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1 minute ago, Joker said:

Yeah, my ds is supposed to spend the summer studying abroad in London. We hadn't bought tickets yet because we didn't have exact dates and now ticket prices have tripled from when I last looked. It stinks.


I haven't looked at ticket prices, but I would have thought there would be deals. 

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22 minutes ago, Joker said:

Yeah, my ds is supposed to spend the summer studying abroad in London. We hadn't bought tickets yet because we didn't have exact dates and now ticket prices have tripled from when I last looked. It stinks.

There is a lot of flights cancellations. I will wait to buy and make sure it’s refundable.
E.g. Singapore Airlines cancelled more flights  on their 26Feb update. Flight cancellations all the way to May https://www.singaporeair.com/saar5/pdf/media-centre/200226_reductioninserviceacrossnetwork.pdf

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This morning I read a post on one of the local facebook homeschool pages about how wonderful it was that students in China, Japan, and other quarantined areas were getting to experience homeschooling. The first few responses weren't "what the hell is wrong with you" but comparing the online classes being used in quarantine areas to the parent partnerships in our state, and thus not "real homeschooling." Sometimes you just gotta scroll on by.

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3 hours ago, Arcadia said:

Diamond Princess related https://abc7news.com/5973533/

“RIVERSIDE, Calif. -- Dozens of people are quarantined inside their homes in Riverside County due to potential coronavirus exposure, according to Riverside County Public Health.

Health officials say none of the roughly 50 residents have been diagnosed with coronavirus, but they are self-monitoring for symptoms.

A Riverside County resident who was a passenger on a cruise ship docked under quarantine in Japan tested positive for coronavirus, public health officials announced Tuesday.”


My dad lives in Riverside. :(

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Anyone want to share their shopping lists?  I'm considering a "buy now" list, a "buy if it looks like it's here/ they're closing schools" list, and a list of things to just pick up every time I go to the store (can of something, bag of cat litter, box of cheerios, pasta in some form).  

I think I'm operating on the assumption we won't lose power and water.  We have some water, but not enough, but we just really don't have storage space for water, and I think it's unlikely to be quarantined and without water for an extended time.  

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6 hours ago, Pen said:

Another thread participant and I have been PMing about herbal and similar approaches that might or might not be helpful.  Would anyone else here like either to join the PM discussion if that’s possible?

Or would any of you like to to have some of what we are privately discussing shared here on this thread?  

If we do that I don’t want to have to make statements of apology or that I know most Wtm people “probably think this is woo” etc each time. And I wouldn’t try to be proving safety or efficacy of anything for anything— just sharing what I’m personally looking at, so that for example, if someone is inundated by kudzu, it might be nice to know it may have some herbal uses.  

We could put a header on each such post, and if not interested people can just skip it. 

You can add me to your PM discussion.


6 hours ago, Katy said:


Not that I want to go too far down the crazy rabbit hole, but why on earth would they think that?  Even if you think the tiny doses of adjuvants cause harm to the person receiving the vaccine, why would you think it could harm anyone else?


Maybe because some people are carriers and pass it on? I was just in the vicinity of children receiving the nasal (I worked in a school and was responsible for a class), I didn't even get the flu vaccine myself, and carried it home to my family. EVERYONE - including my husband who NEVER gets sick - came down with it. My youngest was affected first, then me, then my oldest, and lastly my dh. It lasted the longest with my youngest (about 3yo at the time) and the least amount of time with dh (we're in our 40s).


5 hours ago, Pen said:


I guess Buhner’s Antiviral Herbs book is sold out at Amazon.   Maybe I caused a run on it by recommending it. 

It’s essentially the 3rd edition.  The 2nd edition is still available and imo will do.  I had to get the newer because my second edition got permanently borrowed. I haven’t had significant changes from what I’d remembered of 2nd Edition jump out at me. 

I don't remember who mentioned it on the General Board, but there is a library extension you can add to google Chrome. When I opened up the Amazon link, the extension showed me it's available at my library. So, ya'll, check your libraries.

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I’ve been keeping up with this thread for the most part. My ds24, ds20, and ds19 are scheduled to fly to London on March 10, then to Paris, back to London, and home (Tampa airport) on March 19. (I’m a long time WTM member, but don’t usually sign in anymore because it keeps logging me out.) I am getting concerned as this outbreak is developing, and don’t know what to do with regard to their travel. Technically, they are adults, and they have paid for the trip on their own. They would lose at least some of their money if they had to cancel the trip. I don’t want to overreact. What would you do? They are generally healthy, but the 19 yo has asthma (related to allergies, respiratory illnesses for the most part). He has been taking allergy shots for a full year, which have definitely helped.

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2 minutes ago, Cindy in FL. said:

I’ve been keeping up with this thread for the most part. My ds24, ds20, and ds19 are scheduled to fly to London on March 10, then to Paris, back to London, and home (Tampa airport) on March 19. (I’m a long time WTM member, but don’t usually sign in anymore because it keeps logging me out.) I am getting concerned as this outbreak is developing, and don’t know what to do with regard to their travel. Technically, they are adults, and they have paid for the trip on their own. They would lose at least some of their money if they had to cancel the trip. I don’t want to overreact. What would you do? They are generally healthy, but the 19 yo has asthma (related to allergies, respiratory illnesses for the most part). He has been taking allergy shots for a full year, which have definitely helped.


I personally would not go considering the mushrooming outbreaks occurring in England and France. For most healthy people the first infection is mild but the second, recurring infection seen in some is very worrisome. The vaccine is not going to be easy to design unless there’s some unusual vaccine in the works. Anti-virals might be helpful, though. Keeping your immune system strong will help, too.

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37 minutes ago, Terabith said:

Anyone want to share their shopping lists?  I'm considering a "buy now" list, a "buy if it looks like it's here/ they're closing schools" list, and a list of things to just pick up every time I go to the store (can of something, bag of cat litter, box of cheerios, pasta in some form).  

I think I'm operating on the assumption we won't lose power and water.  We have some water, but not enough, but we just really don't have storage space for water, and I think it's unlikely to be quarantined and without water for an extended time.  


Mine was very limited. I have almost all books I'd need to homeschool so nothing there.

For food (only 2 weeks worth)...

  • I picked up a 20 Lb. (big for us) bag of rice two weeks ago as well as beans and smoked meats (ham hocks, turkey, bacon) for flavor. BONUS: these don't take up much room in the pantry or freezer.
  • I have several cans of tomatoes and pasta
  • I have frozen meat (I always look for clearance stuff when freezer shopping, lol) and cheese. I picked up a beautiful flank steak for $5 and an organic whole chicken cut up for $10. I marinated both before freezing. Winning!!
  • I have 12 cans of corn and 12 cans of green beans (we don't eat these under normal conditions).
  • I also have coffee, splenda, sugar, and creamer and an extra filter for my fridge.
  • I always have TONS of spice in my pantry.
  • 3-4 boxes of cereal.

Thats it for me. Nothing we won't eat in the course of a month. We're not eating this stuff tho. Just saving it.

Edited by Sneezyone
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22 hours ago, Aura said:

I'm behind on this thread, I'm busy trying to get ready for some family coming over tonight, but I wanted to pop on and say that it looks like Amazon might be running low on Emergen-C Immune+. I normally get the raspberry flavor. But when I went to order the same kind that I've bought for literally years, that page could not be found. Neither could the super orange. I found some cherry flavor, but it's not Prime. It's coming from Germany and delivery is a few weeks out.

Maybe related to an influx in orders. Maybe not. Just FYI 

I just ordered the Raspberry Immune + and got it Monday, but you're right.  Even if I go to the link in my order, it says the page is no longer available.  I guess I'm glad I bought it when I did.  I ordered three boxes. 

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“ITB Berlin 2020 will not take place. 

Due to the rapid spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) the Federal Ministry of Health and the Federal Ministry of Economics have stated their opinion that ITB Berlin be cancelled. This evening at 1827 hrs, the responsible health authority of the district of Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf in Berlin imposed significantly tighter restrictions on holding the event. Among its requirements the authority stipulated that each participant would need to prove to Messe Berlin that they were not from a designated risk area or had not been in contact with a person or persons from a risk area. It is not possible for Messe Berlin to satisfy these requirements overall. 

Messe Berlin had for weeks made it known that a decision on holding or cancelling large-scale events would only be taken based on the recommendations or instructions of the relevant specialist authorities. Only they possess the necessary information and specialist knowledge in order to draw the right conclusions. 

Dr. Christian Göke, CEO of Messe Berlin GmbH, said: ”With more than 10,000 exhibitors from over 180 countries ITB Berlin is extremely important for the world’s tourism industry. We take our responsibility for the health and safety of our visitors, exhibitors and employees very seriously. It is with a heavy heart that we must now come to terms with the cancellation of ITB Berlin 2020.”

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Messe Berlin Wolf-Dieter Wolf said: ”Not once in the 54-year history of the event have ITB Berlin and Messe Berlin experienced a similar situation. We would like to thank all exhibitors and partners from all over the world who over the past few days and weeks have stood by ITB Berlin. We look forward to continuing the trusted relationship with our partners in the market.”

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36 minutes ago, Terabith said:

Anyone want to share their shopping lists?  I'm considering a "buy now" list, a "buy if it looks like it's here/ they're closing schools" list, and a list of things to just pick up every time I go to the store (can of something, bag of cat litter, box of cheerios, pasta in some form).  

I think I'm operating on the assumption we won't lose power and water.  We have some water, but not enough, but we just really don't have storage space for water, and I think it's unlikely to be quarantined and without water for an extended time.  

I just finished my stock up shopping today. FWIW, my Aldi is in a low-income area, and most people usually have small amounts of groceries. Today, the place was absolutely packed at noon, and people's carts were overflowing.  I noticed lots of toilet paper, paper towels, paper plates, cereal, and canned goods. 

Essentially, what I did was buy an extra of everything that I normally buy (I'm pretty good about if we open the last one, we replace it the next shopping trip - now I have 2 of almost everything on my pantry and medicine cabinet shelves). My chewy.com order is set for tomorrow (it's my normal time), and I just added an extra food and litter to it. I did two on the shelf on everything from toothpaste to canned peaches to frozen pizza. I did a meds check and stocked up on OTC cold meds, vitamins, and first aid supplies. I made sure to have a variety of cleaning supplies on hand - wipes, bleach, sprays, paper towels, etc. Finally, I went heavier on canned veggies and fruits instead of fresh and made sure there is 1 of every normal spice on the shelf (I didn't double spices).  DH found some masks in the garage that he had, and I did pick up some gloves. I did throw in a big pack of bottled water and a couple of gallons of purified water.

I assume we will have water and electricity - I'm not really sure how to plan for a whole family with no power or water and be able to live in a mobile home (no attic, no basement = not much storage room). So my plan is to make freezer meals for dinner over the next couple of weeks and put an extra in the freezer for later. I am planning for my 5 (DH, me, and 3 teens) as well as my brother who lives less than a mile from here but has $0 for stocking up. I figure if water & electric are good we could probably go 4-6 weeks on what's now in the house. We are planning to go to AL in a week to visit a university for oldest, so I hope my planning doesn't mean that I'll be in Alabama and my supply is up here. 

I figure I will just replace what we used up during this coming week during next week's shopping trip if nothing changes with the situation. My way wasn't very efficient or cost effective, but we will use it all up if power and water stay on during a quarantine or eventually if the threat passes us by. I used income tax refund money to fund my expanded supply. If it all shakes out well in the next few months, I'll have a huge "Eat through my pantry" challenge over the summer. 

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2 hours ago, gardenmom5 said:

on hair - it's why I'm growing it out again.  it's finally long enough to pull back into a pony.  I hate having it super short (which is how short it has to be to be tolerable) - but I hate having it in-between even more.

they've also recommended right now - men with beards shave them.  'cause that's right next to their mouths, and it does affect how the mask fits.  I have one son with a beard, he might not like this too much.  (on reason is he has moles on his face that don't like shaving.  he's had some removed.)


Are you referring to this? https://www.sciencealert.com/no-the-cdc-is-not-telling-people-to-shave-to-avoid-covid-19

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Well we ran out of rain water on one tank yesterday and dh wasn’t home to sort it out  so we used bottled water meaning I need to replace that.

im also going to pick up a couple of spare phone chargers as they break semi regularly and I don’t want to get caught if there’s no supply.  Plus I want a box of tinned tomatoes.  And we planted some lettuce 🥬 

prepper lady (; 

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16 minutes ago, Ausmumof3 said:

Breaking: Second coronavirus case of unknown origin confirmed in California, indicating virus is spreading in the state https://wapo.st/3crX0XM

because WaPo is paywalled for me

@mathnerd @Carol in CA @Amber in SJ


“Posted: Feb 28, 2020 / 02:19 PM PST / Updated: Feb 28, 2020 / 02:45 PM PST

SANTA CLARA (KRON) – The Santa Clara Public Health Department has confirmed the third case of COVID-19 in the county. 

There is a press conference scheduled for 4:00 p.m. Friday where more information will become available.

This is a developing story and this page will be updated.”

Edited by Arcadia
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Just now, Arcadia said:

because WaPo is paywalled for me


“Posted: Feb 28, 2020 / 02:19 PM PST / Updated: Feb 28, 2020 / 02:45 PM PST

SANTA CLARA (KRON) – The Santa Clara Public Health Department has confirmed the third case of COVID-19 in the county. 

There is a press conference scheduled for 4:00 p.m. Friday where more information will become available.

This is a developing story and this page will be updated.”


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People in my area are starting to take the threat a bit more seriously. I was at Target and a woman asked the pharmacist about face masks because she has asthma. She was told they are sold out and waiting for new shipments. The local news is reporting a shortage of face masks, gloves, and hand sanitizer at stores. We don't keep a lot of stuff on hand, but I did grab some cold and flu meds and extra paper products. We have enough canned goods that we at least wouldn't starve if we had to stay home for awhile.

I'm worried about my elderly parents. They live an hours drive away from me and my OCD mom doesn't keep anything extra in the house. I called her today and she told me they don't have any food in the house right now and she has a bad cold. They can afford food, they just don't buy much and when she says they don't have any food, she probably means they have only enough for one very small meal and then the refrigerator and pantry are EMPTY.  I tried to convince her to at least stock up on some canned goods so they have something in the house to eat if they're sick or can't go out. My dad is getting dementia and can't drive, so Mom will need to go. I will be in their area for another reason tomorrow afternoon so I'm going to stop in, make sure they eat and have cold meds, and see if they can get some food in the house.

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2 minutes ago, mom2scouts said:

People in my area are starting to take the threat a bit more seriously. I was at Target and a woman asked the pharmacist about face masks because she has asthma. She was told they are sold out and waiting for new shipments. The local news is reporting a shortage of face masks, gloves, and hand sanitizer at stores. We don't keep a lot of stuff on hand, but I did grab some cold and flu meds and extra paper products. We have enough canned goods that we at least wouldn't starve if we had to stay home for awhile.

I'm worried about my elderly parents. They live an hours drive away from me and my OCD mom doesn't keep anything extra in the house. I called her today and she told me they don't have any food in the house right now and she has a bad cold. They can afford food, they just don't buy much and when she says they don't have any food, she probably means they have only enough for one very small meal and then the refrigerator and pantry are EMPTY.  I tried to convince her to at least stock up on some canned goods so they have something in the house to eat if they're sick or can't go out. My dad is getting dementia and can't drive, so Mom will need to go. I will be in their area for another reason tomorrow afternoon so I'm going to stop in, make sure they eat and have cold meds, and see if they can get some food in the house.

You could order some delivered for them, too. 

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Just got back from the local Walmart. 

Hand Sanitizer is completely out of stock. Rubbing alcohol is completely out of stock.  There is very little Advil on the shelf, but the Equate brand is fully stocked.  Hand soap seemed a little sparse. 

I noticed some empty shelves in the pet food aisle.  I hope that means people are stocking up for their pets, too. 

Saw a lot of people buying big bags of rice and bottles of water. 

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6 minutes ago, MissLemon said:

I noticed some empty shelves in the pet food aisle.  I hope that means people are stocking up for their pets, too. 

Saw a lot of people buying big bags of rice and bottles of water. 

Which time zone are you on? The bags of rice and bottles of water is typical here on Friday evening as people make a run after work on the way home.

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2 minutes ago, Arcadia said:

Which time zone are you on? The bags of rice and bottles of water is typical here on Friday evening as people make a run after work on the way home.


Central. Big bags of rice are not typical shopping purchases here for Friday.  Bottled water can go either way, although I usually see that more later in the spring and summer, when it's crazy hot. 

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1 hour ago, Cindy in FL. said:

I’ve been keeping up with this thread for the most part. My ds24, ds20, and ds19 are scheduled to fly to London on March 10, then to Paris, back to London, and home (Tampa airport) on March 19. (I’m a long time WTM member, but don’t usually sign in anymore because it keeps logging me out.) I am getting concerned as this outbreak is developing, and don’t know what to do with regard to their travel. Technically, they are adults, and they have paid for the trip on their own. They would lose at least some of their money if they had to cancel the trip. I don’t want to overreact. What would you do? They are generally healthy, but the 19 yo has asthma (related to allergies, respiratory illnesses for the most part). He has been taking allergy shots for a full year, which have definitely helped.

Like you said, they are adults. But I’d want them to not go.  Are they comfortable with potentially not getting back on time? Their risk of serious illness may be low, but who might they spread it to in their regular life? And who might those people spread it to?  (Remember, it’s no longer about total prevention, but about slowing it as much as possible until they know more about it and can do more about it.)

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From kron4 https://www.kron4.com/health/coronavirus/stores-like-cvs-and-walgreens-warn-there-could-be-a-shortage-of-hand-sanitizer/

“Posted: Feb 28, 2020 / 10:06 AM PST /

(CNN) – Coronavirus fears have sparked a mad dash for cleaning products. 

Retailers like CVS and Walgreens say they’ve noticed an increase in demand for hand sanitizer, cleaning wipes and face masks. 

The demand is so great – officials at CVS are worried there will be a shortage. 

Bath and Body Works says it’s also seeing a spike in demand for hand sanitizer. 

The CDC says the best way to combat coronavirus is by washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water. 

If you can’t do that, then hand sanitizer is your next best option.”

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I spent $400 at trader joes and then went to whole foods and our local grocery. Umm. We are stocked on food. I also made 2 trips to target this week for mostly non grocery items.
Trader Joes was weirdly quiet. I did notice isopropyl alcohol was nearly out at the grocery, so I bought a bottle although I admit I have no idea what to use it for? I think it’s been my only impulse buy. I only know it’s been mentioned here so there must be some use for it. And it was almost gone! Lol. 
I've bought meds we’ve never used before (for flu), 4 boxes of vitamin C, and several months worth of TP. And a case of shelf stable almond milk. I promise I’m not hoarding or panicking. 

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I’ve been doing some researching and thinking about this virus... trying to figure out a way to compare the death rates we are seeing to the death rates of the flu in a meaningful way.

If you calculate a death rate for the flu that is the number of people that were sick enough to be hospitalized vs number of actual deaths, you get anywhere from 11-13%.  If you do the same thing for the (admittedly small) number of Coronavirus cases they have compiled statistics for, you get 15%. It’s not that much different. 

This makes me feel better.

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I just had to cancel our trip to Rome next week.  I'm very bummed.  I suppose I could have pulled the trigger sooner, but... man, we wanted to go!  But I was letting the CDC make the hard choice for us and the travel advisory just bumped up for Italy to "avoiding non-essential travel."  We sure can't go and get quarantined or sick.  I'm thankful it bumped up now, when I have time to cancel.  We were leaving Sunday.  I've done a ton of research and planning.

Two out of three hotels have refunded our full booking, which is SO kind.  They didn't have to do that; the cancellation window had closed a while ago.  We won't get our money back for the flights, or for the Colosseum and Vatican tickets, I don't think.  I'm going to ask, though.

I'm sad.  I hope we can go later.

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5 minutes ago, MEmama said:

I did notice isopropyl alcohol was nearly out at the grocery, so I bought a bottle although I admit I have no idea what to use it for? I think it’s been my only impulse buy. I only know it’s been mentioned here so there must be some use for it. And it was almost gone! Lol. 

26 Uses for Rubbing Alcohol, Plus What You Shouldn’t Use It For https://www.healthline.com/health/rubbing-alcohol-uses

I use it for first aid, my husband use it for cleaning stubborn stains, my kids used it for their AP Chemistry labs.

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2 hours ago, Terabith said:

Anyone want to share their shopping lists?  I'm considering a "buy now" list, a "buy if it looks like it's here/ they're closing schools" list, and a list of things to just pick up every time I go to the store (can of something, bag of cat litter, box of cheerios, pasta in some form).  

buy now: OTC medicine, multivitamins and any other supplements, rubbing alcohol, toilet paper (like one large pack), your favorite cleaning supplies, a gallon of water per person (less than emergency prep requirements since you have no space to store)

buy if it looks like it’s here: comfort food to keep you sane for a month. Like a Halloween chocolate stash.

before you go to the store, see what things are running low at your home. While it gets boring, cans of tuna/sardine/salmon and bottle of olive oil are useful for emergency food. Get pull tab cans if possible so that you don’t need to use a can opener.

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2 hours ago, Terabith said:

Anyone want to share their shopping lists?  I'm considering a "buy now" list, a "buy if it looks like it's here/ they're closing schools" list, and a list of things to just pick up every time I go to the store (can of something, bag of cat litter, box of cheerios, pasta in some form).  

I think I'm operating on the assumption we won't lose power and water.  We have some water, but not enough, but we just really don't have storage space for water, and I think it's unlikely to be quarantined and without water for an extended time.  

Last weekend my boys were camping so I took a thoughtful trip through Costco.  Spent more than I meant to, but that isn’t that hard at Costco😀.
pharmacy - feminine care items, hydrogen peroxide, symbocol syrup, cough drops, vitamin c, toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap

staples- canned chicken, pasta, pasta sauce, cereal, Gatorade, chips (have to keep the kids happy), crackers (in case no bread for chicken salad, protein bowls (for dh who is vegetarian), peanut butter, oatmeal, orange juice, tortellini (for freezer), canned corn, nuts, dried fruit

other stuff- garbage bags, cleaners, bleach, dishwasher detergent

I will try to stay stocked on milk, eggs, and bread.

I found it funny that after Trump’s speech earlier in the week my husband said we should probably buy a few extra things.  I asked him if he hadn’t noticed that I already had been shopping.  Nope...

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38 minutes ago, Dotwithaperiod said:

 This was cringeworthy. Says he tested negative for it, but I’ll bet dollars to donuts he passes that cough on to his toddler by drinking from her water bottle 


I watched the video.  The little girl had the cough first and was in isolation in the hospital as a precaution.   The father probably got it from her.  

It would still be cringeworthy to me without any coughing...I don't share things like water bottles.  I suppose I would in a real emergency.  Maybe.  

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This two news may not be related to each other @mathnerd@Joker

“Updated February 28, 2020, 2:45pm

Dear Parents:

Earlier today District officials received a report that a parent of two PAUSD students may have been exposed to COVID-19. As a precautionary measure, the district immediately took action and the two students were sent home and will be excluded from attending school until we receive more information. One child is a Paly student and the other attends JLS.”


“Santa Clara County - The County of Santa Clara Public Health Department confirms the third case of COVID-19.  This is the third case to be identified in our County, but is different from the other two cases since this person does not have a travel history nor any known contact with a traveler or infected person.
The individual is an older adult woman with chronic health conditions who was hospitalized for a respiratory illness. Her infectious disease physician contacted the Public Health Department to discuss the case and request testing for the novel coronavirus. The County of Santa Clara Public Health Laboratory received the specimens yesterday and performed the testing. Since receiving the results last night, the department has been working to identify contacts and understand the extent of exposures.
Due to medical privacy requirements and to protect her identity, further information about this case will not be released.
“This new case indicates that there is evidence of community transmission but the extent is still not clear,” said Dr. Sara Cody, Health Officer for Santa Clara County and Director of the County of Santa Clara Public Health Department. “I understand this may be concerning to hear, but this is what we have been preparing for. Now we need to start taking additional actions to slow down the spread of the disease.”
This case is important because it signals that now is the time to change course. The public health measures taken so far – isolation, quarantine, contract tracing, and travel restrictions – have helped to slow the spread of the disease. The department will continue to implement these measures and continue to trace close contacts of our cases to protect the health of individuals and our community.
Since the disease is here, an important priority for the department will be to conduct community surveillance to determine the extent of local transmission. Since the County Public Health Laboratory has the ability to run the test, the department can quickly evaluate what is happening in our community.
For individuals, the recommendations are very simple, but very important:
  • Keep your hands clean. It is one of the most important steps you can take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others. And always need to cover your cough and stay home when you are sick. 
  • Today, start working on not touching your face because one way viruses spread is when you touch your own mouth, nose or eyes.
  • Since we know the disease is here, we all need to stay away from people who are sick. 
  • Start thinking about family preparedness, how to take care of sick family while not getting infected. Think about a room to isolate a sick person.
There are practical measures that can help limit spread by reducing exposure in community settings:
  • Schools: should plan for absenteeism and explore options for tele-learning and enhance surface cleaning.
  • Businesses: whenever possible, can replace in-person meetings with video or telephone conferences and increase teleworking options and modify absenteeism policies and also enhance surface cleaning.”


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My ds' college decided today that any students traveling to a CDC level 2 or 3 country must self quarantine for 14 days before returning to campus. Considering how wide spread this virus is, I haven't decided if that actually makes me feel any better. 

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1 hour ago, Arcadia said:

buy now: OTC medicine, multivitamins and any other supplements, rubbing alcohol, toilet paper (like one large pack), your favorite cleaning supplies, a gallon of water per person (less than emergency prep requirements since you have no space to store)

why buy water? Are they expecting contamination of tap water??

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1 minute ago, regentrude said:

why buy water? Are they expecting contamination of tap water??

Not from COVID-19 but we had contamination of water. If under quarantine, the last thing anyone wants to worry about is contaminated water tanks  https://www.kqed.org/futureofyou/388730/silicon-valleys-toxic-past-haunts-sunnyvale-neighborhood

“Sunnyvale’s San Miguel neighborhood, with its leafy trees and modest houses, is home to hundreds of families and four schools for young children. Underneath these quiet streets lies a shadow of Silicon Valley’s past: groundwater contaminated with a solvent once used to make computer chips, and known to cause cancer and birth defects. 

That chemical, known as trichloroethylene or TCE, was as crucial to chipmakers in the 1960s and 1970s as yeast is to a bakery. TCE is a powerful solvent used to clean silicon wafers before the chip design is etched onto them. And it’s responsible for nearly half the federal Superfund sites in Santa Clara County. These are areas the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency designates as the nation’s most toxic.

Santa Clara has 24 Superfund sites, according to former EPA regional director Jared Blumenfeld. The neighborhood of San Miguel is located within one of them.”

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8 minutes ago, regentrude said:

why buy water? Are they expecting contamination of tap water??

In many parts of the US, the water is unpalatable. Some get by using filters, but many simply buy flats of water. In TX especially many families had water delivery service or bought 2-3 flats a week.

I think some people are also mixing up hurricane preparedness with pandemic preparedness. Perhaps there is a risk of shortage of water treatment chemicals or of facility staffing?

I am not storing water beyond my usual daily life stuff (ie a few jugs in case we overtax our RO filter before recharge).

Edited by prairiewindmomma
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2 minutes ago, Arcadia said:

Not from COVID-19 but we had contamination of water. If under quarantine, the last thing anyone wants to worry about is contaminated water tanks  https://www.kqed.org/futureofyou/388730/silicon-valleys-toxic-past-haunts-sunnyvale-neighborhood

“Sunnyvale’s San Miguel neighborhood, with its leafy trees and modest houses, is home to hundreds of families and four schools for young children. Underneath these quiet streets lies a shadow of Silicon Valley’s past: groundwater contaminated with a solvent once used to make computer chips, and known to cause cancer and birth defects. 

That chemical, known as trichloroethylene or TCE, wa

But if a chemical contamination like this is the case, what good does a gallon per person do if you are in quarantine for several weeks? 

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