It's like the phrase "huge if true!" posted next to a sensational story. Sure, it's huge if true, but it's not true so stop posting this garbage! People post that when they believe it but don't want to go through the steps of actually verifying information. 

14 hours ago, Ausmumof3 said:

The coronavirus researcher murder did happen didn’t it?  I saw it reported in the news.  Probably not linked to the research though. 



Yes, I believe it was an old-fashioned lover's quarrel. And the headline, while true, was probably fashioned that way to make it seem like there was a connection. 


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1 hour ago, MercyA said:

Guys, this makes me feel totally unprincipled, but I realized that if I want to save the most important "girlfriend" relationship in my life, I'm going to have to drop the coronavirus topic, for the most part. Some people will only hear what they want, and there's nothing I can do about that.

Gah. 😞 

Why are people so unable to separate truth from fiction? 

I came to the conclusion that  if I wanted to have anyone to talk to after this thing is over, I needed to not know the crazy things they were saying now, so I snoozed or deleted a bunch of people on my FB feed. I should have just got off FB completely, but work has a page they put information out on so I'd get on to check that and then would get sucked in to the crazy again as I just couldn't resist scrolling.

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11 hours ago, square_25 said:


Oh, goodness :-(. I'm really sorry. Our local group has a lot of anti-vaccine people, too, but we've mostly managed to coexist peacefully... so far, And interestingly, the local friend who's been the most conspiracy-minded is pro-vaccine. I have to admit that I'm curious what'll happen after we reconvene... I hope it doesn't all just fall apart. 

I definitely feel the most like I found "my people" on this forum :-/. There aren't so many people who homeschool like us locally, despite us being in NYC... 

We have a few anti-vax people but I'm an admin of our local Facebook group and the other admin and I decided to not allow any posts that could be considered political, including discussions about a recent vaccine law.     It appears that there's only a few really vocal, anti-science in other ways as well, anti-vaxxers on the group anyway.   Of course, I teach secular science classes so I'm probably not seeing a lot of the worst anti-science people.  

Come on out to NJ, we probably have more people that homeschool like you. 🙂  We're only about an hour away.  😁

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9 minutes ago, Scarlett said:

My friend from my work life BC just sent me one about the NYC hospitals killing people.  Ugh.  I couldn't even watch the whole thing.  The speaker was 'the voice' for her friend in NY who did not want to be identified.

I saw that one too. She had so many 1/2 truths and misinterpretations in that. I think part of the problem is that there are a large number of people who are seeing this as their opportunity to get their 15 minutes of fame.

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On 5/8/2020 at 9:47 AM, TravelingChris said:

It has been six years since my last one graduated from high school and therefore, my last foray into homeschool co-ops.  But the one of the the two co-leaders is a friend of mine on Facebook (and real life too) and she posted about how frustrated the medical community, including her oldest who is a nurse, are with all the conspiracies.  Another friend of both of ours but who does go to extreme ends argued with her.

What I am observing on my own FB s that the most intelligent friends of mine, esp those who work in the medical field, are disappearing from FB. Maybe it’s too exhausting, maybe people won’t listen anyway, but they are just...gone. 

I feel like FB is just becoming the Tin Foil Hat parade...

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On 5/8/2020 at 11:07 AM, TCB said:

I came to the conclusion that  if I wanted to have anyone to talk to after this thing is over, I needed to not know the crazy things they were saying now, so I snoozed or deleted a bunch of people on my FB feed. I should have just got off FB completely, but work has a page they put information out on so I'd get on to check that and then would get sucked in to the crazy again as I just couldn't resist scrolling.

I keep debating about this...a part of me wants to just delete the FB app off my devices and just quit for the time being. Then I don’t have to see any nonsense. But there is much I do like about facebook. I do like knowing what is going on in friend’s lives, esp. in this time of limited interaction with everyone. And I love my groups on FB. They are endlessly entertaining. So I stay on...

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I've nearly lost of friend over Plandemic.  Ugh.  She's a smart, educated, tenacious woman.  She never homeschooled, so doesn't fit that profile.  But she is very conservative.  That doesn't mean she doesn't have a brain.  It does seem like the CV conspiracy theories are running rampant in the conservative community.   I find it an odd marriage actually.  You'd think (with a certain Pres. being in charge) that the Left would be crying foul on this.   I was pretty shocked that she just wouldn't hear from me that maybe this documentary is untrue or misleading.  I encouraged her to follow the data.

I really wish that medical authorities had not lied to us about masks in the beginning.  They lost so much street cred with that one.  

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44 minutes ago, PrincessMommy said:

I've nearly lost of friend over Plandemic.  Ugh.  She's a smart, educated, tenacious woman.  She never homeschooled, so doesn't fit that profile.  But she is very conservative.  That doesn't mean she doesn't have a brain.  It does seem like the CV conspiracy theories are running rampant in the conservative community.   I find it an odd marriage actually.  You'd think (with a certain Pres. being in charge) that the Left would be crying foul on this.   I was pretty shocked that she just wouldn't hear from me that maybe this documentary is untrue or misleading.  I encouraged her to follow the data.

I really wish that medical authorities had not lied to us about masks in the beginning.  They lost so much street cred with that one.  

It is super weird.   The two people I know who are very reactionary conservatives are into the conspiracies.  Almost all the other conservatives are not into the conspiracies.

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My Uncle shared a friend of his post's that indicated that the Democrats conspired with China to bring this to U.S. to help win the election. I rarely dispute the ridiculous things he shares, but I did with this one. I told him that it was personally insulting to me and there was no evidence for it. He said the Democrats did a good job hiding it! I've unfollowed him but not unfriended him for a while... just can't deal with seeing that kind of ridiculousness. 

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3 hours ago, Quill said:

What I am observing on my own FB s that the most intelligent friends of mine, esp those who work in the medical field, are disappearing from FB. Maybe it’s too exhausting, maybe people won’t listen anyway, but they are just...gone. 

I feel like FB is just becoming the Tin Foil Hat parade...

Not claiming to be intelligent but I am in the medical field. I have snoozed so many people that my feed is almost exclusively instant pot recipes now lol! I really need to get off it completely but get some work info on a closed FB page so feel like I need to be able to check that. I posted one article today about risks of transmission rates etc in different environments and now I am done. If someone is making a choice purely for themselves it is so much easier for me to scroll on past and ignore. I've had a feeling of needing to try and persuade, to try and promote safety, but I now realize that it is just not effective and in fact, the more you engage the more they double down on their belief.

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2 hours ago, square_25 said:


They didn't lie. They just gave bad advice because they weren't sure...

I don't know about lying but I don't think it was just bad advice because they weren't sure. There was such a shortage of PPE that it really had to be limited to HCWs wearing it or there would have been no-one left to take care of people. I don't really understand how people were able to accept the logic of 'masks help protect HCW but they won't help protect you so don't bother wearing them'. They should have been honest maybe, and said that they do protect but we need them just for HCWs now. Of course I'm sure that some people would not be able to be altruistic about it and would have hoarded more. To be honest, I really believe the shortage of PPE is a huge factor in how this is all going down.

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3 hours ago, TravelingChris said:

It is super weird.   The two people I know who are very reactionary conservatives are into the conspiracies.  Almost all the other conservatives are not into the conspiracies.

certainly not all my conservative friends/family are buying into conspiracies.. just some.. but I don't see it with my liberal friends at all. Of course I have a very small friends list on FB.  

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3 hours ago, Plum said:

He takes it on point by point in as plain and simple language as possible  


IMO this is the most effective way to combat what you believe to be incorrect information. Censoring it drives up interest and makes it seem that there must be something to it for it to be censored. Answering with you are wrong and stupid because of science pretty much guarantees that people are not going to listen to you and it doesn't provide any helpful information to get a person to reconsider their stance. If more people answered with information like this, I think that there could be much more productive conversations about controversial topics. 

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10 hours ago, PrincessMommy said:

I've nearly lost of friend over Plandemic.  Ugh.  She's a smart, educated, tenacious woman.  She never homeschooled, so doesn't fit that profile.  But she is very conservative.  That doesn't mean she doesn't have a brain.  It does seem like the CV conspiracy theories are running rampant in the conservative community.   I find it an odd marriage actually.  You'd think (with a certain Pres. being in charge) that the Left would be crying foul on this.   I was pretty shocked that she just wouldn't hear from me that maybe this documentary is untrue or misleading.  I encouraged her to follow the data.

I really wish that medical authorities had not lied to us about masks in the beginning.  They lost so much street cred with that one.  


Deleted by moderator 

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Just an FYI, there will be several CC comments because my context is that conspiracies are coming hard from people who are Christians (or claim to be--some aren't even church goers but would be characterize themselves as Christian). Some of the Christians posting in my realm of the world are people who are very highly regarded in my local church. It's deeply disturbing to me. I am not alone, but I feel alone geographically with the local people posting crap on FB. 

On 5/8/2020 at 9:01 AM, Ordinary Shoes said:

ETA I'm so tired of the "that's just your opinion" thing. No one seems to understand the difference between fact and opinion anymore. 

Yes, and when they appeal to me as a sister in Christ on top of it like they're concerned about me, then it's just gross.

Before Plandemic, most of the posts were "copied and pasted" from a friend as "logical questions we should all be asking." Those things were shared as coming "from the heart" and even sometimes labelled as things that "should not divide the body of Christ." People were mostly not pushing back, they were giving virtual hugs and even some statements supportive of the person posting them (even though I am pretty sure some people giving the support disagreed). When I pushed back on posts from acquaintances, people would say things to me like, "I still love you--we can agree to disagree." Later it became that any pushback shows diviseness and intolerance for other points of view.  

Then Plandemic came out, and people were primed to believe the conspiracy theory because they'd heard dribbles of it from anti-vaxxers in doses that seemed more acceptable. 

It makes my skin crawl. 

On 5/7/2020 at 11:13 PM, Seasider too said:

Yes, I am learning certain things about some people’s critical thinking skills that I’d have been happier not knowing. 


On 5/8/2020 at 9:36 AM, square_25 said:

I wish people would understand they are allowed to have their own opinions, but definitely not their own facts... 

Actually, while it's disappointing and frustrating, I am glad to weed out the sheep from the goats so to speak. Unfortunately, there are people sucked in that I wouldn't have expected. The few people that I think are typically hardcore anti-vax and pro-conspiracy theory have made inroads with others less radical that have me baffled. Another friend at church has noticed my posts that are fact-based, and is equally dismayed. So, some people are appreciating the refutations out there. 

On 5/8/2020 at 10:40 AM, Ordinary Shoes said:

I doubt it's possible to "agree to disagree" about this subject with anyone you see in person. I don't want to be around people who refuse to social distance. 


5 hours ago, KungFuPanda said:

I’m seeing Plandemic posted exclusively by Ohio cousins. I don’t even know that type of homeschooler. They’d never join the co-op we’re in. 

Oops, I lost my space between the above posts. 

On the in person thing--absolutely my take as well. The same people bragging they won't wear a mask because it will reinfect them or is tyranny are the same people saying that we should open back up, and people who want to take those precautions can do so, while not acknowledging that it requires people to be considerate to be healthy. They don't feel accountable for their talk and actions because it's a hoax and overblown. Those of us who are deluded (sticking to facts) deserve to be stuck at home while they roam free (and spread infection they think is not dangerous or they feel protected from). These same people are almost always super pro-life--what's the good in being pro-life if you aren't interested in preserving the life and health of people already born?! (I am pro-life as well.)

On the Ohio thing--I am in SW Ohio, and I think that the brand of midwestern politeness we have here is absolutely giving people a pass on fact checking (I am not from Ohio, so I am never quite with the program regardless of topic, lol!). 


I was forwarded a few articles on the psychology of conspiracy theories and how to refute them, with tips on how to be effective (for those open to facts). I can't say that I am living up to the effectiveness. When Plandemic came out, it was the sum total of huge mounds of conspiracies I'd been hearing up to that point (the ones shared in Christian love and concern). It was the proverbial last straw for me, and a couple of my posts betray that, lol! I had been posting things in a way consistent with the article until Plandemic came out. Then I lost it.


1 hour ago, TCB said:

I don't know about lying but I don't think it was just bad advice because they weren't sure. There was such a shortage of PPE that it really had to be limited to HCWs wearing it or there would have been no-one left to take care of people. I don't really understand how people were able to accept the logic of 'masks help protect HCW but they won't help protect you so don't bother wearing them'. They should have been honest maybe, and said that they do protect but we need them just for HCWs now. Of course I'm sure that some people would not be able to be altruistic about it and would have hoarded more. To be honest, I really believe the shortage of PPE is a huge factor in how this is all going down.

Yes! They could've said we don't have enough masks and that wearing a fabric one certainly wouldn't hurt if you follow guidelines (and then published those tips). 

11 minutes ago, KidsHappen said:

IMO this is the most effective way to combat what you believe to be incorrect information. Censoring it drives up interest and makes it seem that there must be something to it for it to be censored. Answering with you are wrong and stupid because of science pretty much guarantees that people are not going to listen to you and it doesn't provide any helpful information to get a person to reconsider their stance. If more people answered with information like this, I think that there could be much more productive conversations about controversial topics. 

I agree that those who are not too far gone or who are posting because they are open-minded but just haven't had time to check facts will respond to this. Either way, I have pushed back because I feel like I have to. If people unfriend me, it saves me the bother, I guess. 


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