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Too old for braids?



139 members have voted

  1. 1. At what age do braids (like french braids) start to look silly on most women?

    • late 20's
    • early 30's
    • late 30's
    • 40's
    • 50's
    • 60's
    • age cohort besides these
    • never
    • braids generally look weird
    • other...
  2. 2. How unusual would it be for you to see a white woman in her 40's with braided hair in your area?

    • not unusual at all
    • somewhat unusual
    • quite unusual
    • a unicorn
    • other...

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For many years, my hair has been at chin length or a pixie cut.  Now I've almost grown it out long enough to braid it again.  When I was a teen/young adult, I had waist-long hair that I would braid often (french braids, princess braids, ponytail braids, dutch braids, milkmaid braids, rope braids...).


I can't remember the last time I saw a (caucasian) woman over 30 with braided hair (I mean locally, not a celebrity), who wasn't my own sister. :p  Is there a cut-off age for braids?  Are some braid styles outdated but not others?


There is an elderly lady at church who always has her silver hair pulled up into a neat french twist.  To me it looks very elegant, but perhaps it looks dated to others?  I haven't seen anyone else in my community, young or old, wear a french twist for many years besides that one woman (not counting weddings).


Honestly it just seems that updos of any sort are rarely found on everyday middle-age+ women here, with the exception of ponytails.

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I stopped wearing my hair in braids when I reached my early 30's. I have a very young face and people kept thinking I was the nanny or a teen mom, because you don't see a lot of braids on older women around here. When you do, it's usually hippy, crunchy types. If I saw an older woman with braids, I would assume she was a midwife or an organic farmer. You just don't see braids on professional women.


But, being aware that people associate braids with youth and hippy-types, I still say that you should wear your hair the way you want to.

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In my opinion, the older you get, the less you have to worry about public opinion. Wear your hair proudly in whatever style YOU like!


:iagree: :hurray:   Who cares what anyone thinks!  Rock your braids if you want to. 

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I see a lot of 40s+ women with braids.


I sometimes wear mine back in one braid down my back when I cycle (I've learned my lesson when a bee got caught and I couldn't do anything about it) and I often wear 2 braids when I ski or snowshoe. It's practical and keeps my hair out of my way, especially when I'm wearing a hat and scarf or Buff where it will get all tangled up. I don't normally wear it in braids if I'm not doing something active, though.

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I've recently been pulling the tiniest bit of hair from the sides of my face to the back and then making a teeny, little braid in the back.  The hair is straight on the sides where it's pulled back, and the braid is only about 5 twists (?) long in the back.  Most of my hair is free, but that little braid pulls the hair from the sides of my face where it normally likes to blow around and get in my way. 


Sometimes I don't bother with the braid and just pull a bit from the sides back and tie them together in the back with a tie or with bobby pins.  Very simple, but keeps the hair from flopping around. 

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I've recently been pulling the tiniest bit of hair from the sides of my face to the back and then making a teeny, little braid in the back. The hair is straight on the sides where it's pulled back, and the braid is only about 5 twists (?) long in the back. Most of my hair is free, but that little braid pulls the hair from the sides of my face where it normally likes to blow around and get in my way.


Sometimes I don't bother with the braid and just pull a bit from the sides back and tie them together in the back with a tie or with bobby pins. Very simple, but keeps the hair from flopping around.

I do this as well

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I live in far west Texas, home of the original '60's hippie cowboy.  Braids in older women are VERY common here, and I think they look great!

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I am in my mid 40's and wore my hair in braid(s) a lot until I got it chopped off a couple days ago to donate.  Once it has grown out long enough again, I will braid again.  I don't tend to notice if others braid their hair or not really.  Most older women I know have short hair that wouldn't braid really, but I think braids can be done on people of any age.  I like braids of all types.

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I admit to not caring what other people think of what I look like, so take my comments with that in mind. I don't dye my hair and if my hair is long enough, I wear one braid on a regular basis. Sometimes, I feel the need for two and wear them without any issue.


There is a grandma (could be great grandma) who goes to my church who frequently wears her long red hair in a single braid in back.

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Cowboy country here, eh ahem, I mean cowgirl, so it is not unusual to see braids on women any age. 

Last week a friend and mother of a few was wearing a french braid and it made her look so young, which is a good thing, right? Isn't it? She looked like a college kid.

If my hair were long enough right now, I'd wear piggy braids.

It's your thing, do what you wanna do... lol

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It's hot as hell in the summer where I live so almost every woman with long hair wears it up come June or July. I am a fan of braids, ponytails, French twists, buns, or even the plastic clips that so often adorn my very own hair. Whatever works. To add, as was established in the make up thread, pretty much everyone around here wears make up and we aren't a group of granola type women and we STILL all wear our hair our hair up, so the two are not mutually exclusive. ;)

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I'm sitting here with my hair in one braid and this is how I wore it to church this morning.    My face-framing layers are not quite long enough to reach my braid (and I don't know how to french braid on myself) so I have a thin pony holder holding back the top and the bottom braided.  I'll admit I did it mainly because my hair was wet this morning and it was 17 degrees outside.  I'm 47 years old but I also plan to be the old lady with the long white/grey braid.


One braid - just a braid, whether a simple braid or a french braided, etc. is not at all unusual around here.  I see them all the time.  Two braids are usually just seen on children and aren't that common even then (but I do my dd's hair in braids all the time, it keeps it from getting knotty).  Multiple braids like cornrows are less common on white women but I've seen them enough I wouldn't look twice.


ETA:  I'm in the NYC metro area so not exactly hippie town but we see just about everything around here.

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As soon as my hair is long enough, I'm going to have a hippie-style grey braid. I figure that I'm 40 now, and I don't have to give a damn anymore what anyone thinks about me. 


ETA: Braids on middle-aged women are common in the hippie town to the south of me. Rock on, hippies!

Edited by mellifera33
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I'm thirty four and I wear a braid most days (not a French braid...I'm not talented enough to do that on myself). that being said, I don't know if I can think of anyone I know off the top of my head who wears a braid, other than kids, of course. But I wouldn't think anything of it if I did see someone wearing one!

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I agree you should do what you like and what makes you comfortable.


I don't think it's so unusual that anyone would double take, so if you don't want to stand out because standing out makes you uncomfortable, I think you're good. If you're worried about looking stylish because you'd like to be stylish, I think it probably matters more about how it fits in with your overall look and how you wear it and whether the braid(s) look good with your face shape and so forth.

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It seems to me that because of Pinterest braided hair is all the rage these days.  I see plenty of women with elaborate braided styles that look so pretty and fun.  I'd love to pull them off but I have a braid block (I just can't braid my own hair!) and my hair is very thin.  If you can do it, I say more power to you.

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there are so many ways to braid your hair.   a single french braid down the back of the head is regarded as a professional hairstyle. there are so many ways to braid.  it does take time and dexterity.  there is a false sense that short hair is faster in the morning, so most women - chop off their hair. (not for me.)  they dont' have enough to braid it even if they wanted to do so.


eta: single down the back is easy to do yourself - and I have.  Many times. including a few other simple styles.  other styles take more thought, and some require someone else.

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well i'm 47 and wear French braids and pony tail at work.  I have waist long thick hair.  I work with older nures that also braid.  I thinks its whatever makes you feel happy


I also know men don't care it ONLY other women that judge.  


So do what make you feel comfortable. 

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there are so many ways to braid your hair.   a single french braid down the back of the head is regarded as a professional hairstyle. there are so many ways to braid.  it does take time and dexterity.  there is a false sense that short hair is faster in the morning, so most women - chop off their hair. (not for me.)  they dont' have enough to braid it even if they wanted to do so.


eta: single down the back is easy to do yourself - and I have.  Many times. including a few other simple styles.  other styles take more thought, and some require someone else.


This is sooo true.  People always tell me short hair will be easier but definitely not in my case.   I have super-thick hair that would stick every which way if it was shorter.  With it long, I can pull it back into a quick ponytail, or braid, and it's fine.  Short I would have to straighten it every.single.day.  And I just won't do that.  Plus I'd have to get it cut every 4-6 weeks and I just won't do that either.

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I wear braided pigtails often, I recently got my hair cut so it doesn't work atm but I am sure once it grows out then I will be putting it in braids again.


Most of the time when I was young people were making fun of my hair because it is super curly. Now I usually hear that people are jealous of my hair but I still remember when people hated it. :lol: I really do not give a poop if someone doesn't like my hair.

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I can relate :) I recently became an independent stylist for Lilla Rose and I see many different styles including braids on ladies of all ages. I used to see ladies in braids and wondered if I was too old to wear them. But now I've see so many beautiful ways to wear braids in our style galleries and I know it can be done elegantly and simply :) I can send you a link to the gallery in PM :)

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My grandmother wore French braids, usually wound around in a crown all of her life (well, not when she was a baby), and she looked beautiful. I stopped doing anything with braids when I was in my early thirties because they just didn't suit me anymore.


I see women of all ages with braids from plain to fancy around here.

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Umm... I wear my hair in a single french braid almost every day. I'm almost 50.  I see women wearing their hair like mine every day. I can't imagine I belong to a weird braid wearing eco-culture, lol


If my  hair isn't braided it's down and going crazy, or it's in a bun...or a braided bun...or half up half down but I braid what is up.... etc...

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Well, I voted that it's not unusual at all.  But, I live in New Mexico, which is a melting pot of all sorts of cultures and ethnicities.  It is quite a common hairstyle among the artistic, and the earthy-crunchy women, as it is among Native Americans.  But, my dd's soccer coach (who is in her 70s and is as anglo as they come) wears a french braid down the back almost every day.  I am 53 and would think nothing of wearing a french braid, if my hair were long enough.  


I say all that, but really I don't think that one's age has any place in the discussion of how one wears their hair, or their clothing, or their shoes.  Why does it matter?

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Braids aren't my default anymore because I have a favorite daily bun that gets in the way less, but I absolutely wear braids as a tax paying real adult. If you go to the Long Hair Community you'll find lots of other ladies (and men!) rocking them too.


I love all sorts of braids and wear hem unselfconsciously. You should too!

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I love the look of braids, at any age, and while I got pretty good at braiding my daughter's hair when she was young, I have never been able to braid my own.  Does anyone know of a good tutorial for doing a French braid on yourself for the braiding-challenged?

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I think that one reason braids, especially high on the head, don't pop up as much in the over 40 set is that these are the years that some women start coloring their hair and within a week or two after coloring roots will be showing, any updo reveals these gray roots.


That being said, if you like braids, braid away!

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I think people can wear what they want, I have a long braid most of the time.


I do think though that different hairstyles can give a different feel.  Like a lot of people a long braid on an older woman seems hippy or maybe literary.  OTOH, if the hair is long but up, braided or not, it often look quite elegant and put together.  Older women who want to look polished but also more modern often seem to have shorter styles. 


I've been thinking of getting rid of my braid recently, I feel like it no longer matches my clothes the way it used to. 

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