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How many clothing items do you buy in a year?


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My husband told me last night that he read an article at work that the average American purchases something like 63 items of clothing per year. (not the average american family - the average individual) 


I tried to think back over the past year - and even if I count the clothes that I was given for Christmas (that I subsequently returned because nothing fit/looked good on me - wish my MIL would stop buying me clothes!), I barely break 20! I got 2 pairs of comfy pants, 2 skirts, 2 dresses, a pair of jeans, probably 3 warm shirts, maybe 4 summer shirts, a pair of leggings to go with one dress, a scarf, 3 "workout" shirts, and 1 new bra. I returned the three sweaters I got for Christmas. That's a total of 23. Even if I inflate that for items I may have forgotten I wouldn't break 30 items! I added to every category of clothing in my wardrobe and didn't even come close to the "average" number of new items!


And I have gotten rid of a bag of clothes in the meantime that don't fit/were ripped or whatever. 


Do you think that 63 is high or is it just me? 

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Does that include socks and underwear?


Last year I splurged. I bought one summer dress, three T-shirts, one summer top, a winter dress, one pair of yoga pants, one pair of sweatpants, a pair of black dress pants. And one pair of hiking boots. But I may also have bought twelve socks.  And two pairs of tights.

That is  25 items.

63 seems a lot. But if it includes socks, underwear, pantyhose, it may not be all that much.


ETA: It is just March, and already I have purchased 12 clothing items: one sixpack of socks.

Edited by regentrude
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63 seems high.  I usually get a few new tops each season, a pair of running shoes, skechers walking shoes, and yellow box flip flops, replace exercise bra or 2 replace a regular every day bra or 2, a couple of work out shirts, capris and shorts as needed.  Nope can't get to 63.

Edited by lynn
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Last year? Maybe 5? But I assume most Americans aren't nearly hermits and go somewhere other than running errands. People buy workout clothes, work clothes, dress clothes, and casual clothes. Including socks, underwear, and shoes? Probably fairly easy.


Edited: wait! I bought a pack of socks at Costco too, so that ups my total. :rofl:

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I used to buy very few new clothing items each year, but my weight has changed significantly every year and it's costing me a fortune in new clothes and really making me stressed.  For the past few years I've gone down a size or two every year.  Last year I thought I was done and wouldn't lose any more weight so I bought myself an entire new wardrobe - clothes for every season, casual clothes, some dressy stuff, bras, underwear, workout clothes for every season, etc.  I spent a lot of money!  Well, I lost another 12 pounds and my clothes from last year don't fit anymore so I had to buy all new stuff again.  And now I live in fear of gaining weight back after spending all this time and money on new stuff!  

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I used to buy very few new clothing items each year, but my weight has changed significantly every year and it's costing me a fortune in new clothes and really making me stressed.  For the past few years I've gone down a size or two every year.  Last year I thought I was done and wouldn't lose any more weight so I bought myself an entire new wardrobe - clothes for every season, casual clothes, some dressy stuff, bras, underwear, workout clothes for every season, etc.  I spent a lot of money!  Well, I lost another 12 pounds and my clothes from last year don't fit anymore so I had to buy all new stuff again.  And now I live in fear of gaining weight back after spending all this time and money on new stuff!  


wow congrats on losing all that weight! 

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I don't buy 63, but I'm a SAHM and my needs are not the same as some.  I don't go to the gym - I work out at home.  We aren't church people.  Essentially, I need everyday clothes that I wear and wear and wear.  A few nice things to wear out with DH or to events.  I have what I need for our outdoor activities.


Still, though, between socks and shoes (I buy probably 2 pairs of shoes every year, sometimes more - like this year I needed new running shoes), underwear, bras, and refreshing new things ... my number is higher than one would think.  My weight has been moving down, too, so I've bought more than normal trying to accommodate that.  Which is fun.  :)


I can see how someone who needs more types of clothes than I do could really add up the pieces.  Office clothes, casual clothes, gym clothes, specialized outdoor activity clothes, every day clothes.  And lots of people vary their clothes more than I do, so they'd need more variety.


This board might skew toward the lower end of the average, right?  Many of us work from home or homeschool, many of our families are one income, both due to our lifestyle choices - which brought us together here.  Not all, but I'd say a good portion of us, anyway.



I used to buy very few new clothing items each year, but my weight has changed significantly every year and it's costing me a fortune in new clothes and really making me stressed.  For the past few years I've gone down a size or two every year.  Last year I thought I was done and wouldn't lose any more weight so I bought myself an entire new wardrobe - clothes for every season, casual clothes, some dressy stuff, bras, underwear, workout clothes for every season, etc.  I spent a lot of money!  Well, I lost another 12 pounds and my clothes from last year don't fit anymore so I had to buy all new stuff again.  And now I live in fear of gaining weight back after spending all this time and money on new stuff!  


Congrats!  That's awesome!  Great work!  I wanna be you when I grow up.

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I'd guess counting underwear/socks that I'm in the 20s as well.  It's difficult for me to come up with 20 items as I'm here thinking, but I'm sure there must be a few I've forgotten.  I very rarely shop for clothes - only when other things have literally worn out.  I have clothes in my closet that are over 10 years old that I still wear regularly ('cause I have pics of me in trips wearing them).  I don't care a hoot about "new styles," so that helps.


We (hubby and I) do buy something new every year for our Anniversary trip - because we take a picture each year to put on our wall and noticed some years we were wearing the same pieces of clothing!  If we buy something new we don't have to try to remember what we wore before to keep the pics different.

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I'm sure I didn't get more than 20 items in the last year. And it felt like a real splurge to get that many things that aren't pregnancy or breastfeeding friendly!


But, like many others here, I only need a single wardrobe, and some of my everyday dresses are nice enough for church. My only working out is dancing and I can do that in my normal clothes.

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I'd guess counting underwear/socks that I'm in the 20s as well.  It's difficult for me to come up with 20 items as I'm here thinking, but I'm sure there must be a few I've forgotten.  I very rarely shop for clothes - only when other things have literally worn out.  I have clothes in my closet that are over 10 years old that I still wear regularly ('cause I have pics of me in trips wearing them).  I don't care a hoot about "new styles," so that helps.


Same here. I don't get fashion. I wear what I like for as long as I like it.

My hiking fleece is 15 years old. We just retired DH's rain jacket which he got for a trip to Scotland in 1992.

I have some clothes that predate my children. 

Edited by regentrude
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Books now...


I'd like to know how average book purchases per year compare between the overall population and the Hive. I rather suspect that we more than compensate in our reading material purchases for lack of fashion purchases.

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I agree with regentrude.  MAYBE if I include socks and underwear and count a pack of 12 as 12 separate items, I might hit 30 since this time last year.  And I actually feel I've bought quite a bit recently.  I bought 4 or 5 long sleeve t-shirts on clearance at Walmart, a couple pairs of yoga pants/leggings, socks, a dress for Easter, socks, a pair of jeans, some shorts last summer, and a bathing suit last summer.


I never even came close to that when I worked full time, but I was allowed to wear jeans to work so that helped.  


Our whole family probably gets around there in a year since the kids seem like they are constantly outgrowing things.

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It also depends on work standards.  Whilst I'm not very interested in clothes, I need to avoid wearing faded/stained clothes to work.  If you wear tights/panty hose, that would increase the volume too as they don't last.  Some hobbies require lots of specific clothes.

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I also read recently that the average American woman spends $1800 per year on clothing. That's our entire household budget for clothing!


Let's see, looking back, I've bought a purse, two pairs of jeans, got some clothes from mil at Christmas I didn't want, three bras, a purse that broke, a sweater and a long sleeve tee, a fleece pullover, a pair of sneakers, some snow boots and a swimsuit. That's the past year. That's about 16. There might be some boring things I forgot, or maybe I should include the watch my Dd got me for Christmas, so round to 20 max.



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I would say that dh, ds and I are all around 30 items here.  We all work outside the home.


DD18 is a highschooler who gets a clothing budget and has her own money. She is a cheerleader so uniform pieces, workout clothes, and game shirts are probably 20 pieces on their own.  She could possibly hit a number over 60 but it would have to include unders and socks.


DD10 goes through 2 sizes in clothing per year. I have to replace her entire wardrobe 2x per year, so she is pretty high on the number of pieces too.  She is rough on shoes so sometimes she goes through 2 pair in one size. 

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Books now...


I'd like to know how average book purchases per year compare between the overall population and the Hive. I rather suspect that we more than compensate in our reading material purchases for lack of fashion purchases.

Lol this! We love good will book shopping! I'm pretty sure I've bought 2-3 times as many books as clothing items in the past year!



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It also depends on work standards. Whilst I'm not very interested in clothes, I need to avoid wearing faded/stained clothes to work. If you wear tights/panty hose, that would increase the volume too as they don't last. Some hobbies require lots of specific clothes.

Seconding about the hobby specific clothes. It was not on my radar until recently and was a bit of a surprise. I lucked out and had what I need at home.


I figured I buy 23 items of clothes and shoes a year on average with half being annual purchases. Almost everything is bought every 1-3 years on a rotating basis. For example I have 3 pairs of shoes (summer, spring/fall, and winter) I only buy one pair a year at the most. Pants I buy every 3-4 years. Everyday t-shirts I buy one or two a year at most.


I have an item in item out rule for clothes to keep the numbers reasonable. Otherwise no one would get rid of anything.

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Last year I thought I was done and wouldn't lose any more weight so I bought myself an entire new wardrobe - clothes for every season, casual clothes, some dressy stuff, bras, underwear, workout clothes for every season, etc. I spent a lot of money! Well, I lost another 12 pounds and my clothes from last year don't fit anymore so I had to buy all new stuff again. And now I live in fear of gaining weight back after spending all this time and money on new stuff!

Same thing here, except while I don't set out to buy an entire wardrobe every season, it just ends up that way. I only buy a season at a time, though. Last week I bought summer running clothes because the C9 stuff had a Cartwheel coupon so that was two tank tops and a pair of capris. My swimsuit from last year doesn't fit so that has to be replaced and all of my short sleeve casual shirts are too big. I have purchased three so far, but I'll need to buy several more before summer. And probably shorts/capris.


They had to pry my too big clothes out of my hands and make me donate them because I was afraid of having to re-buy them.


If I wasn't losing weight I'd probably buy a few things here and there, but nowhere near 63. I hate clothes shopping, I thought I would love it more when I could shop in the non-plus size sections, but nope.

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In the past six months I have bought a pair of shoes, 2 pr of socks, 7 pr of undies, 2 t shirts from trips I went on, 2 lightweight hoodies, 2 pr of jeans, a pair of pj pants, and 2 plain t shirts.  I don't anticipate any more clothing purchases in the next few months. 


But if I had a regular job or went to more dressy social events I would need more clothes.  My workout clothes are a pair of yoga pants from Athleta and they are 18 months old and going strong. But most people like to have a lot of variety in workout clothes and most people care about style. Those two things are probably driving up the clothing count. 


Have you ever read the Frugalwoods blog? She went two years without buying any clothing and had her first pregnancy during that time.  When she broke her ban it was for muck boots.  Yeah...I'm not that frugal. 

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Has anyone watched True Cost? I found it informative. I have never been one to buy new wardrobe every year and I have been increasingly frustrated by the low quality of the clothes in the last few years. 13 years ago I bought used pants that came from Lane Bryant that lasted me another 10 years. In the last 3 years I have bought jeans, same style and "brand" three times. They barely last through the winter. I am looking at Patagonia this fall for jeans.


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I buy items only when I need while my husband buy things like working shirts to keep when on sale as his get holes from the washing machine. My husband is the shopper.


We only bought kids clothes and shoes last year because both have a growth spurt. This year I have

a new waterproof parka

Winter socks

Three wallets (mine broke so my husband bought three replacements)

A handbag

Leggings (old ones are torn)


I need to get a pair of jeans to replace my torn at the seams pair. Also some new tops and a pair of winter boots.


I easily spent $2k on work dresses/suits when working as my clothes were either tailor made or alter to fit. Shoes were about $200 per pair and with all the walking I did when working, it was at least two pairs of working shoes per year.


My DS11 loves clothes. We bought for him

6 polo shirts

6 jeans

A white shirt and black pants


A sweater

3 pairs of sneakers


Nowhere near 63 for even DS11.



When I was working, my department secretaries love handbags and shoes shopping. A dozen new shoes per year won't be unusual as they buy weekend shoes and flip flops, formal shoes for marketing events, and daily working shoes.

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From what I can remember in the last year:

2 pairs of jeans

a 6-pack of socks

a 6-pack of undies

3 t shirts at comiccon, probably ~2 at last CC, I don't recall

a hoodie

a renaissance dress for ComicCon

and I received a pair of pj pants and a 2-pack of comfy socks for christmas

Even counting undies and socks per pair, that's 24 


But as other's have mentioned, I am a SAHM and I can often lounge in my pj's half the day. I don't have work clothes and I don't have gym clothes. I wear almost exclusively jeans and t-shirts with a zip up hoodie. 



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I am trying to think how many I bought.  Three pairs of shoes, one pair of flip flops, one skirt, two sweaters, three shirts, a few pairs of socks, a few pairs of underwear.  I am just about to buy something new to wear for Easter.   When my dh retired from the military and went to work as a civilian, he probably bought more than 63 pieces of clothing.  I know that both he and my son buy clothing for their hobby-caving- and go through those clothes pretty often.  They buy those clothes at thrift stores or a merchandise mart place that sells leftover clothes at really low prices.



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I had an unusually busy shopping year for my daughter. There have been years when I don't really shop at all. We spent hours and hours trying to find stuff for HER but most of the time came home with absolutely nothing for her but rather me. Added to the fact many of my items are a decade old so I needed stuff gave me quite the shopping year. Since last spring (I think I can remember by seasons; I bought two turtle necks, two cardigans, 2 t-shirts, a bra, 5 underwear, and 2 flannels. I also bought a pair of gloves. I will need to buy a coat because the zipper is broke on my only winter coat. Or I might replace the zipper but it is about 12 years old and wasn't particularly quality. I also received a headband and fleece for a gift and picked out three hand me downs. So 15 items purchased and 5 given.


My husband though I have no idea. I would guess 5-7 biking items, a couple work slacks, 8-9 nice work shirts, socks and underwear, a couple packages of undershirts, work gloves, usually gets his t-shirts free but obtained a few, probably work gloves. He might be average. He needs dress clothes for work, shop clothes for maintaining vehicles etc, commuting clothes (since he bike commutes about 15 miles in winter in Alaska and summer), regular clothes for going to town or around the house. So he needs variety because he has more spheres than I do. Plus I don't wear through my clothes as quickly.


My older two get very few clothes. Daughter gets maybe 10 items a year. Same with oldest son but he needs more socks. Daughter has a couple pair for sking but doesn't wear socks generally.



Younger kids go through pants, shoes, socks quicker. So adding in my head (this post is getting too long) maybe 30-40 items. Their stuff gets outgrown, full of holes, etc.


Edited some homonyms.

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I'm going to admit I probably hit that number of items.


I buy walking/workout shoes a couple times a year. I also buy a decent pair of casual shoes for each season about once a year. So a winter clog and a sandal. These last for years so I have a decent collection.


I definitely buy socks at least once a year. As well as a sports bra, two-three regular bras, and a package of underwear.


Jeans- at least two pairs a year. This lately has been due to wildly fluctuating weight. Add a pair of dress pants and two to three summer capris. A couple pairs of yoga pants, workout capris.


Tops- I go through tons of t shirts. Strange stains and wear and tear. Basically replace a week's worth of ts twice a year. I buy a few new cardigans each year.


Dresses- Usually a winter dress and some summer dresses. Add tights and/or leggings.


Bathing suit- not every year. Would be a once a decade purchase if my size stayed the same. We are going to the beach this year and I actually purchased two.


Pajamas- never purchase. Old comfy clothes become pajamas but they are sometimes purchased for me at Christmas.


Purse- probably one a year.


I am embarrassed to buy so much compared to others on this board.


A couple of factors: my fluctuating size. I have been sizes 4-16 in the last 4 years. Also I buy cheap stuff. Summer dresses I pick up for $12 and wash and dry are not going to last. I don't expect them to. Same goes for tops. I buy them on sale with coupons at Kohls or Old Navy and then I wash and dry them without gentle care.


Just thought I should out myself as a big shopper in case others were feeling guilty about their clothing consumption :(

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No where near that amount. And I hang onto some clothes for a long time. Sometimes dh takes the initiative and just buys me stuff because he knows I need something or it would be nice to have. He recently bought me a denim jacket. Of course I don't know when I'll be able to wear it... it's getting hot lol.

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The last two or three years have been unusual for me, because I went back to work and have been transitioning through assorted jobs, purchasing a few items appropriate for work/office wear as I go along, while replacing casual items as necessary. I actually just went to my closet and counted. In the last three years, since going back to work outside the house, I've bought roughly:


10 pairs of pants (combination of jeans/shorts and dressier stuff for work)

35 tops (again, a combination of t-shirts for casual wear and blouses/cardigans/wrappers for work)

7 pairs of shoes

12 pairs of underwear

3 bras


So, that works out to 67 items in three years, or about 22-23 items per year.


Edited to add: Ooops! I forgot that I bought a bathing suit this week, which adds two items to my three-year total, bringing the average solidly to 23.


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And in case anyone is feeling self conscious about larger purchases of clothing, I plan to (hopefully) buy the average 63 within the next year. I started a little bit last year, but the clothing situation in my closet as become unsustainable. I replaced my ancient swimsuit and I don't like the new one. I don't have anything in decent shape to wear to church, and my summer wardrobe is near non-existent. I went too many years not replacing anything. It was a bad idea, but there has been no money and I hate shopping. I'm gonna try using one of Leanne Blackmon's capsules as a guide.



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I'm going to admit I probably hit that number of items.


I buy walking/workout shoes a couple times a year. I also buy a decent pair of casual shoes for each season about once a year. So a winter clog and a sandal. These last for years so I have a decent collection.


I definitely buy socks at least once a year. As well as a sports bra, two-three regular bras, and a package of underwear.


Jeans- at least two pairs a year. This lately has been due to wildly fluctuating weight. Add a pair of dress pants and two to three summer capris. A couple pairs of yoga pants, workout capris.


Tops- I go through tons of t shirts. Strange stains and wear and tear. Basically replace a week's worth of ts twice a year. I buy a few new cardigans each year.


Dresses- Usually a winter dress and some summer dresses. Add tights and/or leggings.


Bathing suit- not every year. Would be a once a decade purchase if my size stayed the same. We are going to the beach this year and I actually purchased two.


Pajamas- never purchase. Old comfy clothes become pajamas but they are sometimes purchased for me at Christmas.


Purse- probably one a year.


I am embarrassed to buy so much compared to others on this board.


A couple of factors: my fluctuating size. I have been sizes 4-16 in the last 4 years. Also I buy cheap stuff. Summer dresses I pick up for $12 and wash and dry are not going to last. I don't expect them to. Same goes for tops. I buy them on sale with coupons at Kohls or Old Navy and then I wash and dry them without gentle care.


Just thought I should out myself as a big shopper in case others were feeling guilty about their clothing consumption :(

But that's still only 40-ish, which is not up to the 'average' of 63. My MIL probably buys about the same as you, maybe slightly more. She always looks so nice and put together! :)

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I'd say in years when I'm not pregnant I buy:


7 t-shirts (these wear out/get stained periodically)

2 pants

2 skirts

5-6 underwear

1 bra

1 purse (I only use one at a time but they wear out because I'm hard on them, haha!)

5-6 pairs of socks

1 pair shoes


So about 25 items per year? Some years it's more and others less but I feel like it's a pretty normal amount. I'm not wearing items from the 90's but I'm also not a fashionista. My clothes in my closet are ones I like, comfortable, clean, and fitted.

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For myself, I only buy a few things as they wear out.  This past year I bought 2 pairs of flannel pj pants.  I am going to need to buy about 6 pairs of socks as all of my casual socks have holes in the heels (they are at least 5 years old).  I can probably go another couple years before buying 6 new pairs of underwear.  I replace my casual shoes about once every 3 years.  My more dressy shoes go back about 20 years since I only wear them occasionally.  My suits are all about 20 years old.  Jeans get replaced as they get holey - somewhere between 5 & 10 years.  My everyday coat that I last replaced was about 20yo, and all my other coats are older than that.  Like, the one my mom bought me when I was in law school.  :p  Oh, but I do buy t-shirts as souvenirs when I travel.  So probably add about 4-6 items per year there.  Still, my average is going to be closer to 10/15 than 60 new items per year.


My kids are another story.  They are growing.  Besides that, while they are not horribly hard on clothes, they do have some that get damaged and need replaced.  I'm not sure I want to know how many new garments I buy them each year.  Figure 2 or 3 pairs of shoes, a coat/jacket or two, average 12 socks and 12 undies/bras, 6 leggings, 3 dresses/jumpers, 3 skirts, 5 school shirts, 2 sweaters, 6 t-shirts, 4 pairs of shorts, 2 pairs of long pants, 1 pair of boots, 1 hat, 1 pair of gloves, 2 sets of jammies.  Crap, that comes up to over 60 items per kid.  I don't necessarily buy all of these every year (especially since my smaller kid uses hand-me-downs a lot), but it's probably a realistic average.


ETA:  While I do buy the average for my kids, I save my sister from doing the same by handing down all our clothes for her daughters.  Most of the time they are wearing my kids' hand-me-downs.  :P  I assume she hands them down again to smaller kids.  :)

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But that's still only 40-ish, which is not up to the 'average' of 63. My MIL probably buys about the same as you, maybe slightly more. She always looks so nice and put together! :)

Yeah, but I totally cop to 10-15 impulse purchase items throughout the year. Flip flops that catch my eye, t-shirts for my ds college, a baseball cap, etc. Just saying I think I meet or come close to the average.


And I don't even shop for sport or entertainment. I used to do shopping trips with a friend sometimes. The people that shop for weekend entertainment and socializing surely make up for our minimalist boardies :)

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They had to pry my too big clothes out of my hands and make me donate them because I was afraid of having to re-buy them.


If I wasn't losing weight I'd probably buy a few things here and there, but nowhere near 63. I hate clothes shopping


Yes, same here!  I haven't gotten rid of my bigger sizes because I don't want to have to repurchase if I gain weight.  So I have clothes stuffed all over the place that don't even fit.  It's awful.  I hate clothes shopping, too.  I have no sense of fashion and, even now that I've lost all the weight, I still don't look right in anything.  


My dd is a minimalist and never wants me to buy her anything even if she needs stuff.  I hardly buy her anything.  DH never wants anything either.  One of my sons loves clothes and buys lots of stuff, but my other two don't buy anything unless it's really needed or they get a great deal.  

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I don't keep track of how many items of clothing I buy, but I'm sure it's more than 63 a year. When I was working, it was WAY more than that because I didn't like repeating outfits very often. And when I was single, I needed different dresses to wear when I went out at night with friends and on dates, so that added lots more clothes and shoes. We didn't go to many casual places so I didn't wear work clothes or casual clothes to go out at night.


I definitely buy a lot less now than I did when I was young and single, and my choices are much more casual than they used to be. I still like to dress nicely, but I am less concerned about being dressed up all the time.

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In the last 12 months for myself I have purchased new:


1 hoodie

4 bras

6 pairs of underwear

1 pair of pantyhose

Two blouses

1 cardigan

2 pairs of exercise pants


Used I've snagged a pantsuit, a shirt, a dress, a couple of pairs of jeans and a pair of boots.


I've been looking for jeans, shoes, socks and coats but haven't pulled the trigger yet.


This is way more than I have purchased in other recent years.


There is definitely no year, not even the couple of years I basically got entirely new wardrobes (2007 and 2012) that I have ever purchased 60+ items of clothing for myself in a single year unless I were to count each sock and each shoe as a separate item or something AND it was a year I refreshed my closets and bought a couple of mega packs of socks too.

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I don't come anywhere close to averaging 63. I splurge on socks, buying a new pack or two every year. I bought some badly needed bras last year and maybe 10-15 items of clothing since I lost 30 lbs. I'm not buying more clothes until I lose another 20 lbs. But, I look like I don't buy clothes. When I get to a weight I want to maintain, I'd like to buy a nice, comfortable, attractive wardrobe.

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I would find it hard to believe that I bought that many items in a year, unless they are including socks and dainties.  


BUT I won't say I have *never* bought that many.  Last year, after a miracle that healed my skin, I could for the first time in many many years dress for what looks nice instead of to camouflage or protect my skin.  So I bought 20+ sleeveless shirts and dresses and a couple of skirts, and then when the sleeveless shirts (tanks) went on sale for $7, I bought about 10 more so when the old ones get stained (they will...it's me, after all...), I'll have those to go to.  


I bought a LOT of them because last summer was a good "color set" for my complexion.  I've gone entire years without buying a single piece of clothing because the colors are all wrong for me, but when it is a good year for color, I stock up.  


That said, I'd put good money down that 80% of American women ages 14 and up couldn't fit their clothes into my closet.  :0)    

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