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why do people upgrade their cell phones?


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So, I am  curious why do people typically upgrade their cell phones?  is it because they want something better?  or because their current one stops working as well?  or another reason?


It just seems like I am needing to upgrade every year or so...because my current phone gets sluggish and doesn't respond like it once did.  


Is that sort of thing typical?  It sure gets expensive after a while.



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In dh's case it's because he has to have the latest and greatest. He says it's because he's in tech, but I personally think it's due to his possession of a Y chromosome.


When I upgrade it's more what you describe. Phone gets slower. Battery issues begin, doesn't handle updates well. OR Dd's phone has the issue, so I get the new phone and pass my current phone to her. I'd say every 18 months to 2 years seems to be my average. I think they design the phones to only last that long. The updates really seem to be a sticking point after 12 months or so. They're always designed for the newest phones and can really slow down older phones.

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Reasons people in our family upgraded theirs:

old phone no longer working/working well. Battery issues, for example.

new phone having better tech: more capabilities (flip phone makes texting a pain and cannot to do internet), better screen resolution, more functionality, faster processor


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Yep, phones wear out. Don't hold a charge as long. Get slower. Plus, it's fun to get something shiny and new.


What our family does is buy a couple versions old and frequently we buy refurbished. So the Samsung Galaxy S8 just came out? My husband has an S6, me and Middle have S5s, Oldest has an S3 (she's using a back up phone because she shattered her screen on her S4). We also hand down to our kids. So when I get an upgrade which we plan to do in a year or so, Oldest will get my phone. Upgrades benefit more than one person that way.


It can be expensive to keep a whole family in smart phones, but my family happens to love them so we figure out ways to make it cheaper. :)

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I upgrade when mine stops holding a charge and I can no longer get a battery for it. My last phone was waterproof and the battery couldn't be changed. I keep it until it stops working.

I have friends who upgrade as soon as possible because they like having the latest and greatest.

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I only get a new phone when I am forced to, lol. The last time I got a new phone was when my DH told me that Apple would no longer be supporting the phone I had, so I was forced into making that jump. I've now had my current iPhone for at least 3 years (can't remember if it's three or four), and I'm hoping I will be able to use it for another year or two, although my DH tried to update it for me and the updates wouldn't work, so I may be forced into getting a new one sooner than I'd like.


I hate the constant updates. Meh. So often the updates don't really do anything positive, IMO, other than make my phone outdated more quickly.

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Typically, major battery/charging issues, the phone getting sluggish or some major accident that's not worth repairing. My current phone is doing really well at 18 months old but it had most of its innards changed uber warranty last year. I won't be upgrading for some while.

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I had my previous phone for over three years. There's really nothing wrong with it except the memory is too low now because I'm taking more photos and texting more. I kept having to clear space to be able to do either of those tasks, it was getting to be a pain. I probably won't upgrade for another 3 years at least. 


The camera on my other phone was okay, but not great. My new one is on par with my small pocket camera, so that's one less I have to worry about carrying at certain times. 

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If you don't want to upgrade but the phone isn't functioning well first try the following:


Make sure you have done all required/needed updates.


Replace the battery. Make sure to completely drain the battery periodically before charging again.


See if adding a repeater will help while using it at home.


See if you can add more memory.


I upgrade only when I have to. Usually DH insists after 2-3 years but I can sometimes hold out longer if the phone is still supported by the company. I keep it updated and take care of the battery.

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I will likely be upgrading my Windows phone to an android in the next 6 months or so (maybe for my birthday in June) because every update, some app stops working because the new version isn't backwards compatible. I loved the Windows OS and that it was basically a little terminal for my computer, but the planned obsolescence is really getting annoying. For example, I am trying right now to install the desktop version of FB Messenger on my phone because there is no longer a Windows phone version that works on it. I lost SKYPE months ago. I can no longer sync my outlook calendar. Stuff like that.

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We only upgrade when we begin having problems with the phone.  It seems like after 4 years or so, the charge often doesn't hold well, or it begins to freeze up often, or other issues.   I've probably had mine for 4 years now and it still works, though my dd, who got her phone at the same time and at the same place, began having problems with it such as only holding its charge for about 30 minutes.  I suspect something like that will start happening with mine any day.


But I suppose one other reason is that as we learn more about these phones, we realize what is important to us on it and that some upgraded models do it better.  For example, the camera on mine isn't very good, and I know the newer models have much better cameras.  Also, mine doesn't have a lot of memory.  I'm constantly running out and having to delete apps, and I don't even have very many.  I'll still hold out getting an upgrade until I absolutely need one, but I know a lot of people wouldn't wait until the bitter end.

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I finally upgraded because my phone was sluggish.  It was starting to have trouble sending texts! It lacked sufficient memory for downloading new apps--on top of which my android version was so old there were some apps that wouldn't even work with it. My battery was actually still doing fairly well but these other issues were making the phone more troublesome to use. I'm not one who has to have the latest gadget so it took awhile for me to finally admit I should get a new phone.

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I've had the same android for 3 1/2 years and have no plans on upgrading in the forseeable future.  I actually don't use my phone for much and I'm not a texter.  I'm more attached to my iPad (which is 2 1/2 years old).


I did replace the battery once and have cleared out all the photos/old data at points when performance was sluggish.

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OP: For me it would be that the old phone had a problem that was not worth fixing, or, could not be fixed; or, that the battery had died and I could not get a replacement battery for it. My Samsung was made in late 2014 and has Android 4.4.2 which cannot be upgraded to 5.0, without using a Custom ROM, and it has very little Memory, but it works perfectly, and until it dies or the battery isn't available, I will continue to use it.  

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My 10 year old has an iphone4 that she uses like an iPod to play games and listen to audio books. It is starting to have some issues with the home button.


If it isn't easily fixed, I'll upgrade my iPhone6 to the new one around Christmas and pass this one down to her.

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I dislike going from a phone I know to a phone I have to figure out. I hold on to mine forever. I went from the original iPhone to a 4s that still works and has a great battery life. (I use it all day and plug in at night.) When it starts to get haunted and weird I'll upgrade, but I'll put that off until the phone is no longer reliable. Since I know that I can drop this every other day and it doesn't require some fancy case to protect it, I'm very hesitant yo make a change.

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DH likes shiny things so he upgrades as soon as he can. 


I like a lower cell phone bill, so I wait until the battery stops holding a charge. My last phone lasted me about 3 years. I just got my current one in December and am hoping for another 3 years. 

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DH does because he wants something shiny and new and wants the newest tech. He still doesn't get to as often as he'd like because $$, but he does it whenever he can. I only upgrade when I have to. They really aren't designed to last a long time anymore. I've had mine a little over 2 years and have no desire to upgrade but I might have to. I have some apps on mine that I might not be able to replace (and even if I can it's a PITA). I also have 4 covers that I love. But it's starting to have lots of issues. We're going to take it in this week to see if it's things they can fix but if not, I may be upgrading  :crying:

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mine has all of the latest updates and it is still sluggish. The camera is 5 MP which isn't horrible...but I am finding that I would like a better camera.  


What I have is a samsung galaxy prime core....and I have had it for maybe a year...but it just isn't responsive sometimes...when I try to add new apps it often tells me there is no room to do that, even though there is plenty.  


So I am just researching...

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mine has all of the latest updates and it is still sluggish. The camera is 5 MP which isn't horrible...but I am finding that I would like a better camera.  


What I have is a samsung galaxy prime core....and I have had it for maybe a year...but it just isn't responsive sometimes...when I try to add new apps it often tells me there is no room to do that, even though there is plenty.  


So I am just researching...


What version of Android is your phone running? If it is  running Android 4.4 that is the version where Google made it impossible, or almost impossible, for Apps to be moved to the external SD card. Also, I think to Write to the SD card in general, is difficult with 4.4.    My Samsung has Android 4.4.2 which cannot be upgraded to 5.x without using a Custom ROM.


If you have a phone like this one: http://www.gsmarena.com/samsung_galaxy_core_prime-6716.php  they show that it is upgradable to Android 5.1.1 


ETA:  If that's the phone you have, it is very much like mine, which was made during September 2014 I think. Mine doesn't have 4G or the ability to run Lollipop, but the phone in the link is very similar to mine.    I have a lot of respect for my phone, which my wife bought used, from a Niece. The previous user was a boy who was 4 or 5 years old at the time. It does not have Gorilla Glass. It works perfectly.

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Usually due to charging issues or it broke.   I did get a Galaxy S7 for Christmas but we very rarely get something that new and expensive.  I cracked the screen of my old phone last summer but still used it until Christmas.  It was starting to get a little cranky though, not charging well, sometimes shutting down.

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We upgraded DDs phone recently because when we got her old one it was her first phone and didn't have very much memory.  I wanted her to add some apps (tracking, reminder apps, etc) and she had no memory.  Heaven forbid she delete one of her own apps.  :glare:  Also, she is about to graduate, so we got her a decent phone with the understanding this was the last one we would be providing. 


DH upgraded because he wanted to use the virtual reality thing a friend gave him and his old phone was not compatible.  I did not think that was a valid reason.


I personally use phones until they die.

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I was trying to make it to 5 years with my iPhone 4s but had to get a new phone at 4.5 years. I couldn't update the OS anymore as they stopped supporting that model and many things weren't working. I could handle the on/off switch not pressing down anymore, but when the camera broke, I needed a new phone! But I can't imagine needing a new phone every year. 5 years is probably pushing it, but a phone should last several years.


ETA: I paid for my 4s upfront and was only paying $30/mo for unlimited text and data. I wanted to continue that deal as long as possible! But in the last year and a half, both dds got phones and it was cheaper for me to join the family plan. But I don't have unlimited data anymore. Don't think anyone offers that cheaply anymore!

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I upgrade because to do so means I pay about $250 per year for a phone as opposed to $1000 every three years.  I can sell my old one while it is still relatively fresh.  I didn't used to do this, but my ds showed me the finances of it, 


When I USED to keep my phone until I had to upgrade, it was because the phone failed to keep a charge for more than an hour, or because I had not purchased enough memory to see me through all the new ways I was using my phone, or because the cell phone manufacturer had stopped supporting the phone.  


I still liked the 4s the best, though, as far as form-factor.  :0)


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What version of Android is your phone running? If it is  running Android 4.4 that is the version where Google made it impossible, or almost impossible, for Apps to be moved to the external SD card. Also, I think to Write to the SD card in general, is difficult with 4.4.    My Samsung has Android 4.4.2 which cannot be upgraded to 5.x without using a Custom ROM.


If you have a phone like this one: http://www.gsmarena.com/samsung_galaxy_core_prime-6716.php  they show that it is upgradable to Android 5.1.1 


ETA:  If that's the phone you have, it is very much like mine, which was made during September 2014 I think. Mine doesn't have 4G or the ability to run Lollipop, but the phone in the link is very similar to mine.    I have a lot of respect for my phone, which my wife bought used, from a Niece. The previous user was a boy who was 4 or 5 years old at the time. It does not have Gorilla Glass. It works perfectly.


this looks like my phone.  How do I upgrade it?  I did the upgrade process and it says that there are no more upgrades...but how do I know if it did what I want it to do?

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mine has all of the latest updates and it is still sluggish. The camera is 5 MP which isn't horrible...but I am finding that I would like a better camera.  


What I have is a samsung galaxy prime core....and I have had it for maybe a year...but it just isn't responsive sometimes...when I try to add new apps it often tells me there is no room to do that, even though there is plenty.  


So I am just researching...


Possibly consider doing a "Factory Reset".  Before you do that, Backup anything you need to save. That should restore it to the way it was when it left the Samsung factory. If you do that, it will be like a new phone and you will need to install any Apps that you want to use from the Google Play Store.   One would do that, for example, if they were going to  sell a phone or give it to someone.  I installed the "Open Camera" App which is free. It is extremely powerful, but can also be extremely easy and simple for people like me who rarely take photos.

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When it breaks, or maybe if I've had it for 4 years or so and want something newer. I contemplated getting the Note 7 last summer, and obviously was lucky I didn't, so I'm still on my Note 2, and it's looking like I'll be sticking with it for quite a while longer (the only downside being that for some odd reason it won't run Pokemon Go, even though the operating system is recent enough to be supported).

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this looks like my phone.  How do I upgrade it?  I did the upgrade process and it says that there are no more upgrades...but how do I know if it did what I want it to do?


Well, if things are perfect, you can go into the "Settings" and look for updates and hopefully it will find them, if Samsung has them available. If not, Download the KIES software application from Samsung.com onto your PC and connect the phone to your PC with the USB cable.  You may also need to install a USB driver for it, but I think KIES does that automatically.  On my phone, I cannot get any updates, possibly because I've Rooted the phone, but if your phone is not Rooted, hopefully that will work for you. Samsung may or may not have updates available for your phone model, for OTA (Over the Air) or with KIES.


There are other ways to do that, which I did last weekend. I was hoping to flash a newer Firmware that was Generic, but it turned out what I tried was not generic and didn't work.  I ended up flashing the original Firmware from 2014.  I think I could flash a Firmware from September 2016 onto my phone, but I have it all set up now...   I would like to have a newer Firmware, because hopefully that gives one better performance (connecting to the towers, WiFi, battery, etc.).  


I don't want to suggest that you do that, because you might turn your phone which is working, into a "Brick" or a "Soft Brick".  Mine was a Soft Brick last Saturday...


If your phone is like mine, for a low-end phone, those are really good phones, IMO.  In the case of my phone, which was previously used by a boy who was 4 or 5 years old (Probably just to play games) I think it is amazingly durable, because it does not have Gorilla Glass.  


Per my other response, I would consider doing a "Factory Reset" in the "Settings" (after backing up any Data you need) which should set it back to the way when it left the factory.  I would do that first...

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I have a Galaxy S4, which was the first smartphone I bought, and I haven't had to upgrade it yet. If it starts to get frustratingly slow I just do a factory reset and that solves it. I don't plan to upgrade unless it dies completely and I can't fix it myself. I've never felt the need to have the newest and greatest tech.

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DH upgrades every 2 years because his work pays for him to get a new one.  And then I get the old one!   :hurray:


I got the older two boys Galaxies when they had a B1G1 deal, so they ended up being $250 or so each.  Both of theirs were given to them Christmas 2015.


Youngest got a used phone we bought off a friend.


So, we don't spend all that much, although we don't upgrade every year or two.  

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tell me more about the Open Camera App.  I doubt I will be able to download it because regardess of the amount of storage I have, my phone says I don't have enough storage.


Check it out on the Google Play Store.  It is "open source" as I recall. It is very powerful, if one knows how to use the power of the cameras in their phone. I don't...

I rarely take photos.  It is also easy to use, for people like me who only take photos on very rare occasions.  Here's the URL:



Note: When I searched for it, there is another App, with almost the identical name.  Not nice.  The one on the above URL is the App I have.


It is free.  I don't think there is a Pro version.  


P.S. You may be looking at the amount of empty space on your SD card.  If you are on Android KitKat (my phone is on Android 4.4.2 which is KitKat) Google made it almost impossible, or impossible, to move Apps to the SD card. They also made it hard to write to the SD card. PITA...  My phone is Rooted and I have "Titanium Backup Pro",  but moving Apps to the SD card, so far, for me, has been impossible.  I have Uninstalled a number of Apps that were installed by Samsung or that are in the Firmware I installed last Sunday, which is for a large provider called Claro.  I have tried, but this is probably THE worst thing about Android 4.4.2. If you can upgrade your phone to Android 5.x I suspect you will not have that limitation with the SD card. I have also  frozen some apps that I am afraid to remove and have put other Apps that I do use, into Hibernation, to reduce the battery consumption. 

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Mine is acting up. I don't like upgrading phones. It's a pain. I usually wait til I've had it long enough to qualify for something relatively cheap/free. I will probably have no choice but to upgrade soon. My screen will freeze sometimes. One time recently my texting wasn't working, but I didn't know it at least for the incoming ones. Then everything disappeared from my screen and I could receive a call but not access contacts/make a call. It was scary. It was in an area where my phone normally works fine so I didn't know how to explain it.

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Mine is acting up. I don't like upgrading phones. It's a pain. I usually wait til I've had it long enough to qualify for something relatively cheap/free. I will probably have no choice but to upgrade soon. My screen will freeze sometimes. One time recently my texting wasn't working, but I didn't know it at least for the incoming ones. Then everything disappeared from my screen and I could receive a call but not access contacts/make a call. It was scary. It was in an area where my phone normally works fine so I didn't know how to explain it.


One of the phones I waited a LONG time to upgrade died on me at exactly the same time my car died on me. There I was, stuck on the shoulder of the freeway, and my phone was being idiotic.  I finally got one text through after about 15 minutes.  My dh came and got me, we followed the tow truck to the repair shop, and then we went straight to the phone store and got my next phone.  That was phone #2.  


Of all the bad timing, though!

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