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WWYD ex "boyfriend" wants me to call him....


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I will delete, so please don't quote.


I dated this guy for about 7 months, and I cut it off because he got violent and ugly.  But there were so many things wrong with that "relationship" I could write a book.  He was a vindictive person, and I am still anonymous on the internet because of him.


Well for years, he kept calling me and guilting me when I didn't call back.  Every time he called, it was because he wanted something from me - free legal services or a job recommendation.  After a while I just ignored all his calls (and every other call from his area code, even though I have a client there).  I was afraid of making him mad, but hoped that he would eventually forget me and move on.


So today he called twice, left a message, and sent me a text. Just wants to "connect" (of course).


I don't know how long it's been, probably at least 5 years since the last time I accidentally answered a call from him and talked to him.  He said he was married and happy, but he was a habitual liar, so who knows ....


Anyhoo ... I don't want to call him back, but I'm afraid not to.  Talk me out of it!  Or into it!  Or something!

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Why in the world would you waste a single moment of time on him again?  Block his numer and don't respond in any way.  Do not get sucked back into his web.   Who cares if he is happy or not.  Who cares that he wants to connect. If he is happy he shouldn't be trying to connect with old girlfriends.  Run baby run.  And DO NOT look back again. 

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Why are you afraid not to? I mean I think I get it... he's a scary guy, you're scared not to comply with his wishes... but if you give him anything, he'll only want more, and that's where the danger lies. Don't do anything to encourage him. It's much easier to keep ignoring him than to give him attention and then try to withdraw it. Once you let him in you won't be able to justify setting boundaries with him so the only solution is to ignore him totally.

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I understand being afraid of somebody like that, and if he DOES get violently angry from being ignored, you'll probably find out in follow-up call/text and can deal with it then. Also, everything Winterbaby said - it will be more difficult to withdraw attention.


I hope you ignore it and I hope he gets the hint.

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No. Just no.


I'm guessing it's a control thing. If you call back, he knows he's in control even this many years after the fact. And that is a slippery slope... (see Ethel Mertz' suggestion re: calling a domestic violence hotline).



Edited by Stacia
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Add my voice to the chorus of NO votes.


I know it might be scary to not respond, but it will be even scarier if you call him back and he wants to get together. It will be a lot harder to say no when you're actually speaking with him.


Please don't respond. You and your dds will be much safer if you keep that guy out of your life.


I'm so sorry you're worried about this -- I would be worried, too. :grouphug:

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I may run out of likes on this thread alone. I agree 100% with everyone who has posted.


Ditto on running out of likes.


As genuinely diverse as this board is on so many issues, moments like this reinvigorate my sense of "a sisterhood bond" amongst  the boardies.


Adding another voice to the chorus... Do Not Respond On Any Level.

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I searched his name on the internet to see what he might be up to.  Turns out he started a business "group" in which he is the only team member.  He has 3 people who he somehow talked into writing un-grammatical recommendations.  (Unless he wrote those himself.)  His description of his professional background is full of lies.  (No surprise.)


Sounds like he's unemployed again.


I'm guessing he wants me to either write him a recommendation or let him use my name & resume on his site.  Ha!  NFW.

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I think you already know what you should do.


If you have any doubt imagine it's one of your dds asking the question.


If you have any further doubts ask yourself whether you want this guy in any remote way in their proximity.


Hugs. It sucks that bad people can still mess with is so many years afterwards.

Edited by Ausmumof3
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If you were intimate, is there any chance he's calling to inform you of some sort of medical diagnosis you should know about? 


This was 12 years ago, so I don't think so.  :P  Besides, he said he wanted to connect, he didn't say he has info I need to know.  (Don't give him any ideas....)

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Block, change number, think about getting a restraining order if he finds a way to contact you again.

"just to connect" he is "hoovering" a funny term for trying to suck you back in.

I have recently found some really helpful YT channels about dealing with narcissists and the psychology their tricks. One is them is called Thrive After Abuse. maybe you could benefit https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkUVh2cwep3jCYwDjE689Wg

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No return call.  And if he calls you and you BY MISTAKE pick up the phone, tell him that you do not wish to talk to him and that he must not call you anymore.  Then write this down in a contemporaneous note.  I don't know what the law is where you are, but here we are supposed to tell someone three times; after that, a stalker-based restraining order can be issued.  But some places, all it takes is once.  But you have to tell him to have it count.  


That said, you don't have to tell him.  It's just IF you pick up and it is him.  


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Add me to the no! column. Given what you've said, I am afraid for you that he's calling and demanding a response. Better to ignore him then run the risk he takes it as a sign to call more often. If he was happily married when you last talked, it's likely that relationship is on the rocks or down the tubes now which is why he's reaching out. Don't respond. Ignore him. Contact a domestic violence hotline if you need more guidance.

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No - You knew this was going to be our answer, and needed support to stand strong, so here it is.  




Not for any reason


You are worth more than his abuse and control.  Your time is worth more than the effort you've already put into googling someone you dislike.  Your child is worth more than anything else in the world, and they deserve to have a mom who is at peace.  


Don't allow yourself to overthink this.  

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This precise moment in time is what boundaries are for. Don't be a chump (ala the Chump Lady)!


Why haven't you blocked his # yet? If you don't want to do that (for some good reason), just label his phone # as DO NOT ANSWER. That way you or kids don't accidentally pick up.

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Is this a test?



Seriously, you must be too close to the situation because I'd think it would come as no surprise that your question generated a unanimous Hell No.


If you could easily pass on a new phone number to your clients and necessary friends and family, I'd seriously consider ditching the current one. If he plays phone roulette, you may have trouble blocking every number he might call from, best if he doesn't know what number to dial.

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I don't often post and have nothing more to add to all the NO's. But, here it is anyway:


Of course you should not call him. Afraid to not call him?


How about, afraid to call? Because you should be afraid. You want your children to have a mother? Do not call.


Do you want peace in your life? Do not call.


If he's changed (which he hasn't), so what. If he hasn't changed, so what. You are not his saviour, that would be someone else.


And, at the very very least, block the number.


But, the smart thing to do is to change your number. The phone company just changed mine a couple of weeks ago within moments of asking. Won't cost anything. If you are in touch with a dope who would give him the number, don't give it to that person.


Also, stop wasting your time thinking about such a loser.

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