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*Updated *Positive experiences of pregnancy at 40+


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Anyone want to share their good experiences?


Update 12/26

I went to my first appointment today, baby has a heartbeat and is measuring exactly right!


I do have to meet with a specialist due to my advanced maternal age, but that wonĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t be a huge deal. My OB is pro-VBAC which IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m very happy about.


I have miscarried at 8 weeks and 10 weeks (after seeing heartbeat), so I donĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t feel quite relaxed yet. IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m still a bit in shock but coming around to the idea of having another baby.

Edited by Rach
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My first child was born when I was 41 years and 3 months old; my second when I was 42 years and 10 months old.  I didn't have any terrible complications.  I can't compare it to pregnancies at a younger age, lol, but compared to  some other women I have known, who had their babies younger, it seems that I had it pretty easy in terms of morning sickness, high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, etc.  


So, there you go, two good experiences!  



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I was 40, a couple of weeks short of 41 when baby was born. I was overweight, and bp went up at the end of the pregnancy, so was induced a couple of weeks early. Other than that, all went well. It's been awhile, but I think I was probably a little more sore than early pregnancies. Got a great son out of it! :)


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I had my 6th child at 40, my 7th at 42 and my 8th at 44.  No complications at all.  I don't remember anything being any different than my pregnancies in my 20's and 30's.  As I got older I definitely got more patient with morning sickness and general discomfort than I had been in my earlier pregnancies.  My dh says I complained much less with the last pregnancies than with the first few :)  


My youngest was a stinker though and turned so after 7 natural deliveries I had my first (and last) c-section.  For some reason, our pediatrician finds this extremely amusing and brings it up every time I bring my youngest in for her well-checks.



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I was definitely much more relaxed as a mom. And my other kids were older that time, and loved him to pieces. Because of their ages, I could actually get a shower, etc., because there were always other hands ready to help. Much different from the first time around. It was easy to enjoy him.

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Thanks, I need some reassurance. I discovered last week that IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m expecting #4, a huge surprise, we thought we were done. IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ll be 40 by the time this one arrives, assuming all goes well.


I had a miscarriage with pregnancy 1 and 5 so IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m a bit nervous about that already. But, I canĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t decide if IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m more nervous about another miscarriage or having a newborn again. My youngest will be 6 so there will be bit of an age gap and will make figuring out bedrooms a challenge. My first appointment is after Christmas, I donĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t think it will feel real until then.

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My most recent was born less than a month before I turned 41. One of my healthiest pregnancies physically and the first one where I haven't ended up anemic. I exercised more and such. I did have some prenatal depression and anxiety which was a first for me. Baby was born totally healthy at 42 weeks exactly. I did biophysical profiles weekly starting at 38 weeks but did not want an induction. Baby passed them with perfect scores. Two hour labor, my fastest by far and easiest as far as physical recovery. 


And our baby bug (her nickname) is 100 percent worth it!!!!

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Congratulations! I hope all goes well. At the time ds was born, his oldest sibling and only brother was 14 years his senior. The baby stayed in our room for awhile, but eventually the two of them shared a room for several years. In our case, it wasn't a problem. I, too, had had a miscarriage a couple of years before. So I understand that concern.  :grouphug:

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Thanks, I need some reassurance. I discovered last week that IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m expecting #4, a huge surprise, we thought we were done. IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ll be 40 by the time this one arrives, assuming all goes well.


I had a miscarriage with pregnancy 1 and 5 so IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m a bit nervous about that already. But, I canĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t decide if IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m more nervous about another miscarriage or having a newborn again. My youngest will be 6 so there will be bit of an age gap and will make figuring out bedrooms a challenge. My first appointment is after Christmas, I donĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t think it will feel real until then.


Those older kids are SUCH a help! You have no idea how great it is to have kids that can entertain a little one even if just for you to poop or shower alone, lol! Seriously, it's life changing. All babies should come prepackaged with significantly older siblings. 

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I did have a positive experience, however it was immediately after a loss. Last December (age 41) I lost a pregnancy due to T-13. Immediately after that loss I became pregnant again, I just had my youngest in October at age 42. No complications (though I was on blood thinners due to a pulmonary embolism during my pregnancy with #6), 12 lb baby boy born at home after an extremely precipitous (10 minute) labor. 

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Congratulations!!  I had #9 just 2 months short of 40, and #10 when I was 41.  I did have gestational diabetes with those 2, but both times I managed it with diet and exercise, and I felt good at the end of the pregnancies.  No complications during delivery or anything like that, and the pregnancies weren't any harder or anything.  By that time, it wasn't like I didn't know what to expect, lol.  


Older kids are really such a huge help.  It is SO different having babies with older kids versus all littles!  And it is so wonderful to see my older kids interact with their younger siblings.  It really warms my heart to see teenage boys on the floor playing duplos or army men with little siblings!

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Our youngest was born two years after his brother (they are the last two of seven), after I was 40.  I must have been 41.  He's a definite light in our home and I'm so glad we had one more!  For several years after that, until I was about 50, I said it'd do it again.  Now I'm starting to wonder.  :D

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Hi Rach. I had my last two babies at ages 44 and 46 (about 20 months apart). They were both uncomplicated births and beautifully healthy babies. I had high blood pressure issues a little with the first of the two, and a lot with the second...but that was not age related as I'd had the same problem with a number of my earlier pregnancies including the first two.

I had regular chiropractor visits during both pregnancies and I really think that helped with the ease of deliveries.

Edited by LindaOz
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Thank you for all the stories! The internet is full of the gloom of increased risk of birth defects and miscarriages. I need to hear the good outcomes which I know are more that the bad outcomes.


I always said I wanted 4 kids. My husband was hesitant for more than 2 but agreed on 3. After #3, he was certain 3 was plenty. I got pregnant when #3 was about 6 months old, we were excited and nervous but alas that one didnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t make it. I had finally made peace with 3 kids a couple years ago and we were really enjoying life the way it was. Our kids are at really enjoyable ages right now. I slowly started giving away all my baby things that werenĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t keepsakes, the last was my hiking pack for hauling my babies on the trail.


Last week my period was late but my cycles have been gradually getting longer. I took a dollar store test just to ease my mind that my period was still on its way. I was in shock when it was positive and immediately took a second one. Then FaceTimed my husband who was in even greater shock. I have to say, heĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s a good man. I was in tears and he just said, Ă¢â‚¬Å“babies are good things.Ă¢â‚¬


I have a brother 12 years younger than me and I canĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t imagine life without him. He brought so much joy to our family. I know this little one will also bring joy and once he/she arrives we will have difficulty remembering things being any different. The kids will be so excited!


Waiting for that first appointment so I can see or hear a heartbeat will be tough but with Christmas coming the time will also go quickly.

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Thank you for all the stories! The internet is full of the gloom of increased risk of birth defects and miscarriages. I need to hear the good outcomes which I know are more that the bad outcomes.


My reproductive endocrinologist told me that at 41 (what I'm turning next month), the risk of miscarriage with natural conception or IUI is 50%. But since the risk is highest very early on, if you're already over a week late, I'm sure it has already dropped significantly. :) 


Your OB can order blood tests to make sure that the hcg levels are rising appropriately if that would make you less anxious.

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My one and only was born 2 months before my 42nd birthday. FTR, that wasn't in the plan. We had long since given up and I actually thought those first signs were signs of early menopause not pregnancy! LOL. 


My pregnancy, labor, and delivery were all very easy. I chose not to have an amnio but I did have what at the time was the highest level ultrasound because of my refusal. I know current ultrasounds are even better (ds is 20 so...).


Being an older mom is generally not a problem but there are a few things that come up to remind you of your age. Sometimes when we were out people thought dh and I were his grandparents. Also, no matter how good shape one is in, you do have less energy the older you get so there were times when I was worn out (his ADHD didn't help either). 


I would not have made the choice to get pregnant at that age but I'm so glad I did. My awesome only is the result. 

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I had my third at age 42, when my others were age 7.5 and 9.  Only cons were that labor/delivery was much more fast and furious, and I have been a more tired mom with #3.  The pros have *way* outweighed the cons.  Labor/delivery was over almost before it began!  That's a good thing.  And, dh has had a lot more time to be present in the raising of our daughter than he could be with her older siblings.  The only complication I had during pregnancy was that I contracted Fifth Disease, which can be transmitted to the baby.  So, we had to carefully monitor her for a couple months via weekly ultrasounds.  The benefit of that, of course, was that I got to see her every week for 8 weeks!  How cool is that?  "Is she still a girl?" -- "Yes, she's still a girl."  --  "Hi C..!"  


Oh yeah, I almost forgot another benefit to that pregnancy.  I had been suffering with terrible pre-menopause symptoms from age 38 until I got pregnant at age 41 (surges of anger, painfully tender br@asts, super heavy periods, insomnia, night sweats and hot flashes, etc).  After that pregnancy and delivery, I was cured from almost all of that!  I barely had any symptoms at all until I actually reached menopause, 11 years later, and now I just have mild hot flashes.


Dd is 12yo now, and she's an amazing person.  Fortunately, she's very self-sufficient, because I don't have the energy to do as much for her as I did with my older kids.  But she adds so much to our family.  I can't imagine life without her, and she'll keep the nest from feeling too empty for several more years.


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I had my first at 18.5, my 2nd at almost 28, my third at almost 30, and my fourth at 39.5- so not quite 40, but oh so close IMO. 


The pregnancy was a lot different. I still haven't lost all of the weight 3.5 years later. As a way of comparing, at 18, I was back in non elasic, button and zip jeans from prepregnancy within 2 weeks. That is not an exaggeration. I went to my sister's high school graduation when baby wasn't two weeks old, and I remember what I wore, lol. 


With my other two, I had to do some exercises and calorie watching, but I was back to prepreg weight within a year. I just gained too much this time. Even with exercise I have gone up and down trying to get back. 


I had a LOT more aches and pains. I couldn't sleep because of the unbearable joint pains I had with the pregnancy. It was non stop from beginning to end. 


But in all, all was healthy. Baby was born 10 days early, my earliest one, but all of mine were born before the due date, one at only 3 days before and two exactly a week before. She was a bit earlier than I expected, but nothing bad. 


***** One more weird thing. My water broke spontaneously with her, and labor never started. I was completely not dilated at all, and baby was still high. I didn't go into labor at all. I had had three babies before, and with two my contractions started gradually and the water never broke until I was at hospital in heavy labor. With one my water had broken at home before contractions, but they started immediately. I went all night with no contractions. The hospital ended up giving me Pitocin which I had never needed before. I didn't want to use it, but it was try that or face a Csection if labor didn't start within a certain amount of hours. Once they started it, labor was hard and fast. I had baby within 4 hours start to finish, but 4 hard hours! So again, all was well. No complications, but it was definitely different than before. I didn't consider it quite as smooth, but no real harm.

Edited by 2_girls_mommy
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I had my first baby four days after my 35th bday, and my last baby right before I turned 43.  All four were naturally conceived. I am thankful I didn't start until later or else I'd have a reality TV show by now. :P


DS3, my last baby, was my easiest pregnancy.  I gained the least amount of weight...and it was just a happy pregnancy. I've had gestational diabetes with all four pregnancies....but no complications.  Only issue was I didn't have health insurance coverage for the first 2/3rds of the pregnancy, so my endocrinologist and a direct entry midwife managed my case cash pay.   He was a precipitous birth.  I had a weird feeling in the shower and thankfully...as my 4th baby and my 2nd precipitous birth, I followed my instincts.  When I got to the hospital, the nurse said you don't look like you're in labor.  DS3 came 25 minutes later.  No time for any IVs...yippee!


He was a sweet baby, probably because he was spoiled by three elder siblings who saw him as a doll.


Now, he's 7....still spoiled...and best friends with his 12 year old brother.  They are inseparable.


Can't imagine our life without him.  Such a blessing even though he's driving me crazy at the moment.  

Edited by umsami
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Congrats! Had my #3 just 6 days after my 40th bday (my best baby sleeper, by far!!!) and then #4 at 43 (I think?Ă°Å¸Ëœ) and he's 2 now, gorgeous, adorable, fun, curly-headed and eyelashed little boy. #4 was harder, I was tired a lot more, But another wonderful birth and healthy baby.


Best wishes!

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Had babies at 31, 34, and 40. I had no serious complications with the last one but pregnancy was definitely more exhausting and the recovery took longer. Of course that might be because I had so many other things going on with two older kids, and because he was c section number three. I always felt like someone was missing from the family and am so glad we have him! Oh and actually getting pregnant was super easy.

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I went to the dr less with the one I had at 42 than the ones I had in my 30s.

If you have other kids--built in helpers!  I needed my boys to help find 'the girl' everytime she vanished--which was often. lol

You know yourself better and aren't so worried about things in general.  More relaxed.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Update 12/26

I went to my first appointment today, baby has a heartbeat and is measuring exactly right!


I do have to meet with a specialist due to my advanced maternal age, but that wonĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t be a huge deal. My OB is pro-VBAC which IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m very happy about.


I have miscarried at 8 weeks and 10 weeks (after seeing heartbeat), so I donĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t feel quite relaxed yet. IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m still a bit in shock but coming around to the idea of having another baby.

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I have two friends that had their final babies at 47yo and but turned out to be happy endings. I agree with a previous poster that babies in your 40s was probably much more common in the past. I just birthed a baby a week ago and dh is already trying to guess how many more we might have. We're at 8, I'm 37yo and he's guessing 4 more! We'll see...

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