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Witnessed Something at the Airport this Summer-Opinion?


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So this isn't anything earth shattering, but I'm bored while I'm waiting on my oldest to finish her volunteer work. This summer I was at the gate waiting to board my plane when a woman traveling with an infant, a 2 or 3 year old, and an older woman (she looked to be the younger woman's mother so the grandmother of the children) showed up at the gate as well. The mother proceeded to immediately get out a blanket, lay it on the floor, and change her infant son's diaper right in the middle of the seating area. I thought maybe there wasn't a bathroom close by, but there was one right across the walkway from the gate. After changing the baby's diaper she laid down the 2/3 year old little girl and changed her pull up. Everyone sitting there was obviously uncomfortable and averting our eyes so we weren't looking at her naked kids. Ultimately it's not a big deal, but I found it so odd and kind of gross, especially since some passengers were sitting there eating before boarding. Part of me wanted to say something, like pointing out how close the actual restroom was, but I didn't because not my circus, not my monkeys.


Do you find this odd as well?

Would you have said something?

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You know, I think about things like this now. When I was a parent to younger kids, I made things hard on myself by choice. I could've changed my babies or toddlers in public but never did so. I made the extra effort to go to the car or a bathroom to do so. It was inconvenient. I watched my kids closely when I was with a group of friends and missed lots of conversations when others were more free range. I never wanted my kids to bother other people so I would take them outside at a restaurant or other public place if they were fussy leaving my meal.


It was a tiring way to parent. I see other parents that make easier choices and they seem less stressed. They don't seem too concerned if those around them are bothered or not. I'm not saying one way is better or more superior, but it's just a different set of choices. There were times I wished I could've been more laid back because I was always inconveniencing myself so I wouldn't potentially bother other people.


I think there's a happy medium here which I never found. Maybe this mother could've found a corner in the waiting area and had her back to everyone shielding the scene from the other passengers rather than picking everything up and going to a germy restroom nearby.


I was definitely the right decision for you not to say anything. I think it's important we don't police other's manners.  

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I would have chosen a more discreet place, but as long as it was on the floor, it wouldn't have bothered me much. I pretty much figure airports are among the least sanitary places on the planet anyway. 


Could be worse--we had a woman at our co-op who would change her daughter on the tables. It used to drive me nuts, but no one else said anything, so I figured no one else cared. Looking back, I regret not saying something, because WTH?!  :ack2:

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Since it is two adults and two kids, I would feel it odd for the toddler but not the infant. When my kids were in pull-ups and the toilets were either occupied or dirty, we just do a quick pull down pull up change at a corner. I would only find it gross if itĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s poop for the toddler and that is because there are two adults so an adult can stay with the baby while the toddler gets cleaned up.


I wonĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t say something though because I have been through airports with spacious toilets that is easy for a caregiver to help a toddler in the toilet, and airports where the toilets stalls are narrow and hard even for an adult to use.



There are some gate waiting areas that are next to a Starbucks, Tim HortonĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s, a deli and I guess that might gross people out more than at a gate waiting area that is not next to a food serving store.

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It would not have bothered me. 


I would not think twice about seeing a naked preschooler or infant in that setting. And I think by doing it on her own blanket itĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s not really that unhygienic...unless you mean that it was just gross for people to have to see while eating. To me, a waiting area like that isnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t meant for eating so itĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s not like changing a diaper in the middle of a restaurant. ItĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s an area of mixed use and people are doing all sorts of things there. Which might include taking care of kidsĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ needs...like diapers. 

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I'm surprised so many people even averted their eyes. They're butts. They need wiping. And the floor was probably less gross than the changing table. No, I obviously wouldn't care at all.

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Although, for those of us who wouldn't be bothered by it...what about the mom's hands afterward? Is that the equivalent of not washing your hands after using the toilet?

Baby wipes. I have seen plenty of parents/grandparents using wipes after changing their kids/grandkids diapers at the zoo. Zoo toilets are often overcrowded so itĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s not surprising to see babies and toddlers having their diapers change somewhere else.

Edited by Arcadia
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Although I'm not sure I would do it, I don't find it odd.  Changing diapers in most bathrooms is difficult and pull ups in my experience are tough too.  It was probably quicker and less stressful for her to do it this way.  Perhaps she should have been more discrete about it, but as described it doesn't sound bad.  After having spent this summer travelling via airports several times with my kids, if they were younger, I'd probably resort to this too, even with two adults present..

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Look, I watched a lady make her 3-yo pee in a parking lot last week. It was in the grass separating rows of parking not a 30-second walk to the building.


I know what you're thinking. You're thinking it was an emergency. My dd had an emergency once and we went behind a bush. Except there was no bush, no tree, no cars except mine, and the little girl was crying, "No, no, I don't have to go!" As mom pulled down her pants in front of me and another family walking by. I mean, maybe she wasn't sure she had to go? Idk, but come on.


So a diaper change? Nbd.

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Look, I watched a lady make her 3-yo pee in a parking lot last week. It was in the grass separating rows of parking not a 30-second walk to the building.


I know what you're thinking. You're thinking it was an emergency. My dd had an emergency once and we went behind a bush. Except there was no bush, no tree, no cars except mine, and the little girl was crying, "No, no, I don't have to go!" As mom pulled down her pants in front of me and another family walking by. I mean, maybe she wasn't sure she had to go? Idk, but come on.


So a diaper change? Nbd.

I actually laughed out loud at this :lol: Way to put it in context. Stripping down a kid who doesn't even have to go in the middle of a parking lot is definitely more odd.

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Thank you for not saying anything to her. Traveling with toddlers and babies is so hard!


I have to change diapers on a 20-year old. It's hard when we're out and about. I've changed her on bathroom floors before. I hope no one was judging me.  I've long wanted a tee shirt that says "I'm doing the best I can." That's all any of us can do.

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I've done it. I prefer to use a family restroom if I can, because I'm usually traveling with three kids and the locked door prevents anyone from escaping while I'm wiping another ones behind. Plus the potty trained one can go, and - hey! - I might even get to as well. I will almost always find a restroom if it's a poopy diaper, but that's just because it's handy to have water close in case things were more dire than I anticipated. But blanket in the corner by the gate for a quick change before the next flight? BTDT


Edited bc my phone posted mid sentence.

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I'm definitely glad I didn't say anything now!!!


The toddler had a poopy pull up so the guy sitting closest to them just kind of wrapped his sandwich up and quit eating. That was really what caught my attention, not so much the baby.


But I totally get it about traveling with little ones. I've done it multiple times myself. I'd just never seen this approach to diaper changing in the middle of a group of people.


I mainly just felt bad for the guy and others that were eating. It was kind of smelly. The mom definitely had her hands full so I spent my time playing with her daughter while she nursed her son after the diaper changing.

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I don't see it as a big deal. I would have gone off to the side but sometimes changing tables are gross, managing a baby and a toddler in a crowded public restroom is a pain.


As far as the kid in the parking lot, my 7 year old also claims she doesn't need to pee all the time. People probably think I'm mean for making her go, but she actually can't feel the need to go and I can prevent an accident by making her. Although I wouldn't make her use the parking lot.

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I've done it. I prefer to use a family restroom if I can, because I'm usually traveling with three kids and the locked door prevents anyone from escaping while I'm wiping another ones behind. Plus the potty trained one can go, and - hey! - I might even get to as well. I will almost always find a restroom if it's a poopy diaper, but that's just because it's handy to have water close in case things were more dire than I anticipated. But blanket in the corner by the gate for a quick change before the next flight? BTDT


Edited bc my phone posted mid sentence.

It wasn't in the corner. It was in the middle of the seating area. I would totally have not even batted an eye at the corner or somewhere else out of the way.

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I think it was rude--and even more rude if there was poo involved. The smell of baby poo (except my own baby's, of course) literally makes me want to vomit.


I can actually understand not wanting to do it in the restroom, but a partially shielded corner would have been a much better choice.


I would not have said anything.

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Part of me thinks not a big deal, but part of me thinks it's better for her kids and other people to attempt to be more discrete. If she won't go in the rest room was there a slightly less visible area. What about the guy eating lunch is it really polite to him. If there really was no where else then ok, but if she could have walked a few yards behind some seating maybe that's better.


Either way, as a bystander I'd say nothing.

Edited by Diana P.
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It wasn't in the corner. It was in the middle of the seating area. I would totally have not even batted an eye at the corner or somewhere else out of the way.

I missed that in the OP. I do think moving to a more discreet location at the gate is better for everyone. I'm not worried about baby/toddler nudity, but I do appreciate that most other passengers have no desire to share the diaper changing experience with me. I wouldn't have said anything, but I would have had that thought.


(From the mom who tried not to cringe today as the mom of an 18ish month old toddler allowed her to kick and bang the seat in front of her the whole flight. If I can have my toddler on my pregnant lap and make an effort to prevent him from disturbing the passenger in front of us, most people can try as well.)

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I wouldn't have said anything, but changing a poopy diaper in the middle of a public place where people are eating is just strange to me.  I would not appreciate being around it at all.  


In a corner, sure.  But not in the middle, right next to people eating and doubly so for a poo diaper.  I've known people who vomit at the smell of poopy diapers.  Just like babies shouldn't have to be breastfed in bathrooms because it's gross to eat around poo smells, poopy diapers shouldn't be changed where people are eating. 


A corner would have been fine if she couldn't use the rest room for some reason.

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It wouldn't even occur to me that there was a problem with it.  


I used to change my kids diapers all over the place, but I always tried to do it in an out of the way place.  So I wouldn't have changed a poopy diaper (or any diaper) right next to anyone, for example.

Edited by EKS
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I would have assumed she needed to stay close to the gate to hear an announcement or something.   Would be better to do it in a corner if one was available, but, maybe there wasn't.  I wouldn't have said anything either.  There is nothing anyone can say that wouldn't sound confrontational/rude.  Most likely she was aware of the location of the bathrooms.  And, I would always prefer a floor to one of those changing tables, what a hassle those were for me.  

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If they were exposed, yes I would have said something in the children's defense. What was she thinking?? Plenty of times I've been in that situation and I've made it discrete. 

In many countries, children will go swimming without a swimsuit.  People are not concerned that the children are exposed.

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I would generally go off to deal with a nappy but not at the airport because I don't want to miss hearing a boarding call/flight delay announcement etc. if it's close to departure time I don't want to leave the lounge for sure.


I do hate when people change their kids on a table at a cafe or something .

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The toddler had a poopy pull up so the guy sitting closest to them just kind of wrapped his sandwich up and quit eating. That was really what caught my attention, not so much the baby.


That would've grossed me out.  

But...I'm sure I would've done the same thing when I had toddlers/babies because people at that stage of life are sort of blind/immune to it.  They may not even realize how others are not used to it or offended by it...


Funny story: we recently went to an outdoor play area that has a focus on creative place and making messes.  There is a tiny creek that runs through the middle, for splashing and such.  My 9 year old was "offended" (LOL) when a mom stripped 2 little boys (a toddler and preschooler) down, butt naked, and let them run around in front of her while drying.  (Can you tell we only have girls, haha. And girl cousins. :D)  DD was stage whispering to me, "But there's a changing room RIGHT THERE!!!")

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If she was changing a wet diaper right smack in front of everybody, I'd think it was weird but it wouldn't bother me.


But a smelly, poopy diaper? Gross! That's just so wrong to subject people to that.


She could have taken the kids to the restroom while her mom stayed by the gate and listened for announcements.

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I wouldn't have been bothered but I am not sure I would have done it there. I have been known to strip a wet, Sandy beach toddler out of their clothes by the side of the car and wrap them in a towel before putting them in a car and I may or may not have changed my 1 year old on the hood of my car once on a receiving blanket out of desperation.


Those averting their eyes it just makes me wonder what generation they were from. Maybe younger? I just cannot imagine someone from the boomer generation worrying about it but I could be wrong :)

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It wouldn't have bothered me and I wouldn't think it's strange. I think it's strange to be bothered by a 2 or 3 year old's nakedness. 


ETA: After reading your subsequent posts I admit a smelly, poopy diaper when people are eating would be gross. I still wouldn't be too upset though. 

Edited by Lady Florida.
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I'd do similar but I always drape something over their private parts. I'd also be in an out-of-the-way enough place where a noticable number of ppl don't need to avert their eyes.

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I'm definitely glad I didn't say anything now!!!


The toddler had a poopy pull up so the guy sitting closest to them just kind of wrapped his sandwich up and quit eating. That was really what caught my attention, not so much the baby.


But I totally get it about traveling with little ones. I've done it multiple times myself. I'd just never seen this approach to diaper changing in the middle of a group of people.


I mainly just felt bad for the guy and others that were eating. It was kind of smelly. The mom definitely had her hands full so I spent my time playing with her daughter while she nursed her son after the diaper changing.

I'm actually surprised by the responses. I would try to find a less conspicuous corner or use the bathroom. I really don't think everybody has to be exposed to my kid's poop smell any more than necessary. I mean, she definitely needed to do something about it before boarding a flight, which offers NO space or facilities for changing dipes. But if there was a bathroom, or even a little corner, that would have seemed preferable to me.


And I do actually think I want to keep my children's private parts covered up in a space full of strangers. It puts people, especially older men, in an awkward spot. They can't sit there and *look* lest someone wonder what the hell they think they're looking at, but if they make a point of averting their eyes, it's no longer easy and comfortable. That is the point of having good public manners - to facilitate the comfort of others.


I would not have said anything, but I would have thought it was rude.

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Changing wet diapers wouldn't bother me in the least, but unless there is literally no other option, changing a stinky poopy diaper right next to people who are eating is just gross. :ack2:


DS wasn't fully potty trained until he was 3.5, so I changed a lot of poopy diapers and pull-ups in inconvenient places. But I never once did it where other people would be subjected to the smell (other than in the bathroom). I even went through the contortions necessary to change him in the microscopic restrooms on planes (and he was a HUGE toddler) rather than subject the people sitting around me to the smell by changing him in his seat. Some people literally gag or vomit at that smell. 

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Well my opinion is apparently not a popular one, but I think it is incredibly rude to change a poopy diaper where people are eating!  That is disgusting.  This happened to me at a homeschooling picnic once - right in the middle of where everybody was eating lunch one of the moms decided that was the place to change a poopy diaper.  She got lots of complaints, but didn't care.  It put an abrupt end to my lunch, and I had to walk away to keep from losing what I'd just eaten.  I realize not everyone is as sensitive as I am, but come on, NOT having to see and smell feces while you're eating is kind of a bare minimum standard, and really isn't too much to ask.


And yes, I know the public restroom could have been closed for cleaning, or not had a changing table, or overcrowded, etc.  I get that.  But that doesn't mean she had to plop down right in front of the guy eating a sandwich either.



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Changing wet diapers wouldn't bother me in the least, but unless there is literally no other option, changing a stinky poopy diaper right next to people who are eating is just gross. :ack2:


DS wasn't fully potty trained until he was 3.5, so I changed a lot of poopy diapers and pull-ups in inconvenient places. But I never once did it where other people would be subjected to the smell (other than in the bathroom). I even went through the contortions necessary to change him in the microscopic restrooms on planes (and he was a HUGE toddler) rather than subject the people sitting around me to the smell by changing him in his seat. Some people literally gag or vomit at that smell. 



As one of those people who literally gag or vomit at that smell, THANK YOU.  :grouphug:

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Well my opinion is apparently not a popular one, but I think it is incredibly rude to change a poopy diaper where people are eating!  That is disgusting.  This happened to me at a homeschooling picnic once - right in the middle of where everybody was eating lunch one of the moms decided that was the place to change a poopy diaper.  She got lots of complaints, but didn't care.  It put an abrupt end to my lunch, and I had to walk away to keep from losing what I'd just eaten.  I realize not everyone is as sensitive as I am, but come on, NOT having to see and smell feces while you're eating is kind of a bare minimum standard, and really isn't too much to ask.


And yes, I know the public restroom could have been closed for cleaning, or not had a changing table, or overcrowded, etc.  I get that.  But that doesn't mean she had to plop down right in front of the guy eating a sandwich either.


I just came to post this.  Thank you for saving me the trouble.  


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Ew wait I missed that there was a #2 involved. Wtheck. Airports have lots of corners, even tiny ones. There is absolutely no sense in just changing a diaper wherever you happen to be!

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I wouldn't say this is weird, I've seen people change infant, toddler, and preschooler diapers right in public many times without going to lengths to hide what they're doing or the view of the privates, but I do think it's gross to change a poopy diaper in public like that unless you literally have no choice. People do it. It's gross. (If you really don't have a choice, do what you gotta do. I'd rather endure the grossness than have your kid rash up, and I'll smell it anyway if it's that bad.)

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I wouldn't think a thing of a parent changing a wet diaper in public. But if it were me I would have tried my best to find an out of the way corner or at least the most inconspicuous place possible. I do think it's incredibly rude to change a poopy diaper in the middle of everything, especially where people are eating.


But I'm always inclined to give lots of latitude to people traveling with babies and young kids. So -- I wouldn't have done it that way, but neither would I have gotten my knickers twisted about it.

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Diaper babies being naked is no big deal in most cultures.  I personally never did that, but it would not have bothered me if someone else did - as long as they properly disposed of all the mess.


It's odd that people care about a tot's nakedness outside of the bathroom, but we're not supposed to care about school-aged kids in the opposite sex's bathroom / locker room.  A weenie is a weenie.   :P


I also do not understand why people would not take their kids into an airport toilet.  I have traveled a lot with my kids since they were babies, and I've never been in an airport or rest stop bathroom that was too dirty for us.

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Now a poo'd pull-up on a tot - use the bathroom.  I would not have said it, but I would have been annoyed for the people who were eating.


I also think it's impolite to throw a smelly diaper in a garbage outside the restroom.  What's the use of having a restroom if there's going to be poo everywhere anyway.

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