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How much would you pay to see Hamilton?


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I looked for tickets earlier and couldn’t find any, so I didn’t really consider going. They are releasing tickets daily (I think) and now they have tickets available, but it is still so expensive. Two of my kids really want to go and I do too! But once I add them to the cart and see the total, I just think of all the other stuff we could do with that amount of money. Is it worth it for one night?  They would also like to see Harry Potter on Broadway and it is the same thing! Is this just how much it costs and if we want to go we just have to pay it? I’m pretty sure I could take them to Europe for a week for the cost of tickets to Harry Potter or Hamilton.

I am in bed not feeling well and I think my willpower is down. I have almost bought the Hamilton tickets a few times tonight. 

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We bought season tickets to get Hamilton tickets for when it comes here next year . It turned out to be a good deal-a single Hamilton ticket is now selling for what I paid for all three season tickets.  I paid about $250 per seat for the entire season. 

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My kid is obsessive about entering Ham4ham every single day now that it's in DC. So that's an option. He also enters the other ticket lotteries and he won Scottsboro Boys tix at a greatly reduced price. You never know.

I think it's too individual to know. I mean, if you have the money and your family is into it, then you can spend a whole lot. For me it was as much about the obsessive ticket stalking as the price. I wasn't willing to fight for it that particular day, I guess. I'd pay face value though.

My joke this week is that if I keep going to rallies, eventually I'll see Lin Manuel-Miranda perform the whole thing. Dear Theodosia, what to say to you...

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11 hours ago, dmmetler said:

We bought season tickets to get Hamilton tickets for when it comes here next year . It turned out to be a good deal-a single Hamilton ticket is now selling for what I paid for all three season tickets.  I paid about $250 per seat for the entire season. 


This is what we did in two states. We're going to miss the show up here but the Hamilton tix paid for every other show we'll see this fall plus some of  the season ticket expense in our new city too. Totally worth it.

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Well I can tell you I paid $159 plus fees.  That was face value though.  Great seats.   ?  coming local to us later this year.   I completely lucked out getting these    

Also saw it in Chicago for similar.  Much worse seats.   If it’s iffy, play the lottery!    I might anyway and sell my other seats If we win.   

We usually never pay full price.   We’ve been extremely lucky with lotteries and rush.   I would have considered season tickets this year.  It’s an amazing season locally.   But with 2 teens with crazy schedules it wasn’t very doable with the calendar.  

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10 hours ago, Farrar said:


I think it's too individual to know. I mean, if you have the money and your family is into it, then you can spend a whole lot. For me it was as much about the obsessive ticket stalking as the price. I wasn't willing to fight for it that particular day, I guess. I'd pay face value though.


This, for me.  I wouldn't pay much but I just don't like this sort of thing.  (While everyone was adoring Les Miz, I was in torment and wanted it to be over.)  My eyes popped when someone said $400 per ticket.  

But, assuming I could afford it, I'd pay that for other things. For ex, I'd pay that to see Eric Clapton. Maybe more. :-)

So, it's too individual for sure. 

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Had my chance last week, when a parishoner gave my husband and me tickets. He paid $150 for 8, separated seats. Dh liked it, ds went in my stead since I was sick (and didn't want to go anyway), and I don't regret missing it. Do what you want, and don't overpay. (It was not the original cast but the touring cast, if that makes a difference.)


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I didn’t buy the tickets. I think I was just so surprised to see that face value tickets were available since they weren’t a few weeks ago when I checked. We are going to enter the lottery every day. Hamilton is going to be in the city where my parents live next year, so maybe we will try to get tickets then. 

I did buy world series tickets a few years ago when our favorite team was in it. It was totally worth it, but I feel like I already used my “expensive tickets” allotment for awhile. 

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FTR, the entire season including Hamilton was under $500pp. The cheapest seats were under $300 for the season. That’s with 6 shows and early access to Christmas specials (includes Hamilton, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, School of Rock, Cats, Miss Saigon and more). There’s a separate smaller package with Jersey Boys and the Book of Mormon too. We love theater so this was a no-brainer for us.

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We will probably be trying to go see it on September as a family of five. Everyone loves it and we will work it into our summer vacation. We have found tickets for 375 per person. We are willing:-) Of course, everyone is paying for their own ticket - my daughter has a job over the summer and will buy her's, and the younger kids got money from their grandparents for "educational or artistic" uses:-) 

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We are seeing it next year.  We bought out tickets as part of the season pass, which includes 6 other shows - 7 total - including Hamilton.  The tickets average out to about $115 apiece, but the seats are fantastic and we simply adore theater.  The season pass Includes parking, which is a big plus here. 

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I don't think I would pay more than $200 for a show unless it was the original cast. But I don't think it is bad or wrong to do so.

@marbel You mentioned Eric Clapton. We went to see Eric Clapton at the Royal Albert Hall in London in 2015 (?). I forget what we paid, but I think it was around $300 per ticket. I'm pretty sure those were the most expensive tickets we have ever bought. Yes, it was worth it!

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There will be a benefit show in Puerto Rico to help out with hurricane relief & rebuilding efforts. I actually looked into the auction for that because I would be willing to make a fairly sizable donation in exchange for going to that. It's to benefit a worthy cause plus we'd have an excuse to take a vacation to a destination I've never visited. Unfortunately, the leading bid when I checked was $20k so that's way out of our budget.

Paying over $100/ticket for just a normal theater show? Not worth it to me.

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15 hours ago, lovinmyboys said:

I looked for tickets earlier and couldn’t find any, so I didn’t really consider going. They are releasing tickets daily (I think) and now they have tickets available, but it is still so expensive. Two of my kids really want to go and I do too! But once I add them to the cart and see the total, I just think of all the other stuff we could do with that amount of money. Is it worth it for one night?  They would also like to see Harry Potter on Broadway and it is the same thing! Is this just how much it costs and if we want to go we just have to pay it? I’m pretty sure I could take them to Europe for a week for the cost of tickets to Harry Potter or Hamilton.

I am in bed not feeling well and I think my willpower is down. I have almost bought the Hamilton tickets a few times tonight. 


I had a kid who was super interested in Hamilton, borderline obsessed with the story, the cast, the music. It was her first "concert". I paid $150-$200 for a mother-daughter event. In my family first concerts are important, and this was our special time. I can't imagine doing it for someone who was not an enormous fan of the artists as well as deeply interested in the history and cultural significance as well. Not to mention, if your kid wants to see Hamilton and not some teen sensation, you take that opportunity and run with it!

You couldn't pay me to watch Eric Clapton, but I did pay quite a bit to see Willie Nelson and Family. They are a national treasure and again, first concert and a very special time for our family because we all love Willie Nelson and his music and style so much.

I do feel that if I were going to spend again, I'd do it. I honestly think it was the best lyrical musical I've seen in my life, on screen or in person. Though I wouldn't advise spending over $100 on anything unless it had sentimental value to you.

@unsinkable No weird lighting or smoke. It was very much about the artists and choreography. 

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I want to see it, but I cap out on paying for tickets over $200.  If we don’t take the whole family, and it’s a two person event - I could see $250.  Maybe.  It would sting, but could be worth it.

We are a concert and theater family.  We love shows, we love concerts, and we are willing to spend quite a bit on the experience.  Like Tsuga above, first concerts are a big deal in our family, and my kids are all excited and proud about telling people about their first concerts.  I think they feel the same about theater.  

Still, Hamilton tickets are out of our budget at the moment.  I envy you all who have season pass options!

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Too much!  This thread did me in! After reading it I broke down and bought two tickets for Hamilton in DC for my 23 yo dd and I.  We both love it, know all the lyrics and have been entering the lottery every day.  She has been living at home this last year. She goes on active duty in the Army in August and will be in San Antonio.  Last year my dh was diagnosed with ALS with frontal temporal dementia. The last 18 months have been really hard and the future will  be harder. And this thread made me decide that we should do this and make a lifetime memory for both of us!!!! Now I just have to schedule a caregiver, but I have a month to figure that out.



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11 minutes ago, Mary in VA said:

Too much!  This thread did me in! After reading it I broke down and bought two tickets for Hamilton in DC for my 23 yo dd and I.  We both love it, know all the lyrics and have been entering the lottery every day.  She has been living at home this last year. She goes on active duty in the Army in August and will be in San Antonio.  Last year my dh was diagnosed with ALS with frontal temporal dementia. The last 18 months have been really hard and the future will  be harder. And this thread made me decide that we should do this and make a lifetime memory for both of us!!!! Now I just have to schedule a caregiver, but I have a month to figure that out.



I hope you have a wonderful time! Hugs!

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3 hours ago, Mary in VA said:

Too much!  This thread did me in! After reading it I broke down and bought two tickets for Hamilton in DC for my 23 yo dd and I.  We both love it, know all the lyrics and have been entering the lottery every day.  She has been living at home this last year. She goes on active duty in the Army in August and will be in San Antonio.  Last year my dh was diagnosed with ALS with frontal temporal dementia. The last 18 months have been really hard and the future will  be harder. And this thread made me decide that we should do this and make a lifetime memory for both of us!!!! Now I just have to schedule a caregiver, but I have a month to figure that out.


Have a great time! Going into the Army is definitely a worthwhile occasion to treat yourself.--not to mention, all the care your family needs. I think in your case it's a good decision. ?

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My oldest daughter and I love Hamilton and are huge theatre people.  For the two of us, I would likely go up to $150 each for the tour and probably $200 each for Broadway but that is pretty much it.  I paid $100 for a ticket myself to see Chess at the Kennedy Center in February and that was worth every penny but typically that is about the max I will pay for theatre tickets unless I am in New York.  It would pretty much blow our theatre ticket budget for the year. 

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On 7/1/2018 at 5:38 PM, lovinmyboys said:

I looked for tickets earlier and couldn’t find any, so I didn’t really consider going. They are releasing tickets daily (I think) and now they have tickets available, but it is still so expensive. Two of my kids really want to go and I do too! But once I add them to the cart and see the total, I just think of all the other stuff we could do with that amount of money. Is it worth it for one night?  They would also like to see Harry Potter on Broadway and it is the same thing! Is this just how much it costs and if we want to go we just have to pay it? I’m pretty sure I could take them to Europe for a week for the cost of tickets to Harry Potter or Hamilton.


Why not do both? ? – you could see Hamilton in Europe! The cheapest seats at the London show are only £37.50, which is less than $50 at the current (favorable) exchange rate of 1.31. And, the London tickets are refundable (minus a £3 fee) up to 48 hours in advance (you get the actual ticket only once you're in line/queue ?). For January – March 2019 there are tickets available in all price ranges. 


We have booked a box seat w/butler service (!) at the London show (we will be there anyway on business) for less than the price of the cheapest, partially-obstructed-view seats in SF (which were fine). $200 is my personal limit for a show, but the cheap seats in SF were about $180, and we ended up seeing it twice, just by reserving tickets at the official site. (I've posted our saga at least twice in earlier threads. Short version: we saw "In the Heights" last year at our local high school for $10; the kids did a bang-up job, and we said we were looking forward to seeing "Hamilton" at the high school in 10 years. The next day a friend offered me a ticket to the SF show and I loved it, and to my surprise my husband agreed to go with me to a later show.)

Also, we personally know at least 3 separate groups of people who got SF or LA tickets through the lottery. (It's true that Hamilton did play here for about 5 months, so demand wasn't crazy intense.) Keep trying!


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Not a lot.  My son has the soundtrack on repeat and it's wearing me out a bit.  

We didn't get lucky with the lottery ($10 tickets if selected) so we will wait.  If we weren't on a tight budget, I would go up to $150/seat for a special occasion like a birthday.  As in my son's birthday.  We do like to see shows, but we are fortunate enough to be able to access a lot of deals and even free seats.  We don't mind waiting for it to come back, perhaps with a lower price point.

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On 7/2/2018 at 8:53 AM, livetoread said:

I would pay $50. I would enjoy seeing it, but to me, I wouldn’t enjoy it more than $50 worth.

Same here. I don’t pay exhorbitant prices for any show or concert. The most I have paid for any show or concert is $66. 

I do think it is a good idea to buy season tickets and do it that way. 

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Is it about the money? Or is it about the memories of an experience shared that you want to go? 
I think too often we look at the dollar amount of something BEFORE really considering the WHY of that
experience we're considering. I challenge you to first and foremost think through each of those experiences 
you mentioned: Hamilton, HP on Broadway, and Europe. Talk to your family about the pros and cons of each one
and perhaps decide as a group which one you want more. Remember, it's more about creating memories than it is
about the money.

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37 minutes ago, scrapbookbuzz said:

Is it about the money? Or is it about the memories of an experience shared that you want to go? 
I think too often we look at the dollar amount of something BEFORE really considering the WHY of that
experience we're considering. I challenge you to first and foremost think through each of those experiences 
you mentioned: Hamilton, HP on Broadway, and Europe. Talk to your family about the pros and cons of each one
and perhaps decide as a group which one you want more. Remember, it's more about creating memories than it is
about the money.


Exactly! And everyone's favorite memories will be different. For instance, I could NEVER imagine spending 100 dollars or more per ticket to go to Disney World.  I would pay maybe 40, max, because I really detest Disney. But I know many people who will spend 10,000 on a family vacation there, including trip to the hair studio for the kids (150 dollars or more), breakfast in the park before it opens, etc. Not my memories!  


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1 hour ago, scrapbookbuzz said:

Is it about the money? Or is it about the memories of an experience shared that you want to go? 
I think too often we look at the dollar amount of something BEFORE really considering the WHY of that
experience we're considering. I challenge you to first and foremost think through each of those experiences 
you mentioned: Hamilton, HP on Broadway, and Europe. Talk to your family about the pros and cons of each one
and perhaps decide as a group which one you want more. Remember, it's more about creating memories than it is
about the money.

But different people have different priorities for their money. One person might place a higher value on entertainment while another person might place a higher value on other potential uses for the same amount of money. For the price of 2 tickets to Hamilton I could get that Dyson hair dryer I've been coveting, which is something I'd use frequently.

I don't care how other people choose to spend their money. If it's worth it to you to spend $200/ticket to see a show, I hope you enjoy your evening.

But I don't appreciate all the judgment that comes from the "experiences over stuff" crowd.


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13 hours ago, Laura in CA said:


Why not do both? ? – you could see Hamilton in Europe! The cheapest seats at the London show are only £37.50, which is less than $50 at the current (favorable) exchange rate of 1.31. And, the London tickets are refundable (minus a £3 fee) up to 48 hours in advance (you get the actual ticket only once you're in line/queue ?). For January – March 2019 there are tickets available in all price ranges. 


We have booked a box seat w/butler service (!) at the London show (we will be there anyway on business) for less than the price of the cheapest, partially-obstructed-view seats in SF (which were fine). $200 is my personal limit for a show, but the cheap seats in SF were about $180, and we ended up seeing it twice, just by reserving tickets at the official site. (I've posted our saga at least twice in earlier threads. Short version: we saw "In the Heights" last year at our local high school for $10; the kids did a bang-up job, and we said we were looking forward to seeing "Hamilton" at the high school in 10 years. The next day a friend offered me a ticket to the SF show and I loved it, and to my surprise my husband agreed to go with me to a later show.)

Also, we personally know at least 3 separate groups of people who got SF or LA tickets through the lottery. (It's true that Hamilton did play here for about 5 months, so demand wasn't crazy intense.) Keep trying!



Fun idea I will have to keep that in mind when we travel next year. 

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1 hour ago, Crimson Wife said:

But different people have different priorities for their money. One person might place a higher value on entertainment while another person might place a higher value on other potential uses for the same amount of money. For the price of 2 tickets to Hamilton I could get that Dyson hair dryer I've been coveting, which is something I'd use frequently.

I don't care how other people choose to spend their money. If it's worth it to you to spend $200/ticket to see a show, I hope you enjoy your evening.

But I don't appreciate all the judgment that comes from the "experiences over stuff" crowd.


I cannot help but laugh, because this is me, too. And now that it feels like a boiling cauldron of hell temperature-wise, I cannot bear to dry my hair with the regular hair dryer (even in the air conditioning). I keep thinking, “If I had that Dyson dryer, it wouldn’t be hot...” and, “...plus it ought to last ten years, which, amatorized, is quite acceptable for something I use so often...” 

But I haven’t clicked Buy Now yet.

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On 7/2/2018 at 12:13 PM, Tsuga said:


I had a kid who was super interested in Hamilton, borderline obsessed with the story, the cast, the music. It was her first "concert". I paid $150-$200 for a mother-daughter event. In my family first concerts are important, and this was our special time. I can't imagine doing it for someone who was not an enormous fan of the artists as well as deeply interested in the history and cultural significance as well. Not to mention, if your kid wants to see Hamilton and not some teen sensation, you take that opportunity and run with it!

You couldn't pay me to watch Eric Clapton, but I did pay quite a bit to see Willie Nelson and Family. They are a national treasure and again, first concert and a very special time for our family because we all love Willie Nelson and his music and style so much.

I do feel that if I were going to spend again, I'd do it. I honestly think it was the best lyrical musical I've seen in my life, on screen or in person. Though I wouldn't advise spending over $100 on anything unless it had sentimental value to you.

@unsinkable No weird lighting or smoke. It was very much about the artists and choreography. 

Thank you!

We'll see if we can even get tickets when the time comes. There are only so many seats that are safe for my DD to sit in to begin with. And it is going to be so popular I don't know what are chances are...

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2 minutes ago, unsinkable said:

Thank you!

We'll see if we can even get tickets when the time comes. There are only so many seats that are safe for my DD to sit in to begin with. And it is going to be so popular I don't know what are chances are...


You are welcome. I can't imagine how difficult it would be to have sensory or other health issues in such a crowded space. Good luck to you both!

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3 hours ago, Crimson Wife said:

But different people have different priorities for their money. 


But I don't appreciate all the judgment that comes from the "experiences over stuff" crowd.

Sure. But the discussion is about whether or not the experience is worth the money. The OP mentioned experiences, not stuff they could buy if they didn't get tickets at a certain price point. I'm curious how you pick up judgment in the post you quoted.  Maybe I missed something?

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2 minutes ago, marbel said:

Sure. But the discussion is about whether or not the experience is worth the money. The OP mentioned experiences, not stuff they could buy if they didn't get tickets at a certain price point. I'm curious how you pick up judgment in the post you quoted.  Maybe I missed something?

From the post I quoted: " Remember, it's more about creating memories than it is about the money."

For some of us, it IS about the money. One of the previous posters mentioned spending $1600 on tickets for her family. Hey, if she has the dough and wants to spend it on a single evening, her choice. But I can personally think of a LOT of things I'd rather have for that same amount of money than having "created memories".


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DS and I are going to see Hamilton in DC this fall.  We are paying around $250 per seat.  I am a total theater NERD, and when the opportunity for two tickets came up (to go along with extended family which makes it even more exciting!), I knew I'd pay most any amount we could possibly swing.  

But I am also the person who travels to see a show with my theater friend in another city, gets a hotel room for the weekend there, and sees the same show five times.  Is this something my husband would ever spend money on?  Nope.  But for ME, it was joy and therapy all rolled up together.  


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1 hour ago, Crimson Wife said:

From the post I quoted: " Remember, it's more about creating memories than it is about the money."

For some of us, it IS about the money. One of the previous posters mentioned spending $1600 on tickets for her family. Hey, if she has the dough and wants to spend it on a single evening, her choice. But I can personally think of a LOT of things I'd rather have for that same amount of money than having "created memories".


OK, fair enough, we are not going to see eye to eye on this.  I just saw the poster trying to give the OP a way to think about spending money on the experiences she is considering.  And it just seemed the judgment thing was a bit of a leap, and I wondered how you got there.  

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On 7/3/2018 at 10:56 AM, Crimson Wife said:

But different people have different priorities for their money. One person might place a higher value on entertainment while another person might place a higher value on other potential uses for the same amount of money. For the price of 2 tickets to Hamilton I could get that Dyson hair dryer I've been coveting, which is something I'd use frequently.

I don't care how other people choose to spend their money. If it's worth it to you to spend $200/ticket to see a show, I hope you enjoy your evening.

But I don't appreciate all the judgment that comes from the "experiences over stuff" crowd.


I meant no judgement in my comments at all. Simply adding perspective. You're right, people value their money differently. Speaking from my own experience,
I have found we tend to focus way too much over "how much will it cost" instead of looking at it from a "What do we really want to do? Then, how can we make this work?" perspective.
I'm just tired, myself, of my own experience in focusing way too much on "we can't afford it" (which is often, though not always, B.S.) I think we tend to talk ourselves out of way too many precious experiences and memories that way. This year and moving forward, personally, I want to change my mindset, and that of my family's, to "How can we make this work?" Obviously, we still have to consider a budget but not to let that be the sole deciding factor. OP asked for input, so I gave mine. ?

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I think I do tend to spend money on experiences more readily than things, but I don’t know that it is always the right thing. We have a small refrigerator for a family of 6, but I don’t want to spend the money to replace it. It probably would help our family more to have a new refrigerator rather than going to see Hamilton for one night, yet I would probably pick the tickets over the refrigerator. I’m not sure what that says about me.

For now we are going to do the lottery. If that doesn’t work we will try to catch it the next time it is in town. I realized this is not a once in a lifetime opportunity. When I spent the money on World Series tickets it seemed like a once in a lifetime chance. Hamilton will be around awhile and maybe the ticket prices will come down eventually.

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You'd have to pay me to see that production.

I will admit to paying some crazy amount for Broadway tickets once, I really don't remember but I was embarrassed at how much I paid.  Possibly $150/ticket (??) once various fees were included.  It was for someone's birthday.

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