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So Angelina Jolie filed for divorce...

Janie Grace

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Are you surprised? Do you care? 


I don't usually care about anything celebrity related, but I did take an interest in this family because of all the kids (and because AJ is my age). It's unusual for a Hollywood family to have that many children and to appear out together as often as they did. I am sad for the children. I read that she is filing for full custody and that part of their "irreconcilable differences" have to do with Brad's alcohol and pot use. This also makes me sad.


Anyway, since it's kinda big news in the Hollywood world, thought I'd post and see what y'all thought.

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I was surprised.  They seemed to be on the same page regarding having a big family, etc.


Sad if there was substance abuse.  Perhaps the divorce will be a wake up call to get help.


I am baffled by the people saying that Jennifer Aniston must be happy.  It's been, what? Fourteen or so years and she's married somebody else. 

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I, too, rarely think (or care) about what celebrities are doing. I guess it doesn't come as a surprise. They both seem a bit wild to me and ready to move on if things start going sour. Not that I know them, but they come across that way.


It seems to be very hard for celebrities to stay together for a lifetime.

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Brad Pitt's alcohol and pot use was already well known and on tabloids during his first marriage. So it is old news before he married Angelina Jolie. Tabloids has also reported that their ever changing nannies think they (adults) are not worth working for. So if tabloids are partially true, divorce was already in the works for many months.


I am baffled by the people saying that Jennifer Aniston must be happy. It's been, what? Fourteen or so years and she's married somebody else.

The tabloids did not stop rubbing into Jennifer's face that she was not good enough to keep Brad from straying. I won't say Jennifer would be happy, but she might feel relieved. At that time people say she was dumber than Angelina and didn't want babies so she got dumped.

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The old saying about the man who marries his mistress leaving a vacancy in that position comes to mind. Even if there wasn't infidelity involved in this breakup, the fact that he left his first wife for her shows that he isn't good husband material. Those poor kids :sad:


I always heard it said that what starts in dishonor ends in dishonor.

So yeah, anyone who will ditch his/her partner for you is already not a good bet for the long haul. 


The kids are the ones that suffer the most in all parental strife, and that's really sad. 


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My google news app has been popping up Brad Pitt divorce rumors along with terrorist news, election news etc claiming that they are all "Top Stories" for months. I have been seeing many headlines for months about the rumored divorce and never bothered to click the links to read them. Now, I am thinking that those gossip news sites with their "inside sources" are mostly accurate! How on earth do they know what goes on inside other people's houses so accurately? Do they pay the nanny, chauffeur and the gardener for tips?? If the FBI hired some of these gossip "breaking news" experts, then, they can bust all sleeper cells and arrest all the terrorists in the western hemisphere!


Brad himself said that he spent the 90's smoking pot and in a drug induced haze when he was trying to show the public that his current marriage was so much more meaningful than his previous marriage. This couple spent a lot of effort and energy publicizing their love for each other - as if they felt pressure to constantly gush about their love in a public manner. That kind of pressure is a burden on any relationship.


Jolie asking for custody sounds reasonable - if, it is true that he is spending his time doing drugs and partying.  Edited to say that I take it back - apparently she is a self-proclaimed  hard core drug addict. Media reports also say that she too uses drugs. I am terribly sorry for the kids.



ETA: I remember that Jennifer was sad because she loved her MIL and the extended family like her own. Breaking up with them seemed to hurt her a lot at that time.


Edited by mathnerd
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I think it was two years ago.


after living together for 10years, adopting a child, and having three children together


and according to the gossip rags, his eyes have wandered and he's done to her what he did to his last wife.  why are women surprised when the guy they got from another woman finds another woman (his co-star no less!  sound familiar?)  after them?


eta: marion cotilliard from his wwii flick.

Edited by gardenmom5
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The thing that boggles my mind is that they waited so long to get married in the first place, and NOW they get divorced? Good grief.

That doesn't surprise me at all. Imnsho, usually when people wait a very long time to get married, it's likely because there were lots of reasons they shouldn't have gotten married. I've seen many many people divorced who had long relationships before they actually married.

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That doesn't surprise me at all. Imnsho, usually when people wait a very long time to get married, it's likely because there were lots of reasons they shouldn't have gotten married. I've seen many many people divorced who had long relationships before they actually married.


Agree totally. If after say, a few years, you don't know it's time to get married, it probably never is going to be. (not including people that met young, etc)

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That doesn't surprise me at all. Imnsho, usually when people wait a very long time to get married, it's likely because there were lots of reasons they shouldn't have gotten married. I've seen many many people divorced who had long relationships before they actually married.


and getting married after a long time because they "think" it will make a failing relationship stronger.  like couples who think having a baby will fix their problems.

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It doesn't really surprise me since they were never too keen on marriage.  However, I do think it is sad for the kids.  Especially the reason.  Hopefully he stays in their lives, because the last thing an adopted kid needs is another disruption.  :/

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It doesn't really surprise me since they were never too keen on marriage.  However, I do think it is sad for the kids.  Especially the reason.  Hopefully he stays in their lives, because the last thing an adopted kid needs is another disruption.  :/


I always thought their delayed marriage was a statement on marriage equality... like they were married in spirit but wouldn't do so legally until gay people could. So I guess I didn't put them in the same category as other marriage-phobes.

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Frankly, I'm surprised it took this long. They're a couple that hooked up behind his wife's back on a film set. I thought it would be 5 years, max, before one of them was caught up in some tabloid scandal involving cheating with a co-star.

As far as Jennifer Aniston not caring... I doubt it, and I don't think that's a bad thing. I mean, how many women on here have been brutally cheated on, made to feel at fault for their husband's affairs, drug through the mud in a messy divorce, etc? If their exes did the exact same thing to "the other woman" a few years down the road and, even if the woman has moved on to a new life with a new love, I would think it odd for them NOT to have some sort of emotional response to it all. I don't think that it would be "petty" or anything else for her to feel a wide range of emotions about this, including pity, relief, justice, sorrow, and pretty much anything a person could imagine.

That being said, a quick "well, that doesn't come as a surprise" and a mental note that cheaters rarely change is about all I'd make of this, and I already wish it would drop out of the news.... but I'm sure we're in for MONTHS of listening to the press dissect any detail they can find, which makes me sad for the kids. Divorce is hard enough, and some of the kids are old enough to be exposed to the press on their own.

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Not even as celebrities the statistics were bad. Multiples (twins), international adoptions, two high profile careers, prior divorces, prior infidelity, long separations for work, etc. I'm praying the kids are well sheltered and protected. It's hard no matter who your parents are, but I'm guessing it'll be harder for them for awhile.

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I always thought their delayed marriage was a statement on marriage equality... like they were married in spirit but wouldn't do so legally until gay people could. So I guess I didn't put them in the same category as other marriage-phobes.


That always struck me as a P.C. response to nosy questions rather than an actual principled stance. After all, they weren't taking any sort of action like lobbying or even raising money. It was like, "Hmm, what can we say in response to the question that will shut everyone up about the topic?"

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I was not surprised.  Pitt always seemed like a serial monogamist, and it may be that things would have fallen apart sooner if it weren't for the kids.


And Joli always seemed unstable, this is a woman who married Billy Bob Thornton on a whim when he was still living with another woman.



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I think the kids kept them distracted and that is why they stayed together as long as they did.  6 kids....including a set of twins and international adoptions....plus her illness....I think those things held them together. 


Cheaters gonna cheat.  Especially cheaters who show no remorse.  


I will say that AJ has done a lot of humanitarian good in the world.  Too bad she can't get her personal life together.  Too bad he can't either.  Those kids need them to step up and be good parents.  

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I just love the "she had it coming" stuff. I now know where to come for advice on all things marital, what a resource.  



My opinion isn't exactly 'she had it coming'....but I do think it is a cautionary tale.  Relationships that begin in adultery have an especially difficult time of overcoming that and becoming healthy.

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I just love the "she had it coming" stuff. I now know where to come for advice on all things marital, what a resource.  


I didn't see anyone here say that, with the implication that it was some sort of punishment.


Saying that it isn't a surprise when people carry on acting as they have in the past isn't really the same thing.  It's like saying if you are always playing in traffic, you are likely to get hit.

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I just love the "she had it coming" stuff. I now know where to come for advice on all things marital, what a resource.

If someone intentionally courted a married man and then married him, it would be weird to expect the person to be faithful. If they have an open marriage then maybe there is a chance.


Besides she knows all his faults and married him. People may change for the better but that is a chance, not a sure bet. One late uncle was an alcoholic until he died. Another late uncle was a womanizer until he died.

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Unfortunately, the divorce news doesn't surprise me in the least.  I've been more surprised that they seemed to have a fairly functional marriage and family life.   By past media portrayals she used to be a somewhat of a hot mess.  Didn't she openly french kiss her brother on camera and used to wear a vial of BBT's blood around her neck?  

Edited by Excelsior! Academy
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Everybody is saying that her relationship began in adultery.  She herself said that all they were attracted to each other, they did not do anything about it until after he separated from Jennifer ANiston because she was so traumatized about how her Dad cheated on her Mom.  Is that true? No idea, but I have no reason not to believe her, especially given her reasons.  I think people assume she's some sort of femme fatale, but she's married almost everybody she's ever been with. 



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If someone intentionally courted a married man and then married him, it would be weird to expect the person to be faithful. If they have an open marriage then maybe there is a chance.


Besides she knows all his faults and married him. People may change for the better but that is a chance, not a sure bet. One late uncle was an alcoholic until he died. Another late uncle was a womanizer until he died.

How does one "intentionally court" exactly? Do we know that happened? Like he was someone else's property and she swooped in? I'm going to refrain from more posts here because i don't want to turn into an Angelina apologist but it's kind of striking what women do and say about each other. Edited by madteaparty
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I have no idea *why* I have an opinion on this since I don't follow celebrity culture. I mean, I know certain names and a some faces because I do go out in the world and read news online, but I don't follow any celebrity news, iykwim.


But. I feel sad for their family. However it began, they made a family, and now there will be a massive hemorrhage in that family.


Also, I have a theory that is purely conjecture and based on momentary awareness of what AJ has been doing over the years. I think she has grown and evolved as a human being and mother. Her humanitarian work, creative growth in front of and behind the camera, and motherhood have changed her. When she acted on her knowledge of her breast cancer genetics, I saw a brave woman who was confronting her fears in a courageous way. So I think she grew up and he didn't. I could be TOTALLY wrong about that, but it's how it seems to me. Maybe she could no longer tolerate his immature shenanigans.

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I just love the "she had it coming" stuff. I now know where to come for advice on all things marital, what a resource.

When you are a woman who someone cheats on their partner to be with, are you really shocked when the past behavior replicates again? I'm not. It's not an attitude of smugness but one that accepts that people don't change as much as we sometimes fool ourself into believing.

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How does one "intentionally court" exactly? Do we know that happened? Like he was someone else's property and she swooped in? I'm going to refrain from more posts here because i don't want to turn into an Angelina apologist but it's kind of striking what women do and say about each other.

I don't know what you mean exactly....but I am not in a club for or against other women of the world just bcause they are women.

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Everybody is saying that her relationship began in adultery. She herself said that all they were attracted to each other, they did not do anything about it until after he separated from Jennifer ANiston because she was so traumatized about how her Dad cheated on her Mom. Is that true? No idea, but I have no reason not to believe her, especially given her reasons. I think people assume she's some sort of femme fatale, but she's married almost everybody she's ever been with.

That sounds like a story out of the cheaters handbook....."my marriage was already over".

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My local paper is now saying he was sleeping with Selena Gomez. He's 50something and she's 24 :thumbdown:



Well...the marriage mess aside, when I was 24, there were men older than him on my "given the opportunity I'd do them" list.


Sean Connery comes to mind.


Of course, Brad Pitt is no Sean Connery.

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I just found out when I saw this thread and no, I do not care.


I honestly wish this stuff just wasn't newsworthy material.

I would pay money for the kartrashians/jenners to NOT be newsworthy.  you can't avoid them on the checkout aisle. . . .


My local paper is now saying he was sleeping with Selena Gomez. He's 50something and she's 24 :thumbdown:


I'm wondering about that.  apparently, marion cotillard is quite upset she was named.  she's got an established significant other.  with more names coming out, it sounds like there is some major jealousy that may or may not be based in reality.  that type of jealousy indicates she was not feeling confident in the relationship, and could well have been looking for trouble where there was none.


I don't recall why her parents divorced, but if her father was cheating, that is going to have an impact.  I've read a few things by jane fonda - the way her father treated her mother in addition to his affairs, really messed with her head and how she related to men.  (amazing that hank fonda and jimmy stewart were best friends from the 30s to when they died, yet their values were so different.)  I do think that is pretty typical attitude of the hollywood male.  one reason why celebrity marriages that last are so unusual.

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I never followed their relationship closely. I always wondered if he was even gung ho about having a big family or if that was really just something he didn't stand in the way of KWIM? Like, she was so passionate about it that maybe he was just kinda "uh ok." I don't know them. I'm just saying thoughts that I had.


I was more interested in the Gwen/Gavin relationship. Lots of ideas surrounding that and what happened. But maybe that's for its own thread lol.

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I was mildly surprised, just because they'd been together for so long. I'm never surprised when anyone splits up when they're early on in the first couple of years or so, or before the kids turn 4 or so because that's so stressful, or later, after the kids leave home because then you have empty nest. Or, if a couple has always been drama, drama. But they didn't seem to be in any of those stages and they've kept their drama to a relative minimum (of the fighting publicly sort anyway - they've had all kinds of other drama, like medical issues and being outspoken politically and so forth).


But I don't follow celeb gossip very closely, so there's that.

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