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Living in a home with one bathroom


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How hard is it? We live in a high, high, HIGH COL area.


This isn't a JAWM, but I really need to hear from people who know what it's like to have to stretch to buy a house. If you live in 2000 sq feet and just can't imagine how you would live without 3 bathrooms, you are not really the audience I'm shooting for. I say this in the friendliest way possible  :D .


That said, we're a family of 6. One is moving out soon and one doesn't use the bathroom for anything other than once a week showers. That leaves 4 people with full-time bathroom use.


We have never lived in a 1 bathroom place. Even the 800sq foot slanted cabin that we lived for 3 months miraculously had 2 bathrooms. We're finding that our price range is not producing any 2 bathroom options. Or the houses with 2 bathrooms are eliminated for other more important reasons.


So, to my surprise, we're seriously thinking of putting in an offer on a 3/1. But I am really concerned about life with 2 teens, 2 adults, and one bathroom. I mean, I can imagine how to make it work in the hygiene/shower sense. It's stuff like, what if 2 people are having stomach issues at the same time? What do you do with people [ahem, men] who take a loooong time to get business done?


How often will I curse only having one bathroom? 





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We have 6 people with 1.5 baths.  The half bath is considered mine :) , and the others only use it by permission (well, I will let dh, but I would prefer he not, and he's not home all that much anyway).  


It's fine.  There are a few times when it is hard, but my kids mostly don't know any better, and there is little complaining except at tooth brushing time at night.  


We've lived here 6.5 years, and I can't remember a time when there were two people with stomach issues at the same time, needing both bathrooms.  It often seems like the same time, but there is some ability to share.  


I grew up with one bathroom (with 4 of us), so it seems more normal to me.  Even in college, I shared a bathroom.  My dh was an only child for most of his childhood, with his own bathroom, and he's had to get more used to sharing (like leaving the door unlocked during a shower in case a child needs to go, that sort of thing).


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Well, my two kids and I lived in an apartment with 1 bathroom. It was awful. I don't want to imagine if my DH was there too (he was deployed at the time). We call the bathroom(s) Camp DH's name and Camp DD's name because it seems like they set up camp in there once they go in. They are the two introverts of the family.


It might be do-able, depending on your family's bathroom habits (if you don't have campers like I do). At the very least, if I were you, I'd be looking at places that at least one more toilet can be added in a corner somewhere if necessary.


DS and I cursed one bathroom almost daily.

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I found the only big problem is when we get home from somewhere and we all have to use it at once.  


I have heard other people talk about making plans so not everyone has to shower, bath, brush, ... Whatever in the bathroom at the same time. that was never a problem for us. For us the problem has always been more than one person wanting to use the actual toilet at the same time. 


I do have a super power I don't like. As soon as I set up and get in a nice hot bath - everyone has a bowel movement. EVERYONE. 

Edited by Julie Smith
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That would be a real hardship for my family. My dh takes a long time on the toilet. I frequently need to use the toilet quickly and immediately, as does my youngest ds (and for him it's for medical reasons). 


I don't have campers, really.  That makes a big difference.


I have one child that would love to spend a long time in the bathroom, and I've been known to tell him to get off and that he could go back to it once a sibling is done.  This doesn't seem to bother my kids, though (typing it out, it does seem weird :D ).  

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It's hard but not impossible. We did it for several years as a family of 5. The only time it was a major issue was when multiple people had a stomach bug. 🤢 But the kids were also smaller. I have been thankful to have more than one bathroom now that they are all older and seem to want to camp out in there.


If you are buying a house, could you install a half bath somewhere?

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When we were a family of 5 we had one bathroom. As a family of 7 we have 1.5 bathrooms. Is there any chance you can look for 1.5 bathrooms?  This house fit us in other ways so at move-in I thought the half bath was really a luxury and probably unnecessary. It needed renovations and we didn't get to that till a year or so after moving in.


Now, I'm thankful for the half bath when there's a stomach bug. Also, if we all have to get dressed and leave at the same time. (funeral, wedding, party, etc)


But there's a point to not stretching your budget for a space that you'll only really really need a few times a year.

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Can you add a half bath somewhere?


I think the only way it would work would be strict timers on everyone, and peopel are going to have to adapt, even parents.


My family right now has 2, but growing up we had one, grandparents had one, and I know people who grew up that way.


Most of the families were very very conscious of how long it should take in teh bathroom. No lingering, luxurious showers unless it was the middle of the night. No camping out, no books in the bathroom. No makeup and hair done in the bathroom. Go in, get it done. Get out.




Had to set up mirrors and makeup places in bedrooms.

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One shower/bath is doable for us, but one toilet for 6 would not be. There is a lot I would sacrifice over that first. We have 8 in 1400 square feet, but we have 2.5 bathrooms. We have 3 kids in each room. We have teens as well as little ones sharing rooms. I would find something with one and a half bath or a place you can add one.

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We're a family of six (in Boston a very HCOL in 1500 sq ft) and I have to be honest, I wouldn't do it unless I knew I could figure out a way to put another powder room in the home.  We didn't even look at 1.5 bath homes in our over one year of looking.  We are in a 1980s condo and part of the reason we bought it was that it has 2.5 baths.  Very handy for our family and even more so when we have guests.  We can squeeze in 3 bedrooms, but I don't want to ever give up a bathroom!

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We have 8 people with 1.5 bathrooms, the second bathroom is just a toilet and sink so no shower capacity.


A few tips: determine what needs to be done in the bathroom and what does not. Toothbrushing, for instance, can be done at the kitchen sink. Hair styling and makeup can be done in a bedroom with a mirror.


If someone takes long baths or showers they can close the curtain and leave the door unlocked. Figure out a schedule for showers, some morning and some evening. Check if anyone needs a quick potty break before going in for a shower.


It is certainly workable.

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Imo, if habits are based on two bathrooms, it will be a challenge at first.


None of us have the habit(?)/need(?) of sitting in there a long time. If that is necessary due to illness it works out. No one has ever had an accident.


Some things that help:

Let everyone know you're getting in the shower.

Don't keep the door closed for stuff like brushing teeth.

Don't wait until the last minute to use the bathroom.

Get dressed, brush hair etc in bedrooms not the bathroom. We hung mirrors in bedrooms so that the bathroom was just for bathroom specific tasks.


Hope that helps! You can do it!


Eta: wow! A lot of us posted at once!

Also, if we all need to get somewhere at the same time some of us shower the night before.



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How often will I curse only having one bathroom? 


It's occasionally annoying, but generally no big deal.  Your family will adapt.  For a long time, 1 bathroom was the norm.  


If it helps, compare the cost of a house with 2 bathrooms vs. 1 bathroom and write down the price difference.  I bet you could have a lot of cool experiences with all that money.  

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We are 6 people with 1.5 baths. It's been fine but two toilets do frequently get used at once - coming home from an outing or if two people wake at the same time. I wouldn't want to be without the second toilet.


Showers are never an issue.

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Totally tolerable!  I truly believe that 2 bathrooms is a luxury.  In my opinion, it's all mindset and patience that is needed to live with one bathroom.  There will have to be a family meeting (or 3) about time spent in there & respect for other family members, but I'd give it a go!


One bathroom can be annoying with little ones, or when people are sick. 


But with little ones, when we first moved in we had a chamber pot. :p Yep. It was rarely used. But the few times it was, was a real mess saver. 


But with just the 4 of us, it's fine to have one bathroom. We will be moving soon and I'm sure are next house will have at least 2, and I do think of it as a luxury. (barring any specific reason why more than one is needed, or a larger family)

Edited by Julie Smith
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I grew up in a house w 1 bathroom and it was a pain but not a big deal. 

Our house has two bathrooms and we raised four kids here. One bathroom is on the main floor, in our master bedroom, and the other is upstairs where the kids' rooms are. The upstairs bathroom was rarely used when the kids were growing up. Now we only have two adult kids living here and they STILL prefer to use our bathroom.  


I'm glad we have two but we really don't make full use of them. 

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We are 6 people with 1.25 baths. It's been fine but two toilets do frequently get used at once - coming home from an outing or if two people wake at the same time. I wouldn't want to be without the second toilet.


Showers are never an issue.


Often when getting home from a long trip the last minute or two in the car we discuss who has to do what, and how urgently. 

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The only way I can imagine it working is this:


Bathrooms are for water only.  Water in the sink, water in the toilet, water in the shower.


If you are brushing your teeth (or using mouthwash), you can be in the bathroom.  Flossing is outside of the bathroom.

If you are washing your face, you can be in the bathroom.  If you are putting cream on the washed face, that is outside of the bathroom.

If you are showering, you can be in the bathroom.  If you are dressing, you do that outside of the bathroom.


I was an only child, and that's how my parents and I worked it.  I never even knew that people dressed or put on makeup or did anything in bathrooms except use the water.  There was a hamper outside of the bathroom.  When the shower was done, you'd walk past it with a towel on your head and another one wrapped around your body and pop your clothes in the hamper on the way to your room to get dressed, put on makeup, dry hair etc, for the day.


There would have to be a rule that reading material of any sort (book, magazine, phone, ipad) is banned from the bathroom.  Left at the door.

Edited by Garga
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I'd try to stick a half bath in somewhere. We have 6 and only 5 reliably potty trained, and we all seem to run to the restroom at the same time. The flu that went through here in the past few weeks...it would've been heinous with only one toilet. I honestly wouldn't even want to live with just DH and only one toilet. 

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I grew up with one bathroom and a family of 5.  It really is not that big a deal if everyone doesn't need to be showered and out of the house at the same time.  We have 2 full bathrooms in our current house, but we do not use the downstairs one for showering, so we live like a one bath household and it's fine.

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Oh--and there would have to be safe places for the introverts to hide.  Rooms with locks on them.  I'm an introvert and I NEED to know that I can go into the bathroom for 15 - 20 minutes during the day and NO ONE can get me.  It's the only time I can feel myself actually relaxing.  Otherwise, someone can just walk in on me and start making demands and I can't get away and I hate that feeling.  "Mom!  What's for dinner!"  


Sure, they may call through the door, but it's different.  I feel like I can think my own thoughts there.  


So, would the kids or you or dh be able to get to a room away from everyone from time to time?


I converted two teeny-tiny closets in my house into little offices.  They're just big enough for a dining room chair and a piece of wood that pulls down from the wall to create a desktop.  It was worth giving up the closet space to create a space for the kids to go and be closed in and away from prying eyes.  The door to the closet will fully shut behind the person inside.  


Found pictures of the closets.  These aren't the best pictures, because the point of taking them wasn't about the closets, but it gives you an idea:  https://dustylizard.wordpress.com/2016/03/15/the-school-room/

Edited by Garga
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When I was a kid, it was 8 of us and 1 bathroom.


Mostly it was manageable.  But there were some times when the boys were sent to pee in an alternate location if they couldn't wait.


So I agree with the recommendations to add a toilet somewhere - repurpose a closet maybe or put one in the basement.  Or at least keep a potty chair on hand if you have little kids whose butts could still fit on it.  Or maybe a travel potty for emergencies.


But sure, you "could" manage.

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We did this for  five years as a family of 5.  It was actually fine.  It was my biggest worry when moving.  It did get trickier once we had 2 teens, but at the same time as that started to happen we added on to the back of our house and had another full bathroom.  I think even adding a half bath at some point would solve most of the issues.  We did have to plan showers sometimes, such as going to church and other things where we all headed out at the same time.  Some would have to shower the evening before.  

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I grew up with 6 people in a 1200 sqft house with 1 bathroom (full basement, so it wasn't as tight as it could have been.) Most of the time it was no big deal. Our getting ready in the morning times were usually staggered, and we all learned to shower quickly. There just has to be some openness and consideration. "I'm going to be showering. Does anyone need to get in first?" I can imagine that transitioning to only one bathroom might be difficult. There may have been one or two times when a young child with an emergency peed in the tub when another young child was hogging the toilet, but if you don't have little kids that shouldn't be an issue.

I now live in a significantly larger house with 2.5 baths and still take quick showers. Some habits are strong.

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Ours is a 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom 865sqft condo. Hasn't been a problem for us even when in-laws were here so 4 adults 2 kids.

I grew up in a 2 bedrooms, 1 bath apartment.

My aunt had 4 adults and 4 kids in her 2 bedrooms, 1 bath 74sqm apartment.

My extended family have always stayed in HCOL cities around the world where even a condo can cost easily over a million.

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I know it's a recent (in the scheme of things) first-world thing, but I want at least 1.5 bathrooms. There are four of us at home, with others who visit and stay overnight. We were living in a house with 1.5, and that was annoying, but totally doable. However, the older my dh and I get, we don't always have a lot of time before we have to go. That could get embarrassing.

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Well, we thought we could do it (fortunately our tiny house does have two bathrooms). I think that we could still do it mostly because the swimmers shower at the pool everyday. Otherwise, it would be a little difficult on weekends, but doable.


The kids were firmly of the opinion that 7 people needed two working toliets. And they were probably right.

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My  best friend had 4 siblings and 1 bathroom.  I often spent the night.  She and I were in there together brushing teeth etc....and as soon as we got out of the shower we went to her room (that she shared with two other siblings!) and dried our hair/put on make up/got dressed.  I remember one time I had to go to the bathroom reeeealy bad one early morning and her mom was in there brushing her teeth and she told me to come on in.  She was totally naked!  LOL...I didn't care because I had to tinkle so bad.  But anyway, I know it can work. 


We have 2 bathrooms and 4 people...2 teen boys.  It isn't always easy but we manage...and we managed this last weekend when my parents were visiting.  My mom complained some because she is spoiled having her own bathroom at home.  :)

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I think this is how most of the world lives. I always had one bathroom until mid 30s, and then, we were so used to using one bathroom, the second one, which was a full bath with a shower, never ever got used. I have three bathrooms now (ridiculous) and i promise you we only use one (the small one upstairs is occasionally used by the kids in the middle of the night). I think it's all about what you are used to.

I will say, it may affect your resale, for reasons you can see on this thread ;)

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I'm terrified of this. Many of the rentals we are looking at down south for these potential jobs have one bathroom, because they're homes from the 1900-1930's. We have two full baths now and it's difficult, even with a gazillion hooks on the wall. The bathroom is constantly busy and bath time takes an hour and a half every night because of all the kids.


So a single bath, where nobody can go potty or do a shower in another place? Yeah, I'm dreading it. We will make do, but it's going to be miserable. These aren't even roomy single bathrooms and there are eight people.

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We have a family of 7.  We live in a hcol area and we have always lived in a 1 bathroom home.  SIL even lived here before dd married him.  You can absolutely do it.  I do wish we had a half bath for guests but its not a necessity.

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My family has one bathroom, it isn't a problem.  My children are little (7, 4 & 1) so I do wonder if we will run into problems when older children start feeling modest around each other.  As someone mentioned we often have several people need to toilet when we first come home.  We have a simple system, youngest goes first and that has worked fine.


I take long baths.  Everyone is supposed to use the toilet first, but I still get little intruders.  I treat it as a fact of life.

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I'm terrified of this. Many of the rentals we are looking at down south for these potential jobs have one bathroom, because they're homes from the 1900-1930's. We have two full baths now and it's difficult, even with a gazillion hooks on the wall. The bathroom is constantly busy and bath time takes an hour and a half every night because of all the kids.


So a single bath, where nobody can go potty or do a shower in another place? Yeah, I'm dreading it. We will make do, but it's going to be miserable. These aren't even roomy single bathrooms and there are eight people.

I can't think of any reason little kids need a bath every night. My kids bathe when they are dirty, and wash their hair when it seems needed. Lots of bathing isn't good for skin and the more frequently hair is washed the more oil your body produces--meaning it needs to be washed again soon.

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I'm terrified of this. Many of the rentals we are looking at down south for these potential jobs have one bathroom, because they're homes from the 1900-1930's. We have two full baths now and it's difficult, even with a gazillion hooks on the wall. The bathroom is constantly busy and bath time takes an hour and a half every night because of all the kids.


So a single bath, where nobody can go potty or do a shower in another place? Yeah, I'm dreading it. We will make do, but it's going to be miserable. These aren't even roomy single bathrooms and there are eight people.



I love that your kids get a bath every night.  :)  I know many people don't think it is necessary, but in our house it was the way we did it. 

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I can't think of any reason little kids need a bath every night. My kids bathe when they are dirty, and wash their hair when it seems needed. Lots of bathing isn't good for skin and the more frequently hair is washed the more oil your body produces--meaning it needs to be washed again soon.

They get muddy and gross playing outside, and it's part of their bedtime routine with daddy which is the main time they spend with him each day. Hair is not washed daily, but the baths are totally non-negotioable for everyone but Benjamin.


Cutting down on baths or making an alternating schedule wouldn't be a good fit for us. I have a hard enough time kissing dirty children, let alone letting them climb into bed with dirt, body odor, drool, or any food bits still stuck on. Gag!

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We have four bathrooms and I wish we only had a 1.5 bath home. The kids end up in our master bathroom all the time. They have a girls' bath and a boys' bath and they still shower and brush in our bath. They use the guest bathroom in a pinch when one really has to go and the master bath is occupied. I clean four bathroom when only 1.5 actually are needed. I would get rid of the surplus baths if I could have that space where I really need/want it.

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They get muddy and gross playing outside, and it's part of their bedtime routine with daddy which is the main time they spend with him each day. Hair is not washed daily, but the baths are totally non-negotioable for everyone but Benjamin.


Cutting down on baths or making an alternating schedule wouldn't be a good fit for us. I have a hard enough time kissing dirty children, let alone letting them climb into bed with dirt, body odor, drool, or any food bits still stuck on. Gag!



LOL....no kidding....I have a good friend who had a 2 year old girl and then twin girls.  She only let them play outside every other day and that was their bath/hair washing day. 

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We have four bathrooms and I wish we only had a 1.5 bath home. The kids end up in our master bathroom all the time. They have a girls' bath and a boys' bath and they still shower and brush in our bath. They use the guest bathroom in a pinch when one really has to go and the master bath is occupied. I clean four bathroom when only 1.5 actually are needed. I would get rid of the surplus baths if I could have that space where I really need/want it.




But....but, but, why do you allow that?  With that many bathrooms the master would be off limits except for dire emergencies.

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Living with one bathroom is standard back home where most families rent apartments.

We had one bathroom when the kids were little. I don't recall this being any issue. It was a huge improvement over having the toilet out in the stairwell and having to leave the apartment every time you had to go, which was the case in my apartment before kids.

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OP, could you try it for a week? Close off all your bathrooms except one, and just see how it works? If you think your people will "cheat" - tell them the there's something wrong with the bathroom, and it's out of order. :)

Great idea!


I grew up in a family of 7 with one bathroom. The key was that the bathroom only contained the shower, tub, and sink. The toilet was in a separate space next to the bathroom - a WC, if you will - so it was available when people were using the bathroom. We never knew any different, and it worked fine for us.

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I grew to be a happy, well-rounded adult growing up with 6 people sharing one bathroom. Another half bath would be a huge help, and maybe you can add it later, but I promise nobody will need therapy. You'll have one, maybe two horror stories about that time everyone got food poisoning at once, but it'll build character.

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We've lived in a 1200 sf one bathroom home for 9 years. There are 5 of us. It's never really been a problem. We simply do what we have to do. The person whose needs are most urgent has priority. We also do not do non-water activities in the bathroom. Not by design; that evolved naturally.


Now that most of us are gone during the day, the only time it's an issue is when we've been out and about and all need to use the bathroom upon returning home. The youngest has priority on those occasions. 


Personally, I like only having to clean one bathroom. 

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Do what they used to do before indoor bathrooms became large and plentiful. Move the grooming activities to the bedrooms by installing vanities. Bathroom will only be for activities where water is essential.

We can't install them but I think that's where we will have to go. Tooth brushing at the kitchen sink, me doing all hair and makeup in our bedroom, and bathroom for toilet and showers only. It will be a big adjustment but the more it sucks the more motivated we will be to get our house built quickly ;)

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