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How much time do you put in to Christmas decorating?


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I know some of you love doing it and so hours of it doesn't bother you, but I really do not want to bother this year.


I wish there were a way to spend literally 10 min. putting stuff up.......I think I need a pre-decorated tree and a way to put my more meaningful ornaments on a table tree or something.


We have a huge ficus (fake) tree in our LR.  The kids said I should just put lights on it and be done this year!  :lol:   Guess they don't really want to decorate either.


Everything I can order online will be purchased online.  


Am I being a Grinch?


If you don't love, love, love decorating, etc.....do you have easy ways to decorate for Christmas?

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I don't decorate. :P we found out years ago I'm allergic to fake pine, or the flame retardant they put on it. I make cocoa and cookies, take out the boxes of decorations, and let the kids go to town while I take pictures. We don't decorate outside and all decorations stay in the living room in the house.

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We have a small space, so it makes decorating easy.  If the kids didn't "help", it would probably take me less than 30 minutes.  Set up fake tree, add lights and ornaments, set up nativity, done.  The only room decorated is our main living room, which is open to the dining room so it's like one big room.  


I've seen table centerpieces made of ornaments sitting on a pedestal-style candle holder or cake holder...  It might be a pretty way to get your special ornaments a little more attention.  



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I don't decorate. :p we found out years ago I'm allergic to fake pine, or the flame retardant they put on it. I make cocoa and cookies, take out the boxes of decorations, and let the kids go to town while I take pictures. We don't decorate outside and all decorations stay in the living room in the house.


My kids are teens and have no desire to do it either.  My 12 year old (youngest) might want a few things up, but he gets upset if others don't help.  He thinks I should make them.  I just don't think I should.  I don't want kids to be resentful of Christmas.


Who takes it all down, packs it, and puts it away in your house?

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We have a small space, so it makes decorating easy.  If the kids didn't "help", it would probably take me less than 30 minutes.  Set up fake tree, add lights and ornaments, set up nativity, done.  The only room decorated is our main living room, which is open to the dining room so it's like one big room.  


I've seen table centerpieces made of ornaments sitting on a pedestal-style candle holder or cake holder...  It might be a pretty way to get your special ornaments a little more attention.  



Thanks, our special ornaments are things like picture frames with pictures in them, a few ornaments the kids made when they were in pre-school, that sort of thing.  They would not be visible in a bowl as they aren't balls and things would stack on each other.  But we rarely use our dining room and it is a separate room, so I want to keep things in the living room.


I do have a mantle thing I could put ornaments on I guess.


I just don't want to bother.  But I might anyway.

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Thanks, our special ornaments are things like picture frames with pictures in them, a few ornaments the kids made when they were in pre-school, that sort of thing. They would not be visible in a bowl as they aren't balls and things would stack on each other. But we rarely use our dining room and it is a separate room, so I want to keep things in the living room.


I do have a mantle thing I could put ornaments on I guess.


I just don't want to bother. But I might anyway.

There are metal "trees" that can hang your special ornaments. Like this: http://www.ballarddesigns.com/bd/286661?code=FROG05&SourceCode=BDG006&cm_mmc=Google-_-2012-_-NBPS-_-PLA&intlShippingCtx=US%7CUSD&CAWELAID=120245430000084134&CAGPSPN=pla&CAAGID=12380622865&CATCI=pla-269039475285&catargetid=120245430000496941&cadevice=t&gclid=COG-9OzotNACFYlMDQodceMMqA

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My kids are teens and have no desire to do it either. My 12 year old (youngest) might want a few things up, but he gets upset if others don't help. He thinks I should make them. I just don't think I should. I don't want kids to be resentful of Christmas.


Who takes it all down, packs it, and puts it away in your house?

The kids do. Neither mind, since by that point it's our last holiday thing before school starts back up, and again, there is a sweet reward for doing it. Not to mention there's the better reward of me no longer singing off key Christmas carols. It has become tradition in our house. When they smell cocoa it jogs them into action - good cocoa, deep and rich with a hint of cinnamon, made with milk and cream.



If you don't want to decorate, and the family agrees, don't. Holidays should be about peace and happiness, not about forcing things you don't want.

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Are you happy once it's up? Or do you not get joy from it?


It takes me a few hours (tree, garland on the porch, a few fireplace decorations, and the stupid Christmas village, plus getting things out and putting the totes back in storage.


I do not get joy from decorating. It makes me cranky (especially that stupid Christmas village-it goes on top of the kitchen cabinets--our main level is all open--and it's a pain in the arse).


But, I love it when it's all done, so I talk myself through doing it. It brings me joy until we take it down the first week of January.


It sounds like your family would be happy with just a few easy things. Put lights on the ficus, and get an ornament display stand/tree for the ornaments that make you smile. Call it good :).

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Maybe half a day, taking our sweet time? It's usually a joint undertaking between me, DH and DS20 (who is our sentimental kid). DS18 doesn't give a hoot.


We haul the boxes of decorations and the wreaths down from the attic.


Then we go pick out a tree and haul it home. There are usually many locally grown tree lots within a couple of miles of our house, so this part doesn't take long if we don't waffle too long about which tree we want. After we get it set up in the stand DH puts on the lights. DS20 and I do the ornaments while DH hangs wreaths on our front windows and door and puts a few bows around outside--he usually hangs them from the lights on each side of our garage doors, the fence gates, etc. I might place a few bows around inside the house and put some scented pine cones or bowl filler on the dining room table.


And that's about it.

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Probably an hour total with the teens. We have an artificial tree that DH bought almost 30 years ago when he was stationed overseas, and we have various other decorations. They're all organized in bins, and everyone knows what to do. We usually do it the day after Thanksgiving.


If the lights don't work, I ditch them. Wasteful, I know, but I have zero interest in troubleshooting strings of lights. 

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Thanks.  Maybe I can get one of those on their after Christmas sale this year and start it for next year.  

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Ugh, I don't want to think about it.  I enjoyed it when the kids were little and it was much more festive, with everyone ooohing and aahing over the special ornaments, Christmas music playing, hot chocolate or cider (mulled wine!) to drink.   But those days are over.  My husband and son put up maybe 2 ornaments each and they're done.  My daughter really wants to do it, but she's always a little unsatisfied because it's not festive enough anymore.   


This year, I would love to skip the tree - we are leaving town the day after Christmas to visit my in-laws, so it seems like a lot of hassle for little payoff.  But, my daughter will not go for that.  It is a fake tree, so I don't have to worry about leaving it unattended for several days.  But still, I wish I could just put some stuff on the mantle and be done with it.


ETA: I didn't actually answer the question.  It probably takes 3 or 4 hours.  



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About an hour for the tree and an hour for everything else. I have minimal decorations that go around the house and I like to do those in a quiet evening when kids are asleep (though the girls have asked to help this year and I'm trying to warm myself up to that idea). Then DH and I set up the fake tree and lights and the next day/evening, we all decorate the tree together. 


It takes about an hour to take everything down and it all goes back into the two smallish boxes it fits in. 


I like Christmas decor, but the rest of my home decor doesn't jive with it terribly well. 

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Well, this year I have less to do.  I never took down the Christmas wreath from the door so it is already up.  And DH was joking yesterday that we better pull out our giant fake poinsettias again...even though they were still by the front door from last year.  :)  Eventually we will pull the Christmas tree out of the garage.  That won't be hard since we never got it back into the attic.  I hate pulling stuff out of the attic.  As for ornaments, I have the kids do most of that.


Looks like once the tree is up, I'm done.  LOL

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I spend a couple of hours. Since we're in the same hous as last year I know where I want things to go. I just pull them out of the box and stick them around the house. My kids decorate the trees. I unpack ornaments and hand them to each child. They run back and forth between me and he free and hang them up (my hubby helps with the tall branches). My hubby spends a couple of hours putting greenery and lights around our porch. Done. It was pretty quick this year. I love decorating! I love Christmas!

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DH and DS do outside snowflake lights and wreaths in 4 windows, I do the inside decorating 4 rooms (open floor plan)- 2 trees (big small and mini). So probably 6-7 hours? It's he same setup ever year- Garland on banisters, mantle, piano is the most annoying and our tree is so old so it takes so much time to fluff it and make it pretty.


Like a PP I love it so much when it's done but really don't like the process. The kids help a lot and we music, fresh cookies and sometimes have a movie playing.

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A few hours are spent decorating at our house. 


We have 2 trees.  One real one for all the family ornaments and one fake one for my themed tree.


Since my kids were born, I have collected a nice and a fun ornament for them each year.  That is 80 ornaments in individual boxes.  Just pulling things our of the attic, setting up one tree (not including shopping) and decorating it takes 2 hours or so.  Then we have 8 Jim Shore decorations and the fake tree to do. The stocking hangers and stockings and a few other things find their way around the house. I usually do the fake tree when dd10 is  not home.  I am very particular about that tree and what is allowed on it.  That does not work well with her ASD.  Dh sometimes puts up outdoor lights which is another hour or so. 

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Very minimal. No one cares except me, so they are of no help. But I love twinkly fairy lights and having a few special items out. It's contained to the living room, very very simple. I doubt DS or DH would notice if I didn't do anything at all.


We have decided a real tree is nice, but decorating it is really fast. Fairy lights, some wooden and straw ornaments, and we're good.

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My mom has something like this. Her's stays up all year.


I decorate in little spurts so it doesn't seem like a big deal. The putting away is always a pain, but I insist that it be done before my school starts back up after the break. We don't do any outside lights anymore. Our house is too isolated to care, plus our dog will tear up anything within reach.


When my kids were little and we lived in a different house, we used to go all out- like a huge 10ft tree cut down ourselves, candles in the windows, outside lights and yard decorations. We are going to be traveling over Christmas this year, so I did not know if we will put up our tree at all this year. I did buy a little 18" tree with some tiny ornaments and 6" stockings to put in the hotel room

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We have a little pre-lighted tabletop tree. It takes about 20 minutes to set it up and place ornaments. Then I spend another 20-30 minutes switching out the regular knickknacks for the Christmas knickknacks. And I guess I should count thinking up activities for the Advent calendar--the kids use the crafts they make each day for their own decorating. 

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We do it all in an evening, but we make it a special event:  play Christmas music, eat cookies, etc.  We decorate our tree and put up various decorations throughout the house.  Nothing outside though, and the whole thing probably takes 3 hours.


ETA:  We do always get a fresh tree!

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We spread out the decorating over the course of a week or so.


On Thanksgiving night, Jarvis (our elf) decorates the dining room and sets out a North Pole breakfast.


One night that week, we go pick out a tree and set it up, but don't decorate it yet.

The next day, I put the lights on while DH is at work. When he gets home, we listen to Christmas music and drink hot cocoa and decorate the tree together.

Throughout the rest of the week, I put everything else out little by little.

For us, decorating is part of the fun of the season.


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Well it shouldn't take too long since our Christmas bin has been out all year long LOL. I mean, it's just too dangerous to climb that ladder back to the attic and there's limited space in the closets.


I have a piece of fake snow that I will roll out over the mantel. Then a few stocking hangers and stockings. We have a miniature tree with its own decorations. That is probably the extent of the decorations we'll use. Some years I put out the ceramic village pieces. With the cat and the toddler and the fact that we're traveling for the holiday, I don't see any point in using all the decorations. We're not going to get a tree this year, either.


We gave up on outdoor lights the year dh attempted to hang this one set that would not work on our style home. That's also when we realized we had no outdoor outlets besides the one in carport which isn't even close to the front of the home. We have a super long extension cord on a wheel (I don't know what it's called) but talk about a headache.


As for your tree, I'd just pick out low maintenance stuff. It shouldn't take too long to throw a couple strands of garland around the tree or spread out some larger ornaments, if you don't want to use too many. You could even decorate in shifts? Lights, then ornaments another night.

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I know some of you love doing it and so hours of it doesn't bother you, but I really do not want to bother this year.


I wish there were a way to spend literally 10 min. putting stuff up.......I think I need a pre-decorated tree and a way to put my more meaningful ornaments on a table tree or something.


We have a huge ficus (fake) tree in our LR.  The kids said I should just put lights on it and be done this year!  :lol:   Guess they don't really want to decorate either.


Everything I can order online will be purchased online.  


Am I being a Grinch?


If you don't love, love, love decorating, etc.....do you have easy ways to decorate for Christmas?


I do.  I bought this awesome hinged-arm tree on Ebay with hundreds of lights attached.  I add some ornaments.  15 -20 minutes.  I used to have a tabletop that was pre-decorated too, and that took like 5 minutes.  Wreath on the door.  Done.


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I'm a go all outer...it takes me week to get things up and pretty. I work full time so that week is an hour here or there.


I love our tree and all the ornaments we've collected over the years. The mantle, the dining room, and a few things in each bathroom.

There's garland over a couple of door frames, too. I have a small Christmas quilt hanging my sis in law made, a Santa face my mom made when she was pregnant with me, and a Christmas tree shape with MIL's jewelry that I enjoy seeing each year.


Outside...I love decorating outside and have been known to put dĂƒÂ©cor in our backyard for us to enjoy. There's just something fun about lighting up the darkness this time of year. So wreath on the door, lighted garland over the door, some sort of lights on the eaves, and a blow up Snoopy flying an airplane in the front yard.


We have set up a lighted nativity in the back of our yard--an acre--so it's secluded and reminds me of where Jesus might have been born. We hang a star in the trees.


I love the decorating once it's done and detest the putting it back up part.


Here's to having the enthusiasm and energy to get it done this year!

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We spend a few hours, but I usually spread it out over a few days.  

Our main decorated areas:

main tree - lights & ornaments (tree has color theme: clear lights, all gold/silver/white and glass)

kid tree - lights & ornaments (this is a skinny, 6 foot tree that we cover in colored lights and homemade decorations; tree is down at the end of a dark hall, near the kid's rooms - it looks so nice lit up down there!)

mantle - with mini-village houses and lights, stockings

on top of television - snowman collection

outside - lights on 3 bushes, wreath on the door


That's it, but it's involved because it's all stored in (6) giant tubs in the attic that I have to bring down, plus bringing down the tree (in pieces).  My kids love decorating, and we traditionally do the first bit of it while watching Elf. :)

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Maybe an hour, tops?  I prefer simple decorations because too much clutter makes me claustrophobic.


Outside, we string lights on the fence in front of the house and hang wreaths on the doors.


Inside, we already have white twinkly fairy lights around the windows in our living room that stay up year round. We have some really pretty silver snowflakes that we've had for years that I think were made in Germany, and we hang those in some of the windows.  On our mantle, we put miniature snowy/glittery evergreen trees and two small wooden reindeer.


This year, for the first time ever, we got an artificial tree.  I was sick of the mess that a real tree makes, and my DH is always paranoid about it starting on fire.  So I found a very pretty fake tree that is prelit and the kids can put the ornaments on.  The only thing I'll miss about a real tree is the smell, so I might have to go cut some evergreen boughs and bring them inside so that it smells like Christmas.   

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Not too much. We told the boys they could decorate the tree last year, did not put any restriction on that and ao it ended up being star trek themed with mountain dew bottle mounted on it with battery operated lights inside them casting a lime green glow at night.


And I did not have a problem with it. :D

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I don't spend a lot of time, generally.  I like being decorated but I don't like it to look cluttered. so I don't do many indoor decorations.


Inside, the tree takes about an hour.  It would be shorter if the kids weren't involved.   We spend more time choosing the tree, especially if we cut it ourselves, but we all enjoy that.


Other inside decorations are usually the crĂƒÂ¨che, I replace the tablecloth with the Christmas one (but I would have to change it anyway, at least to clean it,) and I have two 70's ceramic trees, one for the living room and one for the dining room.  I get out the Christmas picture and music books for on the LR table and piano, and they have Christmasy pictures on the front.


I find that gives enough sense of a change of season to be enjoyable without being a lot of work.


outside, I have no outdoor plug, so I don't do lights.  I do usually get a wreath and put some greens in the pot by the door and my hanging baskets.  I think of those as 'winter" things as much as Christmas, they replace my summer or fall plantings.



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I don't love doing it, but we do it.  We keep it minimal now, but it does seem to spread.  DH and the kids set up the tree and decorate it, I don't do much with that - just watch them.  We have camp out under the tree the first night it's up.  That part is fun.  


Anything else, I'll pull out slowly, if I feel like it, over a few weeks.  I never use all of the decorations we have - it's just too much work.


DH and DS will do some outdoor decorating.  I'll watch and cheer them on, and compliment them when it's done.


The irony here is that at one time - I loved decorating for the holidays.  We had seven indoor trees, themed, and a ton of knickknacks.  And the special china and holiday tableware I'd inherited.  Most of that has been freecycled - it really wasn't our style, and hand washing holiday china is not my thing.  But the person who scored the massive collection of Spode Xmas Tree china and glasses, etc - wow, were they excited!  Seeing her face while I helped load her car was enough to keep me happy for tons of Xmas dinners on our everyday china.   :)


ETA: that the seven trees, and scads of decorations were part of a passed down collection, along with the spode and snow babies and goodness knows what else, from an elderly relative.  I didn't purchase all that stuff!  We just enjoyed it for a few years till I realized the time it was taking from our lives to care for and store wasn't really worth the trade off in joy.  So we passed it along.  



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When it's time to put away the fake Christmas tree, instead of taking everything off, wrap it in food plastic wrap from top to bottom.  It holds the ornaments in place without breaking them and keeps dust off. Have a place for it to stand in the garage from Jan-Nov. Next Dec bring it out and unwrap the plastic.  Fluff the tree branches out a bit. Done.


We change Christmas tree and Christmas present wrapping paper themes every year, so we can't wrap our tree.  We put up the tree, decorate it, put out the nativity set, the advent candle set, put up the stockings, put the red tablerunner on the dinning room table,  and hang a wreath on the door.  Some years I put out luminaria (paper bags with candles) outside but some years I don't. 

Christmas cards are signed with everyone at the dinner table with their own colored pen and we sign them and pass them to the person to our right until they're all signed...some years I send out cards-I don't always. I probably will this year.

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I love putting up the Christmas tree and the ornaments (lights not so much).  The tree we have is the one that I grew up with, and it is enormous.  I'm a little sad in the years when we have to forego putting up the tree due to babies/toddlers getting into everything.  It takes one evening to vacuum the tree's pieces (dust allergies), set up, add lights and tinsel.  The next evening is all ornaments.  Like someone upthread mentioned, ours are all in individual boxes (Hallmark for the most part), so it is a process!  We blast Christmas music and take our time doing it all.


Other than the tree, we decorate the mantel and that's about it. We display some Christmas art that the kids made in past years. Nothing outside except a wreath on the door.

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About 6 - 8 hours, depends on how much help I get.  Kids won't let anything be skipped.  However, girls and I have a Netflix show to watch Friday instead this year ;-)  so it may wait (gasp!) til Saturday.  Nothing comes between us and the Gilmore Girls!


I should note, a good chunk of time is taken up moving items up into various safe places (framed photos, etc.) and rearranging furniture to make room for the tree etc.  then bringing box after box up from the basement, and putting them back once the decorations are taken out.  For the tree alone we extend the dining room table and it is COVERED with box after box of ornaments that HAVE to fit on the 8-ft tree. 

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I know some of you love doing it and so hours of it doesn't bother you, but I really do not want to bother this year.


I wish there were a way to spend literally 10 min. putting stuff up.......I think I need a pre-decorated tree and a way to put my more meaningful ornaments on a table tree or something.


We have a huge ficus (fake) tree in our LR.  The kids said I should just put lights on it and be done this year!  :lol:   Guess they don't really want to decorate either.


Everything I can order online will be purchased online.  


Am I being a Grinch?


If you don't love, love, love decorating, etc.....do you have easy ways to decorate for Christmas?


My house looks like an explosion in a Christmas factory, so I might or might not be qualified to answer your question. :D


You should at least have a nice tree. :-)

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As. Little. As. Possible.


Setting up Christmas decorations makes my OCD flare.


But alas, the family loves decorations...so we decorate.


I like decorations, but my MIL's place makes me feel like that.


It's a very small place already, but she has a huge amount of Christmas stuff.  The tree, my FIL's electric flashy fake tree, about a dozen Santa dolls, plus a snow globe collection and fire screen in a snowman theme.  It seems like every surface is covered and I'm having to walk carefully around things or being crushed in.

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I like decorations, but my MIL's place makes me feel like that.


It's a very small place already, but she has a huge amount of Christmas stuff.  The tree, my FIL's electric flashy fake tree, about a dozen Santa dolls, plus a snow globe collection and fire screen in a snowman theme.  It seems like every surface is covered and I'm having to walk carefully around things or being crushed in.


That would make me crazy!

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